7.28 kBYAMLView Raw
1# The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them
4 # Specify a command to be executed
5 # like `/bin/bash -l`, `ls`, or any other commands
6 # the default is bash for Linux
7 # or powershell.exe for Windows
8 command: bash -l
10 # Specify the current working directory path
11 # the default is the current working directory path
12 cwd: /Users/kamilkisiela/Repo/kamilkisiela/graphql-inspector
14 # Export additional ENV variables
15 env:
16 recording: true
18 # Explicitly set the number of columns
19 # or use `auto` to take the current
20 # number of columns of your shell
21 cols: 80
23 # Explicitly set the number of rows
24 # or use `auto` to take the current
25 # number of rows of your shell
26 rows: 20
28 # Amount of times to repeat GIF
29 # If value is -1, play once
30 # If value is 0, loop indefinitely
31 # If value is a positive number, loop n times
32 repeat: 0
34 # Quality
35 # 1 - 100
36 quality: 100
38 # Delay between frames in ms
39 # If the value is `auto` use the actual recording delays
40 frameDelay: auto
42 # Maximum delay between frames in ms
43 # Ignored if the `frameDelay` isn't set to `auto`
44 # Set to `auto` to prevent limiting the max idle time
45 maxIdleTime: 2000
47 # The surrounding frame box
48 # The `type` can be null, window, floating, or solid`
49 # To hide the title use the value null
50 # Don't forget to add a backgroundColor style with a null as type
51 frameBox:
52 type: solid
53 title: null
54 style: []
56 # Add a watermark image to the rendered gif
57 # You need to specify an absolute path for
58 # the image on your machine or a URL, and you can also
59 # add your own CSS styles
60 watermark:
61 imagePath: null
62 style:
63 position: absolute
64 right: 15px
65 bottom: 15px
66 width: 100px
67 opacity: 0.9
69 # Cursor style can be one of
70 # `block`, `underline`, or `bar`
71 cursorStyle: block
73 # Font family
74 # You can use any font that is installed on your machine
75 # in CSS-like syntax
76 fontFamily: "Monaco, Lucida Console, Ubuntu Mono, Monospace"
78 # The size of the font
79 fontSize: 16
81 # The height of lines
82 lineHeight: 1
84 # The spacing between letters
85 letterSpacing: 0
87 # Theme
88 theme:
89 background: "transparent"
90 foreground: "#afafaf"
91 cursor: "#c7c7c7"
92 black: "#232628"
93 red: "#fc4384"
94 green: "#b3e33b"
95 yellow: "#ffa727"
96 blue: "#75dff2"
97 magenta: "#ae89fe"
98 cyan: "#708387"
99 white: "#d5d5d0"
100 brightBlack: "#626566"
101 brightRed: "#ff7fac"
102 brightGreen: "#c8ed71"
103 brightYellow: "#ebdf86"
104 brightBlue: "#75dff2"
105 brightMagenta: "#ae89fe"
106 brightCyan: "#b1c6ca"
107 brightWhite: "#f9f9f4"
109# Records, feel free to edit them
111 - delay: 622
112 content: "\e[?1034h$ "
113 - delay: 100
114 content: graphql-inspector diff schema.graphql new.graphql
115 - delay: 761
116 content: "\r\n"
117 - delay: 159
118 content: "\r\nDetected the following changes (6) between schemas:\r\n\r\n\e[31m✖\e[39m Field \e[1mposts\e[22m was removed from object type \e[1mQuery\e[22m\r\n\e[31m✖\e[39m Field \e[1mmodifiedAt\e[22m was removed from object type \e[1mPost\e[22m\r\n\e[32m✔\e[39m Field \e[1mPost.id\e[22m changed type from \e[1mID\e[22m to \e[1mID!\e[22m\r\n\e[32m✔\e[39m Deprecation reason on field \e[1mPost.title\e[22m has changed from \e[1mNo more used\e[22m to \e[1mundefined\e[22m\r\n\e[32m✔\e[39m Field \e[1mPost.title\e[22m changed type from \e[1mString\e[22m to \e[1mString!\e[22m\r\n\e[32m✔\e[39m Field \e[1mPost.createdAt\e[22m changed type from \e[1mString\e[22m to \e[1mString!\e[22m\r\n\r\n\e[91merror\e[39m Detected 2 breaking changes\r\n\r\n"
119 - delay: 17
120 content: "\e[2K\e[1G\e[31merror\e[39m Command failed with exit code 1.\r\n\e[2K\e[1G\e[34minfo\e[39m Visit \e[1mhttps://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run\e[22m for documentation about this command.\r\n"
121 - delay: 3000
122 content: clear
123 - delay: 100
124 content: "\r\n\e[H\e[2J$ "
125 - delay: 100
126 content: graphql-inspector diff schema.graphql schema.graphql
127 - delay: 526
128 content: "\r\n"
129 - delay: 153
130 content: "\r\n\e[92msuccess\e[39m No changes detected\r\n"
131 - delay: 13
132 content: "\e[2K\e[1G✨ Done in 0.75s.\r\n"
133 - delay: 3000
134 content: clear
135 - delay: 100
136 content: "\r\n\e[H\e[2J$ "
137 - delay: 100
138 content: graphql-inspector validate ./documents/*.graphql schema.graphql
139 - delay: 242
140 content: "\r\n"
141 - delay: 162
142 content: "\r\nDetected 1 invalid document:\r\n\r\n\e[91merror\e[39m in ./documents/post.graphql:\r\n\r\n - Cannot query field \e[1mcreatedAtSomePoint\e[22m on type \e[1mPost\e[22m. Did you mean \e[1mcreatedAt\e[22m? \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nDetected 1 document with deprecated fields:\r\n\r\n\e[93mwarn\e[39m in ./documents/post.graphql:\r\n\r\n - The field \e[1mPost.title\e[22m is deprecated. No more used \r\n\r\n\r\n"
143 - delay: 18
144 content: "\e[2K\e[1G\e[31merror\e[39m Command failed with exit code 1.\r\n\e[2K\e[1G\e[34minfo\e[39m Visit \e[1mhttps://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run\e[22m for documentation about this command.\r\n"
145 - delay: 3000
146 content: clear
147 - delay: 100
148 content: "\r\n\e[H\e[2J$ "
149 - delay: 100
150 content: graphql-inspector validate ./no-documents/*.graphql schema.graphql
151 - delay: 140
152 content: "\r\n"
153 - delay: 155
154 content: "\r\n\e[92msuccess\e[39m All documents are valid\r\n"
155 - delay: 13
156 content: "\e[2K\e[1G✨ Done in 0.74s.\r\n"
157 - delay: 3000
158 content: clear
159 - delay: 100
160 content: "\r\n\e[H\e[2J$ "
161 - delay: 100
162 content: graphql-inspector similar similar.graphql
163 - delay: 381
164 content: "\r\n"
165 - delay: 165
166 content: "\r\ntype \e[1mPost\e[22m\r\n●●●●● \e[90m(96%)\e[39m EmailPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(78%)\e[39m BlogPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(72%)\e[39m MailPost\r\n\r\ntype \e[1mBlogPost\e[22m\r\n●●●●● \e[90m(94%)\e[39m MailPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(78%)\e[39m Post\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(72%)\e[39m EmailPost\r\n\r\ntype \e[1mMailPost\e[22m\r\n●●●●● \e[90m(94%)\e[39m BlogPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(76%)\e[39m EmailPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(72%)\e[39m Post\r\n\r\ntype \e[1mEmailPost\e[22m\r\n●●●●● \e[90m(96%)\e[39m Post\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(76%)\e[39m MailPost\r\n●●●●\e[90m●\e[39m \e[90m(72%)\e[39m BlogPost\r\n\r\n"
167 - delay: 14
168 content: "\e[2K\e[1G✨ Done in 0.76s.\r\n"
169 - delay: 3000
170 content: clear
171 - delay: 100
172 content: graphql-inspector coverage ./no-documents/*.graphql schema.graphql
173 - delay: 381
174 content: "\r\n"
175 - delay: 353
176 content: "\r\n\e[92msuccess\e[39m Schema coverage based on documents:\r\n\r\n\e[90mtype\e[39m \e[1mQuery\e[22m \e[90m{\e[39m\r\n post \e[3m\e[90mx 1\e[39m\e[23m\r\n\e[91m posts\e[39m \e[3m\e[90mx 0\e[39m\e[23m\r\n\e[90m}\e[39m\r\n\e[90m\e[39m\r\n\e[90mtype\e[39m \e[1mPost\e[22m \e[90m{\e[39m\r\n id \e[3m\e[90mx 1\e[39m\e[23m\r\n title \e[3m\e[90mx 1\e[39m\e[23m\r\n\e[91m createdAt\e[39m \e[3m\e[90mx 0\e[39m\e[23m\r\n\e[91m modifiedAt\e[39m \e[3m\e[90mx 0\e[39m\e[23m\r\n\e[90m}\e[39m\r\n\e[90m\e[39m\r\n"
177 - delay: 14
178 content: "\e[2K\e[1G✨ Done in 0.73s.\r\n"
179 - delay: 2500
180 content: "logout\r\n"