15.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.isOneOfInputObjectType = exports.wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers = exports.removeDescription = exports.wrapTypeWithModifiers = exports.hasConditionalDirectives = exports.getPossibleTypes = exports.separateSelectionSet = exports.getFieldNodeNameValue = exports.mergeSelectionSets = exports.REQUIRE_FIELDS_TYPE = exports.OMIT_TYPE = exports.stripMapperTypeInterpolation = exports.getRootTypeNames = exports.buildScalars = exports.buildScalarsFromConfig = exports.convertNameParts = exports.getBaseTypeNode = exports.DeclarationBlock = exports.transformComment = exports.indentMultiline = exports.indent = exports.breakLine = exports.wrapWithSingleQuotes = exports.block = exports.quoteIfNeeded = exports.getConfigValue = void 0;
4const graphql_1 = require("graphql");
5const scalars_js_1 = require("./scalars.js");
6const mappers_js_1 = require("./mappers.js");
7const getConfigValue = (value, defaultValue) => {
8 if (value === null || value === undefined) {
9 return defaultValue;
10 }
11 return value;
13exports.getConfigValue = getConfigValue;
14function quoteIfNeeded(array, joinWith = ' & ') {
15 if (array.length === 0) {
16 return '';
17 }
18 if (array.length === 1) {
19 return array[0];
20 }
21 return `(${array.join(joinWith)})`;
23exports.quoteIfNeeded = quoteIfNeeded;
24function block(array) {
25 return array && array.length !== 0 ? '{\n' + array.join('\n') + '\n}' : '';
27exports.block = block;
28function wrapWithSingleQuotes(value, skipNumericCheck = false) {
29 if (skipNumericCheck) {
30 if (typeof value === 'number') {
31 return `${value}`;
32 }
33 return `'${value}'`;
34 }
35 if (typeof value === 'number' ||
36 (typeof value === 'string' && !isNaN(parseInt(value)) && parseFloat(value).toString() === value)) {
37 return `${value}`;
38 }
39 return `'${value}'`;
41exports.wrapWithSingleQuotes = wrapWithSingleQuotes;
42function breakLine(str) {
43 return str + '\n';
45exports.breakLine = breakLine;
46function indent(str, count = 1) {
47 return new Array(count).fill(' ').join('') + str;
49exports.indent = indent;
50function indentMultiline(str, count = 1) {
51 const indentation = new Array(count).fill(' ').join('');
52 const replaceWith = '\n' + indentation;
53 return indentation + str.replace(/\n/g, replaceWith);
55exports.indentMultiline = indentMultiline;
56function transformComment(comment, indentLevel = 0, disabled = false) {
57 if (!comment || comment === '' || disabled) {
58 return '';
59 }
60 if (isStringValueNode(comment)) {
61 comment = comment.value;
62 }
63 comment = comment.split('*/').join('*\\/');
64 let lines = comment.split('\n');
65 if (lines.length === 1) {
66 return indent(`/** ${lines[0]} */\n`, indentLevel);
67 }
68 lines = ['/**', ...lines.map(line => ` * ${line}`), ' */\n'];
69 return stripTrailingSpaces(lines.map(line => indent(line, indentLevel)).join('\n'));
71exports.transformComment = transformComment;
72class DeclarationBlock {
73 constructor(_config) {
74 this._config = _config;
75 this._decorator = null;
76 this._export = false;
77 this._name = null;
78 this._kind = null;
79 this._methodName = null;
80 this._content = null;
81 this._block = null;
82 this._nameGenerics = null;
83 this._comment = null;
84 this._ignoreBlockWrapper = false;
85 this._config = {
86 blockWrapper: '',
87 blockTransformer: block => block,
88 enumNameValueSeparator: ':',
89 ...this._config,
90 };
91 }
92 withDecorator(decorator) {
93 this._decorator = decorator;
94 return this;
95 }
96 export(exp = true) {
97 if (!this._config.ignoreExport) {
98 this._export = exp;
99 }
100 return this;
101 }
102 asKind(kind) {
103 this._kind = kind;
104 return this;
105 }
106 withComment(comment, disabled = false) {
107 const nonEmptyComment = isStringValueNode(comment) ? !!comment.value : !!comment;
108 if (nonEmptyComment && !disabled) {
109 this._comment = transformComment(comment, 0);
110 }
111 return this;
112 }
113 withMethodCall(methodName, ignoreBlockWrapper = false) {
114 this._methodName = methodName;
115 this._ignoreBlockWrapper = ignoreBlockWrapper;
116 return this;
117 }
118 withBlock(block) {
119 this._block = block;
120 return this;
121 }
122 withContent(content) {
123 this._content = content;
124 return this;
125 }
126 withName(name, generics = null) {
127 this._name = name;
128 this._nameGenerics = generics;
129 return this;
130 }
131 get string() {
132 let result = '';
133 if (this._decorator) {
134 result += this._decorator + '\n';
135 }
136 if (this._export) {
137 result += 'export ';
138 }
139 if (this._kind) {
140 let extra = '';
141 let name = '';
142 if (['type', 'const', 'var', 'let'].includes(this._kind)) {
143 extra = '= ';
144 }
145 if (this._name) {
146 name = this._name + (this._nameGenerics || '') + ' ';
147 }
148 result += this._kind + ' ' + name + extra;
149 }
150 if (this._block) {
151 if (this._content) {
152 result += this._content;
153 }
154 const blockWrapper = this._ignoreBlockWrapper ? '' : this._config.blockWrapper;
155 const before = '{' + blockWrapper;
156 const after = blockWrapper + '}';
157 const block = [before, this._block, after].filter(val => !!val).join('\n');
158 if (this._methodName) {
159 result += `${this._methodName}(${this._config.blockTransformer(block)})`;
160 }
161 else {
162 result += this._config.blockTransformer(block);
163 }
164 }
165 else if (this._content) {
166 result += this._content;
167 }
168 else if (this._kind) {
169 result += this._config.blockTransformer('{}');
170 }
171 return stripTrailingSpaces((this._comment ? this._comment : '') +
172 result +
173 (this._kind === 'interface' || this._kind === 'enum' || this._kind === 'namespace' || this._kind === 'function'
174 ? ''
175 : ';') +
176 '\n');
177 }
179exports.DeclarationBlock = DeclarationBlock;
180function getBaseTypeNode(typeNode) {
181 if (typeNode.kind === graphql_1.Kind.LIST_TYPE || typeNode.kind === graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE) {
182 return getBaseTypeNode(typeNode.type);
183 }
184 return typeNode;
186exports.getBaseTypeNode = getBaseTypeNode;
187function convertNameParts(str, func, removeUnderscore = false) {
188 if (removeUnderscore) {
189 return func(str);
190 }
191 return str
192 .split('_')
193 .map(s => func(s))
194 .join('_');
196exports.convertNameParts = convertNameParts;
197function buildScalarsFromConfig(schema, config, defaultScalarsMapping = scalars_js_1.DEFAULT_SCALARS, defaultScalarType = 'any') {
198 return buildScalars(schema, config.scalars, defaultScalarsMapping, config.strictScalars ? null : config.defaultScalarType || defaultScalarType);
200exports.buildScalarsFromConfig = buildScalarsFromConfig;
201function buildScalars(schema, scalarsMapping, defaultScalarsMapping = scalars_js_1.DEFAULT_SCALARS, defaultScalarType = 'any') {
202 const result = {};
203 Object.keys(defaultScalarsMapping).forEach(name => {
204 result[name] = (0, mappers_js_1.parseMapper)(defaultScalarsMapping[name]);
205 });
206 if (schema) {
207 const typeMap = schema.getTypeMap();
208 Object.keys(typeMap)
209 .map(typeName => typeMap[typeName])
210 .filter(type => (0, graphql_1.isScalarType)(type))
211 .map((scalarType) => {
212 var _a;
213 const { name } = scalarType;
214 if (typeof scalarsMapping === 'string') {
215 const value = (0, mappers_js_1.parseMapper)(scalarsMapping + '#' + name, name);
216 result[name] = value;
217 }
218 else if (scalarsMapping && typeof scalarsMapping[name] === 'string') {
219 const value = (0, mappers_js_1.parseMapper)(scalarsMapping[name], name);
220 result[name] = value;
221 }
222 else if (scalarsMapping && scalarsMapping[name]) {
223 result[name] = {
224 isExternal: false,
225 type: JSON.stringify(scalarsMapping[name]),
226 };
227 }
228 else if ((_a = scalarType.extensions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.codegenScalarType) {
229 result[name] = {
230 isExternal: false,
231 type: scalarType.extensions.codegenScalarType,
232 };
233 }
234 else if (!defaultScalarsMapping[name]) {
235 if (defaultScalarType === null) {
236 throw new Error(`Unknown scalar type ${name}. Please override it using the "scalars" configuration field!`);
237 }
238 result[name] = {
239 isExternal: false,
240 type: defaultScalarType,
241 };
242 }
243 });
244 }
245 else if (scalarsMapping) {
246 if (typeof scalarsMapping === 'string') {
247 throw new Error('Cannot use string scalars mapping when building without a schema');
248 }
249 Object.keys(scalarsMapping).forEach(name => {
250 if (typeof scalarsMapping[name] === 'string') {
251 const value = (0, mappers_js_1.parseMapper)(scalarsMapping[name], name);
252 result[name] = value;
253 }
254 else {
255 result[name] = {
256 isExternal: false,
257 type: JSON.stringify(scalarsMapping[name]),
258 };
259 }
260 });
261 }
262 return result;
264exports.buildScalars = buildScalars;
265function isStringValueNode(node) {
266 return node && typeof node === 'object' && node.kind === graphql_1.Kind.STRING;
268// will be removed on next release because tools already has it
269function getRootTypeNames(schema) {
270 return [schema.getQueryType(), schema.getMutationType(), schema.getSubscriptionType()]
271 .filter(t => t)
272 .map(t => t.name);
274exports.getRootTypeNames = getRootTypeNames;
275function stripMapperTypeInterpolation(identifier) {
276 return identifier.trim().replace(/<{.*}>/, '');
278exports.stripMapperTypeInterpolation = stripMapperTypeInterpolation;
279exports.OMIT_TYPE = 'export type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;';
280exports.REQUIRE_FIELDS_TYPE = `export type RequireFields<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [P in K]-?: NonNullable<T[P]> };`;
282 * merge selection sets into a new selection set without mutating the inputs.
283 */
284function mergeSelectionSets(selectionSet1, selectionSet2) {
285 const newSelections = [...selectionSet1.selections];
286 for (let selection2 of selectionSet2.selections) {
287 if (selection2.kind === 'FragmentSpread' || selection2.kind === 'InlineFragment') {
288 newSelections.push(selection2);
289 continue;
290 }
291 if (selection2.kind !== 'Field') {
292 throw new TypeError('Invalid state.');
293 }
294 const match = newSelections.find(selection1 => selection1.kind === 'Field' &&
295 (0, exports.getFieldNodeNameValue)(selection1) === (0, exports.getFieldNodeNameValue)(selection2));
296 if (match &&
297 // recursively merge all selection sets
298 match.kind === 'Field' &&
299 match.selectionSet &&
300 selection2.selectionSet) {
301 selection2 = {
302 ...selection2,
303 selectionSet: mergeSelectionSets(match.selectionSet, selection2.selectionSet),
304 };
305 }
306 newSelections.push(selection2);
307 }
308 return {
309 kind: graphql_1.Kind.SELECTION_SET,
310 selections: newSelections,
311 };
313exports.mergeSelectionSets = mergeSelectionSets;
314const getFieldNodeNameValue = (node) => {
315 return (node.alias || node.name).value;
317exports.getFieldNodeNameValue = getFieldNodeNameValue;
318function separateSelectionSet(selections) {
319 return {
320 fields: selections.filter(s => s.kind === graphql_1.Kind.FIELD),
321 inlines: selections.filter(s => s.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT),
322 spreads: selections.filter(s => s.kind === graphql_1.Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD),
323 };
325exports.separateSelectionSet = separateSelectionSet;
326function getPossibleTypes(schema, type) {
327 if ((0, graphql_1.isListType)(type) || (0, graphql_1.isNonNullType)(type)) {
328 return getPossibleTypes(schema, type.ofType);
329 }
330 if ((0, graphql_1.isObjectType)(type)) {
331 return [type];
332 }
333 if ((0, graphql_1.isAbstractType)(type)) {
334 return schema.getPossibleTypes(type);
335 }
336 return [];
338exports.getPossibleTypes = getPossibleTypes;
339function hasConditionalDirectives(field) {
340 var _a;
341 const CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVES = ['skip', 'include'];
342 return (_a = field.directives) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(directive => CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVES.includes(directive.name.value));
344exports.hasConditionalDirectives = hasConditionalDirectives;
345function wrapTypeWithModifiers(baseType, type, options) {
346 let currentType = type;
347 const modifiers = [];
348 while (currentType) {
349 if ((0, graphql_1.isNonNullType)(currentType)) {
350 currentType = currentType.ofType;
351 }
352 else {
353 modifiers.push(options.wrapOptional);
354 }
355 if ((0, graphql_1.isListType)(currentType)) {
356 modifiers.push(options.wrapArray);
357 currentType = currentType.ofType;
358 }
359 else {
360 break;
361 }
362 }
363 return modifiers.reduceRight((result, modifier) => modifier(result), baseType);
365exports.wrapTypeWithModifiers = wrapTypeWithModifiers;
366function removeDescription(nodes) {
367 return nodes.map(node => ({ ...node, description: undefined }));
369exports.removeDescription = removeDescription;
370function wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers(baseType, typeNode) {
371 switch (typeNode.kind) {
372 case graphql_1.Kind.NAMED_TYPE: {
373 return `Maybe<${baseType}>`;
374 }
375 case graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE: {
376 const innerType = wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers(baseType, typeNode.type);
377 return clearOptional(innerType);
378 }
379 case graphql_1.Kind.LIST_TYPE: {
380 const innerType = wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers(baseType, typeNode.type);
381 return `Maybe<Array<${innerType}>>`;
382 }
383 }
385exports.wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers = wrapTypeNodeWithModifiers;
386function clearOptional(str) {
387 const rgx = new RegExp(`^Maybe<(.*?)>$`, 'i');
388 if (str.startsWith(`Maybe`)) {
389 return str.replace(rgx, '$1');
390 }
391 return str;
393function stripTrailingSpaces(str) {
394 return str.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n');
396const isOneOfTypeCache = new WeakMap();
397function isOneOfInputObjectType(namedType) {
398 var _a, _b;
399 if (!namedType) {
400 return false;
401 }
402 let isOneOfType = isOneOfTypeCache.get(namedType);
403 if (isOneOfType !== undefined) {
404 return isOneOfType;
405 }
406 isOneOfType =
407 (0, graphql_1.isInputObjectType)(namedType) &&
408 (namedType.isOneOf ||
409 ((_b = (_a = namedType.astNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.directives) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.some(d => d.name.value === 'oneOf')));
410 isOneOfTypeCache.set(namedType, isOneOfType);
411 return isOneOfType;
413exports.isOneOfInputObjectType = isOneOfInputObjectType;