1.31 kBJSONView Raw
2 "description": "The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework",
3 "keywords": [
4 "font",
5 "awesome",
6 "fontawesome",
7 "icon",
8 "svg",
9 "bootstrap"
10 ],
11 "homepage": "https://fontawesome.com",
12 "bugs": {
13 "url": "http://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues"
14 },
15 "author": {
16 "name": "Dave Gandy",
17 "email": "dave@fontawesome.com",
18 "web": "http://twitter.com/davegandy"
19 },
20 "contributors": [
21 {
22 "name": "Brian Talbot",
23 "web": "http://twitter.com/talbs"
24 },
25 {
26 "name": "Travis Chase",
27 "web": "http://twitter.com/supercodepoet"
28 },
29 {
30 "name": "Rob Madole",
31 "web": "http://twitter.com/robmadole"
32 },
33 {
34 "name": "Geremia Taglialatela",
35 "web": "http://twitter.com/gtagliala"
36 },
37 {
38 "name": "Mike Wilkerson",
39 "web": "http://twitter.com/mw77"
40 }
41 ],
42 "repository": {
43 "type": "git",
44 "url": "https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome"
45 },
46 "engines": {
47 "node": ">=6"
48 },
49 "dependencies": {
50 "@fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types": "^0.2.19"
51 },
52 "version": "1.2.19",
53 "name": "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core",
54 "main": "index.js",
55 "module": "index.es.js",
56 "jsnext:main": "index.es.js",
57 "style": "styles.css",
58 "license": "MIT",
59 "types": "./index.d.ts"
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