63.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
7function _interopNamespace(e) {
8 if (e && e.__esModule) { return e; } else {
9 var n = {};
10 if (e) {
11 Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
12 var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
13 Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
14 enumerable: true,
15 get: function () {
16 return e[k];
17 }
18 });
19 });
20 }
21 n['default'] = e;
22 return n;
23 }
26const pluginHelpers = require('@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers');
27const core = require('@graphql-codegen/core');
28const chalk = _interopDefault(require('chalk'));
29const indentString = _interopDefault(require('indent-string'));
30const logSymbols = _interopDefault(require('log-symbols'));
31const ansiEscapes = _interopDefault(require('ansi-escapes'));
32const wrapAnsi = _interopDefault(require('wrap-ansi'));
33const commonTags = require('common-tags');
34const tsLog = require('ts-log');
35const graphql = require('graphql');
36const path = require('path');
37const path__default = _interopDefault(path);
38const utils = require('@graphql-tools/utils');
39const cosmiconfig = require('cosmiconfig');
40const stringEnvInterpolation = require('string-env-interpolation');
41const yargs = _interopDefault(require('yargs'));
42const graphqlConfig = require('graphql-config');
43const apolloEngineLoader = require('@graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader');
44const codeFileLoader = require('@graphql-tools/code-file-loader');
45const gitLoader = require('@graphql-tools/git-loader');
46const githubLoader = require('@graphql-tools/github-loader');
47const prismaLoader = require('@graphql-tools/prisma-loader');
48const load = require('@graphql-tools/load');
49const graphqlFileLoader = require('@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader');
50const jsonFileLoader = require('@graphql-tools/json-file-loader');
51const urlLoader = require('@graphql-tools/url-loader');
52const yaml = _interopDefault(require('yaml'));
53const fs = require('fs');
54const fs__default = _interopDefault(fs);
55const module$1 = require('module');
56const child_process = require('child_process');
57const isGlob = _interopDefault(require('is-glob'));
58const debounce = _interopDefault(require('debounce'));
59const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
60const crypto = require('crypto');
61const inquirer = _interopDefault(require('inquirer'));
62const detectIndent = _interopDefault(require('detect-indent'));
63const getLatestVersion = _interopDefault(require('latest-version'));
65let logger;
66function getLogger() {
67 return logger || tsLog.dummyLogger;
70function useWinstonLogger() {
71 if (logger && logger.levels) {
72 return;
73 }
74 logger = console;
77let queue = [];
78function debugLog(message, ...meta) {
79 if (!process.env.GQL_CODEGEN_NODEBUG && process.env.DEBUG !== undefined) {
80 queue.push({
81 message,
82 meta,
83 });
84 }
86function printLogs() {
87 if (!process.env.GQL_CODEGEN_NODEBUG && process.env.DEBUG !== undefined) {
88 queue.forEach(log => {
89 getLogger().info(log.message, ...log.meta);
90 });
91 resetLogs();
92 }
94function resetLogs() {
95 queue = [];
98const UpdateRenderer = require('listr-update-renderer');
99class Renderer {
100 constructor(tasks, options) {
101 this.updateRenderer = new UpdateRenderer(tasks, options);
102 }
103 render() {
104 return this.updateRenderer.render();
105 }
106 end(err) {
107 this.updateRenderer.end(err);
108 if (typeof err === 'undefined') {
109 logUpdate.clear();
110 return;
111 }
112 // persist the output
113 logUpdate.done();
114 // show errors
115 if (err) {
116 const errorCount = err.errors ? err.errors.length : 0;
117 if (errorCount > 0) {
118 const count = indentString(chalk.red.bold(`Found ${errorCount} error${errorCount > 1 ? 's' : ''}`), 1);
119 const details = err.errors
120 .map(error => {
121 debugLog(`[CLI] Exited with an error`, error);
122 return { msg: pluginHelpers.isDetailedError(error) ? error.details : null, rawError: error };
123 })
124 .map(({ msg, rawError }, i) => {
125 const source = err.errors[i].source;
126 msg = msg ? chalk.gray(indentString(commonTags.stripIndent(`${msg}`), 4)) : null;
127 const stack = rawError.stack ? chalk.gray(indentString(commonTags.stripIndent(rawError.stack), 4)) : null;
128 if (source) {
129 const sourceOfError = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.name;
130 const title = indentString(`${logSymbols.error} ${sourceOfError}`, 2);
131 return [title, msg, stack, stack].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
132 }
133 return [msg, stack].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
134 })
135 .join('\n\n');
136 logUpdate.emit(['', count, details, ''].join('\n\n'));
137 }
138 else {
139 const details = err.details ? err.details : '';
140 logUpdate.emit(`${chalk.red.bold(`${indentString(err.message, 2)}`)}\n${details}\n${chalk.grey(err.stack)}`);
141 }
142 }
143 logUpdate.done();
144 printLogs();
145 }
147const render = tasks => {
148 for (const task of tasks) {
149 task.subscribe(event => {
150 if (event.type === 'SUBTASKS') {
151 render(task.subtasks);
152 return;
153 }
154 if (event.type === 'DATA') {
155 logUpdate.emit(chalk.dim(`${event.data}`));
156 }
157 logUpdate.done();
158 }, err => {
159 logUpdate.emit(err);
160 logUpdate.done();
161 });
162 }
164class ErrorRenderer {
165 constructor(tasks, _options) {
166 this.tasks = tasks;
167 }
168 render() {
169 render(this.tasks);
170 }
171 static get nonTTY() {
172 return true;
173 }
174 end() { }
176class LogUpdate {
177 constructor() {
178 this.stream = process.stdout;
179 // state
180 this.previousLineCount = 0;
181 this.previousOutput = '';
182 this.previousWidth = this.getWidth();
183 }
184 emit(...args) {
185 let output = args.join(' ') + '\n';
186 const width = this.getWidth();
187 if (output === this.previousOutput && this.previousWidth === width) {
188 return;
189 }
190 this.previousOutput = output;
191 this.previousWidth = width;
192 output = wrapAnsi(output, width, {
193 trim: false,
194 hard: true,
195 wordWrap: false,
196 });
197 this.stream.write(ansiEscapes.eraseLines(this.previousLineCount) + output);
198 this.previousLineCount = output.split('\n').length;
199 }
200 clear() {
201 this.stream.write(ansiEscapes.eraseLines(this.previousLineCount));
202 this.previousOutput = '';
203 this.previousWidth = this.getWidth();
204 this.previousLineCount = 0;
205 }
206 done() {
207 this.previousOutput = '';
208 this.previousWidth = this.getWidth();
209 this.previousLineCount = 0;
210 }
211 getWidth() {
212 const { columns } = this.stream;
213 if (!columns) {
214 return 80;
215 }
216 return columns;
217 }
219const logUpdate = new LogUpdate();
221async function getPluginByName(name, pluginLoader) {
222 const possibleNames = [
223 `@graphql-codegen/${name}`,
224 `@graphql-codegen/${name}-template`,
225 `@graphql-codegen/${name}-plugin`,
226 `graphql-codegen-${name}`,
227 `graphql-codegen-${name}-template`,
228 `graphql-codegen-${name}-plugin`,
229 `codegen-${name}`,
230 `codegen-${name}-template`,
231 name,
232 ];
233 const possibleModules = possibleNames.concat(path.resolve(process.cwd(), name));
234 for (const moduleName of possibleModules) {
235 try {
236 return await pluginLoader(moduleName);
237 }
238 catch (err) {
239 if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' || !err.message.includes(moduleName)) {
240 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to load template plugin matching ${name}`, `
241 Unable to load template plugin matching '${name}'.
242 Reason:
243 ${err.message}
244 `);
245 }
246 }
247 }
248 const possibleNamesMsg = possibleNames
249 .map(name => `
250 - ${name}
251 `.trimRight())
252 .join('');
253 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to find template plugin matching ${name}`, `
254 Unable to find template plugin matching '${name}'
255 Install one of the following packages:
257 ${possibleNamesMsg}
258 `);
261async function getPresetByName(name, loader) {
262 const possibleNames = [`@graphql-codegen/${name}`, `@graphql-codegen/${name}-preset`, name];
263 for (const moduleName of possibleNames) {
264 try {
265 const loaded = await loader(moduleName);
266 if (loaded && loaded.preset) {
267 return loaded.preset;
268 }
269 else if (loaded && loaded.default) {
270 return loaded.default;
271 }
272 return loaded;
273 }
274 catch (err) {
275 if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' || !err.message.includes(moduleName)) {
276 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to load preset matching ${name}`, `
277 Unable to load preset matching '${name}'.
278 Reason:
279 ${err.message}
280 `);
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 const possibleNamesMsg = possibleNames
285 .map(name => `
286 - ${name}
287 `.trimRight())
288 .join('');
289 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to find preset matching ${name}`, `
290 Unable to find preset matching '${name}'
291 Install one of the following packages:
293 ${possibleNamesMsg}
294 `);
297const CodegenExtension = (api) => {
298 // Schema
299 api.loaders.schema.register(new codeFileLoader.CodeFileLoader());
300 api.loaders.schema.register(new gitLoader.GitLoader());
301 api.loaders.schema.register(new githubLoader.GithubLoader());
302 api.loaders.schema.register(new apolloEngineLoader.ApolloEngineLoader());
303 api.loaders.schema.register(new prismaLoader.PrismaLoader());
304 // Documents
305 api.loaders.documents.register(new codeFileLoader.CodeFileLoader());
306 api.loaders.documents.register(new gitLoader.GitLoader());
307 api.loaders.documents.register(new githubLoader.GithubLoader());
308 return {
309 name: 'codegen',
310 };
312async function findAndLoadGraphQLConfig(filepath) {
313 const config = await graphqlConfig.loadConfig({
314 filepath,
315 rootDir: process.cwd(),
316 extensions: [CodegenExtension],
317 throwOnEmpty: false,
318 throwOnMissing: false,
319 });
320 if (isGraphQLConfig(config)) {
321 return config;
322 }
324// Kamil: user might load a config that is not GraphQL Config
325// so we need to check if it's a regular config or not
326function isGraphQLConfig(config) {
327 if (!config) {
328 return false;
329 }
330 try {
331 return config.getDefault().hasExtension('codegen');
332 }
333 catch (e) { }
334 try {
335 for (const projectName in config.projects) {
336 if (config.projects.hasOwnProperty(projectName)) {
337 const project = config.projects[projectName];
338 if (project.hasExtension('codegen')) {
339 return true;
340 }
341 }
342 }
343 }
344 catch (e) { }
345 return false;
348const defaultSchemaLoadOptions = {
349 assumeValidSDL: true,
350 sort: true,
351 convertExtensions: true,
352 includeSources: true,
354const defaultDocumentsLoadOptions = {
355 sort: true,
356 skipGraphQLImport: true,
358async function loadSchema(schemaPointers, config) {
359 try {
360 const loaders = [
361 new codeFileLoader.CodeFileLoader(),
362 new gitLoader.GitLoader(),
363 new githubLoader.GithubLoader(),
364 new graphqlFileLoader.GraphQLFileLoader(),
365 new jsonFileLoader.JsonFileLoader(),
366 new urlLoader.UrlLoader(),
367 new apolloEngineLoader.ApolloEngineLoader(),
368 new prismaLoader.PrismaLoader(),
369 ];
370 const schema = await load.loadSchema(schemaPointers, {
371 ...defaultSchemaLoadOptions,
372 loaders,
373 ...config,
374 ...config.config,
375 });
376 return schema;
377 }
378 catch (e) {
379 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError('Failed to load schema', `
380 Failed to load schema from ${Object.keys(schemaPointers).join(',')}:
382 ${e.message || e}
383 ${e.stack || ''}
385 GraphQL Code Generator supports:
386 - ES Modules and CommonJS exports (export as default or named export "schema")
387 - Introspection JSON File
388 - URL of GraphQL endpoint
389 - Multiple files with type definitions (glob expression)
390 - String in config file
392 Try to use one of above options and run codegen again.
394 `);
395 }
397async function loadDocuments(documentPointers, config) {
398 const loaders = [new codeFileLoader.CodeFileLoader(), new gitLoader.GitLoader(), new githubLoader.GithubLoader(), new graphqlFileLoader.GraphQLFileLoader()];
399 const loadedFromToolkit = await load.loadDocuments(documentPointers, {
400 ...defaultDocumentsLoadOptions,
401 ignore: Object.keys(config.generates).map(p => path.join(process.cwd(), p)),
402 loaders,
403 ...config,
404 ...config.config,
405 });
406 return loadedFromToolkit;
409function generateSearchPlaces(moduleName) {
410 const extensions = ['json', 'yaml', 'yml', 'js', 'config.js'];
411 // gives codegen.json...
412 const regular = extensions.map(ext => `${moduleName}.${ext}`);
413 // gives .codegenrc.json... but no .codegenrc.config.js
414 const dot = extensions.filter(ext => ext !== 'config.js').map(ext => `.${moduleName}rc.${ext}`);
415 return [...regular.concat(dot), 'package.json'];
417function customLoader(ext) {
418 function loader(filepath, content) {
419 if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) {
420 content = stringEnvInterpolation.env(content);
421 }
422 if (ext === 'json') {
423 return cosmiconfig.defaultLoaders['.json'](filepath, content);
424 }
425 if (ext === 'yaml') {
426 try {
427 const result = yaml.parse(content, { prettyErrors: true, merge: true });
428 return result;
429 }
430 catch (error) {
431 error.message = `YAML Error in ${filepath}:\n${error.message}`;
432 throw error;
433 }
434 }
435 if (ext === 'js') {
436 return cosmiconfig.defaultLoaders['.js'](filepath, content);
437 }
438 }
439 return loader;
441async function loadContext(configFilePath) {
442 const moduleName = 'codegen';
443 const cosmi = cosmiconfig.cosmiconfig(moduleName, {
444 searchPlaces: generateSearchPlaces(moduleName),
445 packageProp: moduleName,
446 loaders: {
447 '.json': customLoader('json'),
448 '.yaml': customLoader('yaml'),
449 '.yml': customLoader('yaml'),
450 '.js': customLoader('js'),
451 noExt: customLoader('yaml'),
452 },
453 });
454 const graphqlConfig = await findAndLoadGraphQLConfig(configFilePath);
455 if (graphqlConfig) {
456 return new CodegenContext({
457 graphqlConfig,
458 });
459 }
460 const result = await (configFilePath ? cosmi.load(configFilePath) : cosmi.search(process.cwd()));
461 if (!result) {
462 if (configFilePath) {
463 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Config ${configFilePath} does not exist`, `
464 Config ${configFilePath} does not exist.
466 $ graphql-codegen --config ${configFilePath}
468 Please make sure the --config points to a correct file.
469 `);
470 }
471 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to find Codegen config file!`, `
472 Please make sure that you have a configuration file under the current directory!
473 `);
474 }
475 if (result.isEmpty) {
476 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Found Codegen config file but it was empty!`, `
477 Please make sure that you have a valid configuration file under the current directory!
478 `);
479 }
480 return new CodegenContext({
481 filepath: result.filepath,
482 config: result.config,
483 });
485function getCustomConfigPath(cliFlags) {
486 const configFile = cliFlags.config;
487 return configFile ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), configFile) : null;
489function buildOptions() {
490 return {
491 c: {
492 alias: 'config',
493 type: 'string',
494 describe: 'Path to GraphQL codegen YAML config file, defaults to "codegen.yml" on the current directory',
495 },
496 w: {
497 alias: 'watch',
498 describe: 'Watch for changes and execute generation automatically. You can also specify a glob expreession for custom watch list.',
499 coerce: (watch) => {
500 if (watch === 'false') {
501 return false;
502 }
503 if (typeof watch === 'string' || Array.isArray(watch)) {
504 return watch;
505 }
506 return true;
507 },
508 },
509 r: {
510 alias: 'require',
511 describe: 'Loads specific require.extensions before running the codegen and reading the configuration',
512 type: 'array',
513 default: [],
514 },
515 o: {
516 alias: 'overwrite',
517 describe: 'Overwrites existing files',
518 type: 'boolean',
519 },
520 s: {
521 alias: 'silent',
522 describe: 'Suppresses printing errors',
523 type: 'boolean',
524 },
525 e: {
526 alias: 'errors-only',
527 describe: 'Only print errors',
528 type: 'boolean',
529 },
530 p: {
531 alias: 'project',
532 describe: 'Name of a project in GraphQL Config',
533 type: 'string',
534 },
535 };
537function parseArgv(argv = process.argv) {
538 return yargs.options(buildOptions()).parse(argv);
540async function createContext(cliFlags = parseArgv(process.argv)) {
541 if (cliFlags.require && cliFlags.require.length > 0) {
542 await Promise.all(cliFlags.require.map(mod => new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(_interopNamespace(require(require.resolve(mod, { paths: [process.cwd()] })))); })));
543 }
544 const customConfigPath = getCustomConfigPath(cliFlags);
545 const context = await loadContext(customConfigPath);
546 updateContextWithCliFlags(context, cliFlags);
547 return context;
549function updateContextWithCliFlags(context, cliFlags) {
550 const config = {
551 configFilePath: context.filepath,
552 };
553 if (cliFlags.watch) {
554 config.watch = cliFlags.watch;
555 }
556 if (cliFlags.overwrite === true) {
557 config.overwrite = cliFlags.overwrite;
558 }
559 if (cliFlags.silent === true) {
560 config.silent = cliFlags.silent;
561 }
562 if (cliFlags.errorsOnly === true) {
563 config.errorsOnly = cliFlags.errorsOnly;
564 }
565 if (cliFlags.project) {
566 context.useProject(cliFlags.project);
567 }
568 context.updateConfig(config);
570class CodegenContext {
571 constructor({ config, graphqlConfig, filepath, }) {
572 this._pluginContext = {};
573 this._config = config;
574 this._graphqlConfig = graphqlConfig;
575 this.filepath = this._graphqlConfig ? this._graphqlConfig.filepath : filepath;
576 this.cwd = this._graphqlConfig ? this._graphqlConfig.dirpath : process.cwd();
577 }
578 useProject(name) {
579 this._project = name;
580 }
581 getConfig(extraConfig) {
582 if (!this.config) {
583 if (this._graphqlConfig) {
584 const project = this._graphqlConfig.getProject(this._project);
585 this.config = {
586 ...project.extension('codegen'),
587 schema: project.schema,
588 documents: project.documents,
589 pluginContext: this._pluginContext,
590 };
591 }
592 else {
593 this.config = { ...this._config, pluginContext: this._pluginContext };
594 }
595 }
596 return {
597 ...extraConfig,
598 ...this.config,
599 };
600 }
601 updateConfig(config) {
602 this.config = {
603 ...this.getConfig(),
604 ...config,
605 };
606 }
607 getPluginContext() {
608 return this._pluginContext;
609 }
610 async loadSchema(pointer) {
611 const config = this.getConfig(defaultSchemaLoadOptions);
612 if (this._graphqlConfig) {
613 // TODO: SchemaWithLoader won't work here
614 return this._graphqlConfig.getProject(this._project).loadSchema(pointer, 'GraphQLSchema', config);
615 }
616 return loadSchema(pointer, config);
617 }
618 async loadDocuments(pointer) {
619 const config = this.getConfig(defaultDocumentsLoadOptions);
620 if (this._graphqlConfig) {
621 // TODO: pointer won't work here
622 const documents = await this._graphqlConfig.getProject(this._project).loadDocuments(pointer, config);
623 return documents;
624 }
625 return loadDocuments(pointer, config);
626 }
628function ensureContext(input) {
629 return input instanceof CodegenContext ? input : new CodegenContext({ config: input });
632const makeDefaultLoader = (from) => {
633 if (fs__default.statSync(from).isDirectory()) {
634 from = path__default.join(from, '__fake.js');
635 }
636 const relativeRequire = (module$1.createRequire || module$1.createRequireFromPath)(from);
637 return (mod) => {
638 return new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(_interopNamespace(require(relativeRequire.resolve(mod)))); });
639 };
641async function executeCodegen(input) {
642 function wrapTask(task, source) {
643 return async () => {
644 try {
645 await Promise.resolve().then(() => task());
646 }
647 catch (error) {
648 if (source && !(error instanceof graphql.GraphQLError)) {
649 error.source = source;
650 }
651 throw error;
652 }
653 };
654 }
655 const context = ensureContext(input);
656 const config = context.getConfig();
657 const pluginContext = context.getPluginContext();
658 const result = [];
659 const commonListrOptions = {
660 exitOnError: true,
661 };
662 const Listr = await new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(_interopNamespace(require('listr'))); }).then(m => ('default' in m ? m.default : m));
663 let listr;
664 if (process.env.VERBOSE) {
665 listr = new Listr({
666 ...commonListrOptions,
667 renderer: 'verbose',
668 nonTTYRenderer: 'verbose',
669 });
670 }
671 else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
672 listr = new Listr({
673 ...commonListrOptions,
674 renderer: 'silent',
675 nonTTYRenderer: 'silent',
676 });
677 }
678 else {
679 listr = new Listr({
680 ...commonListrOptions,
681 renderer: config.silent ? 'silent' : config.errorsOnly ? ErrorRenderer : Renderer,
682 nonTTYRenderer: config.silent ? 'silent' : 'default',
683 collapse: true,
684 clearOutput: false,
685 });
686 }
687 let rootConfig = {};
688 let rootSchemas;
689 let rootDocuments;
690 const generates = {};
691 async function normalize() {
692 /* Load Require extensions */
693 const requireExtensions = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.require);
694 const loader = makeDefaultLoader(context.cwd);
695 for (const mod of requireExtensions) {
696 await loader(mod);
697 }
698 /* Root plugin config */
699 rootConfig = config.config || {};
700 /* Normalize root "schema" field */
701 rootSchemas = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);
702 /* Normalize root "documents" field */
703 rootDocuments = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);
704 /* Normalize "generators" field */
705 const generateKeys = Object.keys(config.generates || {});
706 if (generateKeys.length === 0) {
707 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError('Invalid Codegen Configuration!', `
708 Please make sure that your codegen config file contains the "generates" field, with a specification for the plugins you need.
710 It should looks like that:
712 schema:
713 - my-schema.graphql
714 generates:
715 my-file.ts:
716 - plugin1
717 - plugin2
718 - plugin3
719 `);
720 }
721 for (const filename of generateKeys) {
722 generates[filename] = pluginHelpers.normalizeOutputParam(config.generates[filename]);
723 if (generates[filename].plugins.length === 0) {
724 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError('Invalid Codegen Configuration!', `
725 Please make sure that your codegen config file has defined plugins list for output "${filename}".
727 It should looks like that:
729 schema:
730 - my-schema.graphql
731 generates:
732 my-file.ts:
733 - plugin1
734 - plugin2
735 - plugin3
736 `);
737 }
738 }
739 if (rootSchemas.length === 0 &&
740 Object.keys(generates).some(filename => !generates[filename].schema || generates[filename].schema.length === 0)) {
741 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError('Invalid Codegen Configuration!', `
742 Please make sure that your codegen config file contains either the "schema" field
743 or every generated file has its own "schema" field.
745 It should looks like that:
746 schema:
747 - my-schema.graphql
749 or:
750 generates:
751 path/to/output:
752 schema: my-schema.graphql
753 `);
754 }
755 }
756 listr.add({
757 title: 'Parse configuration',
758 task: () => normalize(),
759 });
760 listr.add({
761 title: 'Generate outputs',
762 task: () => {
763 return new Listr(Object.keys(generates).map(filename => {
764 const outputConfig = generates[filename];
765 const hasPreset = !!outputConfig.preset;
766 return {
767 title: hasPreset
768 ? `Generate to ${filename} (using EXPERIMENTAL preset "${outputConfig.preset}")`
769 : `Generate ${filename}`,
770 task: () => {
771 let outputSchemaAst;
772 let outputSchema;
773 const outputFileTemplateConfig = outputConfig.config || {};
774 const outputDocuments = [];
775 const outputSpecificSchemas = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(outputConfig.schema);
776 const outputSpecificDocuments = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(outputConfig.documents);
777 return new Listr([
778 {
779 title: 'Load GraphQL schemas',
780 task: wrapTask(async () => {
781 debugLog(`[CLI] Loading Schemas`);
782 const schemaPointerMap = {};
783 const allSchemaUnnormalizedPointers = [...rootSchemas, ...outputSpecificSchemas];
784 for (const unnormalizedPtr of allSchemaUnnormalizedPointers) {
785 if (typeof unnormalizedPtr === 'string') {
786 schemaPointerMap[unnormalizedPtr] = {};
787 }
788 else if (typeof unnormalizedPtr === 'object') {
789 Object.assign(schemaPointerMap, unnormalizedPtr);
790 }
791 }
792 outputSchemaAst = await context.loadSchema(schemaPointerMap);
793 outputSchema = graphql.parse(utils.printSchemaWithDirectives(outputSchemaAst));
794 }, filename),
795 },
796 {
797 title: 'Load GraphQL documents',
798 task: wrapTask(async () => {
799 debugLog(`[CLI] Loading Documents`);
800 const allDocuments = [...rootDocuments, ...outputSpecificDocuments];
801 const documents = await context.loadDocuments(allDocuments);
802 if (documents.length > 0) {
803 outputDocuments.push(...documents);
804 }
805 }, filename),
806 },
807 {
808 title: 'Generate',
809 task: wrapTask(async () => {
810 debugLog(`[CLI] Generating output`);
811 const normalizedPluginsArray = pluginHelpers.normalizeConfig(outputConfig.plugins);
812 const pluginLoader = config.pluginLoader || makeDefaultLoader(context.cwd);
813 const pluginPackages = await Promise.all(normalizedPluginsArray.map(plugin => getPluginByName(Object.keys(plugin)[0], pluginLoader)));
814 const pluginMap = {};
815 const preset = hasPreset
816 ? typeof outputConfig.preset === 'string'
817 ? await getPresetByName(outputConfig.preset, makeDefaultLoader(context.cwd))
818 : outputConfig.preset
819 : null;
820 pluginPackages.forEach((pluginPackage, i) => {
821 const plugin = normalizedPluginsArray[i];
822 const name = Object.keys(plugin)[0];
823 pluginMap[name] = pluginPackage;
824 });
825 const mergedConfig = {
826 ...rootConfig,
827 ...(typeof outputFileTemplateConfig === 'string'
828 ? { value: outputFileTemplateConfig }
829 : outputFileTemplateConfig),
830 };
831 let outputs = [];
832 if (hasPreset) {
833 outputs = await preset.buildGeneratesSection({
834 baseOutputDir: filename,
835 presetConfig: outputConfig.presetConfig || {},
836 plugins: normalizedPluginsArray,
837 schema: outputSchema,
838 schemaAst: outputSchemaAst,
839 documents: outputDocuments,
840 config: mergedConfig,
841 pluginMap,
842 pluginContext,
843 });
844 }
845 else {
846 outputs = [
847 {
848 filename,
849 plugins: normalizedPluginsArray,
850 schema: outputSchema,
851 schemaAst: outputSchemaAst,
852 documents: outputDocuments,
853 config: mergedConfig,
854 pluginMap,
855 pluginContext,
856 },
857 ];
858 }
859 const process = async (outputArgs) => {
860 const output = await core.codegen(outputArgs);
861 result.push({
862 filename: outputArgs.filename,
863 content: output,
864 hooks: outputConfig.hooks || {},
865 });
866 };
867 await Promise.all(outputs.map(process));
868 }, filename),
869 },
870 ], {
871 // it stops when one of tasks failed
872 exitOnError: true,
873 });
874 },
875 };
876 }), {
877 // it doesn't stop when one of tasks failed, to finish at least some of outputs
878 exitOnError: false,
879 // run 4 at once
880 concurrent: 4,
881 });
882 },
883 });
884 await listr.run();
885 return result;
888const DEFAULT_HOOKS = {
889 afterStart: [],
890 beforeDone: [],
891 onWatchTriggered: [],
892 onError: [],
893 afterOneFileWrite: [],
894 afterAllFileWrite: [],
895 beforeOneFileWrite: [],
896 beforeAllFileWrite: [],
898function normalizeHooks(_hooks) {
899 const keys = Object.keys({
901 ...(_hooks || {}),
902 });
903 return keys.reduce((prev, hookName) => {
904 if (typeof _hooks[hookName] === 'string') {
905 return {
906 ...prev,
907 [hookName]: [_hooks[hookName]],
908 };
909 }
910 else if (typeof _hooks[hookName] === 'function') {
911 return {
912 ...prev,
913 [hookName]: [_hooks[hookName]],
914 };
915 }
916 else if (Array.isArray(_hooks[hookName])) {
917 return {
918 ...prev,
919 [hookName]: _hooks[hookName],
920 };
921 }
922 else {
923 return prev;
924 }
925 }, {});
927function execShellCommand(cmd) {
928 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
929 child_process.exec(cmd, {
930 env: {
931 ...process.env,
932 PATH: `${process.env.PATH}${path.delimiter}${process.cwd()}${path.sep}node_modules${path.sep}.bin`,
933 },
934 }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
935 if (error) {
936 reject(error);
937 }
938 else {
939 resolve(stdout || stderr);
940 }
941 });
942 });
944async function executeHooks(hookName, scripts = [], args = []) {
945 debugLog(`Running lifecycle hook "${hookName}" scripts...`);
946 for (const script of scripts) {
947 if (typeof script === 'string') {
948 debugLog(`Running lifecycle hook "${hookName}" script: ${script} with args: ${args.join(' ')}...`);
949 await execShellCommand(`${script} ${args.join(' ')}`);
950 }
951 else {
952 debugLog(`Running lifecycle hook "${hookName}" script: ${script.name} with args: ${args.join(' ')}...`);
953 await script(...args);
954 }
955 }
957const lifecycleHooks = (_hooks = {}) => {
958 const hooks = normalizeHooks(_hooks);
959 return {
960 afterStart: async () => executeHooks('afterStart', hooks.afterStart),
961 onWatchTriggered: async (event, path) => executeHooks('onWatchTriggered', hooks.onWatchTriggered, [event, path]),
962 onError: async (error) => executeHooks('onError', hooks.onError, [`"${error}"`]),
963 afterOneFileWrite: async (path) => executeHooks('afterOneFileWrite', hooks.afterOneFileWrite, [path]),
964 afterAllFileWrite: async (paths) => executeHooks('afterAllFileWrite', hooks.afterAllFileWrite, paths),
965 beforeOneFileWrite: async (path) => executeHooks('beforeOneFileWrite', hooks.beforeOneFileWrite, [path]),
966 beforeAllFileWrite: async (paths) => executeHooks('beforeAllFileWrite', hooks.beforeAllFileWrite, paths),
967 beforeDone: async () => executeHooks('beforeDone', hooks.beforeDone),
968 };
971function log(msg) {
972 // double spaces to inline the message with Listr
973 getLogger().info(` ${msg}`);
975function emitWatching() {
976 log(`${logSymbols.info} Watching for changes...`);
978const createWatcher = (initalContext, onNext) => {
979 debugLog(`[Watcher] Starting watcher...`);
980 let config = initalContext.getConfig();
981 const files = [initalContext.filepath].filter(a => a);
982 const documents = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);
983 const schemas = pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);
984 // Add schemas and documents from "generates"
985 Object.keys(config.generates)
986 .map(filename => pluginHelpers.normalizeOutputParam(config.generates[filename]))
987 .forEach(conf => {
988 schemas.push(...pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(conf.schema));
989 documents.push(...pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(conf.documents));
990 });
991 if (documents) {
992 documents.forEach(doc => {
993 if (typeof doc === 'string') {
994 files.push(doc);
995 }
996 else {
997 files.push(...Object.keys(doc));
998 }
999 });
1000 }
1001 schemas.forEach((schema) => {
1002 if (isGlob(schema) || utils.isValidPath(schema)) {
1003 files.push(schema);
1004 }
1005 });
1006 if (typeof config.watch !== 'boolean') {
1007 files.push(...pluginHelpers.normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.watch));
1008 }
1009 let watcher;
1010 const runWatcher = async () => {
1011 var _a, _b;
1012 const chokidar = await new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(_interopNamespace(require('chokidar'))); });
1013 let isShutdown = false;
1014 const debouncedExec = debounce(() => {
1015 if (!isShutdown) {
1016 executeCodegen(initalContext)
1017 .then(onNext, () => Promise.resolve())
1018 .then(() => emitWatching());
1019 }
1020 }, 100);
1021 emitWatching();
1022 const ignored = [];
1023 Object.keys(config.generates)
1024 .map(filename => ({ filename, config: pluginHelpers.normalizeOutputParam(config.generates[filename]) }))
1025 .forEach(entry => {
1026 if (entry.config.preset) {
1027 const extension = entry.config.presetConfig && entry.config.presetConfig.extension;
1028 if (extension) {
1029 ignored.push(path.join(entry.filename, '**', '*' + extension));
1030 }
1031 }
1032 else {
1033 ignored.push(entry.filename);
1034 }
1035 });
1036 watcher = chokidar.watch(files, {
1037 persistent: true,
1038 ignoreInitial: true,
1039 followSymlinks: true,
1040 cwd: process.cwd(),
1041 disableGlobbing: false,
1042 usePolling: (_a = config.watchConfig) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.usePolling,
1043 interval: (_b = config.watchConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.interval,
1044 depth: 99,
1045 awaitWriteFinish: true,
1046 ignorePermissionErrors: false,
1047 atomic: true,
1048 ignored,
1049 });
1050 debugLog(`[Watcher] Started`);
1051 const shutdown = () => {
1052 isShutdown = true;
1053 debugLog(`[Watcher] Shutting down`);
1054 log(`Shutting down watch...`);
1055 watcher.close();
1056 lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).beforeDone();
1057 };
1058 // it doesn't matter what has changed, need to run whole process anyway
1059 watcher.on('all', async (eventName, path$1) => {
1060 lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).onWatchTriggered(eventName, path$1);
1061 debugLog(`[Watcher] triggered due to a file ${eventName} event: ${path$1}`);
1062 const fullPath = path.join(process.cwd(), path$1);
1063 delete require.cache[fullPath];
1064 if (eventName === 'change' && config.configFilePath && fullPath === config.configFilePath) {
1065 log(`${logSymbols.info} Config file has changed, reloading...`);
1066 const context = await loadContext(config.configFilePath);
1067 const newParsedConfig = context.getConfig();
1068 newParsedConfig.watch = config.watch;
1069 newParsedConfig.silent = config.silent;
1070 newParsedConfig.overwrite = config.overwrite;
1071 newParsedConfig.configFilePath = config.configFilePath;
1072 config = newParsedConfig;
1073 initalContext.updateConfig(config);
1074 }
1075 debouncedExec();
1076 });
1077 process.once('SIGINT', shutdown);
1078 process.once('SIGTERM', shutdown);
1079 };
1080 // the promise never resolves to keep process running
1081 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
1082 executeCodegen(initalContext)
1083 .then(onNext, () => Promise.resolve())
1084 .then(runWatcher)
1085 .catch(err => {
1086 watcher.close();
1087 reject(err);
1088 });
1089 });
1092function writeSync(filepath, content) {
1093 return fs.writeFileSync(filepath, content);
1095function readSync(filepath) {
1096 return fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8');
1098function fileExists(filePath) {
1099 try {
1100 return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile();
1101 }
1102 catch (err) {
1103 return false;
1104 }
1106function unlinkFile(filePath, cb) {
1107 fs.unlink(filePath, cb);
1110const hash = (content) => crypto.createHash('sha1').update(content).digest('base64');
1111async function generate(input, saveToFile = true) {
1112 const context = ensureContext(input);
1113 const config = context.getConfig();
1114 await lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).afterStart();
1115 let previouslyGeneratedFilenames = [];
1116 function removeStaleFiles(config, generationResult) {
1117 const filenames = generationResult.map(o => o.filename);
1118 // find stale files from previous build which are not present in current build
1119 const staleFilenames = previouslyGeneratedFilenames.filter(f => !filenames.includes(f));
1120 staleFilenames.forEach(filename => {
1121 if (shouldOverwrite(config, filename)) {
1122 unlinkFile(filename, err => {
1123 const prettyFilename = filename.replace(`${input.cwd || process.cwd()}/`, '');
1124 if (err) {
1125 debugLog(`Cannot remove stale file: ${prettyFilename}\n${err}`);
1126 }
1127 else {
1128 debugLog(`Removed stale file: ${prettyFilename}`);
1129 }
1130 });
1131 }
1132 });
1133 previouslyGeneratedFilenames = filenames;
1134 }
1135 const recentOutputHash = new Map();
1136 async function writeOutput(generationResult) {
1137 if (!saveToFile) {
1138 return generationResult;
1139 }
1140 if (config.watch) {
1141 removeStaleFiles(config, generationResult);
1142 }
1143 await lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).beforeAllFileWrite(generationResult.map(r => r.filename));
1144 await Promise.all(generationResult.map(async (result) => {
1145 const exists = fileExists(result.filename);
1146 if (!shouldOverwrite(config, result.filename) && exists) {
1147 return;
1148 }
1149 const content = result.content || '';
1150 const currentHash = hash(content);
1151 let previousHash = recentOutputHash.get(result.filename);
1152 if (!previousHash && exists) {
1153 previousHash = hash(readSync(result.filename));
1154 }
1155 if (previousHash && currentHash === previousHash) {
1156 debugLog(`Skipping file (${result.filename}) writing due to indentical hash...`);
1157 return;
1158 }
1159 if (content.length === 0) {
1160 return;
1161 }
1162 recentOutputHash.set(result.filename, currentHash);
1163 const basedir = path.dirname(result.filename);
1164 await lifecycleHooks(result.hooks).beforeOneFileWrite(result.filename);
1165 await lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).beforeOneFileWrite(result.filename);
1166 mkdirp.sync(basedir);
1167 const absolutePath = path.isAbsolute(result.filename)
1168 ? result.filename
1169 : path.join(input.cwd || process.cwd(), result.filename);
1170 writeSync(absolutePath, result.content);
1171 await lifecycleHooks(result.hooks).afterOneFileWrite(result.filename);
1172 await lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).afterOneFileWrite(result.filename);
1173 }));
1174 await lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).afterAllFileWrite(generationResult.map(r => r.filename));
1175 return generationResult;
1176 }
1177 // watch mode
1178 if (config.watch) {
1179 return createWatcher(context, writeOutput);
1180 }
1181 const outputFiles = await executeCodegen(context);
1182 await writeOutput(outputFiles);
1183 lifecycleHooks(config.hooks).beforeDone();
1184 return outputFiles;
1186function shouldOverwrite(config, outputPath) {
1187 const globalValue = config.overwrite === undefined ? true : !!config.overwrite;
1188 const outputConfig = config.generates[outputPath];
1189 if (!outputConfig) {
1190 debugLog(`Couldn't find a config of ${outputPath}`);
1191 return globalValue;
1192 }
1193 if (isConfiguredOutput(outputConfig) && typeof outputConfig.overwrite === 'boolean') {
1194 return outputConfig.overwrite;
1195 }
1196 return globalValue;
1198function isConfiguredOutput(output) {
1199 return typeof output.plugins !== 'undefined';
1202// Parses config and writes it to a file
1203async function writeConfig(answers, config) {
1204 const YAML = await new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(_interopNamespace(require('json-to-pretty-yaml'))); }).then(m => ('default' in m ? m.default : m));
1205 const ext = answers.config.toLocaleLowerCase().endsWith('.json') ? 'json' : 'yml';
1206 const content = ext === 'json' ? JSON.stringify(config) : YAML.stringify(config);
1207 const fullPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), answers.config);
1208 const relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), answers.config);
1209 fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, content, {
1210 encoding: 'utf-8',
1211 });
1212 return {
1213 relativePath,
1214 fullPath,
1215 };
1217// Updates package.json (script and plugins as dependencies)
1218async function writePackage(answers, configLocation) {
1219 // script
1220 const pkgPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json');
1221 const pkgContent = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, {
1222 encoding: 'utf-8',
1223 });
1224 const pkg = JSON.parse(pkgContent);
1225 const { indent } = detectIndent(pkgContent);
1226 if (!pkg.scripts) {
1227 pkg.scripts = {};
1228 }
1229 pkg.scripts[answers.script] = `graphql-codegen --config ${configLocation}`;
1230 // plugin
1231 if (!pkg.devDependencies) {
1232 pkg.devDependencies = {};
1233 }
1234 await Promise.all(answers.plugins.map(async (plugin) => {
1235 pkg.devDependencies[plugin.package] = await getLatestVersion(plugin.package);
1236 }));
1237 if (answers.introspection) {
1238 pkg.devDependencies['@graphql-codegen/introspection'] = await getLatestVersion('@graphql-codegen/introspection');
1239 }
1240 pkg.devDependencies['@graphql-codegen/cli'] = await getLatestVersion('@graphql-codegen/cli');
1241 fs.writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, indent));
1243function bold(str) {
1244 return chalk.bold(str);
1246function grey(str) {
1247 return chalk.grey(str);
1249function italic(str) {
1250 return chalk.italic(str);
1253var Tags;
1254(function (Tags) {
1255 Tags["browser"] = "Browser";
1256 Tags["node"] = "Node";
1257 Tags["typescript"] = "TypeScript";
1258 Tags["flow"] = "Flow";
1259 Tags["angular"] = "Angular";
1260 Tags["stencil"] = "Stencil";
1261 Tags["react"] = "React";
1262 Tags["vue"] = "Vue";
1263})(Tags || (Tags = {}));
1265const plugins = [
1266 {
1267 name: `TypeScript ${italic('(required by other typescript plugins)')}`,
1268 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript',
1269 value: 'typescript',
1270 pathInRepo: 'typescript/typescript',
1271 available: hasTag(Tags.typescript),
1272 shouldBeSelected: tags => oneOf(tags, Tags.angular, Tags.stencil) || allOf(tags, Tags.typescript, Tags.react) || noneOf(tags, Tags.flow),
1273 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1274 },
1275 {
1276 name: `TypeScript Operations ${italic('(operations and fragments)')}`,
1277 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations',
1278 value: 'typescript-operations',
1279 pathInRepo: 'typescript/operations',
1280 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.browser, Tags.typescript),
1281 shouldBeSelected: tags => oneOf(tags, Tags.angular, Tags.stencil) || allOf(tags, Tags.typescript, Tags.react),
1282 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1283 },
1284 {
1285 name: `TypeScript Resolvers ${italic('(strongly typed resolve functions)')}`,
1286 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers',
1287 value: 'typescript-resolvers',
1288 pathInRepo: 'typescript/resolvers',
1289 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.node, Tags.typescript),
1290 shouldBeSelected: tags => noneOf(tags, Tags.flow),
1291 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1292 },
1293 {
1294 name: `Flow ${italic('(required by other flow plugins)')}`,
1295 package: '@graphql-codegen/flow',
1296 value: 'flow',
1297 pathInRepo: 'flow/flow',
1298 available: hasTag(Tags.flow),
1299 shouldBeSelected: tags => noneOf(tags, Tags.typescript),
1300 defaultExtension: '.js',
1301 },
1302 {
1303 name: `Flow Operations ${italic('(operations and fragments)')}`,
1304 package: '@graphql-codegen/flow-operations',
1305 value: 'flow-operations',
1306 pathInRepo: 'flow/operations',
1307 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.browser, Tags.flow),
1308 shouldBeSelected: tags => noneOf(tags, Tags.typescript),
1309 defaultExtension: '.js',
1310 },
1311 {
1312 name: `Flow Resolvers ${italic('(strongly typed resolve functions)')}`,
1313 package: '@graphql-codegen/flow-resolvers',
1314 value: 'flow-resolvers',
1315 pathInRepo: 'flow/resolvers',
1316 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.node, Tags.flow),
1317 shouldBeSelected: tags => noneOf(tags, Tags.typescript),
1318 defaultExtension: '.js',
1319 },
1320 {
1321 name: `TypeScript Apollo Angular ${italic('(typed GQL services)')}`,
1322 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-apollo-angular',
1323 value: 'typescript-apollo-angular',
1324 pathInRepo: 'typescript/apollo-angular',
1325 available: hasTag(Tags.angular),
1326 shouldBeSelected: () => true,
1327 defaultExtension: '.js',
1328 },
1329 {
1330 name: `TypeScript Vue Apollo ${italic('(typed composition functions)')}`,
1331 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-vue-apollo',
1332 value: 'typescript-vue-apollo',
1333 pathInRepo: 'typescript/vue-apollo',
1334 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.vue, Tags.typescript),
1335 shouldBeSelected: () => true,
1336 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1337 },
1338 {
1339 name: `TypeScript React Apollo ${italic('(typed components and HOCs)')}`,
1340 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo',
1341 value: 'typescript-react-apollo',
1342 pathInRepo: 'typescript/react-apollo',
1343 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.react, Tags.typescript),
1344 shouldBeSelected: () => true,
1345 defaultExtension: '.tsx',
1346 },
1347 {
1348 name: `TypeScript Stencil Apollo ${italic('(typed components)')}`,
1349 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-stencil-apollo',
1350 value: 'typescript-stencil-apollo',
1351 pathInRepo: 'typescript/stencil-apollo',
1352 available: hasTag(Tags.stencil),
1353 shouldBeSelected: () => true,
1354 defaultExtension: '.tsx',
1355 },
1356 {
1357 name: `TypeScript MongoDB ${italic('(typed MongoDB objects)')}`,
1358 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-mongodb',
1359 value: 'typescript-mongodb',
1360 pathInRepo: 'typescript/mongodb',
1361 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.node, Tags.typescript),
1362 shouldBeSelected: () => false,
1363 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1364 },
1365 {
1366 name: `TypeScript GraphQL files modules ${italic('(declarations for .graphql files)')}`,
1367 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-files-modules',
1368 value: 'typescript-graphql-files-modules',
1369 pathInRepo: 'typescript/graphql-files-modules',
1370 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.browser, Tags.typescript),
1371 shouldBeSelected: () => false,
1372 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1373 },
1374 {
1375 name: `TypeScript GraphQL document nodes ${italic('(embedded GraphQL document)')}`,
1376 package: '@graphql-codegen/typescript-document-nodes',
1377 value: 'typescript-document-nodes',
1378 pathInRepo: 'typescript/document-nodes',
1379 available: tags => allOf(tags, Tags.typescript),
1380 shouldBeSelected: () => false,
1381 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1382 },
1383 {
1384 name: `Introspection Fragment Matcher ${italic('(for Apollo Client)')}`,
1385 package: '@graphql-codegen/fragment-matcher',
1386 value: 'fragment-matcher',
1387 pathInRepo: 'other/fragment-matcher',
1388 available: hasTag(Tags.browser),
1389 shouldBeSelected: () => false,
1390 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1391 },
1392 {
1393 name: `Urql Introspection ${italic('(for Urql Client)')}`,
1394 package: '@graphql-codegen/urql-introspection',
1395 value: 'urql-introspection',
1396 pathInRepo: 'other/urql-introspection',
1397 available: hasTag(Tags.browser),
1398 shouldBeSelected: () => false,
1399 defaultExtension: '.ts',
1400 },
1402function hasTag(tag) {
1403 return (tags) => tags.includes(tag);
1405function oneOf(list, ...items) {
1406 return list.some(i => items.includes(i));
1408function noneOf(list, ...items) {
1409 return !list.some(i => items.includes(i));
1411function allOf(list, ...items) {
1412 return items.every(i => list.includes(i));
1415function getQuestions(possibleTargets) {
1416 return [
1417 {
1418 type: 'checkbox',
1419 name: 'targets',
1420 message: `What type of application are you building?`,
1421 choices: getApplicationTypeChoices(possibleTargets),
1422 validate: ((targets) => targets.length > 0),
1423 },
1424 {
1425 type: 'input',
1426 name: 'schema',
1427 message: 'Where is your schema?:',
1428 suffix: grey(' (path or url)'),
1429 default: 'http://localhost:4000',
1430 validate: (str) => str.length > 0,
1431 },
1432 {
1433 type: 'input',
1434 name: 'documents',
1435 message: 'Where are your operations and fragments?:',
1436 when: answers => {
1437 // flatten targets
1438 // I can't find an API in Inquirer that would do that
1439 answers.targets = normalizeTargets(answers.targets);
1440 return answers.targets.includes(Tags.browser);
1441 },
1442 default: 'src/**/*.graphql',
1443 validate: (str) => str.length > 0,
1444 },
1445 {
1446 type: 'checkbox',
1447 name: 'plugins',
1448 message: 'Pick plugins:',
1449 choices: getPluginChoices,
1450 validate: ((plugins) => plugins.length > 0),
1451 },
1452 {
1453 type: 'input',
1454 name: 'output',
1455 message: 'Where to write the output:',
1456 default: getOutputDefaultValue,
1457 validate: (str) => str.length > 0,
1458 },
1459 {
1460 type: 'confirm',
1461 name: 'introspection',
1462 message: 'Do you want to generate an introspection file?',
1463 },
1464 {
1465 type: 'input',
1466 name: 'config',
1467 message: 'How to name the config file?',
1468 default: 'codegen.yml',
1469 validate: (str) => {
1470 const isNotEmpty = str.length > 0;
1471 const hasCorrectExtension = ['json', 'yml', 'yaml'].some(ext => str.toLocaleLowerCase().endsWith(`.${ext}`));
1472 return isNotEmpty && hasCorrectExtension;
1473 },
1474 },
1475 {
1476 type: 'input',
1477 name: 'script',
1478 message: 'What script in package.json should run the codegen?',
1479 validate: (str) => str.length > 0,
1480 },
1481 ];
1483function getApplicationTypeChoices(possibleTargets) {
1484 function withFlowOrTypescript(tags) {
1485 if (possibleTargets.TypeScript) {
1486 tags.push(Tags.typescript);
1487 }
1488 else if (possibleTargets.Flow) {
1489 tags.push(Tags.flow);
1490 }
1491 else {
1492 tags.push(Tags.flow, Tags.typescript);
1493 }
1494 return tags;
1495 }
1496 return [
1497 {
1498 name: 'Backend - API or server',
1499 key: 'backend',
1500 value: withFlowOrTypescript([Tags.node]),
1501 checked: possibleTargets.Node,
1502 },
1503 {
1504 name: 'Application built with Angular',
1505 key: 'angular',
1506 value: [Tags.angular, Tags.browser, Tags.typescript],
1507 checked: possibleTargets.Angular,
1508 },
1509 {
1510 name: 'Application built with React',
1511 key: 'react',
1512 value: withFlowOrTypescript([Tags.react, Tags.browser]),
1513 checked: possibleTargets.React,
1514 },
1515 {
1516 name: 'Application built with Stencil',
1517 key: 'stencil',
1518 value: [Tags.stencil, Tags.browser, Tags.typescript],
1519 checked: possibleTargets.Stencil,
1520 },
1521 {
1522 name: 'Application built with other framework or vanilla JS',
1523 key: 'client',
1524 value: [Tags.browser, Tags.typescript, Tags.flow],
1525 checked: possibleTargets.Browser && !possibleTargets.Angular && !possibleTargets.React && !possibleTargets.Stencil,
1526 },
1527 ];
1529function getPluginChoices(answers) {
1530 return plugins
1531 .filter(p => p.available(answers.targets))
1532 .map(p => {
1533 return {
1534 name: p.name,
1535 value: p,
1536 checked: p.shouldBeSelected(answers.targets),
1537 };
1538 });
1540function normalizeTargets(targets) {
1541 return [].concat(...targets);
1543function getOutputDefaultValue(answers) {
1544 if (answers.plugins.some(plugin => plugin.defaultExtension === '.tsx')) {
1545 return 'src/generated/graphql.tsx';
1546 }
1547 else if (answers.plugins.some(plugin => plugin.defaultExtension === '.ts')) {
1548 return 'src/generated/graphql.ts';
1549 }
1550 else {
1551 return 'src/generated/graphql.js';
1552 }
1555async function guessTargets() {
1556 const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), {
1557 encoding: 'utf-8',
1558 }));
1559 const dependencies = Object.keys({
1560 ...pkg.dependencies,
1561 ...pkg.devDependencies,
1562 });
1563 return {
1564 [Tags.angular]: isAngular(dependencies),
1565 [Tags.react]: isReact(dependencies),
1566 [Tags.stencil]: isStencil(dependencies),
1567 [Tags.vue]: isVue(dependencies),
1568 [Tags.browser]: false,
1569 [Tags.node]: false,
1570 [Tags.typescript]: isTypescript(dependencies),
1571 [Tags.flow]: isFlow(dependencies),
1572 };
1574function isAngular(dependencies) {
1575 return dependencies.includes('@angular/core');
1577function isReact(dependencies) {
1578 return dependencies.includes('react');
1580function isStencil(dependencies) {
1581 return dependencies.includes('@stencil/core');
1583function isVue(dependencies) {
1584 return dependencies.includes('vue') || dependencies.includes('nuxt');
1586function isTypescript(dependencies) {
1587 return dependencies.includes('typescript');
1589function isFlow(dependencies) {
1590 return dependencies.includes('flow');
1593function log$1(...msgs) {
1594 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
1595 console.log(...msgs);
1597async function init() {
1598 log$1(`
1599 Welcome to ${bold('GraphQL Code Generator')}!
1600 Answer few questions and we will setup everything for you.
1601 `);
1602 const possibleTargets = await guessTargets();
1603 const answers = await inquirer.prompt(getQuestions(possibleTargets));
1604 // define config
1605 const config = {
1606 overwrite: true,
1607 schema: answers.schema,
1608 documents: answers.targets.includes(Tags.browser) ? answers.documents : null,
1609 generates: {
1610 [answers.output]: {
1611 plugins: answers.plugins.map(p => p.value),
1612 },
1613 },
1614 };
1615 // introspection
1616 if (answers.introspection) {
1617 addIntrospection(config);
1618 }
1619 // config file
1620 const { relativePath } = await writeConfig(answers, config);
1621 log$1(`Fetching latest versions of selected plugins...`);
1622 // write package.json
1623 await writePackage(answers, relativePath);
1624 // Emit status to the terminal
1625 log$1(`
1626 Config file generated at ${bold(relativePath)}
1628 ${bold('$ npm install')}
1630 To install the plugins.
1632 ${bold(`$ npm run ${answers.script}`)}
1634 To run GraphQL Code Generator.
1635 `);
1637// adds an introspection to `generates`
1638function addIntrospection(config) {
1639 config.generates['./graphql.schema.json'] = {
1640 plugins: ['introspection'],
1641 };
1644const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined';
1645const isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions != null && process.versions.node != null;
1647function cliError(err, exitOnError = true) {
1648 let msg;
1649 if (err instanceof Error) {
1650 msg = err.message || err.toString();
1651 }
1652 else if (typeof err === 'string') {
1653 msg = err;
1654 }
1655 else {
1656 msg = JSON.stringify(err);
1657 }
1658 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
1659 console.error(msg);
1660 if (exitOnError && isNode) {
1661 process.exit(1);
1662 }
1663 else if (exitOnError && isBrowser) {
1664 throw err;
1665 }
1668function runCli(cmd) {
1669 ensureGraphQlPackage();
1670 switch (cmd) {
1671 case 'init':
1672 return init();
1673 default: {
1674 return createContext().then(context => {
1675 return generate(context).catch(async (error) => {
1676 await lifecycleHooks(context.getConfig().hooks).onError(error.toString());
1677 throw error;
1678 });
1679 });
1680 }
1681 }
1683function ensureGraphQlPackage() {
1684 try {
1685 require('graphql');
1686 }
1687 catch (e) {
1688 throw new pluginHelpers.DetailedError(`Unable to load "graphql" package. Please make sure to install "graphql" as a dependency!`, `
1689 To install "graphql", run:
1690 yarn add graphql
1691 Or, with NPM:
1692 npm install --save graphql
1694 }
1697exports.CodegenContext = CodegenContext;
1698exports.CodegenExtension = CodegenExtension;
1699exports.buildOptions = buildOptions;
1700exports.cliError = cliError;
1701exports.createContext = createContext;
1702exports.ensureContext = ensureContext;
1703exports.ensureGraphQlPackage = ensureGraphQlPackage;
1704exports.executeCodegen = executeCodegen;
1705exports.findAndLoadGraphQLConfig = findAndLoadGraphQLConfig;
1706exports.generate = generate;
1707exports.init = init;
1708exports.loadContext = loadContext;
1709exports.parseArgv = parseArgv;
1710exports.runCli = runCli;
1711exports.updateContextWithCliFlags = updateContextWithCliFlags;
1712//# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.js.map