1 | <h1 class="h-display gl-mb-5">UI Display • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h1>
2 | <p class="lg">UI Large Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in
3 | a few significant ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues,
4 | merge requests, milestones, snippets and more.</p>
5 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
6 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
7 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
8 | <p class="sm">UI Small Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in
9 | a few significant ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues,
10 | merge requests, milestones, snippets and more.</p>
11 | <div class="gl-mt-5">UI Label • Not a paragraph, different line-height</div>
12 | <div class="gl-mt-5 sm">UI Small Label • Not a paragraph, different line-height</div>
13 | <div class="gl-mt-5 monospace lg">UI Large Monospace</div>
14 | <div class="gl-mt-5 monospace">UI Monospace</div>
15 | <div class="gl-mt-5 monospace sm">UI Small Monospace</div>
16 | <h1 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-5">UI h1 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h1>
17 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
18 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
19 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
20 |
21 | <h2 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-3">UI h2 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h2>
22 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
23 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
24 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
25 |
26 | <h3 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-3">UI h3 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h3>
27 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
28 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
29 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
30 |
31 | <h4 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-3">UI h4 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h4>
32 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
33 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
34 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
35 |
36 | <h5 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-3">UI h5 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h5>
37 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
38 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
39 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
40 |
41 | <h6 class="gl-mt-6 gl-mb-3">UI h6 • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM)</h6>
42 | <p>UI Paragraph • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few significant
43 | ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge requests,
44 | milestones, snippets and more.</p>
45 | <blockquote>
46 | <p>
47 | MD Doc Blockquote • GitLab uses "GitLab Flavored Markdown" (GFM). It extends the standard Markdown in a few
48 | significant ways to add some useful functionality. You can use GFM in the following areas: comments, issues, merge
49 | requests, milestones, snippets and more.
50 | </p>
51 | </blockquote>
52 | <blockquote>
53 | <ul>
54 | <li>Blockquote list item 1</li>
55 | <li>Blockquote list item 2</li>
56 | </ul>
57 | </blockquote>
58 | <blockquote>
59 | <table>
60 | <thead>
61 | <tr>
62 | <th>header</th>
63 | </tr>
64 | </thead>
65 | <tbody>
66 | <tr>
67 | <td>cell</td>
68 | </tr>
69 | </tbody>
70 | </table>
71 | </blockquote>
72 | <blockquote>
73 | <blockquote>
74 | <p>
75 | Nested blockquote
76 | </p>
77 | </blockquote>
78 | </blockquote>