3.01 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Kind, validate, specifiedRules, concatAST, versionInfo, } from 'graphql';
2import { AggregateError } from './AggregateError.js';
3export async function validateGraphQlDocuments(schema, documentFiles, effectiveRules = createDefaultRules()) {
4 const allFragmentMap = new Map();
5 const documentFileObjectsToValidate = [];
6 for (const documentFile of documentFiles) {
7 if (documentFile.document) {
8 const definitionsToValidate = [];
9 for (const definitionNode of documentFile.document.definitions) {
10 if (definitionNode.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) {
11 allFragmentMap.set(definitionNode.name.value, definitionNode);
12 }
13 else {
14 definitionsToValidate.push(definitionNode);
15 }
16 }
17 documentFileObjectsToValidate.push({
18 location: documentFile.location,
19 document: {
20 kind: Kind.DOCUMENT,
21 definitions: definitionsToValidate,
22 },
23 });
24 }
25 }
26 const allErrors = [];
27 const allFragmentsDocument = {
28 kind: Kind.DOCUMENT,
29 definitions: [...allFragmentMap.values()],
30 };
31 await Promise.all(documentFileObjectsToValidate.map(async (documentFile) => {
32 const documentToValidate = concatAST([allFragmentsDocument, documentFile.document]);
33 const errors = validate(schema, documentToValidate, effectiveRules);
34 if (errors.length > 0) {
35 allErrors.push({
36 filePath: documentFile.location,
37 errors,
38 });
39 }
40 }));
41 return allErrors;
43export function checkValidationErrors(loadDocumentErrors) {
44 if (loadDocumentErrors.length > 0) {
45 const errors = [];
46 for (const loadDocumentError of loadDocumentErrors) {
47 for (const graphQLError of loadDocumentError.errors) {
48 const error = new Error();
49 error.name = 'GraphQLDocumentError';
50 error.message = `${error.name}: ${graphQLError.message}`;
51 error.stack = error.message;
52 if (graphQLError.locations) {
53 for (const location of graphQLError.locations) {
54 error.stack += `\n at ${loadDocumentError.filePath}:${location.line}:${location.column}`;
55 }
56 }
57 errors.push(error);
58 }
59 }
60 throw new AggregateError(errors, `GraphQL Document Validation failed with ${errors.length} errors;
61 ${errors.map((error, index) => `Error ${index}: ${error.stack}`).join('\n\n')}`);
62 }
64export function createDefaultRules() {
65 let ignored = ['NoUnusedFragmentsRule', 'NoUnusedVariablesRule', 'KnownDirectivesRule'];
66 if (versionInfo.major < 15) {
67 ignored = ignored.map(rule => rule.replace(/Rule$/, ''));
68 }
69 return specifiedRules.filter((f) => !ignored.includes(f.name));