45.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16// ** This file is automatically generated by gapic-generator-typescript. **
17// ** https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-typescript **
18// ** All changes to this file may be overwritten. **
19Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
20exports.PublisherClient = void 0;
21/* global window */
22const gax = require("google-gax");
23const google_gax_1 = require("google-gax");
24const jsonProtos = require("../../protos/protos.json");
26 * Client JSON configuration object, loaded from
27 * `src/v1/publisher_client_config.json`.
28 * This file defines retry strategy and timeouts for all API methods in this library.
29 */
30const gapicConfig = require("./publisher_client_config.json");
31const version = require('../../../package.json').version;
33 * The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send
34 * messages to a topic.
35 * @class
36 * @memberof v1
37 */
38class PublisherClient {
39 /**
40 * Construct an instance of PublisherClient.
41 *
42 * @param {object} [options] - The configuration object.
43 * The options accepted by the constructor are described in detail
44 * in [this document](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#creating-the-client-instance).
45 * The common options are:
46 * @param {object} [options.credentials] - Credentials object.
47 * @param {string} [options.credentials.client_email]
48 * @param {string} [options.credentials.private_key]
49 * @param {string} [options.email] - Account email address. Required when
50 * using a .pem or .p12 keyFilename.
51 * @param {string} [options.keyFilename] - Full path to the a .json, .pem, or
52 * .p12 key downloaded from the Google Developers Console. If you provide
53 * a path to a JSON file, the projectId option below is not necessary.
54 * NOTE: .pem and .p12 require you to specify options.email as well.
55 * @param {number} [options.port] - The port on which to connect to
56 * the remote host.
57 * @param {string} [options.projectId] - The project ID from the Google
58 * Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check
59 * the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID. If your
60 * app is running in an environment which supports
61 * {@link https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials Application Default Credentials},
62 * your project ID will be detected automatically.
63 * @param {string} [options.apiEndpoint] - The domain name of the
64 * API remote host.
65 * @param {gax.ClientConfig} [options.clientConfig] - Client configuration override.
66 * Follows the structure of {@link gapicConfig}.
67 * @param {boolean} [options.fallback] - Use HTTP fallback mode.
68 * In fallback mode, a special browser-compatible transport implementation is used
69 * instead of gRPC transport. In browser context (if the `window` object is defined)
70 * the fallback mode is enabled automatically; set `options.fallback` to `false`
71 * if you need to override this behavior.
72 */
73 constructor(opts) {
74 var _a, _b;
75 this._terminated = false;
76 this.descriptors = {
77 page: {},
78 stream: {},
79 longrunning: {},
80 batching: {},
81 };
82 // Ensure that options include all the required fields.
83 const staticMembers = this.constructor;
84 const servicePath = (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.servicePath) || (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.apiEndpoint) || staticMembers.servicePath;
85 this._providedCustomServicePath = !!((opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.servicePath) || (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.apiEndpoint));
86 const port = (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.port) || staticMembers.port;
87 const clientConfig = (_a = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.clientConfig) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
88 const fallback = (_b = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.fallback) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof (window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.fetch) === 'function');
89 opts = Object.assign({ servicePath, port, clientConfig, fallback }, opts);
90 // If scopes are unset in options and we're connecting to a non-default endpoint, set scopes just in case.
91 if (servicePath !== staticMembers.servicePath && !('scopes' in opts)) {
92 opts['scopes'] = staticMembers.scopes;
93 }
94 // Choose either gRPC or proto-over-HTTP implementation of google-gax.
95 this._gaxModule = opts.fallback ? gax.fallback : gax;
96 // Create a `gaxGrpc` object, with any grpc-specific options sent to the client.
97 this._gaxGrpc = new this._gaxModule.GrpcClient(opts);
98 // Save options to use in initialize() method.
99 this._opts = opts;
100 // Save the auth object to the client, for use by other methods.
101 this.auth = this._gaxGrpc.auth;
102 // Set useJWTAccessWithScope on the auth object.
103 this.auth.useJWTAccessWithScope = true;
104 // Set defaultServicePath on the auth object.
105 this.auth.defaultServicePath = staticMembers.servicePath;
106 // Set the default scopes in auth client if needed.
107 if (servicePath === staticMembers.servicePath) {
108 this.auth.defaultScopes = staticMembers.scopes;
109 }
110 this.iamClient = new google_gax_1.IamClient(this._gaxGrpc, opts);
111 // Determine the client header string.
112 const clientHeader = [`gax/${this._gaxModule.version}`, `gapic/${version}`];
113 if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'versions' in process) {
114 clientHeader.push(`gl-node/${process.versions.node}`);
115 }
116 else {
117 clientHeader.push(`gl-web/${this._gaxModule.version}`);
118 }
119 if (!opts.fallback) {
120 clientHeader.push(`grpc/${this._gaxGrpc.grpcVersion}`);
121 }
122 else if (opts.fallback === 'rest') {
123 clientHeader.push(`rest/${this._gaxGrpc.grpcVersion}`);
124 }
125 if (opts.libName && opts.libVersion) {
126 clientHeader.push(`${opts.libName}/${opts.libVersion}`);
127 }
128 // Load the applicable protos.
129 this._protos = this._gaxGrpc.loadProtoJSON(jsonProtos);
130 // This API contains "path templates"; forward-slash-separated
131 // identifiers to uniquely identify resources within the API.
132 // Create useful helper objects for these.
133 this.pathTemplates = {
134 projectPathTemplate: new this._gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}'),
135 projectTopicPathTemplate: new this._gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}/topics/{topic}'),
136 schemaPathTemplate: new this._gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}'),
137 snapshotPathTemplate: new this._gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}/snapshots/{snapshot}'),
138 subscriptionPathTemplate: new this._gaxModule.PathTemplate('projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}'),
139 };
140 // Some of the methods on this service return "paged" results,
141 // (e.g. 50 results at a time, with tokens to get subsequent
142 // pages). Denote the keys used for pagination and results.
143 this.descriptors.page = {
144 listTopics: new this._gaxModule.PageDescriptor('pageToken', 'nextPageToken', 'topics'),
145 listTopicSubscriptions: new this._gaxModule.PageDescriptor('pageToken', 'nextPageToken', 'subscriptions'),
146 listTopicSnapshots: new this._gaxModule.PageDescriptor('pageToken', 'nextPageToken', 'snapshots'),
147 };
148 const protoFilesRoot = this._gaxModule.protobuf.Root.fromJSON(jsonProtos);
149 // Some methods on this API support automatically batching
150 // requests; denote this.
151 this.descriptors.batching = {
152 publish: new this._gaxModule.BundleDescriptor('messages', ['topic'], 'message_ids', gax.createByteLengthFunction(
153 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
154 protoFilesRoot.lookupType('google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage'))),
155 };
156 // Put together the default options sent with requests.
157 this._defaults = this._gaxGrpc.constructSettings('google.pubsub.v1.Publisher', gapicConfig, opts.clientConfig || {}, { 'x-goog-api-client': clientHeader.join(' ') });
158 // Set up a dictionary of "inner API calls"; the core implementation
159 // of calling the API is handled in `google-gax`, with this code
160 // merely providing the destination and request information.
161 this.innerApiCalls = {};
162 // Add a warn function to the client constructor so it can be easily tested.
163 this.warn = gax.warn;
164 }
165 /**
166 * Initialize the client.
167 * Performs asynchronous operations (such as authentication) and prepares the client.
168 * This function will be called automatically when any class method is called for the
169 * first time, but if you need to initialize it before calling an actual method,
170 * feel free to call initialize() directly.
171 *
172 * You can await on this method if you want to make sure the client is initialized.
173 *
174 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to an authenticated service stub.
175 */
176 initialize() {
177 var _a;
178 // If the client stub promise is already initialized, return immediately.
179 if (this.publisherStub) {
180 return this.publisherStub;
181 }
182 // Put together the "service stub" for
183 // google.pubsub.v1.Publisher.
184 this.publisherStub = this._gaxGrpc.createStub(this._opts.fallback
185 ? this._protos.lookupService('google.pubsub.v1.Publisher')
186 : // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
187 this._protos.google.pubsub.v1.Publisher, this._opts, this._providedCustomServicePath);
188 // Iterate over each of the methods that the service provides
189 // and create an API call method for each.
190 const publisherStubMethods = [
191 'createTopic',
192 'updateTopic',
193 'publish',
194 'getTopic',
195 'listTopics',
196 'listTopicSubscriptions',
197 'listTopicSnapshots',
198 'deleteTopic',
199 'detachSubscription',
200 ];
201 for (const methodName of publisherStubMethods) {
202 const callPromise = this.publisherStub.then(stub => (...args) => {
203 if (this._terminated) {
204 return Promise.reject('The client has already been closed.');
205 }
206 const func = stub[methodName];
207 return func.apply(stub, args);
208 }, (err) => () => {
209 throw err;
210 });
211 const descriptor = this.descriptors.page[methodName] || ((_a = this.descriptors.batching) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[methodName]) ||
212 undefined;
213 const apiCall = this._gaxModule.createApiCall(callPromise, this._defaults[methodName], descriptor);
214 this.innerApiCalls[methodName] = apiCall;
215 }
216 return this.publisherStub;
217 }
218 /**
219 * The DNS address for this API service.
220 * @returns {string} The DNS address for this service.
221 */
222 static get servicePath() {
223 return 'pubsub.googleapis.com';
224 }
225 /**
226 * The DNS address for this API service - same as servicePath(),
227 * exists for compatibility reasons.
228 * @returns {string} The DNS address for this service.
229 */
230 static get apiEndpoint() {
231 return 'pubsub.googleapis.com';
232 }
233 /**
234 * The port for this API service.
235 * @returns {number} The default port for this service.
236 */
237 static get port() {
238 return 443;
239 }
240 /**
241 * The scopes needed to make gRPC calls for every method defined
242 * in this service.
243 * @returns {string[]} List of default scopes.
244 */
245 static get scopes() {
246 return [
247 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',
248 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub',
249 ];
250 }
251 /**
252 * Return the project ID used by this class.
253 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to string containing the project ID.
254 */
255 getProjectId(callback) {
256 if (callback) {
257 this.auth.getProjectId(callback);
258 return;
259 }
260 return this.auth.getProjectId();
261 }
262 createTopic(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
263 request = request || {};
264 let options;
265 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
266 callback = optionsOrCallback;
267 options = {};
268 }
269 else {
270 options = optionsOrCallback;
271 }
272 options = options || {};
273 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
274 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
275 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
276 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
277 name: request.name || '',
278 });
279 this.initialize();
280 return this.innerApiCalls.createTopic(request, options, callback);
281 }
282 updateTopic(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
283 request = request || {};
284 let options;
285 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
286 callback = optionsOrCallback;
287 options = {};
288 }
289 else {
290 options = optionsOrCallback;
291 }
292 options = options || {};
293 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
294 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
295 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
296 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
297 'topic.name': request.topic.name || '',
298 });
299 this.initialize();
300 return this.innerApiCalls.updateTopic(request, options, callback);
301 }
302 publish(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
303 request = request || {};
304 let options;
305 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
306 callback = optionsOrCallback;
307 options = {};
308 }
309 else {
310 options = optionsOrCallback;
311 }
312 options = options || {};
313 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
314 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
315 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
316 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
317 topic: request.topic || '',
318 });
319 this.initialize();
320 return this.innerApiCalls.publish(request, options, callback);
321 }
322 getTopic(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
323 request = request || {};
324 let options;
325 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
326 callback = optionsOrCallback;
327 options = {};
328 }
329 else {
330 options = optionsOrCallback;
331 }
332 options = options || {};
333 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
334 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
335 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
336 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
337 topic: request.topic || '',
338 });
339 this.initialize();
340 return this.innerApiCalls.getTopic(request, options, callback);
341 }
342 deleteTopic(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
343 request = request || {};
344 let options;
345 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
346 callback = optionsOrCallback;
347 options = {};
348 }
349 else {
350 options = optionsOrCallback;
351 }
352 options = options || {};
353 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
354 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
355 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
356 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
357 topic: request.topic || '',
358 });
359 this.initialize();
360 return this.innerApiCalls.deleteTopic(request, options, callback);
361 }
362 detachSubscription(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
363 request = request || {};
364 let options;
365 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
366 callback = optionsOrCallback;
367 options = {};
368 }
369 else {
370 options = optionsOrCallback;
371 }
372 options = options || {};
373 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
374 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
375 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
376 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
377 subscription: request.subscription || '',
378 });
379 this.initialize();
380 return this.innerApiCalls.detachSubscription(request, options, callback);
381 }
382 listTopics(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
383 request = request || {};
384 let options;
385 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
386 callback = optionsOrCallback;
387 options = {};
388 }
389 else {
390 options = optionsOrCallback;
391 }
392 options = options || {};
393 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
394 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
395 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
396 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
397 project: request.project || '',
398 });
399 this.initialize();
400 return this.innerApiCalls.listTopics(request, options, callback);
401 }
402 /**
403 * Equivalent to `method.name.toCamelCase()`, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.
404 * @param {Object} request
405 * The request object that will be sent.
406 * @param {string} request.project
407 * Required. The name of the project in which to list topics.
408 * Format is `projects/{project-id}`.
409 * @param {number} request.pageSize
410 * Maximum number of topics to return.
411 * @param {string} request.pageToken
412 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicsResponse`; indicates that this is
413 * a continuation of a prior `ListTopics` call, and that the system should
414 * return the next page of data.
415 * @param {object} [options]
416 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
417 * @returns {Stream}
418 * An object stream which emits an object representing [Topic]{@link google.pubsub.v1.Topic} on 'data' event.
419 * The client library will perform auto-pagination by default: it will call the API as many
420 * times as needed. Note that it can affect your quota.
421 * We recommend using `listTopicsAsync()`
422 * method described below for async iteration which you can stop as needed.
423 * Please see the
424 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
425 * for more details and examples.
426 */
427 listTopicsStream(request, options) {
428 request = request || {};
429 options = options || {};
430 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
431 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
432 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
433 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
434 project: request.project || '',
435 });
436 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopics'];
437 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
438 this.initialize();
439 return this.descriptors.page.listTopics.createStream(this.innerApiCalls.listTopics, request, callSettings);
440 }
441 /**
442 * Equivalent to `listTopics`, but returns an iterable object.
443 *
444 * `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
445 * @param {Object} request
446 * The request object that will be sent.
447 * @param {string} request.project
448 * Required. The name of the project in which to list topics.
449 * Format is `projects/{project-id}`.
450 * @param {number} request.pageSize
451 * Maximum number of topics to return.
452 * @param {string} request.pageToken
453 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicsResponse`; indicates that this is
454 * a continuation of a prior `ListTopics` call, and that the system should
455 * return the next page of data.
456 * @param {object} [options]
457 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
458 * @returns {Object}
459 * An iterable Object that allows [async iteration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols).
460 * When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
461 * [Topic]{@link google.pubsub.v1.Topic}. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
462 * so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
463 * Please see the
464 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
465 * for more details and examples.
466 * @example <caption>include:samples/generated/v1/publisher.list_topics.js</caption>
467 * region_tag:pubsub_v1_generated_Publisher_ListTopics_async
468 */
469 listTopicsAsync(request, options) {
470 request = request || {};
471 options = options || {};
472 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
473 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
474 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
475 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
476 project: request.project || '',
477 });
478 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopics'];
479 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
480 this.initialize();
481 return this.descriptors.page.listTopics.asyncIterate(this.innerApiCalls['listTopics'], request, callSettings);
482 }
483 listTopicSubscriptions(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
484 request = request || {};
485 let options;
486 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
487 callback = optionsOrCallback;
488 options = {};
489 }
490 else {
491 options = optionsOrCallback;
492 }
493 options = options || {};
494 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
495 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
496 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
497 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
498 topic: request.topic || '',
499 });
500 this.initialize();
501 return this.innerApiCalls.listTopicSubscriptions(request, options, callback);
502 }
503 /**
504 * Equivalent to `method.name.toCamelCase()`, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.
505 * @param {Object} request
506 * The request object that will be sent.
507 * @param {string} request.topic
508 * Required. The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to.
509 * Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.
510 * @param {number} request.pageSize
511 * Maximum number of subscription names to return.
512 * @param {string} request.pageToken
513 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse`; indicates
514 * that this is a continuation of a prior `ListTopicSubscriptions` call, and
515 * that the system should return the next page of data.
516 * @param {object} [options]
517 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
518 * @returns {Stream}
519 * An object stream which emits an object representing string on 'data' event.
520 * The client library will perform auto-pagination by default: it will call the API as many
521 * times as needed. Note that it can affect your quota.
522 * We recommend using `listTopicSubscriptionsAsync()`
523 * method described below for async iteration which you can stop as needed.
524 * Please see the
525 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
526 * for more details and examples.
527 */
528 listTopicSubscriptionsStream(request, options) {
529 request = request || {};
530 options = options || {};
531 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
532 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
533 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
534 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
535 topic: request.topic || '',
536 });
537 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopicSubscriptions'];
538 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
539 this.initialize();
540 return this.descriptors.page.listTopicSubscriptions.createStream(this.innerApiCalls.listTopicSubscriptions, request, callSettings);
541 }
542 /**
543 * Equivalent to `listTopicSubscriptions`, but returns an iterable object.
544 *
545 * `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
546 * @param {Object} request
547 * The request object that will be sent.
548 * @param {string} request.topic
549 * Required. The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to.
550 * Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.
551 * @param {number} request.pageSize
552 * Maximum number of subscription names to return.
553 * @param {string} request.pageToken
554 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse`; indicates
555 * that this is a continuation of a prior `ListTopicSubscriptions` call, and
556 * that the system should return the next page of data.
557 * @param {object} [options]
558 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
559 * @returns {Object}
560 * An iterable Object that allows [async iteration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols).
561 * When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
562 * string. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
563 * so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
564 * Please see the
565 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
566 * for more details and examples.
567 * @example <caption>include:samples/generated/v1/publisher.list_topic_subscriptions.js</caption>
568 * region_tag:pubsub_v1_generated_Publisher_ListTopicSubscriptions_async
569 */
570 listTopicSubscriptionsAsync(request, options) {
571 request = request || {};
572 options = options || {};
573 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
574 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
575 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
576 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
577 topic: request.topic || '',
578 });
579 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopicSubscriptions'];
580 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
581 this.initialize();
582 return this.descriptors.page.listTopicSubscriptions.asyncIterate(this.innerApiCalls['listTopicSubscriptions'], request, callSettings);
583 }
584 listTopicSnapshots(request, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
585 request = request || {};
586 let options;
587 if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
588 callback = optionsOrCallback;
589 options = {};
590 }
591 else {
592 options = optionsOrCallback;
593 }
594 options = options || {};
595 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
596 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
597 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
598 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
599 topic: request.topic || '',
600 });
601 this.initialize();
602 return this.innerApiCalls.listTopicSnapshots(request, options, callback);
603 }
604 /**
605 * Equivalent to `method.name.toCamelCase()`, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.
606 * @param {Object} request
607 * The request object that will be sent.
608 * @param {string} request.topic
609 * Required. The name of the topic that snapshots are attached to.
610 * Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.
611 * @param {number} request.pageSize
612 * Maximum number of snapshot names to return.
613 * @param {string} request.pageToken
614 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicSnapshotsResponse`; indicates
615 * that this is a continuation of a prior `ListTopicSnapshots` call, and
616 * that the system should return the next page of data.
617 * @param {object} [options]
618 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
619 * @returns {Stream}
620 * An object stream which emits an object representing string on 'data' event.
621 * The client library will perform auto-pagination by default: it will call the API as many
622 * times as needed. Note that it can affect your quota.
623 * We recommend using `listTopicSnapshotsAsync()`
624 * method described below for async iteration which you can stop as needed.
625 * Please see the
626 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
627 * for more details and examples.
628 */
629 listTopicSnapshotsStream(request, options) {
630 request = request || {};
631 options = options || {};
632 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
633 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
634 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
635 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
636 topic: request.topic || '',
637 });
638 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopicSnapshots'];
639 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
640 this.initialize();
641 return this.descriptors.page.listTopicSnapshots.createStream(this.innerApiCalls.listTopicSnapshots, request, callSettings);
642 }
643 /**
644 * Equivalent to `listTopicSnapshots`, but returns an iterable object.
645 *
646 * `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
647 * @param {Object} request
648 * The request object that will be sent.
649 * @param {string} request.topic
650 * Required. The name of the topic that snapshots are attached to.
651 * Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.
652 * @param {number} request.pageSize
653 * Maximum number of snapshot names to return.
654 * @param {string} request.pageToken
655 * The value returned by the last `ListTopicSnapshotsResponse`; indicates
656 * that this is a continuation of a prior `ListTopicSnapshots` call, and
657 * that the system should return the next page of data.
658 * @param {object} [options]
659 * Call options. See {@link https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/google-gax/latest/interfaces/CallOptions.html|CallOptions} for more details.
660 * @returns {Object}
661 * An iterable Object that allows [async iteration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols).
662 * When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
663 * string. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
664 * so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
665 * Please see the
666 * [documentation](https://github.com/googleapis/gax-nodejs/blob/master/client-libraries.md#auto-pagination)
667 * for more details and examples.
668 * @example <caption>include:samples/generated/v1/publisher.list_topic_snapshots.js</caption>
669 * region_tag:pubsub_v1_generated_Publisher_ListTopicSnapshots_async
670 */
671 listTopicSnapshotsAsync(request, options) {
672 request = request || {};
673 options = options || {};
674 options.otherArgs = options.otherArgs || {};
675 options.otherArgs.headers = options.otherArgs.headers || {};
676 options.otherArgs.headers['x-goog-request-params'] =
677 gax.routingHeader.fromParams({
678 topic: request.topic || '',
679 });
680 const defaultCallSettings = this._defaults['listTopicSnapshots'];
681 const callSettings = defaultCallSettings.merge(options);
682 this.initialize();
683 return this.descriptors.page.listTopicSnapshots.asyncIterate(this.innerApiCalls['listTopicSnapshots'], request, callSettings);
684 }
685 /**
686 * Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy
687 * if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
688 *
689 * @param {Object} request
690 * The request object that will be sent.
691 * @param {string} request.resource
692 * REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
693 * See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
694 * @param {Object} [request.options]
695 * OPTIONAL: A `GetPolicyOptions` object for specifying options to
696 * `GetIamPolicy`. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.
697 *
698 * This object should have the same structure as [GetPolicyOptions]{@link google.iam.v1.GetPolicyOptions}
699 * @param {Object} [options]
700 * Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
701 * retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
702 * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
703 * The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
704 *
705 * The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [Policy]{@link google.iam.v1.Policy}.
706 * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
707 * The first element of the array is an object representing [Policy]{@link google.iam.v1.Policy}.
708 * The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
709 */
710 getIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
711 return this.iamClient.getIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
712 }
713 /**
714 * Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
715 * resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
716 * permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
717 *
718 * Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
719 * permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
720 * checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
721 *
722 * @param {Object} request
723 * The request object that will be sent.
724 * @param {string} request.resource
725 * REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
726 * See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
727 * @param {string[]} request.permissions
728 * The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
729 * wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
730 * information see
731 * [IAM Overview](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/overview#permissions).
732 * @param {Object} [options]
733 * Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
734 * retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
735 * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
736 * The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
737 *
738 * The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [TestIamPermissionsResponse]{@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
739 * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
740 * The first element of the array is an object representing [TestIamPermissionsResponse]{@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
741 * The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
742 */
743 setIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
744 return this.iamClient.setIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
745 }
746 /**
747 * Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
748 * resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
749 * permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
750 *
751 * Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
752 * permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
753 * checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
754 *
755 * @param {Object} request
756 * The request object that will be sent.
757 * @param {string} request.resource
758 * REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
759 * See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
760 * @param {string[]} request.permissions
761 * The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
762 * wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
763 * information see
764 * [IAM Overview](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/overview#permissions).
765 * @param {Object} [options]
766 * Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
767 * retries, paginations, etc. See [gax.CallOptions]{@link https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/interfaces/CallOptions.html} for the details.
768 * @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
769 * The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
770 *
771 * The second parameter to the callback is an object representing [TestIamPermissionsResponse]{@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
772 * @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
773 * The first element of the array is an object representing [TestIamPermissionsResponse]{@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
774 * The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
775 *
776 */
777 testIamPermissions(request, options, callback) {
778 return this.iamClient.testIamPermissions(request, options, callback);
779 }
780 // --------------------
781 // -- Path templates --
782 // --------------------
783 /**
784 * Return a fully-qualified project resource name string.
785 *
786 * @param {string} project
787 * @returns {string} Resource name string.
788 */
789 projectPath(project) {
790 return this.pathTemplates.projectPathTemplate.render({
791 project: project,
792 });
793 }
794 /**
795 * Parse the project from Project resource.
796 *
797 * @param {string} projectName
798 * A fully-qualified path representing Project resource.
799 * @returns {string} A string representing the project.
800 */
801 matchProjectFromProjectName(projectName) {
802 return this.pathTemplates.projectPathTemplate.match(projectName).project;
803 }
804 /**
805 * Return a fully-qualified projectTopic resource name string.
806 *
807 * @param {string} project
808 * @param {string} topic
809 * @returns {string} Resource name string.
810 */
811 projectTopicPath(project, topic) {
812 return this.pathTemplates.projectTopicPathTemplate.render({
813 project: project,
814 topic: topic,
815 });
816 }
817 /**
818 * Parse the project from ProjectTopic resource.
819 *
820 * @param {string} projectTopicName
821 * A fully-qualified path representing project_topic resource.
822 * @returns {string} A string representing the project.
823 */
824 matchProjectFromProjectTopicName(projectTopicName) {
825 return this.pathTemplates.projectTopicPathTemplate.match(projectTopicName)
826 .project;
827 }
828 /**
829 * Parse the topic from ProjectTopic resource.
830 *
831 * @param {string} projectTopicName
832 * A fully-qualified path representing project_topic resource.
833 * @returns {string} A string representing the topic.
834 */
835 matchTopicFromProjectTopicName(projectTopicName) {
836 return this.pathTemplates.projectTopicPathTemplate.match(projectTopicName)
837 .topic;
838 }
839 /**
840 * Return a fully-qualified schema resource name string.
841 *
842 * @param {string} project
843 * @param {string} schema
844 * @returns {string} Resource name string.
845 */
846 schemaPath(project, schema) {
847 return this.pathTemplates.schemaPathTemplate.render({
848 project: project,
849 schema: schema,
850 });
851 }
852 /**
853 * Parse the project from Schema resource.
854 *
855 * @param {string} schemaName
856 * A fully-qualified path representing Schema resource.
857 * @returns {string} A string representing the project.
858 */
859 matchProjectFromSchemaName(schemaName) {
860 return this.pathTemplates.schemaPathTemplate.match(schemaName).project;
861 }
862 /**
863 * Parse the schema from Schema resource.
864 *
865 * @param {string} schemaName
866 * A fully-qualified path representing Schema resource.
867 * @returns {string} A string representing the schema.
868 */
869 matchSchemaFromSchemaName(schemaName) {
870 return this.pathTemplates.schemaPathTemplate.match(schemaName).schema;
871 }
872 /**
873 * Return a fully-qualified snapshot resource name string.
874 *
875 * @param {string} project
876 * @param {string} snapshot
877 * @returns {string} Resource name string.
878 */
879 snapshotPath(project, snapshot) {
880 return this.pathTemplates.snapshotPathTemplate.render({
881 project: project,
882 snapshot: snapshot,
883 });
884 }
885 /**
886 * Parse the project from Snapshot resource.
887 *
888 * @param {string} snapshotName
889 * A fully-qualified path representing Snapshot resource.
890 * @returns {string} A string representing the project.
891 */
892 matchProjectFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) {
893 return this.pathTemplates.snapshotPathTemplate.match(snapshotName).project;
894 }
895 /**
896 * Parse the snapshot from Snapshot resource.
897 *
898 * @param {string} snapshotName
899 * A fully-qualified path representing Snapshot resource.
900 * @returns {string} A string representing the snapshot.
901 */
902 matchSnapshotFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) {
903 return this.pathTemplates.snapshotPathTemplate.match(snapshotName).snapshot;
904 }
905 /**
906 * Return a fully-qualified subscription resource name string.
907 *
908 * @param {string} project
909 * @param {string} subscription
910 * @returns {string} Resource name string.
911 */
912 subscriptionPath(project, subscription) {
913 return this.pathTemplates.subscriptionPathTemplate.render({
914 project: project,
915 subscription: subscription,
916 });
917 }
918 /**
919 * Parse the project from Subscription resource.
920 *
921 * @param {string} subscriptionName
922 * A fully-qualified path representing Subscription resource.
923 * @returns {string} A string representing the project.
924 */
925 matchProjectFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) {
926 return this.pathTemplates.subscriptionPathTemplate.match(subscriptionName)
927 .project;
928 }
929 /**
930 * Parse the subscription from Subscription resource.
931 *
932 * @param {string} subscriptionName
933 * A fully-qualified path representing Subscription resource.
934 * @returns {string} A string representing the subscription.
935 */
936 matchSubscriptionFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) {
937 return this.pathTemplates.subscriptionPathTemplate.match(subscriptionName)
938 .subscription;
939 }
940 /**
941 * Terminate the gRPC channel and close the client.
942 *
943 * The client will no longer be usable and all future behavior is undefined.
944 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the client is closed.
945 */
946 close() {
947 this.initialize();
948 if (!this._terminated) {
949 return this.publisherStub.then(stub => {
950 this._terminated = true;
951 stub.close();
952 this.iamClient.close();
953 });
954 }
955 return Promise.resolve();
956 }
958exports.PublisherClient = PublisherClient;
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