1 | # glimmer-di [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/glimmerjs/glimmer-di.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/glimmerjs/glimmer-di)
2 |
3 | Dependency injection for Glimmer applications.
4 |
5 | ## What is Dependency Injection?
6 |
7 | Dependency injection is a pattern that increases the flexibility, testability
8 | and consistency of your code.
9 |
10 | The three key ideas are:
11 |
12 | 1. An object's dependencies (that is, the other objects it needs to do its job)
13 | should be provided to the object when it is created, rather than hard-coded.
14 | 2. A dependency may have multiple implementations, so long as each
15 | implementation adheres to an agreed-upon interface.
16 | 3. An object using a dependency shouldn't care where on the filesystem that
17 | dependency comes from.
18 |
19 | Let's look at a short example that **does not** use dependency injection. We'll
20 | write a hypothetical server that renders a short HTML document when an incoming
21 | request is received:
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | import HTTPServer from "./servers/http";
25 |
26 | export default class HelloWorldServer {
27 | constructor() {
28 | let server = new HTTPServer({
29 | port: 80
30 | });
31 |
32 | server.on('request', req => {
33 | req.write("<html><body>Hello, world!</body></html>");
34 | });
35 | }
36 | }
37 | ```
38 |
39 | This is great, but there's one problem. As you can see, our Hello World server
40 | is importing the HTTP library directly. If we want to support both HTTP and
41 | HTTP/2 (or even something like a WebSocket), this code is not reusable.
42 |
43 | We would have to either duplicate this code, or add some configuration options
44 | to let the user tell us which protocol they want to use. Of course, that would
45 | work today, but if we wanted to support HTTP/3 in the future, we'd have to come
46 | back and add a new configuration option for every new protocol.
47 |
48 | What if, instead of telling the server what protocol to use, we could instead
49 | provide it with an object that encapsulated all of those concerns?
50 |
51 | Instead of having our `HelloWorldServer` import and instantiate `HTTPServer`
52 | directly, we can provide it with an object that we guarantee implements the same
53 | interface. In this case, that means any object that emits a `'request'` event
54 | and supports adding an event listener with the `on()` method.
55 |
56 | Let's look at what that updated example might look like:
57 |
58 | ```js
59 | export default class HelloWorldServer {
60 | constructor(server) {
61 | server.on('request', req => {
62 | req.write("<html><body>Hello, world!</body></html>");
63 | });
64 | }
65 | }
66 | ```
67 |
68 | Now we're no longer concerned with instantiating and configuring an HTTP server.
69 | All we have to know is that whatever object gets passed to our class has an
70 | `on()` method that lets us add an event listener.
71 |
72 | Now, let's look at a few different ways we can use our newly improved Hello
73 | World server.
74 |
75 | ```js
76 | import HelloWorldServer from "./hello-world-server";
77 | import HTTPServer from "./servers/http";
78 | import HTTP2Server from "./servers/http2";
79 | import WebSocketServer from "./servers/web-socket";
80 |
81 | // HTTP 1
82 | let httpServer = new HTTPServer({
83 | port: 80
84 | });
85 | new HelloWorldServer(httpServer);
86 |
87 | // HTTP 2
88 | let http2Server = new HTTP2Server({
89 | port: 4200
90 | });
91 | new HelloWorldServer(http2Server);
92 |
93 | // WebSocket
94 | let wsServer = new WebSocketServer();
95 | new HelloWorldServer(wsServer);
96 | ```
97 |
98 | With that one small change, we've dramatically improved the reusability and
99 | flexibility of our Hello World server. It can now handle any protocol, even ones
100 | that didn't exist when it was written, so long as they can be adapted to follow
101 | the simple interface we've defined.
102 |
103 | This idea may seem simple, but it has profound implications for managing the
104 | complexity of your code as your application grows. And it means that you can
105 | swap in different pieces of code easily depending on the environment.
106 |
107 | For example, in unit tests we may want to swap in some stub objects to verify
108 | some behavior. Dependency injection makes it easy and avoids having to override
109 | global values.
110 |
111 | We can also make it possible to run the same application on both Node.js and the
112 | browser, by swapping in one piece of framework code when you have a full DOM
113 | implementation and another implementation when you don't.
114 |
115 | While dependency injection is just a simple pattern, it helps to have that
116 | pattern formalized into code. That's exactly what this library does: implement
117 | an incredibly lightweight version of dependency injection, with some utilities
118 | to help us clean up after ourselves when we're done running the app.
119 |
120 | ## Containers and Registries
121 |
122 | The two core parts of the Glimmer DI system are the `Registry` and the `Container`.
123 |
124 | Here's how to remember the role of each:
125 |
126 | 1. The `Registry` is where you **register** code (that is, JavaScript classes).
127 | 2. The `Container` **contains** objects, and is where you request instances of
128 | registered classes.
129 |
130 | If that sounds confusing, let's look at an example that should make it
131 | clearer.
132 |
133 | Let's say I have a class for a UI component that I want to make available to the
134 | system. The first thing I would do is create a new `Registry` instance and tell
135 | it about my class.
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | import { Registry } from '@glimmer/di';
139 | import ProfileComponent from './components/profile';
140 |
141 | let registry = new Registry();
142 | registry.register('component:profile', ProfileComponent);
143 | ```
144 |
145 | You probably noticed the string that we're passing to the `register` method:
146 | `'component:profile'`. This is what we call a _specifier_, which is a unique
147 | identifier for a class. They take the form of `${type}:${name}`. In this case,
148 | we have a UI component called `Profile` so its specifier would be
149 | `'component:profile'`. If instead we had an blog post model, its specifier might
150 | be `'model:blog-post'`.
151 |
152 | So now we've told the `Registry` about our component. Let's get an instance of
153 | that component now. To do that, we'll need to create a new `Container`, tell it
154 | about our registry, and then ask it for the component we want:
155 |
156 | ```js
157 | import { Container } from '@glimmer/di';
158 |
159 | // Create the container and pass in the registry we previously created.
160 | let container = new Container(registry);
161 | let component = container.lookup('component:profile');
162 | ```
163 |
164 | Now our `component` variable contains an instance of the previously-registered
165 | profile component.
166 |
167 | ### Singletons
168 |
169 | One important thing to note is that (by default) every time you call the
170 | `lookup` method, you'll get the same instance of the component:
171 |
172 | ```js
173 | let component1 = container.lookup('component:profile');
174 | let component2 = container.lookup('component:profile');
175 |
176 | component1 === component2; // => true
177 | ```
178 |
179 | But that's not the behavior we want: in an app, you need to be able to create
180 | many instances of the same component.
181 |
182 | In this case, we want to change the default behavior and tell the registry that
183 | we should always get a _new_ instance when we call
184 | `lookup('component:profile')`:
185 |
186 | ```js
187 | registry.registerOption('component:profile', 'singleton', false);
188 | ```
189 |
190 | Here, we've set the `singleton` option to `false` for this component. We could
191 | have also configured this setting back when we originally registered the component:
192 |
193 | ```js
194 | registry.register('component:profile', ProfileComponent, {
195 | singleton: false
196 | });
197 | ```
198 |
199 | Now if we lookup multiple components, we'll get a different instance each time:
200 |
201 | ```js
202 | let component3 = container.lookup('component:profile');
203 | let component4 = container.lookup('component:profile');
204 |
205 | component3 === component4; // => false
206 | ```
207 |
208 | ### Injections
209 |
210 | So far, this doesn't seem to offer any benefits over just instantiating the
211 | class ourselves whenever we need a new instance. Let's look at one of the killer
212 | features: injections.
213 |
214 | An _injection_ is a rule that tells the container to automatically give one object
215 | access to another.
216 |
217 | For example, let's imagine we have a centralized data store that we want to make
218 | available to all of our components, so they can retrieve model data over the
219 | network. Without worrying about how components get created in our framework, we
220 | just want to say: "every time a new component is instantiated, make sure it has
221 | access to the data store."
222 |
223 | We can set this up automatically with an injection. First, let's register the
224 | data store with the registry:
225 |
226 | ```js
227 | import DataStore from "./data/store";
228 |
229 | registry.register('store:main', DataStore);
230 | ```
231 |
232 | Because we want components to share a single store instance, note that we didn't
233 | disable the default `singleton` setting. For the whole app, there will be just
234 | one store.
235 |
236 | (If there's only one instance of a particular type in an app, we often call it
237 | `main`. In this case, because there's one store and it's a singleton, its
238 | specifier is `store:main`. There's nothing special about this name, though; it's
239 | just a common convention.)
240 |
241 | Next, we'll create a rule that tells the registry that new components should be
242 | provided with the data store instance:
243 |
244 | ```js
245 | registry.registerInjection('component', 'store', 'store:main');
246 | ```
247 |
248 | Let's look at each of these arguments to `registerInjection`. Each one helps define part
249 | of the injection rule. In this case, it means:
250 |
251 | 1. For every new `component` created,
252 | 2. Set its `store` property to
253 | 3. The instance of `store:main`
254 |
255 | In other words, every time `container.lookup('component:profile')` gets called,
256 | something like this is happening under the hood:
257 |
258 | ```js
259 | let store = container.lookup('store:main');
260 | return ProfileComponent.create({ store });
261 | ```
262 |
263 | The nice thing about injections is that we can set up a rule once and not worry
264 | about the details of where and how instances actually get created. This
265 | separation of concerns allows for less brittle code.
266 |
267 | You've also now seen why specifiers contain information about both name and
268 | type. Injections let us specify rules that apply to all instances of a
269 | component, say, without having to repeat that rule for every component in the
270 | system.
271 |
272 | ## Resolvers: Mapping to the File System
273 |
274 | So far, we've always had to tell the `Registry` about a class before we're able
275 | to get an instance from the `Container`. But if we're being good developers, and
276 | organizing our code well and being consistent in our naming, shouldn't our app
277 | be able to find our classes automatically?
278 |
279 | That's exactly what the `Resolver` helps us do. With a resolver, we can define
280 | rules that map specifiers (like `component:profile`) on to module names (like
281 | `app/components/profile.js`).
282 |
283 | A simple `Resolver` implements a single method, `retrieve()`, which takes a
284 | specifier and returns the associated class.
285 |
286 | Lets write a resolver that will load the component class using CommonJS instead of
287 | having to eagerly register every component in our app:
288 |
289 | ```js
290 | class Resolver {
291 | retrieve(specifier) {
292 | let [type, name] = specifier.split(':');
293 |
294 | if (type !== 'component') { throw new Error("Unsupported type"); }
295 | return require(`./app/${type}s/${name}.js`);
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
299 | let registry = new Registry();
300 | let resolver = new Resolver();
301 | let container2 = new Container(registry, resolver);
302 |
303 | // Make sure components aren't singletons
304 | registry.registerOption('component', 'singleton', false);
305 |
306 | // Requires and instantiates `./app/components/admin-page.js`:
307 | let adminPage = container2.lookup('component:admin-page');
308 | ```
309 |
310 | Note that `retrieve()` *must* return synchronously. Your module loader therefore
311 | must return synchronously, as it does in this CommonJS example. If you're using an
312 | asynchronous module loader, you'll need to make sure modules are loaded before you
313 | start instantiating objects.
314 |
315 | As a general rule, this package is designed to be synchronous to achieve maximum
316 | performance; it is your responsibility to ensure that code is ready before it is
317 | needed.
318 |
319 | One last thing: you may have noticed that the container in this example has both
320 | a registry and a resolver. The container will look for classes in both, but the
321 | registry always takes precedence. If the registry is empty, the container will
322 | fall back to asking the resolver for its help.
323 |
324 | ## Acknowledgements
325 |
326 | Thanks to [Monegraph](http://monegraph.com) and
327 | [Cerebris](http://www.cerebris.com) for funding the initial development of this
328 | library.
329 |
330 | ## License
331 |
332 | MIT License.