17.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { Query, QueryProto, IntegerTypeCastOptions } from './query';
3import { PathType } from '.';
4import { protobuf as Protobuf } from 'google-gax';
5import { google } from '../protos/protos';
6export declare namespace entity {
7 interface InvalidKeyErrorOptions {
8 code: string;
9 }
10 class InvalidKeyError extends Error {
11 constructor(opts: InvalidKeyErrorOptions);
12 }
13 /**
14 * A symbol to access the Key object from an entity object.
15 *
16 * @type {symbol}
17 * @private
18 */
19 const KEY_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
20 /**
21 * Build a Datastore Double object. For long doubles, a string can be
22 * provided.
23 *
24 * @class
25 * @param {number} value The double value.
26 *
27 * @example
28 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
29 * const datastore = new Datastore();
30 * const aDouble = datastore.double(7.3);
31 */
32 class Double {
33 type: string;
34 value: number;
35 constructor(value: number);
36 }
37 /**
38 * Check if something is a Datastore Double object.
39 *
40 * @private
41 * @param {*} value
42 * @returns {boolean}
43 */
44 function isDsDouble(value?: {}): value is entity.Double;
45 /**
46 * Check if a value is a Datastore Double object converted from JSON.
47 *
48 * @private
49 * @param {*} value
50 * @returns {boolean}
51 */
52 function isDsDoubleLike(value: unknown): boolean;
53 /**
54 * Build a Datastore Int object. For long integers, a string can be provided.
55 *
56 * @class
57 * @param {number|string} value The integer value.
58 * @param {object} [typeCastOptions] Configuration to convert
59 * values of `integerValue` type to a custom value. Must provide an
60 * `integerTypeCastFunction` to handle `integerValue` conversion.
61 * @param {function} typeCastOptions.integerTypeCastFunction A custom user
62 * provided function to convert `integerValue`.
63 * @param {sting|string[]} [typeCastOptions.properties] `Entity` property
64 * names to be converted using `integerTypeCastFunction`.
65 *
66 * @example
67 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
68 * const datastore = new Datastore();
69 * const anInt = datastore.int(7);
70 */
71 class Int extends Number {
72 type: string;
73 value: string;
74 typeCastFunction?: Function;
75 typeCastProperties?: string[];
76 private _entityPropertyName;
77 constructor(value: number | string | ValueProto, typeCastOptions?: IntegerTypeCastOptions);
78 valueOf(): any;
79 toJSON(): Json;
80 }
81 /**
82 * Check if something is a Datastore Int object.
83 *
84 * @private
85 * @param {*} value
86 * @returns {boolean}
87 */
88 function isDsInt(value?: {}): value is entity.Int;
89 /**
90 * Check if a value is a Datastore Int object converted from JSON.
91 *
92 * @private
93 * @param {*} value
94 * @returns {boolean}
95 */
96 function isDsIntLike(value: unknown): boolean;
97 interface Coordinates {
98 latitude: number;
99 longitude: number;
100 }
101 /**
102 * Build a Datastore Geo Point object.
103 *
104 * @class
105 * @param {object} coordinates Coordinate value.
106 * @param {number} coordinates.latitude Latitudinal value.
107 * @param {number} coordinates.longitude Longitudinal value.
108 *
109 * @example
110 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
111 * const datastore = new Datastore();
112 * const coordinates = {
113 * latitude: 40.6894,
114 * longitude: -74.0447
115 * };
116 *
117 * const geoPoint = datastore.geoPoint(coordinates);
118 */
119 class GeoPoint {
120 value: Coordinates;
121 constructor(coordinates: Coordinates);
122 }
123 /**
124 * Check if something is a Datastore Geo Point object.
125 *
126 * @private
127 * @param {*} value
128 * @returns {boolean}
129 */
130 function isDsGeoPoint(value?: {}): value is entity.GeoPoint;
131 interface KeyOptions {
132 namespace?: string;
133 path: PathType[];
134 }
135 /**
136 * Build a Datastore Key object.
137 *
138 * @class
139 * @param {object} options Configuration object.
140 * @param {array} options.path Key path.
141 * @param {string} [options.namespace] Optional namespace.
142 *
143 * @example
144 * //-
145 * // Create an incomplete key with a kind value of `Company`.
146 * //-
147 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
148 * const datastore = new Datastore();
149 * const key = datastore.key('Company');
150 *
151 * @example
152 * //-
153 * // Create a complete key with a kind value of `Company` and id`123`.
154 * //-
155 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
156 * const datastore = new Datastore();
157 * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 123]);
158 *
159 * @example
160 * //-
161 * // If the ID integer is outside the bounds of a JavaScript Number
162 * // object, create an Int.
163 * //-
164 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
165 * const datastore = new Datastore();
166 * const key = datastore.key([
167 * 'Company',
168 * datastore.int('100000000000001234')
169 * ]);
170 *
171 * @example
172 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
173 * const datastore = new Datastore();
174 * // Create a complete key with a kind value of `Company` and name `Google`.
175 * // Note: `id` is used for numeric identifiers and `name` is used otherwise.
176 * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
177 *
178 * @example
179 * //-
180 * // Create a complete key from a provided namespace and path.
181 * //-
182 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
183 * const datastore = new Datastore();
184 * const key = datastore.key({
185 * namespace: 'My-NS',
186 * path: ['Company', 123]
187 * });
188 *
189 * @example <caption>Serialize the key for later re-use.</caption>
190 * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore');
191 * const datastore = new Datastore();
192 * const key = datastore.key({
193 * namespace: 'My-NS',
194 * path: ['Company', 123]
195 * });
196 * // Later...
197 * const key = datastore.key(key.serialized);
198 */
199 class Key {
200 namespace?: string;
201 id?: string;
202 name?: string;
203 kind: string;
204 parent?: Key;
205 path: Array<string | number>;
206 constructor(options: KeyOptions);
207 /**
208 * Access the `serialized` property for a library-compatible way to re-use a
209 * key.
210 *
211 * @returns {object}
212 *
213 * @example
214 * const key = datastore.key({
215 * namespace: 'My-NS',
216 * path: ['Company', 123]
217 * });
218 *
219 * // Later...
220 * const key = datastore.key(key.serialized);
221 */
222 get serialized(): {
223 namespace: string | undefined;
224 path: (string | Int)[];
225 };
226 }
227 /**
228 * Check if something is a Datastore Key object.
229 *
230 * @private
231 * @param {*} value
232 * @returns {boolean}
233 */
234 function isDsKey(value?: {}): value is entity.Key;
235 /**
236 * @typedef {object} IntegerTypeCastOptions Configuration to convert
237 * values of `integerValue` type to a custom value. Must provide an
238 * `integerTypeCastFunction` to handle `integerValue` conversion.
239 * @property {function} integerTypeCastFunction A custom user
240 * provided function to convert `integerValue`.
241 * @property {string | string[]} [properties] `Entity` property
242 * names to be converted using `integerTypeCastFunction`.
243 */
244 /**
245 * Convert a protobuf Value message to its native value.
246 *
247 * @private
248 * @param {object} valueProto The protobuf Value message to convert.
249 * @param {boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions} [wrapNumbers=false] Wrap values of integerValue type in
250 * {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
251 * If a `boolean`, this will wrap values in {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
252 * If an `object`, this will return a value returned by
253 * `wrapNumbers.integerTypeCastFunction`.
254 * Please see {@link IntegerTypeCastOptions} for options descriptions.
255 * @returns {*}
256 *
257 * @example
258 * decodeValueProto({
259 * booleanValue: false
260 * });
261 * // false
262 *
263 * decodeValueProto({
264 * stringValue: 'Hi'
265 * });
266 * // 'Hi'
267 *
268 * decodeValueProto({
269 * blobValue: Buffer.from('68656c6c6f')
270 * });
271 * // <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f>
272 */
273 function decodeValueProto(valueProto: ValueProto, wrapNumbers?: boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions): any;
274 /**
275 * Convert any native value to a protobuf Value message object.
276 *
277 * @private
278 * @param {*} value Native value.
279 * @returns {object}
280 *
281 * @example
282 * encodeValue('Hi');
283 * // {
284 * // stringValue: 'Hi'
285 * // }
286 */
287 function encodeValue(value: any, property: string): ValueProto;
288 /**
289 * Convert any entity protocol to a plain object.
290 *
291 * @todo Use registered metadata if provided.
292 *
293 * @private
294 * @param {object} entityProto The protocol entity object to convert.
295 * @param {boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions} [wrapNumbers=false] Wrap values of integerValue type in
296 * {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
297 * If a `boolean`, this will wrap values in {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
298 * If an `object`, this will return a value returned by
299 * `wrapNumbers.integerTypeCastFunction`.
300 * Please see {@link IntegerTypeCastOptions} for options descriptions.
301 * @returns {object}
302 *
303 * @example
304 * entityFromEntityProto({
305 * properties: {
306 * map: {
307 * name: {
308 * value: {
309 * valueType: 'stringValue',
310 * stringValue: 'Stephen'
311 * }
312 * }
313 * }
314 * }
315 * });
316 * // {
317 * // name: 'Stephen'
318 * // }
319 */
320 function entityFromEntityProto(entityProto: EntityProto, wrapNumbers?: boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions): any;
321 /**
322 * Convert an entity object to an entity protocol object.
323 *
324 * @private
325 * @param {object} entityObject The entity object to convert.
326 * @returns {object}
327 *
328 * @example
329 * entityToEntityProto({
330 * excludeFromIndexes: [
331 * 'name'
332 * ],
333 * data: {
334 * name: 'Burcu',
335 * legit: true
336 * }
337 * });
338 * // {
339 * // key: null,
340 * // properties: {
341 * // name: {
342 * // stringValue: 'Burcu'
343 * // excludeFromIndexes: true
344 * // },
345 * // legit: {
346 * // booleanValue: true
347 * // }
348 * // }
349 * // }
350 */
351 function entityToEntityProto(entityObject: EntityObject): EntityProto;
352 /**
353 * Convert an API response array to a qualified Key and data object.
354 *
355 * @private
356 * @param {object[]} results The response array.
357 * @param {object} results.entity An entity object.
358 * @param {object} results.entity.key The entity's key.
359 * @param {boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions} [wrapNumbers=false] Wrap values of integerValue type in
360 * {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
361 * If a `boolean`, this will wrap values in {@link Datastore#Int} objects.
362 * If an `object`, this will return a value returned by
363 * `wrapNumbers.integerTypeCastFunction`.
364 * Please see {@link IntegerTypeCastOptions} for options descriptions.
365 *
366 * @example
367 * request_('runQuery', {}, (err, response) => {
368 * const entityObjects = formatArray(response.batch.entityResults);
369 * // {
370 * // key: {},
371 * // data: {
372 * // fieldName: 'value'
373 * // }
374 * // }
375 * //
376 * });
377 */
378 function formatArray(results: ResponseResult[], wrapNumbers?: boolean | IntegerTypeCastOptions): any[];
379 /**
380 * Find the properties which value size is large than 1500 bytes,
381 * with excludeLargeProperties enabled, automatically exclude properties from indexing.
382 * This will allow storing string values larger than 1500 bytes
383 *
384 * @param entities Datastore key object(s).
385 * @param path namespace of provided entity properties
386 * @param properties properties which value size is large than 1500 bytes
387 */
388 function findLargeProperties_(entities: Entities, path: string, properties?: string[]): string[];
389 /**
390 * Check if a key is complete.
391 *
392 * @private
393 * @param {Key} key The Key object.
394 * @returns {boolean}
395 *
396 * @example
397 * isKeyComplete(new Key(['Company', 'Google'])); // true
398 * isKeyComplete(new Key('Company')); // false
399 */
400 function isKeyComplete(key: Key): boolean;
401 /**
402 * Convert a key protocol object to a Key object.
403 *
404 * @private
405 * @param {object} keyProto The key protocol object to convert.
406 * @returns {Key}
407 *
408 * @example
409 * const key = keyFromKeyProto({
410 * partitionId: {
411 * projectId: 'project-id',
412 * namespaceId: ''
413 * },
414 * path: [
415 * {
416 * kind: 'Kind',
417 * id: '4790047639339008'
418 * }
419 * ]
420 * });
421 */
422 function keyFromKeyProto(keyProto: KeyProto): Key;
423 /**
424 * Convert a Key object to a key protocol object.
425 *
426 * @private
427 * @param {Key} key The Key object to convert.
428 * @returns {object}
429 *
430 * @example
431 * const keyProto = keyToKeyProto(new Key(['Company', 1]));
432 * // {
433 * // path: [
434 * // {
435 * // kind: 'Company',
436 * // id: 1
437 * // }
438 * // ]
439 * // }
440 */
441 function keyToKeyProto(key: Key): KeyProto;
442 /**
443 * Convert a query object to a query protocol object.
444 *
445 * @private
446 * @param {object} q The query object to convert.
447 * @returns {object}
448 *
449 * @example
450 * queryToQueryProto({
451 * namespace: '',
452 * kinds: [
453 * 'Kind'
454 * ],
455 * filters: [],
456 * orders: [],
457 * groupByVal: [],
458 * selectVal: [],
459 * startVal: null,
460 * endVal: null,
461 * limitVal: -1,
462 * offsetVal: -1
463 * });
464 * // {
465 * // projection: [],
466 * // kinds: [
467 * // {
468 * // name: 'Kind'
469 * // }
470 * // ],
471 * // order: [],
472 * // groupBy: []
473 * // }
474 */
475 function queryToQueryProto(query: Query): QueryProto;
476 /**
477 * URL safe key encoding and decoding helper utility.
478 *
479 * This is intended to work with the "legacy" representation of a
480 * datastore "Key" used within Google App Engine (a so-called "Reference").
481 *
482 * @private
483 * @class
484 */
485 class URLSafeKey {
486 protos: any;
487 constructor();
488 /**
489 * Load AppEngine protobuf file.
490 *
491 * @private
492 */
493 loadProtos_(): {
494 [k: string]: Protobuf.ReflectionObject;
495 } | undefined;
496 /**
497 * Convert key to url safe base64 encoded string.
498 *
499 * @private
500 * @param {string} projectId Project Id.
501 * @param {entity.Key} key Entity key object.
502 * @param {string} locationPrefix Optional .
503 * The location prefix of an App Engine project ID.
504 * Often this value is 's~', but may also be 'e~', or other location prefixes
505 * currently unknown.
506 * @returns {string} base64 endocded urlsafe key.
507 */
508 legacyEncode(projectId: string, key: entity.Key, locationPrefix?: string): string;
509 /**
510 * Helper to convert URL safe key string to entity key object
511 *
512 * This is intended to work with the "legacy" representation of a
513 * datastore "Key" used within Google App Engine (a so-called "Reference").
514 *
515 * @private
516 * @param {entity.Key} key Entity key object.
517 * @param {string} locationPrefix Optional .
518 * The location prefix of an App Engine project ID.
519 * Often this value is 's~', but may also be 'e~', or other location prefixes
520 * currently unknown.
521 * @returns {string} Created urlsafe key.
522 */
523 legacyDecode(key: string): entity.Key;
524 /**
525 * Convert buffer to base64 encoding.
526 *
527 * @private
528 * @param {Buffer} buffer
529 * @returns {string} Base64 encoded string.
530 */
531 convertToBase64_(buffer: Buffer): string;
532 /**
533 * Rebuild base64 from encoded url safe string and convert to buffer.
534 *
535 * @private
536 * @param {string} val Encoded url safe string.
537 * @returns {string} Base64 encoded string.
538 */
539 convertToBuffer_(val: string): Buffer;
540 }
542export interface ValueProto {
543 [index: string]: any;
544 valueType?: string;
545 values?: ValueProto[];
546 value?: any;
547 propertyName?: string;
549export interface EntityProto {
550 key?: KeyProto | null;
551 properties?: {
552 [k: string]: ValueProto;
553 };
554 excludeFromIndexes?: boolean;
556export declare type Entity = any;
557export declare type Entities = Entity | Entity[];
558interface KeyProtoPathElement extends google.datastore.v1.Key.IPathElement {
559 [index: string]: any;
560 idType?: string;
562export interface KeyProto {
563 partitionId?: google.datastore.v1.IPartitionId | null;
564 path?: KeyProtoPathElement[] | null;
566export interface ResponseResult {
567 entity: EntityProto;
569export interface EntityObject {
570 data: {
571 [k: string]: Entity;
572 };
573 excludeFromIndexes: string[];
575export interface Json {
576 [field: string]: string;
578export {};