5.39 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
7const apolloLink = require('apollo-link');
8const apolloUploadClient = require('apollo-upload-client');
9const FormData = _interopDefault(require('form-data'));
10const crossFetch = require('cross-fetch');
11const utils = require('@graphql-tools/utils');
12const graphql = require('graphql');
14function getFinalPromise(object) {
15 return Promise.resolve(object).then(resolvedObject => {
16 if (resolvedObject == null) {
17 return resolvedObject;
18 }
19 if (Array.isArray(resolvedObject)) {
20 return Promise.all(resolvedObject.map(o => getFinalPromise(o)));
21 }
22 else if (typeof resolvedObject === 'object') {
23 const keys = Object.keys(resolvedObject);
24 return Promise.all(keys.map(key => getFinalPromise(resolvedObject[key]))).then(awaitedValues => {
25 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
26 resolvedObject[keys[i]] = awaitedValues[i];
27 }
28 return resolvedObject;
29 });
30 }
31 return resolvedObject;
32 });
34class AwaitVariablesLink extends apolloLink.ApolloLink {
35 request(operation, forward) {
36 return new apolloLink.Observable(observer => {
37 let subscription;
38 getFinalPromise(operation.variables)
39 .then(resolvedVariables => {
40 operation.variables = resolvedVariables;
41 subscription = forward(operation).subscribe({
42 next: observer.next.bind(observer),
43 error: observer.error.bind(observer),
44 complete: observer.complete.bind(observer),
45 });
46 })
47 .catch(observer.error.bind(observer));
48 return () => {
49 if (subscription != null) {
50 subscription.unsubscribe();
51 }
52 };
53 });
54 }
57class FormDataWithStreamSupport extends FormData {
58 constructor(options) {
59 super(options);
60 this.hasUnknowableLength = false;
61 }
62 append(key, value, optionsOrFilename = {}) {
63 // allow filename as single option
64 const options = typeof optionsOrFilename === 'string' ? { filename: optionsOrFilename } : optionsOrFilename;
65 // empty or either doesn't have path or not an http response
66 if (!options.knownLength &&
67 !Buffer.isBuffer(value) &&
68 typeof value !== 'string' &&
69 !value.path &&
70 !(value.readable && 'httpVersion' in value)) {
71 this.hasUnknowableLength = true;
72 }
73 super.append(key, value, options);
74 }
75 getLength(callback) {
76 if (this.hasUnknowableLength) {
77 return null;
78 }
79 return super.getLength(callback);
80 }
81 getLengthSync() {
82 if (this.hasUnknowableLength) {
83 return null;
84 }
85 // eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
86 return super.getLengthSync();
87 }
89const createServerHttpLink = (options) => apolloLink.concat(new AwaitVariablesLink(), apolloUploadClient.createUploadLink({
90 ...options,
91 fetch: crossFetch.fetch,
92 FormData: FormDataWithStreamSupport,
93 isExtractableFile: (value) => apolloUploadClient.isExtractableFile(value) || (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.createReadStream),
94 formDataAppendFile: (form, index, file) => {
95 if (file.createReadStream != null) {
96 form.append(index, file.createReadStream(), {
97 filename: file.filename,
98 contentType: file.mimetype,
99 });
100 }
101 else {
102 apolloUploadClient.formDataAppendFile(form, index, file);
103 }
104 },
107const linkToExecutor = (link) => ({ document, variables, context, info, }) => apolloLink.toPromise(apolloLink.execute(link, {
108 query: document,
109 variables,
110 context: {
111 graphqlContext: context,
112 graphqlResolveInfo: info,
113 },
116const linkToSubscriber = (link) => async ({ document, variables, context, info, }) => utils.observableToAsyncIterable(apolloLink.execute(link, {
117 query: document,
118 variables,
119 context: {
120 graphqlContext: context,
121 graphqlResolveInfo: info,
122 },
125const GraphQLUpload = new graphql.GraphQLScalarType({
126 name: 'Upload',
127 description: 'The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload.',
128 parseValue: value => {
129 if (value != null && value.promise instanceof Promise) {
130 // graphql-upload v10
131 return value.promise;
132 }
133 else if (value instanceof Promise) {
134 // graphql-upload v9
135 return value;
136 }
137 throw new graphql.GraphQLError('Upload value invalid.');
138 },
139 // serialization requires to support schema stitching
140 serialize: value => value,
141 parseLiteral: ast => {
142 throw new graphql.GraphQLError('Upload literal unsupported.', ast);
143 },
146exports.AwaitVariablesLink = AwaitVariablesLink;
147exports.GraphQLUpload = GraphQLUpload;
148exports.createServerHttpLink = createServerHttpLink;
149exports.linkToExecutor = linkToExecutor;
150exports.linkToSubscriber = linkToSubscriber;
151//# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.js.map