1 | import { BodyResponseCallback, DecorateRequestOptions, BaseMetadata } from './nodejs-common/index.js';
2 | export interface AclOptions {
3 | pathPrefix: string;
4 | request: (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback) => void;
5 | }
6 | export type GetAclResponse = [
7 | AccessControlObject | AccessControlObject[],
8 | AclMetadata
9 | ];
10 | export interface GetAclCallback {
11 | (err: Error | null, acl?: AccessControlObject | AccessControlObject[] | null, apiResponse?: AclMetadata): void;
12 | }
13 | export interface GetAclOptions {
14 | entity: string;
15 | generation?: number;
16 | userProject?: string;
17 | }
18 | export interface UpdateAclOptions {
19 | entity: string;
20 | role: string;
21 | generation?: number;
22 | userProject?: string;
23 | }
24 | export type UpdateAclResponse = [AccessControlObject, AclMetadata];
25 | export interface UpdateAclCallback {
26 | (err: Error | null, acl?: AccessControlObject | null, apiResponse?: AclMetadata): void;
27 | }
28 | export interface AddAclOptions {
29 | entity: string;
30 | role: string;
31 | generation?: number;
32 | userProject?: string;
33 | }
34 | export type AddAclResponse = [AccessControlObject, AclMetadata];
35 | export interface AddAclCallback {
36 | (err: Error | null, acl?: AccessControlObject | null, apiResponse?: AclMetadata): void;
37 | }
38 | export type RemoveAclResponse = [AclMetadata];
39 | export interface RemoveAclCallback {
40 | (err: Error | null, apiResponse?: AclMetadata): void;
41 | }
42 | export interface RemoveAclOptions {
43 | entity: string;
44 | generation?: number;
45 | userProject?: string;
46 | }
47 | export interface AccessControlObject {
48 | entity: string;
49 | role: string;
50 | projectTeam: string;
51 | }
52 | export interface AclMetadata extends BaseMetadata {
53 | bucket?: string;
54 | domain?: string;
55 | entity?: string;
56 | entityId?: string;
57 | generation?: string;
58 | object?: string;
59 | projectTeam?: {
60 | projectNumber?: string;
61 | team?: 'editors' | 'owners' | 'viewers';
62 | };
63 | role?: 'OWNER' | 'READER' | 'WRITER' | 'FULL_CONTROL';
64 | [key: string]: unknown;
65 | }
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | declare class AclRoleAccessorMethods {
82 | private static accessMethods;
83 | private static entities;
84 | private static roles;
85 | owners: {};
86 | readers: {};
87 | writers: {};
88 | constructor();
89 | _assignAccessMethods(role: string): void;
90 | }
91 | /**
92 | * Cloud Storage uses access control lists (ACLs) to manage object and
93 | * bucket access. ACLs are the mechanism you use to share objects with other
94 | * users and allow other users to access your buckets and objects.
95 | *
96 | * An ACL consists of one or more entries, where each entry grants permissions
97 | * to an entity. Permissions define the actions that can be performed against an
98 | * object or bucket (for example, `READ` or `WRITE`); the entity defines who the
99 | * permission applies to (for example, a specific user or group of users).
100 | *
101 | * Where an `entity` value is accepted, we follow the format the Cloud Storage
102 | * API expects.
103 | *
104 | * Refer to
105 | * https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/defaultObjectAccessControls
106 | * for the most up-to-date values.
107 | *
108 | * - `user-userId`
109 | * - `user-email`
110 | * - `group-groupId`
111 | * - `group-email`
112 | * - `domain-domain`
113 | * - `project-team-projectId`
114 | * - `allUsers`
115 | * - `allAuthenticatedUsers`
116 | *
117 | * Examples:
118 | *
119 | * - The user "liz@example.com" would be `user-liz@example.com`.
120 | * - The group "example@googlegroups.com" would be
121 | * `group-example@googlegroups.com`.
122 | * - To refer to all members of the Google Apps for Business domain
123 | * "example.com", the entity would be `domain-example.com`.
124 | *
125 | * For more detailed information, see
126 | * {@link http:
127 | *
128 | * @constructor Acl
129 | * @mixin
130 | * @param {object} options Configuration options.
131 | */
132 | declare class Acl extends AclRoleAccessorMethods {
133 | default: Acl;
134 | pathPrefix: string;
135 | request_: (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback) => void;
136 | constructor(options: AclOptions);
137 | add(options: AddAclOptions): Promise<AddAclResponse>;
138 | add(options: AddAclOptions, callback: AddAclCallback): void;
139 | delete(options: RemoveAclOptions): Promise<RemoveAclResponse>;
140 | delete(options: RemoveAclOptions, callback: RemoveAclCallback): void;
141 | get(options?: GetAclOptions): Promise<GetAclResponse>;
142 | get(options: GetAclOptions, callback: GetAclCallback): void;
143 | get(callback: GetAclCallback): void;
144 | update(options: UpdateAclOptions): Promise<UpdateAclResponse>;
145 | update(options: UpdateAclOptions, callback: UpdateAclCallback): void;
146 | /**
147 | * Transform API responses to a consistent object format.
148 | *
149 | * @private
150 | */
151 | makeAclObject_(accessControlObject: AccessControlObject): AccessControlObject;
152 | /**
153 | * Patch requests up to the bucket's request object.
154 | *
155 | * @private
156 | *
157 | * @param {string} method Action.
158 | * @param {string} path Request path.
159 | * @param {*} query Request query object.
160 | * @param {*} body Request body contents.
161 | * @param {function} callback Callback function.
162 | */
163 | request(reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback): void;
164 | }
165 | export { Acl, AclRoleAccessorMethods };