7.61 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16/// <reference types="node" />
17import { PreciseDate } from '@google-cloud/precise-date';
18import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
19import { google } from '../protos/protos';
20import { FlowControlOptions } from './lease-manager';
21import { BatchOptions } from './message-queues';
22import { MessageStreamOptions } from './message-stream';
23import { Subscription } from './subscription';
24import { SubscriberClient } from './v1';
25export declare type PullResponse = google.pubsub.v1.IPullResponse;
27 * Date object with nanosecond precision. Supports all standard Date arguments
28 * in addition to several custom types.
29 *
30 * @external PreciseDate
31 * @see {@link https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-precise-date|PreciseDate}
32 */
34 * Message objects provide a simple interface for users to get message data and
35 * acknowledge the message.
36 *
37 * @example
38 * subscription.on('message', message => {
39 * // {
40 * // ackId: 'RUFeQBJMJAxESVMrQwsqWBFOBCEhPjA',
41 * // attributes: {key: 'value'},
42 * // data: Buffer.from('Hello, world!'),
43 * // id: '1551297743043',
44 * // orderingKey: 'ordering-key',
45 * // publishTime: new PreciseDate('2019-02-27T20:02:19.029534186Z'),
46 * // received: 1551297743043,
47 * // length: 13
48 * // }
49 * });
50 */
51export declare class Message {
52 ackId: string;
53 attributes: {
54 [key: string]: string;
55 };
56 data: Buffer;
57 deliveryAttempt: number;
58 id: string;
59 orderingKey?: string;
60 publishTime: PreciseDate;
61 received: number;
62 private _handled;
63 private _length;
64 private _subscriber;
65 /**
66 * @hideconstructor
67 *
68 * @param {Subscriber} sub The parent subscriber.
69 * @param {object} message The raw message response.
70 */
71 constructor(sub: Subscriber, { ackId, message, deliveryAttempt }: google.pubsub.v1.IReceivedMessage);
72 /**
73 * The length of the message data.
74 *
75 * @type {number}
76 */
77 get length(): number;
78 /**
79 * Acknowledges the message.
80 *
81 * @example
82 * subscription.on('message', message => {
83 * message.ack();
84 * });
85 */
86 ack(): void;
87 /**
88 * Modifies the ack deadline.
89 *
90 * @param {number} deadline The number of seconds to extend the deadline.
91 * @private
92 */
93 modAck(deadline: number): void;
94 /**
95 * Removes the message from our inventory and schedules it to be redelivered.
96 *
97 * @example
98 * subscription.on('message', message => {
99 * message.nack();
100 * });
101 */
102 nack(): void;
104export interface SubscriberOptions {
105 ackDeadline?: number;
106 batching?: BatchOptions;
107 flowControl?: FlowControlOptions;
108 useLegacyFlowControl?: boolean;
109 streamingOptions?: MessageStreamOptions;
110 enableOpenTelemetryTracing?: boolean;
113 * @typedef {object} SubscriberOptions
114 * @property {number} [ackDeadline=10] Acknowledge deadline in seconds. If left
115 * unset the initial value will be 10 seconds, but it will evolve into the
116 * 99th percentile time it takes to acknowledge a message.
117 * @property {BatchOptions} [batching] Request batching options.
118 * @property {FlowControlOptions} [flowControl] Flow control options.
119 * @property {boolean} [useLegacyFlowControl] Disables enforcing flow control
120 * settings at the Cloud PubSub server and uses the less accurate method
121 * of only enforcing flow control at the client side.
122 * @property {MessageStreamOptions} [streamingOptions] Streaming options.
123 */
125 * Subscriber class is used to manage all message related functionality.
126 *
127 * @private
128 * @class
129 *
130 * @param {Subscription} subscription The corresponding subscription.
131 * @param {SubscriberOptions} options The subscriber options.
132 */
133export declare class Subscriber extends EventEmitter {
134 ackDeadline: number;
135 maxMessages: number;
136 maxBytes: number;
137 useLegacyFlowControl: boolean;
138 isOpen: boolean;
139 private _acks;
140 private _histogram;
141 private _inventory;
142 private _isUserSetDeadline;
143 private _useOpentelemetry;
144 private _latencies;
145 private _modAcks;
146 private _name;
147 private _options;
148 private _stream;
149 private _subscription;
150 constructor(subscription: Subscription, options?: {});
151 /**
152 * The 99th percentile of request latencies.
153 *
154 * @type {number}
155 * @private
156 */
157 get modAckLatency(): number;
158 /**
159 * The full name of the Subscription.
160 *
161 * @type {string}
162 * @private
163 */
164 get name(): string;
165 /**
166 * Acknowledges the supplied message.
167 *
168 * @param {Message} message The message to acknowledge.
169 * @returns {Promise}
170 * @private
171 */
172 ack(message: Message): Promise<void>;
173 /**
174 * Closes the subscriber. The returned promise will resolve once any pending
175 * acks/modAcks are finished.
176 *
177 * @returns {Promise}
178 * @private
179 */
180 close(): Promise<void>;
181 /**
182 * Gets the subscriber client instance.
183 *
184 * @returns {Promise<object>}
185 * @private
186 */
187 getClient(): Promise<SubscriberClient>;
188 /**
189 * Modifies the acknowledge deadline for the provided message.
190 *
191 * @param {Message} message The message to modify.
192 * @param {number} deadline The deadline.
193 * @returns {Promise}
194 * @private
195 */
196 modAck(message: Message, deadline: number): Promise<void>;
197 /**
198 * Modfies the acknowledge deadline for the provided message and then removes
199 * it from our inventory.
200 *
201 * @param {Message} message The message.
202 * @return {Promise}
203 * @private
204 */
205 nack(message: Message): Promise<void>;
206 /**
207 * Starts pulling messages.
208 * @private
209 */
210 open(): void;
211 /**
212 * Sets subscriber options.
213 *
214 * @param {SubscriberOptions} options The options.
215 * @private
216 */
217 setOptions(options: SubscriberOptions): void;
218 /**
219 * Constructs an OpenTelemetry span from the incoming message.
220 *
221 * @param {Message} message One of the received messages
222 * @private
223 */
224 private _constructSpan;
225 /**
226 * Callback to be invoked when a new message is available.
227 *
228 * New messages will be added to the subscribers inventory, which in turn will
229 * automatically extend the messages ack deadline until either:
230 * a. the user acks/nacks it
231 * b. the maxExtension option is hit
232 *
233 * If the message puts us at/over capacity, then we'll pause our message
234 * stream until we've freed up some inventory space.
235 *
236 * New messages must immediately issue a ModifyAckDeadline request
237 * (aka receipt) to confirm with the backend that we did infact receive the
238 * message and its ok to start ticking down on the deadline.
239 *
240 * @private
241 */
242 private _onData;
243 /**
244 * Returns a promise that will resolve once all pending requests have settled.
245 *
246 * @private
247 *
248 * @returns {Promise}
249 */
250 private _waitForFlush;