1 | import type { Nullable } from '@glimmer/interfaces';
2 | import type { EndTag, StartTag } from '../parser';
3 | import type { NodeVisitor } from '../traversal/visitor';
4 | import type * as ASTv1 from '../v1/api';
5 | import type * as HBS from '../v1/handlebars-ast';
6 | import print from '../generation/print';
7 | import * as src from '../source/api';
8 | import traverse from '../traversal/traverse';
9 | import Walker from '../traversal/walker';
10 | import publicBuilder from '../v1/public-builders';
11 | import { HandlebarsNodeVisitors } from './handlebars-node-visitors';
12 | export declare class TokenizerEventHandlers extends HandlebarsNodeVisitors {
13 | private tagOpenLine;
14 | private tagOpenColumn;
15 | reset(): void;
16 | beginComment(): void;
17 | appendToCommentData(char: string): void;
18 | finishComment(): void;
19 | beginData(): void;
20 | appendToData(char: string): void;
21 | finishData(): void;
22 | tagOpen(): void;
23 | beginStartTag(): void;
24 | beginEndTag(): void;
25 | finishTag(): void;
26 | finishStartTag(): void;
27 | finishEndTag(isVoid: boolean): void;
28 | markTagAsSelfClosing(): void;
29 | appendToTagName(char: string): void;
30 | beginAttribute(): void;
31 | appendToAttributeName(char: string): void;
32 | beginAttributeValue(isQuoted: boolean): void;
33 | appendToAttributeValue(char: string): void;
34 | finishAttributeValue(): void;
35 | private parsePossibleBlockParams;
36 | reportSyntaxError(message: string): void;
37 | assembleConcatenatedValue(parts: (ASTv1.MustacheStatement | ASTv1.TextNode)[]): ASTv1.ConcatStatement;
38 | validateEndTag(tag: StartTag | EndTag, element: ASTv1.ParentNode, selfClosing: boolean): asserts element is ASTv1.ElementNode;
39 | assembleAttributeValue(parts: ASTv1.AttrPart[], isQuoted: boolean, isDynamic: boolean, span: src.SourceSpan): ASTv1.AttrValue;
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 | export interface ASTPluginBuilder<TEnv extends ASTPluginEnvironment = ASTPluginEnvironment> {
46 | (env: TEnv): ASTPlugin;
47 | }
48 | export interface ASTPlugin {
49 | name: string;
50 | visitor: NodeVisitor;
51 | }
52 | export interface ASTPluginEnvironment {
53 | meta?: object | undefined;
54 | syntax: Syntax;
55 | }
56 | interface HandlebarsParseOptions {
57 | srcName?: string;
58 | ignoreStandalone?: boolean;
59 | }
60 | export interface TemplateIdFn {
61 | (src: string): Nullable<string>;
62 | }
63 | export interface PrecompileOptions extends PreprocessOptions {
64 | id?: TemplateIdFn;
65 | |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | keywords?: readonly string[];
79 | |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 | customizeComponentName?: ((input: string) => string) | undefined;
88 | }
89 | export interface PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope extends PrecompileOptions {
90 | lexicalScope: (variable: string) => boolean;
91 | |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 | emit?: {
96 | debugSymbols?: boolean;
97 | } | undefined;
98 | }
99 | export interface PreprocessOptions {
100 | strictMode?: boolean | undefined;
101 | locals?: string[] | undefined;
102 | meta?: {
103 | moduleName?: string | undefined;
104 | } | undefined;
105 | plugins?: {
106 | ast?: ASTPluginBuilder[] | undefined;
107 | } | undefined;
108 | parseOptions?: HandlebarsParseOptions | undefined;
109 | customizeComponentName?: ((input: string) => string) | undefined;
110 | /**
111 | Useful for specifying a group of options together.
112 |
113 | When `'codemod'` we disable all whitespace control in handlebars
114 | (to preserve as much as possible) and we also avoid any
115 | escaping/unescaping of HTML entity codes.
116 | */
117 | mode?: 'codemod' | 'precompile' | undefined;
118 | }
119 | export interface Syntax {
120 | parse: typeof preprocess;
121 | builders: typeof publicBuilder;
122 | print: typeof print;
123 | traverse: typeof traverse;
124 | Walker: typeof Walker;
125 | }
126 | export declare function preprocess(input: string | src.Source | HBS.Program, options?: PreprocessOptions): ASTv1.Template;
127 | export {};
128 |
\ | No newline at end of file |