4.49 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { getArgumentValues } from './getArgumentValues.js';
2export function getDirectivesInExtensions(node, pathToDirectivesInExtensions = ['directives']) {
3 return pathToDirectivesInExtensions.reduce((acc, pathSegment) => (acc == null ? acc : acc[pathSegment]), node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.extensions);
5function _getDirectiveInExtensions(directivesInExtensions, directiveName) {
6 const directiveInExtensions = directivesInExtensions.filter(directiveAnnotation => directiveAnnotation.name === directiveName);
7 if (!directiveInExtensions.length) {
8 return undefined;
9 }
10 return directiveInExtensions.map(directive => { var _a; return (_a = directive.args) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}; });
12export function getDirectiveInExtensions(node, directiveName, pathToDirectivesInExtensions = ['directives']) {
13 const directivesInExtensions = pathToDirectivesInExtensions.reduce((acc, pathSegment) => (acc == null ? acc : acc[pathSegment]), node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.extensions);
14 if (directivesInExtensions === undefined) {
15 return undefined;
16 }
17 if (Array.isArray(directivesInExtensions)) {
18 return _getDirectiveInExtensions(directivesInExtensions, directiveName);
19 }
20 // Support condensed format by converting to longer format
21 // The condensed format does not preserve ordering of directives when repeatable directives are used.
22 // See https://github.com/ardatan/graphql-tools/issues/2534
23 const reformattedDirectivesInExtensions = [];
24 for (const [name, argsOrArrayOfArgs] of Object.entries(directivesInExtensions)) {
25 if (Array.isArray(argsOrArrayOfArgs)) {
26 for (const args of argsOrArrayOfArgs) {
27 reformattedDirectivesInExtensions.push({ name, args });
28 }
29 }
30 else {
31 reformattedDirectivesInExtensions.push({ name, args: argsOrArrayOfArgs });
32 }
33 }
34 return _getDirectiveInExtensions(reformattedDirectivesInExtensions, directiveName);
36export function getDirectives(schema, node, pathToDirectivesInExtensions = ['directives']) {
37 const directivesInExtensions = getDirectivesInExtensions(node, pathToDirectivesInExtensions);
38 if (directivesInExtensions != null && directivesInExtensions.length > 0) {
39 return directivesInExtensions;
40 }
41 const schemaDirectives = schema && schema.getDirectives ? schema.getDirectives() : [];
42 const schemaDirectiveMap = schemaDirectives.reduce((schemaDirectiveMap, schemaDirective) => {
43 schemaDirectiveMap[schemaDirective.name] = schemaDirective;
44 return schemaDirectiveMap;
45 }, {});
46 let astNodes = [];
47 if (node.astNode) {
48 astNodes.push(node.astNode);
49 }
50 if ('extensionASTNodes' in node && node.extensionASTNodes) {
51 astNodes = [...astNodes, ...node.extensionASTNodes];
52 }
53 const result = [];
54 for (const astNode of astNodes) {
55 if (astNode.directives) {
56 for (const directiveNode of astNode.directives) {
57 const schemaDirective = schemaDirectiveMap[directiveNode.name.value];
58 if (schemaDirective) {
59 result.push({ name: directiveNode.name.value, args: getArgumentValues(schemaDirective, directiveNode) });
60 }
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 return result;
66export function getDirective(schema, node, directiveName, pathToDirectivesInExtensions = ['directives']) {
67 const directiveInExtensions = getDirectiveInExtensions(node, directiveName, pathToDirectivesInExtensions);
68 if (directiveInExtensions != null) {
69 return directiveInExtensions;
70 }
71 const schemaDirective = schema && schema.getDirective ? schema.getDirective(directiveName) : undefined;
72 if (schemaDirective == null) {
73 return undefined;
74 }
75 let astNodes = [];
76 if (node.astNode) {
77 astNodes.push(node.astNode);
78 }
79 if ('extensionASTNodes' in node && node.extensionASTNodes) {
80 astNodes = [...astNodes, ...node.extensionASTNodes];
81 }
82 const result = [];
83 for (const astNode of astNodes) {
84 if (astNode.directives) {
85 for (const directiveNode of astNode.directives) {
86 if (directiveNode.name.value === directiveName) {
87 result.push(getArgumentValues(schemaDirective, directiveNode));
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 if (!result.length) {
93 return undefined;
94 }
95 return result;