10.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.VueApolloVisitor = void 0;
4const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5const visitor_plugin_common_1 = require("@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common");
6const auto_bind_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("auto-bind"));
7const change_case_all_1 = require("change-case-all");
8function insertIf(condition, ...elements) {
9 return condition ? elements : [];
11class VueApolloVisitor extends visitor_plugin_common_1.ClientSideBaseVisitor {
12 constructor(schema, fragments, rawConfig, documents) {
13 super(schema, fragments, rawConfig, {
14 withSmartOperationFunctions: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.withSmartOperationFunctions, true),
15 vueApolloOperationFunctionsImportFrom: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueApolloOperationFunctionsImportFrom, 'vue-apollo-smart-ops'),
16 vueApolloErrorType: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueApolloErrorType, 'ApolloError'),
17 vueApolloErrorTypeImportFrom: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueApolloErrorTypeImportFrom, 'apollo-client'),
18 vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction, undefined),
19 vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImportFrom: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImportFrom, undefined),
20 vueAppType: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueAppType, undefined),
21 vueAppTypeImportFrom: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.vueAppTypeImportFrom, undefined),
22 addDocBlocks: (0, visitor_plugin_common_1.getConfigValue)(rawConfig.addDocBlocks, true),
23 });
24 this.imports = new Set();
25 this.externalImportPrefix = this.config.importOperationTypesFrom ? `${this.config.importOperationTypesFrom}.` : '';
26 this._documents = documents;
27 (0, auto_bind_1.default)(this);
28 }
29 get vueApolloOperationFunctionsImport() {
30 return `import { createMutationFunction, createSmartQueryOptionsFunction, createSmartSubscriptionOptionsFunction } from '${this.config.vueApolloOperationFunctionsImportFrom}';`;
31 }
32 get vueApolloErrorTypeImport() {
33 return `import { ${this.config.vueApolloErrorType} } from '${this.config.vueApolloErrorTypeImportFrom}';`;
34 }
35 get vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImport() {
36 if (!this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction || !this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImportFrom) {
37 return '';
38 }
39 return `import { ${this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction} } from '${this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImportFrom}';`;
40 }
41 get vueAppTypeImport() {
42 if (!this.config.vueAppType || !this.config.vueAppTypeImportFrom) {
43 return '';
44 }
45 return `import { ${this.config.vueAppType} } from '${this.config.vueAppTypeImportFrom}';`;
46 }
47 getDocumentNodeVariable(node, documentVariableName) {
48 var _a;
49 return this.config.documentMode === visitor_plugin_common_1.DocumentMode.external ? `Operations.${(_a = node.name) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value}` : documentVariableName;
50 }
51 getImports() {
52 const baseImports = super.getImports();
53 const hasOperations = this._collectedOperations.length > 0;
54 if (!hasOperations) {
55 return baseImports;
56 }
57 return [...baseImports, ...Array.from(this.imports)];
58 }
59 buildOperationFunctionsJSDoc(node, operationName, operationType) {
60 var _a;
61 const operationFunctionName = operationType === 'Mutation' ? (0, change_case_all_1.camelCase)(operationName) : `use${operationName}`;
62 const operationNameWithoutSuffix = (0, change_case_all_1.camelCase)(operationName).replace(/(Query|Mutation|Subscription)$/, '');
63 const exampleVariables = ((_a = node.variableDefinitions) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []).map(variableDefinition => {
64 const name = variableDefinition.variable.name.value;
65 return `${name}: // value for '${name}'`;
66 });
67 switch (operationType) {
68 case 'Query':
69 return `
71 * __${operationFunctionName}__
72 *
73 * To use a Smart Query within a Vue component, call \`${operationFunctionName}\` as the value for a query key
74 * in the component's \`apollo\` config, passing any options required for the query.
75 *
76 * @param options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/core/ApolloClient/#ApolloClient.query
77 *
78 * @example
79 * {
80 * apollo: {
81 * ${operationNameWithoutSuffix}: ${operationFunctionName}({
82 * variables: {${exampleVariables.length > 0
83 ? `
84 * ${exampleVariables.join(`
85 * `)}
86 * `
87 : ''}},
88 * loadingKey: 'loading',
89 * fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
90 * }),
91 * }
92 * }
93 */`;
94 case 'Mutation':
95 return `
97 * __${operationFunctionName}__
98 *
99 * To run a mutation, you call \`${operationFunctionName}\` within a Vue component and pass it
100 * your Vue app instance along with any options that fit your needs.
101 *
102 * @param app, a reference to your Vue app instance (which must have a \`$apollo\` property)
103 * @param options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/core/ApolloClient/#ApolloClient.mutate
104 * @param client (optional), which can be an instance of \`DollarApollo\` or the \`mutate()\` function provided by an \`<ApolloMutation>\` component
105 *
106 * @example
107 * const { success, data, errors } = ${operationFunctionName}(this, {
108 * variables: {${exampleVariables.length > 0
109 ? `
110 * ${exampleVariables.join(`
111 * `)}
112 * `
113 : ''}},
114 * });
115 */`;
116 case 'Subscription':
117 return `
119 * __${operationFunctionName}__
120 *
121 * To use a Smart Subscription within a Vue component, call \`${operationFunctionName}\` as the value for a \`$subscribe\` key
122 * in the component's \`apollo\` config, passing any options required for the subscription.
123 *
124 * @param options that will be passed into the subscription, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/core/ApolloClient/#ApolloClient.subscribe
125 *
126 * @example
127 * {
128 * apollo: {
129 * $subscribe: {
130 * ${operationNameWithoutSuffix}: ${operationFunctionName}({
131 * variables: {${exampleVariables.length > 0
132 ? `
133 * ${exampleVariables.join(`
134 * `)}
135 * `
136 : ''}},
137 * loadingKey: 'loading',
138 * fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
139 * }),
140 * },
141 * }
142 * }
143 */`;
144 }
145 }
146 getOperationFunctionSuffix(name, operationType) {
147 if (!this.config.dedupeOperationSuffix) {
148 return this.config.omitOperationSuffix ? '' : (0, change_case_all_1.pascalCase)(operationType);
149 }
150 if (name.includes('Query') || name.includes('Mutation') || name.includes('Subscription')) {
151 return '';
152 }
153 return (0, change_case_all_1.pascalCase)(operationType);
154 }
155 buildOperation(node, documentVariableName, operationType, operationResultType, operationVariablesTypes) {
156 var _a, _b, _c;
157 operationResultType = this.externalImportPrefix + operationResultType;
158 operationVariablesTypes = this.externalImportPrefix + operationVariablesTypes;
159 if (!this.config.withSmartOperationFunctions) {
160 // todo - throw human readable error
161 return '';
162 }
163 if (!((_a = node.name) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value)) {
164 // todo - throw human readable error
165 return '';
166 }
167 const suffix = this.getOperationFunctionSuffix(node.name.value, operationType);
168 const operationName = this.convertName(node.name.value, {
169 suffix,
170 useTypesPrefix: false,
171 });
172 const operationHasVariables = ((_b = node.variableDefinitions) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []).length > 0;
173 const operationHasNonNullableVariable = !!((_c = node.variableDefinitions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.some(({ type }) => type.kind === 'NonNullType'));
174 this.imports.add(this.vueApolloOperationFunctionsImport);
175 this.imports.add(this.vueApolloErrorTypeImport);
176 if (this.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImport) {
177 this.imports.add(this.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunctionImport);
178 }
179 if (this.vueAppTypeImport) {
180 this.imports.add(this.vueAppTypeImport);
181 }
182 const documentNodeVariable = this.getDocumentNodeVariable(node, documentVariableName); // i.e. TestDocument
183 const operationFunction = this.buildOperationFunction({
184 operationName,
185 operationType,
186 operationResultType,
187 operationVariablesTypes,
188 operationHasNonNullableVariable,
189 operationHasVariables,
190 documentNodeVariable,
191 });
192 return [
193 ...insertIf(this.config.addDocBlocks, [this.buildOperationFunctionsJSDoc(node, operationName, operationType)]),
194 operationFunction,
195 '',
196 ].join('\n');
197 }
198 buildOperationFunction({ operationName, operationType, operationResultType, operationVariablesTypes, documentNodeVariable, }) {
199 const operationArguments = [documentNodeVariable];
200 if (this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction) {
201 operationArguments.push(this.config.vueApolloErrorHandlerFunction);
202 }
203 const genericTypeArguments = [
204 operationResultType,
205 operationVariablesTypes,
206 this.config.vueApolloErrorType,
207 ];
208 if (this.config.vueAppType) {
209 genericTypeArguments.push(this.config.vueAppType);
210 }
211 switch (operationType) {
212 case 'Query': {
213 return `export const use${operationName} = createSmartQueryOptionsFunction<
214 ${genericTypeArguments.join(',\n ')}
215>(${operationArguments.join(', ')});`;
216 }
217 case 'Mutation': {
218 return `export const ${(0, change_case_all_1.camelCase)(operationName)} = createMutationFunction<
219 ${genericTypeArguments.join(',\n ')}
220>(${operationArguments.join(', ')});`;
221 }
222 case 'Subscription': {
223 return `export const use${operationName} = createSmartSubscriptionOptionsFunction<
224 ${genericTypeArguments.join(',\n ')}
225>(${operationArguments.join(', ')});`;
226 }
227 }
228 }
230exports.VueApolloVisitor = VueApolloVisitor;