1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4 | var ecma402_abstract_1 = require("@formatjs/ecma402-abstract");
5 | var InitializeRelativeTimeFormat_1 = require("./abstract/InitializeRelativeTimeFormat");
6 | var PartitionRelativeTimePattern_1 = require("./abstract/PartitionRelativeTimePattern");
7 | var get_internal_slots_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./get_internal_slots"));
8 | var RelativeTimeFormat = (function () {
9 | function RelativeTimeFormat(locales, options) {
10 |
11 |
12 | var newTarget = this && this instanceof RelativeTimeFormat ? this.constructor : void 0;
13 | if (!newTarget) {
14 | throw new TypeError("Intl.RelativeTimeFormat must be called with 'new'");
15 | }
16 | return (0, InitializeRelativeTimeFormat_1.InitializeRelativeTimeFormat)(this, locales, options, {
17 | getInternalSlots: get_internal_slots_1.default,
18 | availableLocales: RelativeTimeFormat.availableLocales,
19 | relevantExtensionKeys: RelativeTimeFormat.relevantExtensionKeys,
20 | localeData: RelativeTimeFormat.localeData,
21 | getDefaultLocale: RelativeTimeFormat.getDefaultLocale,
22 | });
23 | }
24 | RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.format = function (value, unit) {
25 | if (typeof this !== 'object') {
26 | throw new TypeError('format was called on a non-object');
27 | }
28 | var internalSlots = (0, get_internal_slots_1.default)(this);
29 | if (!internalSlots.initializedRelativeTimeFormat) {
30 | throw new TypeError('format was called on a invalid context');
31 | }
32 | return (0, PartitionRelativeTimePattern_1.PartitionRelativeTimePattern)(this, Number(value), (0, ecma402_abstract_1.ToString)(unit), {
33 | getInternalSlots: get_internal_slots_1.default,
34 | })
35 | .map(function (el) { return el.value; })
36 | .join('');
37 | };
38 | RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts = function (value, unit) {
39 | if (typeof this !== 'object') {
40 | throw new TypeError('formatToParts was called on a non-object');
41 | }
42 | var internalSlots = (0, get_internal_slots_1.default)(this);
43 | if (!internalSlots.initializedRelativeTimeFormat) {
44 | throw new TypeError('formatToParts was called on a invalid context');
45 | }
46 | return (0, PartitionRelativeTimePattern_1.PartitionRelativeTimePattern)(this, Number(value), (0, ecma402_abstract_1.ToString)(unit), { getInternalSlots: get_internal_slots_1.default });
47 | };
48 | RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions = function () {
49 | if (typeof this !== 'object') {
50 | throw new TypeError('resolvedOptions was called on a non-object');
51 | }
52 | var internalSlots = (0, get_internal_slots_1.default)(this);
53 | if (!internalSlots.initializedRelativeTimeFormat) {
54 | throw new TypeError('resolvedOptions was called on a invalid context');
55 | }
56 |
57 | return {
58 | locale: internalSlots.locale,
59 | style: internalSlots.style,
60 | numeric: internalSlots.numeric,
61 | numberingSystem: internalSlots.numberingSystem,
62 | };
63 | };
64 | RelativeTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf = function (locales, options) {
65 | return (0, ecma402_abstract_1.SupportedLocales)(RelativeTimeFormat.availableLocales, (0, ecma402_abstract_1.CanonicalizeLocaleList)(locales), options);
66 | };
67 | RelativeTimeFormat.__addLocaleData = function () {
68 | var data = [];
69 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
70 | data[_i] = arguments[_i];
71 | }
72 | for (var _a = 0, data_1 = data; _a < data_1.length; _a++) {
73 | var _b = data_1[_a], d = _b.data, locale = _b.locale;
74 | var minimizedLocale = new Intl.Locale(locale)
75 | .minimize()
76 | .toString();
77 | RelativeTimeFormat.localeData[locale] = RelativeTimeFormat.localeData[minimizedLocale] = d;
78 | RelativeTimeFormat.availableLocales.add(minimizedLocale);
79 | RelativeTimeFormat.availableLocales.add(locale);
80 | if (!RelativeTimeFormat.__defaultLocale) {
81 | RelativeTimeFormat.__defaultLocale = minimizedLocale;
82 | }
83 | }
84 | };
85 | RelativeTimeFormat.getDefaultLocale = function () {
86 | return RelativeTimeFormat.__defaultLocale;
87 | };
88 | RelativeTimeFormat.localeData = {};
89 | RelativeTimeFormat.availableLocales = new Set();
90 | RelativeTimeFormat.__defaultLocale = '';
91 | RelativeTimeFormat.relevantExtensionKeys = ['nu'];
92 | RelativeTimeFormat.polyfilled = true;
93 | return RelativeTimeFormat;
94 | }());
95 | exports.default = RelativeTimeFormat;
96 | try {
97 |
98 | if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') {
99 | Object.defineProperty(RelativeTimeFormat.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {
100 | value: 'Intl.RelativeTimeFormat',
101 | writable: false,
102 | enumerable: false,
103 | configurable: true,
104 | });
105 | }
106 |
107 | Object.defineProperty(RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.constructor, 'length', {
108 | value: 0,
109 | writable: false,
110 | enumerable: false,
111 | configurable: true,
112 | });
113 |
114 | Object.defineProperty(RelativeTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf, 'length', {
115 | value: 1,
116 | writable: false,
117 | enumerable: false,
118 | configurable: true,
119 | });
120 | }
121 | catch (e) {
122 |
123 | }