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1import tap from 'tap';
2import fs from 'fs';
3import tls from 'tls';
4import net from 'net';
5import path from 'path';
6import sslRootCas from 'ssl-root-cas';
7import Pool from '../src/index';
9class FakeParser extends Pool.ConnectionInterface {
10 constructor(socket, ...rest) {
11 super(socket, ...rest);
12 socket.on('data', (data) => {
13 this.emit('received', data);
14 });
15 }
17 // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
18 initializeConnection() {
19 return new Promise(accept => setTimeout(accept, 100));
20 }
23const basePath = path.join(__dirname, 'certs', 'server');
24let tlsServer;
25let netServer;
27tap.test('Should setup dummy TLS server', (t) => {
28 sslRootCas
29 .inject()
30 .addFile(path.join(basePath, 'my-root-ca.crt.pem'));
32 tlsServer = tls.createServer({
33 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'my-server.key.pem')),
34 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'my-server.crt.pem')),
35 }, (socket) => {
36 // ECHO
37 socket.pipe(socket);
38 // Don't care about errors (e.g. disconnects) in the tests
39 socket.on('error', () => null);
40 });
41 tlsServer.listen(0, (error) => {
42 t.end(error);
43 });
46tap.test('Should setup dummy insecure server', (t) => {
47 netServer = net.createServer({
48 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'my-server.key.pem')),
49 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'my-server.crt.pem')),
50 }, (socket) => {
51 // ECHO
52 socket.pipe(socket);
53 // Don't care about errors (e.g. disconnects) in the tests
54 socket.on('error', () => null);
55 });
56 netServer.listen(0, (error) => {
57 t.end(error);
58 });
61tap.test('Should fail to connect with invalid cert', async (t) => {
62 const pool = new Pool(() => { }, {
63 name: 'InvalidCert',
64 host: 'localhost',
65 port: tlsServer.address().port,
66 min: 0,
67 acquireTimeoutMillis: 500,
68 });
69 t.ok(pool, 'Constructor should work');
70 try {
71 await pool.acquire();
72 t.ok(false, 'Acquire should throw');
73 } catch (x) {
74 t.ok(true, 'Acquire should throw');
75 }
76 await pool.destroyAllNow();
77 t.ok(true, 'Pool should be destroyed.');
78 t.end();
81tap.test('Should make a secure pool', async (t) => {
82 const pool = new Pool(FakeParser, {
83 name: 'GoodCert',
84 host: 'localhost',
85 port: tlsServer.address().port,
86 tlsOptions: {
87 ca: fs.readFileSync(path.join(basePath, 'my-root-ca.crt.pem')),
88 },
89 max: 2,
90 });
91 t.ok(pool, 'Constructor should work');
92 const connection = await pool.acquire();
93 t.ok(connection, 'Should acquire connection.');
94 const second = await pool.acquire();
95 t.ok(second, 'Should acquire another.');
96 pool.release(connection);
97 const third = await pool.acquire();
98 t.ok(third, 'Should get a third with max connections 2');
99 pool.release(second);
100 third.send(new Buffer('ABCD', 'ascii'));
101 pool.release(third);
102 const promise = new Promise((accept) => {
103 third.once('received', (message) => {
104 t.ok(message, 'Should receive message');
105 t.equal(message.length, 4, 'Message length should be 4');
106 accept();
107 });
108 });
109 await promise;
110 await pool.destroyAllNow();
111 t.ok(true, 'Pool should be destroyed.');
112 t.end();
116tap.test('Should make an insecure pool', async (t) => {
117 const pool = new Pool(FakeParser, {
118 name: 'Insecure',
119 host: 'localhost',
120 port: netServer.address().port,
121 insecure: true,
122 max: 2,
123 });
124 t.ok(pool, 'Constructor should work');
125 const connection = await pool.acquire();
126 t.ok(connection, 'Should acquire connection.');
127 const second = await pool.acquire();
128 t.ok(second, 'Should acquire another.');
129 pool.release(connection);
130 const third = await pool.acquire();
131 t.ok(third, 'Should get a third with max connections 2');
132 pool.release(second);
133 third.send(new Buffer('ABCD', 'ascii'));
134 pool.release(third);
135 const promise = new Promise((accept) => {
136 third.once('received', (message) => {
137 t.ok(message, 'Should receive message');
138 t.equal(message.length, 4, 'Message length should be 4');
139 accept();
140 });
141 });
142 await promise;
143 await pool.destroyAllNow();
144 t.ok(true, 'Pool should be destroyed.');
145 t.end();
148tap.test('Should destroy tls server', (t) => {
149 tlsServer.close(() => {
150 t.end();
151 });
154tap.test('Should destroy net server', (t) => {
155 netServer.close(() => {
156 t.end();
157 });