3.65 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Types } from '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers';
2import babelPlugin from './babel.js';
3export declare type FragmentMaskingConfig = {
4 /**
5 * @description The module name from which a augmented module should be imported from.
6 */
7 augmentedModuleName?: string;
8 /** @description Name of the function that should be used for unmasking a masked fragment property.
9 * @default `'useFragment'`
10 */
11 unmaskFunctionName?: string;
13export declare type GqlTagConfig = {
14 /**
15 * @description Instead of generating a `gql` function, this preset can also generate a `d.ts` that will enhance the `gql` function of your framework.
16 *
17 * E.g. `graphql-tag` or `@urql/core`.
18 *
19 * @exampleMarkdown
20 * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" {10}
21 * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
22 *
23 * const config: CodegenConfig = {
24 * // ...
25 * generates: {
26 * 'path/to/file.ts': {
27 * preset: 'gql-tag-operations',
28 * plugins: [],
29 * presetConfig: {
30 * augmentedModuleName: '@urql/core'
31 * },
32 * },
33 * },
34 * };
35 * export default config;
36 * ```
37 */
38 augmentedModuleName?: string;
39 /**
40 * @description Fragment masking hides data from components and only allows accessing the data by using a unmasking function.
41 * @exampleMarkdown
42 * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" {10}
43 * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
44 *
45 * const config: CodegenConfig = {
46 * // ...
47 * generates: {
48 * 'path/to/file.ts': {
49 * preset: 'gql-tag-operations',
50 * plugins: [],
51 * presetConfig: {
52 * fragmentMasking: true
53 * },
54 * },
55 * },
56 * };
57 * export default config;
58 * ```
59 *
60 * When using the `augmentedModuleName` option, the unmask function will by default NOT be imported from the same module. It will still be generated to a `index.ts` file. You can, however, specify to resolve the unmasking function from an an augmented module by using the `augmentedModuleName` object sub-config.
61 * @exampleMarkdown
62 * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" {10-13}
63 * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
64 *
65 * const config: CodegenConfig = {
66 * // ...
67 * generates: {
68 * 'path/to/file.ts': {
69 * preset: 'gql-tag-operations',
70 * plugins: [],
71 * presetConfig: {
72 * augmentedModuleName: '@urql/core',
73 * fragmentMasking: {
74 * augmentedModuleName: '@urql/fragment',
75 * },
76 * },
77 * },
78 * },
79 * };
80 * export default config;
81 * ```
82 */
83 fragmentMasking?: FragmentMaskingConfig | boolean;
84 /**
85 * @description Specify the name of the "graphql tag" function to use
86 * @default "gql"
87 *
88 * E.g. `graphql` or `gql`.
89 *
90 * @exampleMarkdown
91 * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" {10}
92 * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
93 *
94 * const config: CodegenConfig = {
95 * // ...
96 * generates: {
97 * 'path/to/file.ts': {
98 * preset: 'gql-tag-operations',
99 * plugins: [],
100 * presetConfig: {
101 * gqlTagName: 'graphql'
102 * },
103 * },
104 * },
105 * };
106 * export default config;
107 * ```
108 */
109 gqlTagName?: string;
111export declare const preset: Types.OutputPreset<GqlTagConfig>;
112export { babelPlugin };