1 | import { DEBUG } from '@glimmer/env';
2 | import { setComponentManager } from '@ember/component';
3 | import GlimmerComponentManager from './-private/ember-component-manager';
4 | import _GlimmerComponent, { type Args } from './-private/component';
5 | import { setOwner, type default as Owner } from '@ember/owner';
6 |
7 | /**
8 | A component is a reusable UI element that consists of a `.hbs` template and an
9 | optional JavaScript class that defines its behavior. For example, someone
10 | might make a `button` in the template and handle the click behavior in the
11 | JavaScript file that shares the same name as the template.
12 |
13 | Components are broken down into two categories:
14 |
15 | - Components _without_ JavaScript, that are based only on a template. These
16 | are called Template-only or TO components.
17 | - Components _with_ JavaScript, which consist of a template and a backing
18 | class.
19 |
20 | Ember ships with two types of JavaScript classes for components:
21 |
22 | 1. Glimmer components, imported from `@glimmer/component`, which are the
23 | default components for Ember Octane (3.15) and more recent editions.
24 | 2. Classic components, imported from `@ember/component`, which were the
25 | default for older editions of Ember (pre 3.15).
26 |
27 | Below is the documentation for Template-only and Glimmer components. If you
28 | are looking for the API documentation for Classic components, it is
29 | [available here](/ember/release/classes/Component). The source code for
30 | Glimmer components can be found in [`@glimmer/component`](https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer.js/tree/master/packages/%40glimmer/component).
31 |
32 | ## Defining a Template-only Component
33 |
34 | The simplest way to create a component is to create a template file in
35 | `app/templates/components`. For example, if you name a template
36 | `app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs`:
37 |
38 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
39 | <h1>{{@person.name}}</h1>
40 | <img src={{@person.avatar}}>
41 | <p class='signature'>{{@person.signature}}</p>
42 | ```
43 |
44 | You will be able to use `<PersonProfile />` to invoke this component elsewhere
45 | in your application:
46 |
47 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
48 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}} />
49 | ```
50 |
51 | Note that component names are capitalized here in order to distinguish them
52 | from regular HTML elements, but they are dasherized in the file system.
53 |
54 | While the angle bracket invocation form is generally preferred, it is also
55 | possible to invoke the same component with the `{{person-profile}}` syntax:
56 |
57 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
58 | {{person-profile person=this.currentUser}}
59 | ```
60 |
61 | Note that with this syntax, you use dashes in the component name and
62 | arguments are passed without the `@` sign.
63 |
64 | In both cases, Ember will render the content of the component template we
65 | created above. The end result will be something like this:
66 |
67 | ```html
68 | <h1>Tomster</h1>
69 | <img src="https://emberjs.com/tomster.jpg">
70 | <p class='signature'>Out of office this week</p>
71 | ```
72 |
73 | ## File System Nesting
74 |
75 | Components can be nested inside sub-folders for logical groupping. For
76 | example, if we placed our template in
77 | `app/templates/components/person/short-profile.hbs`, we can invoke it as
78 | `<Person::ShortProfile />`:
79 |
80 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
81 | <Person::ShortProfile @person={{this.currentUser}} />
82 | ```
83 |
84 | Or equivalently, `{{person/short-profile}}`:
85 |
86 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
87 | {{person/short-profile person=this.currentUser}}
88 | ```
89 |
90 | ## Using Blocks
91 |
92 | You can use `yield` inside a template to include the **contents** of any block
93 | attached to the component. For instance, if we added a `{{yield}}` to our
94 | component like so:
95 |
96 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
97 | <h1>{{@person.name}}</h1>
98 | {{yield}}
99 | ```
100 |
101 | We could then invoke it like this:
102 |
103 | ```handlebars
104 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}>
105 | <p>Admin mode</p>
106 | </PersonProfile>
107 | ```
108 |
109 | or with curly syntax like this:
110 |
111 | ```handlebars
112 | {{#person-profile person=this.currentUser}}
113 | <p>Admin mode</p>
114 | {{/person-profile}}
115 | ```
116 |
117 | And the content passed in between the brackets of the component would be
118 | rendered in the same place as the `{{yield}}` within it, replacing it.
119 |
120 | Blocks are executed in their original context, meaning they have access to the
121 | scope and any in-scope variables where they were defined.
122 |
123 | ### Passing parameters to blocks
124 |
125 | You can also pass positional parameters to `{{yield}}`, which are then made
126 | available in the block:
127 |
128 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
129 | <h1>{{@person.name}}</h1>
130 | {{yield @person.signature}}
131 | ```
132 |
133 | We can then use this value in the block like so:
134 |
135 | ```handlebars
136 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}} as |signature|>
137 | {{signature}}
138 | </PersonProfile>
139 | ```
140 |
141 | ### Passing multiple blocks
142 |
143 | You can pass multiple blocks to a component by giving them names, and
144 | specifying which block you are yielding to with `{{yield}}`. For instance, if
145 | we wanted to add a way for users to customize the title of our
146 | `<PersonProfile>` component, we could add a named block inside of the header:
147 |
148 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
149 | <h1>{{yield to="title"}}</h1>
150 | {{yield}}
151 | ```
152 |
153 | This component could then be invoked like so:
154 |
155 | ```handlebars
156 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}>
157 | <:title>{{this.currentUser.name}}</:title>
158 | <:default>{{this.currentUser.signature}}</:default>
159 | </PersonProfile>
160 | ```
161 |
162 | When passing named blocks, you must name every block, including the `default`
163 | block, which is the block that is defined if you do not pass a `to` parameter
164 | to `{{yield}}`. Whenever you invoke a component without passing explicitly
165 | named blocks, the passed block is considered the `default` block.
166 |
167 | ### Passing parameters to named blocks
168 |
169 | You can also pass parameters to named blocks:
170 |
171 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
172 | <h1>{{yield @person.name to="title"}}</h1>
173 | {{yield @person.signature}}
174 | ```
175 |
176 | These parameters can then be used like so:
177 |
178 | ```handlebars
179 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}>
180 | <:title as |name|>{{name}}</:title>
181 | <:default as |signature|>{{signature}}</:default>
182 | </PersonProfile>
183 | ```
184 |
185 | ### Checking to see if a block exists
186 |
187 | You can also check to see if a block exists using the `(has-block)` keyword,
188 | and conditionally use it, or provide a default template instead.
189 |
190 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
191 | <h1>
192 | {{#if (has-block "title")}}
193 | {{yield @person.name to="title"}}
194 | {{else}}
195 | {{@person.name}}
196 | {{/if}}
197 | </h1>
198 |
199 | {{#if (has-block)}}
200 | {{yield @person.signature}}
201 | {{else}}
202 | {{@person.signature}}
203 | {{/if}}
204 | ```
205 |
206 | With this template, we can then optionally pass in one block, both blocks, or
207 | none at all:
208 |
209 | ```handlebars
210 | {{! passing both blocks }}
211 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}>
212 | <:title as |name|>{{name}}</:title>
213 | <:default as |signature|>{{signature}}</:default>
214 | </PersonProfile>
215 |
216 | {{! passing just the title block }}
217 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}>
218 | <:title as |name|>{{name}}</:title>
219 | </PersonProfile>
220 |
221 | {{! passing just the default block }}
222 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}} as |signature|>
223 | {{signature}}
224 | </PersonProfile>
225 |
226 | {{! not passing any blocks }}
227 | <PersonProfile @person={{this.currentUser}}/>
228 | ```
229 |
230 | ### Checking to see if a block has parameters
231 |
232 | We can also check if a block receives parameters using the `(has-block-params)`
233 | keyword, and conditionally yield different values if so.
234 |
235 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
236 | {{#if (has-block-params)}}
237 | {{yield @person.signature}}
238 | {{else}}
239 | {{yield}}
240 | {{/if}}
241 | ```
242 |
243 | ## Customizing Components With JavaScript
244 |
245 | To add JavaScript to a component, create a JavaScript file in the same
246 | location as the template file, with the same name, and export a subclass
247 | of `Component` as the default value. For example, to add Javascript to the
248 | `PersonProfile` component which we defined above, we would create
249 | `app/components/person-profile.js` and export our class as the default, like
250 | so:
251 |
252 | ```app/components/person-profile.js
253 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
254 |
255 | export default class PersonProfileComponent extends Component {
256 | get displayName() {
257 | let { title, firstName, lastName } = this.args.person;
258 |
259 | if (title) {
260 | return `${title} ${lastName}`;
261 | } else {
262 | return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
263 | }
264 | })
265 | }
266 | ```
267 |
268 | You can add your own properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks to this
269 | subclass to customize its behavior, and you can reference the instance of the
270 | class in your template using `{{this}}`. For instance, we could access the
271 | `displayName` property of our `PersonProfile` component instance in the
272 | template like this:
273 |
274 | ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
275 | <h1>{{this.displayName}}</h1>
276 | {{yield}}
277 | ```
278 |
279 | ## `constructor`
280 |
281 | params: `owner` object and `args` object
282 |
283 | Constructs a new component and assigns itself the passed properties. The
284 | constructor is run whenever a new instance of the component is created, and
285 | can be used to setup the initial state of the component.
286 |
287 | ```javascript
288 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
289 |
290 | export default class SomeComponent extends Component {
291 | constructor(owner, args) {
292 | super(owner, args);
293 |
294 | if (this.args.displayMode === 'list') {
295 | this.items = [];
296 | }
297 | }
298 | }
299 | ```
300 |
301 | Service injections and arguments are available in the constructor.
302 |
303 | ```javascript
304 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
305 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
306 |
307 | export default class SomeComponent extends Component {
308 | @service myAnimations;
309 |
310 | constructor(owner, args) {
311 | super(owner, args);
312 |
313 | if (this.args.fadeIn === true) {
314 | this.myAnimations.register(this, 'fade-in');
315 | }
316 | }
317 | }
318 | ```
319 |
320 | ## `willDestroy`
321 |
322 | `willDestroy` is called after the component has been removed from the DOM, but
323 | before the component is fully destroyed. This lifecycle hook can be used to
324 | cleanup the component and any related state.
325 |
326 | ```javascript
327 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
328 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
329 |
330 | export default class SomeComponent extends Component {
331 | @service myAnimations;
332 |
333 | willDestroy() {
334 | super.willDestroy(...arguments);
335 |
336 | this.myAnimations.unregister(this);
337 | }
338 | }
339 | ```
340 |
341 | ## `args`
342 |
343 | The `args` property of Glimmer components is an object that contains the
344 | _arguments_ that are passed to the component. For instance, the
345 | following component usage:
346 |
347 | ```handlebars
348 | <SomeComponent @fadeIn={{true}} />
349 | ```
350 |
351 | Would result in the following `args` object to be passed to the component:
352 |
353 | ```javascript
354 | { fadeIn: true }
355 | ```
356 |
357 | `args` can be accessed at any point in the component lifecycle, including
358 | `constructor` and `willDestroy`. They are also automatically marked as tracked
359 | properties, and they can be depended on as computed property dependencies:
360 |
361 | ```javascript
362 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
363 | import { computed } from '@ember/object';
364 |
365 | export default class SomeComponent extends Component {
366 |
367 | @computed('args.someValue')
368 | get computedGetter() {
369 | // updates whenever args.someValue updates
370 | return this.args.someValue;
371 | }
372 |
373 | get standardGetter() {
374 | // updates whenever args.anotherValue updates (Ember 3.13+)
375 | return this.args.anotherValue;
376 | }
377 | }
378 | ```
379 |
380 | ## `isDestroying`
381 |
382 | A boolean flag to tell if the component is in the process of destroying. This is set to
383 | true before `willDestroy` is called.
384 |
385 | ## `isDestroyed`
386 | A boolean to tell if the component has been fully destroyed. This is set to true
387 | after `willDestroy` is called.
388 |
389 | @module @glimmer/component
390 | @public
391 | */
392 | export default class GlimmerComponent<S = unknown> extends _GlimmerComponent<S> {
393 | constructor(owner: Owner, args: Args<S>) {
394 | super(owner, args);
395 |
396 | if (DEBUG && !(owner !== null && typeof owner === 'object')) {
397 | throw new Error(
398 | `You must pass both the owner and args to super() in your component: ${this.constructor.name}. You can pass them directly, or use ...arguments to pass all arguments through.`
399 | );
400 | }
401 |
402 | setOwner(this, owner);
403 | }
404 | }
405 |
406 | setComponentManager((owner: Owner) => {
407 | return new GlimmerComponentManager(owner);
408 | }, GlimmerComponent);