3.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.parseMergeArgsExpr = void 0;
4const graphql_1 = require("graphql");
5const extractVariables_js_1 = require("./extractVariables.js");
6const preparseMergeArgsExpr_js_1 = require("./preparseMergeArgsExpr.js");
7const properties_js_1 = require("./properties.js");
8const getSourcePaths_js_1 = require("./getSourcePaths.js");
9function parseMergeArgsExpr(mergeArgsExpr, selectionSet) {
10 const { mergeArgsExpr: newMergeArgsExpr, expansionExpressions } = (0, preparseMergeArgsExpr_js_1.preparseMergeArgsExpr)(mergeArgsExpr);
11 const inputValue = (0, graphql_1.parseValue)(`{ ${newMergeArgsExpr} }`, { noLocation: true });
12 const { inputValue: newInputValue, variablePaths } = (0, extractVariables_js_1.extractVariables)(inputValue);
13 if (!Object.keys(expansionExpressions).length) {
14 if (!Object.keys(variablePaths).length) {
15 throw new Error('Merge arguments must declare a key.');
16 }
17 const mappingInstructions = getMappingInstructions(variablePaths);
18 const usedProperties = (0, properties_js_1.propertyTreeFromPaths)((0, getSourcePaths_js_1.getSourcePaths)(mappingInstructions, selectionSet));
19 return { args: (0, graphql_1.valueFromASTUntyped)(newInputValue), usedProperties, mappingInstructions };
20 }
21 const expansionRegEx = new RegExp(`^${preparseMergeArgsExpr_js_1.EXPANSION_PREFIX}[0-9]+$`);
22 for (const variableName in variablePaths) {
23 if (!variableName.match(expansionRegEx)) {
24 throw new Error('Expansions cannot be mixed with single key declarations.');
25 }
26 }
27 const expansions = [];
28 const sourcePaths = [];
29 for (const variableName in expansionExpressions) {
30 const str = expansionExpressions[variableName];
31 const valuePath = variablePaths[variableName];
32 const { inputValue: expansionInputValue, variablePaths: expansionVariablePaths } = (0, extractVariables_js_1.extractVariables)((0, graphql_1.parseValue)(`${str}`, { noLocation: true }));
33 if (!Object.keys(expansionVariablePaths).length) {
34 throw new Error('Merge arguments must declare a key.');
35 }
36 const mappingInstructions = getMappingInstructions(expansionVariablePaths);
37 const value = (0, graphql_1.valueFromASTUntyped)(expansionInputValue);
38 sourcePaths.push(...(0, getSourcePaths_js_1.getSourcePaths)(mappingInstructions, selectionSet));
39 assertNotWithinList(valuePath);
40 expansions.push({
41 valuePath,
42 value,
43 mappingInstructions,
44 });
45 }
46 const usedProperties = (0, properties_js_1.propertyTreeFromPaths)(sourcePaths);
47 return { args: (0, graphql_1.valueFromASTUntyped)(newInputValue), usedProperties, expansions };
49exports.parseMergeArgsExpr = parseMergeArgsExpr;
50function getMappingInstructions(variablePaths) {
51 const mappingInstructions = [];
52 for (const keyPath in variablePaths) {
53 const valuePath = variablePaths[keyPath];
54 const splitKeyPath = keyPath.split(preparseMergeArgsExpr_js_1.KEY_DELIMITER).slice(1);
55 assertNotWithinList(valuePath);
56 mappingInstructions.push({
57 destinationPath: valuePath,
58 sourcePath: splitKeyPath,
59 });
60 }
61 return mappingInstructions;
63function assertNotWithinList(path) {
64 for (const pathSegment of path) {
65 if (typeof pathSegment === 'number') {
66 throw new Error('Insertions cannot be made into a list.');
67 }
68 }