4.02 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Pure JavaScript gRPC Client
3## Installation
5Node 12 is recommended. The exact set of compatible Node versions can be found in the `engines` field of the `package.json` file.
8npm install @grpc/grpc-js
11## Documentation
13Documentation specifically for the `@grpc/grpc-js` package is currently not available. However, [documentation is available for the `grpc` package](https://grpc.github.io/grpc/node/grpc.html), and the two packages contain mostly the same interface. There are a few notable differences, however, and these differences are noted in the "Migrating from grpc" section below.
15## Features
17- Clients
18- Automatic reconnection
19- Servers
20- Streaming
21- Metadata
22- Partial compression support: clients can decompress response messages
23- Pick first and round robin load balancing policies
24- Client Interceptors
25- Connection Keepalives
26- HTTP Connect support (proxies)
28If you need a feature from the `grpc` package that is not provided by the `@grpc/grpc-js`, please file a feature request with that information.
30This library does not directly handle `.proto` files. To use `.proto` files with this library we recommend using the `@grpc/proto-loader` package.
32## Migrating from [`grpc`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/grpc)
34`@grpc/grpc-js` is almost a drop-in replacement for `grpc`, but you may need to make a few code changes to use it:
36- If you are currently loading `.proto` files using `grpc.load`, that function is not available in this library. You should instead load your `.proto` files using `@grpc/proto-loader` and load the resulting package definition objects into `@grpc/grpc-js` using `grpc.loadPackageDefinition`.
37- If you are currently loading packages generated by `grpc-tools`, you should instead generate your files using the `generate_package_definition` option in `grpc-tools`, then load the object exported by the generated file into `@grpc/grpc-js` using `grpc.loadPackageDefinition`.
38- If you have a server and you are using `Server#bind` to bind ports, you will need to use `Server#bindAsync` instead.
39- If you are using any channel options supported in `grpc` but not supported in `@grpc/grpc-js`, you may need to adjust your code to handle the different behavior. Refer to [the list of supported options](#supported-channel-options) below.
40- Refer to the [detailed package comparison](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/blob/master/PACKAGE-COMPARISON.md) for more details on the differences between `grpc` and `@grpc/grpc-js`.
42## Supported Channel Options
43Many channel arguments supported in `grpc` are not supported in `@grpc/grpc-js`. The channel arguments supported by `@grpc/grpc-js` are:
44 - `grpc.ssl_target_name_override`
45 - `grpc.primary_user_agent`
46 - `grpc.secondary_user_agent`
47 - `grpc.default_authority`
48 - `grpc.keepalive_time_ms`
49 - `grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms`
50 - `grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls`
51 - `grpc.service_config`
52 - `grpc.max_concurrent_streams`
53 - `grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms`
54 - `grpc.max_reconnect_backoff_ms`
55 - `grpc.use_local_subchannel_pool`
56 - `grpc.max_send_message_length`
57 - `grpc.max_receive_message_length`
58 - `grpc.enable_http_proxy`
59 - `grpc.default_compression_algorithm`
60 - `grpc.enable_channelz`
61 - `grpc.dns_min_time_between_resolutions_ms`
62 - `grpc-node.max_session_memory`
63 - `channelOverride`
64 - `channelFactoryOverride`
66## Some Notes on API Guarantees
68The public API of this library follows semantic versioning, with some caveats:
70- Some methods are prefixed with an underscore. These methods are internal and should not be considered part of the public API.
71- The class `Call` is only exposed due to limitations of TypeScript. It should not be considered part of the public API.
72- In general, any API that is exposed by this library but is not exposed by the `grpc` library is likely an error and should not be considered part of the public API.
73- The `grpc.experimental` namespace contains APIs that have not stabilized. Any API in that namespace may break in any minor version update.