5.47 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
2"use strict";
3var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
4 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
6var _a, _b;
7Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
8exports.printHelp = void 0;
9const parse_1 = require("./helpers/parse");
10const main_1 = require("./main");
11const validateConfigs_1 = require("./tasks/validateConfigs");
12const version_1 = require("./version");
13const colors_1 = __importDefault(require("colors"));
14const fs_1 = require("fs");
15const yargs_1 = __importDefault(require("yargs"));
16const program = (0, yargs_1.default)(process.argv.slice(2))
17 .option('output', {
18 alias: 'o',
19 description: 'Output directory',
20 demandOption: true,
21 type: 'string',
23 .option('endpoint', {
24 alias: 'e',
25 description: 'Graphql endpoint',
26 type: 'string',
28 .option('get', {
29 alias: 'g',
30 description: 'use GET for introspection query',
31 type: 'boolean',
33 .option('schema', {
34 alias: 's',
35 type: 'string',
36 description: 'path to GraphQL schema definition file',
38 // .array('header', )
39 .option('header', {
40 alias: 'H',
41 type: 'array',
42 string: true,
43 description: 'header to use in introspection query',
45 .option('scalar', {
46 alias: 'S',
47 type: 'array',
48 string: true,
49 description: 'map a scalar to a type, for example `-S DateTime:string` ',
51 .option('methodPrefix', {
52 alias: 'mp',
53 type: 'string',
54 default: '',
55 string: true,
56 description: 'prefix for generated methods',
58 .option('methodSuffix', {
59 alias: 'ms',
60 type: 'string',
61 default: '',
62 string: true,
63 description: 'suffix for generated methods',
65 .option('esm', {
66 type: 'boolean',
67 default: false,
68 description: 'generate only ES modules code, ./generated/index.js will use esm exports and imports',
70 .option('standalone-name', {
71 type: 'string',
72 default: '',
73 description: 'generate only standalone bundle code, ./generated/standalone.js',
75 .option('standalone-compress', {
76 type: 'boolean',
77 default: true,
78 description: 'compress standalone bundle code, ./generated/standalone.js',
80 .option('esm-and-cjs', {
81 type: 'boolean',
82 default: false,
83 description: 'generate both ES modules code and CJS code, useful when publishing a package, ./generated/index.js will use CJS require',
85 .option('sort', {
86 type: 'boolean',
87 default: false,
88 description: 'sort object properties to not create diffs after generations',
90 .option('verbose', { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', default: false })
91 .example('$0 --output ./generated --endpoint http://localhost:3000 -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx"', 'generate the client from an endpoint')
92 .example('$0 --output ./generated --schema ./schema.graphql', 'generate the client from a schema')
93 .help('help')
94 .help('h')
95 .parseSync();
96// .option('-o, --output <./myClient>', 'output directory')
97// .option('-e, --endpoint <http://example.com/graphql>', 'GraphQL endpoint')
98// .option('-g, --get', 'use GET for introspection query')
99// .option(
100// '-s, --schema <./mySchema.graphql>',
101// 'path to GraphQL schema definition file',
102// )
103// .option(
104// '-f, --fetcher <./schemaFetcher.js>',
105// 'path to introspection query fetcher file',
106// )
107// .option('-H', '--header')
108// .option('-v, --verbose', 'verbose output')
109// .parse(process.argv)
110const config = {
111 endpoint: program.endpoint,
112 useGet: program.get,
113 schema: program.schema && readFile(program.schema),
114 output: program.output,
115 methodPrefix: (_a = program.methodPrefix) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '',
116 methodSuffix: (_b = program.methodSuffix) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '',
117 headers: (0, parse_1.parseColonSeparatedStrings)(program.header || []),
118 scalarTypes: (0, parse_1.parseColonSeparatedStrings)(program.scalar || []),
119 onlyEsModules: program.esm,
120 onlyCJSModules: !program['esm-and-cjs'] && !program.esm,
121 'standalone-name': program['standalone-name'],
122 'standalone-compress': program['standalone-compress'],
123 verbose: program.verbose,
124 sortProperties: program.sort,
126if (!(0, validateConfigs_1.validateConfigs)([config])) {
127 process.exit(1);
129(0, main_1.generate)(config)
130 .catch((e) => {
131 console.error(colors_1.default.red('Cannot generate, got an error:'));
132 console.error(e);
133 process.exit(1);
135 .then(() => {
136 printHelp({
137 dirPath: program.output,
138 useYarn: false,
139 dependencies: [`@gqlts/runtime@${version_1.version}`, 'graphql'],
140 });
142function printHelp({ useYarn, dirPath, dependencies }) {
143 console.info();
144 console.info(`${colors_1.default.green('Success!')} Generated client code inside '${dirPath}'`);
145 console.info();
146 console.info(colors_1.default.bold('Remember to install the necessary runtime package with:'));
147 console.info();
148 console.info(` ${colors_1.default.cyan(`${useYarn ? 'yarn add' : 'npm install'} ${dependencies.join(' ')}`)}`);
149 console.info();
150 console.info('PS: `@gqlts/runtime` should always have the same version as the cli!');
151 console.info();
153exports.printHelp = printHelp;
154function readFile(p) {
155 if (!(0, fs_1.existsSync)(p)) {
156 console.log(`file '${p}' does not exist`);
157 process.exit(1);
158 }
159 return (0, fs_1.readFileSync)(p).toString();
161//# sourceMappingURL=cli.js.map
\No newline at end of file