4.83 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ScalarsMap, ParsedScalarsMap, NamingConvention, ConvertFn, ConvertOptions, LoadedFragment, NormalizedScalarsMap, DeclarationKind } from './types';
2import { DeclarationBlockConfig } from './utils';
3import { ASTNode, FragmentDefinitionNode, OperationDefinitionNode } from 'graphql';
4import { ImportDeclaration, FragmentImport } from './imports';
5export interface BaseVisitorConvertOptions {
6 useTypesPrefix?: boolean;
8export interface ParsedConfig {
9 scalars: ParsedScalarsMap;
10 convert: ConvertFn;
11 typesPrefix: string;
12 addTypename: boolean;
13 nonOptionalTypename: boolean;
14 externalFragments: LoadedFragment[];
15 fragmentImports: ImportDeclaration<FragmentImport>[];
16 immutableTypes: boolean;
17 useTypeImports: boolean;
19export interface RawConfig {
20 /**
21 * @description Extends or overrides the built-in scalars and custom GraphQL scalars to a custom type.
22 *
23 * @exampleMarkdown
24 * ```yml
25 * config:
26 * scalars:
27 * DateTime: Date
28 * JSON: "{ [key: string]: any }"
29 * ```
30 */
31 scalars?: ScalarsMap;
32 /**
33 * @default pascal-case#pascalCase
34 * @description Allow you to override the naming convention of the output.
35 * You can either override all namings, or specify an object with specific custom naming convention per output.
36 * The format of the converter must be a valid `module#method`.
37 * Allowed values for specific output are: `typeNames`, `enumValues`.
38 * You can also use "keep" to keep all GraphQL names as-is.
39 * Additionally you can set `transformUnderscore` to `true` if you want to override the default behavior,
40 * which is to preserves underscores.
41 *
42 * @exampleMarkdown
43 * ## Override All Names
44 * ```yml
45 * config:
46 * namingConvention: lower-case#lowerCase
47 * ```
48 *
49 * ## Upper-case enum values
50 * ```yml
51 * config:
52 * namingConvention:
53 * typeNames: pascal-case#pascalCase
54 * enumValues: upper-case#upperCase
55 * ```
56 *
57 * ## Keep names as is
58 * ```yml
59 * config:
60 * namingConvention: keep
61 * ```
62 *
63 * ## Remove Underscores
64 * ```yml
65 * config:
66 * namingConvention:
67 * typeNames: pascal-case#pascalCase
68 * transformUnderscore: true
69 * ```
70 */
71 namingConvention?: NamingConvention;
72 /**
73 * @default ""
74 * @description Prefixes all the generated types.
75 *
76 * @exampleMarkdown
77 * ```yml
78 * config:
79 * typesPrefix: I
80 * ```
81 */
82 typesPrefix?: string;
83 /**
84 * @default false
85 * @description Does not add __typename to the generated types, unless it was specified in the selection set.
86 *
87 * @exampleMarkdown
88 * ```yml
89 * config:
90 * skipTypename: true
91 * ```
92 */
93 skipTypename?: boolean;
94 /**
95 * @default false
96 * @description Automatically adds `__typename` field to the generated types, even when they are not specified
97 * in the selection set, and makes it non-optional
98 *
99 * @exampleMarkdown
100 * ```yml
101 * config:
102 * nonOptionalTypename: true
103 * ```
104 */
105 nonOptionalTypename?: boolean;
106 /**
107 * @name useTypeImports
108 * @type boolean
109 * @default false
110 * @description Will use `import type {}` rather than `import {}` when importing only types. This gives
111 * compatibility with TypeScript's "importsNotUsedAsValues": "error" option
112 *
113 * @example
114 * ```yml
115 * config:
116 * useTypeImports: true
117 * ```
118 */
119 useTypeImports?: boolean;
120 /**
121 * @ignore
122 */
123 externalFragments?: LoadedFragment[];
124 /**
125 * @ignore
126 */
127 fragmentImports?: ImportDeclaration<FragmentImport>[];
128 /**
129 * @ignore
130 */
131 globalNamespace?: boolean;
133export declare class BaseVisitor<TRawConfig extends RawConfig = RawConfig, TPluginConfig extends ParsedConfig = ParsedConfig> {
134 protected _parsedConfig: TPluginConfig;
135 protected _declarationBlockConfig: DeclarationBlockConfig;
136 readonly scalars: NormalizedScalarsMap;
137 constructor(rawConfig: TRawConfig, additionalConfig: Partial<TPluginConfig>);
138 protected getVisitorKindContextFromAncestors(ancestors: ASTNode[]): string[];
139 get config(): TPluginConfig;
140 convertName(node: ASTNode | string, options?: BaseVisitorConvertOptions & ConvertOptions): string;
141 getOperationSuffix(node: FragmentDefinitionNode | OperationDefinitionNode | string, operationType: string): string;
142 getFragmentSuffix(node: FragmentDefinitionNode | string): string;
143 getFragmentName(node: FragmentDefinitionNode | string): string;
144 getFragmentVariableName(node: FragmentDefinitionNode | string): string;
145 protected getPunctuation(declarationKind: DeclarationKind): string;