1 | import { ChannelCredentials } from './channel-credentials';
2 | import { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options';
3 | import { Metadata } from './metadata';
4 | import { CallConfig } from './resolver';
5 | import { ServerSurfaceCall } from './server-call';
6 | import { ConnectivityState } from './connectivity-state';
7 | import { ChannelRef } from './channelz';
8 | import { LoadBalancingCall } from './load-balancing-call';
9 | import { CallCredentials } from './call-credentials';
10 | import { Call, StatusObject } from './call-interface';
11 | import { Deadline } from './deadline';
12 | import { ResolvingCall } from './resolving-call';
13 | import { RetryingCall } from './retrying-call';
14 | import { BaseSubchannelWrapper, SubchannelInterface } from './subchannel-interface';
15 | interface NoneConfigResult {
16 | type: 'NONE';
17 | }
18 | interface SuccessConfigResult {
19 | type: 'SUCCESS';
20 | config: CallConfig;
21 | }
22 | interface ErrorConfigResult {
23 | type: 'ERROR';
24 | error: StatusObject;
25 | }
26 | type GetConfigResult = NoneConfigResult | SuccessConfigResult | ErrorConfigResult;
27 | declare class ChannelSubchannelWrapper extends BaseSubchannelWrapper implements SubchannelInterface {
28 | private channel;
29 | private refCount;
30 | private subchannelStateListener;
31 | constructor(childSubchannel: SubchannelInterface, channel: InternalChannel);
32 | ref(): void;
33 | unref(): void;
34 | }
35 | export declare class InternalChannel {
36 | private readonly credentials;
37 | private readonly options;
38 | private readonly resolvingLoadBalancer;
39 | private readonly subchannelPool;
40 | private connectivityState;
41 | private currentPicker;
42 | |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | private configSelectionQueue;
47 | private pickQueue;
48 | private connectivityStateWatchers;
49 | private readonly defaultAuthority;
50 | private readonly filterStackFactory;
51 | private readonly target;
52 | |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 | private readonly callRefTimer;
60 | private configSelector;
61 | |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | private currentResolutionError;
69 | private readonly retryBufferTracker;
70 | private keepaliveTime;
71 | private readonly wrappedSubchannels;
72 | private callCount;
73 | private idleTimer;
74 | private readonly idleTimeoutMs;
75 | private readonly channelzEnabled;
76 | private readonly originalTarget;
77 | private readonly channelzRef;
78 | private readonly channelzTrace;
79 | private readonly callTracker;
80 | private readonly childrenTracker;
81 | constructor(target: string, credentials: ChannelCredentials, options: ChannelOptions);
82 | private getChannelzInfo;
83 | private trace;
84 | private callRefTimerRef;
85 | private callRefTimerUnref;
86 | private removeConnectivityStateWatcher;
87 | private updateState;
88 | throttleKeepalive(newKeepaliveTime: number): void;
89 | removeWrappedSubchannel(wrappedSubchannel: ChannelSubchannelWrapper): void;
90 | doPick(metadata: Metadata, extraPickInfo: {
91 | [key: string]: string;
92 | }): import("./picker").PickResult;
93 | queueCallForPick(call: LoadBalancingCall): void;
94 | getConfig(method: string, metadata: Metadata): GetConfigResult;
95 | queueCallForConfig(call: ResolvingCall): void;
96 | private enterIdle;
97 | private maybeStartIdleTimer;
98 | private onCallStart;
99 | private onCallEnd;
100 | createLoadBalancingCall(callConfig: CallConfig, method: string, host: string, credentials: CallCredentials, deadline: Deadline): LoadBalancingCall;
101 | createRetryingCall(callConfig: CallConfig, method: string, host: string, credentials: CallCredentials, deadline: Deadline): RetryingCall;
102 | createInnerCall(callConfig: CallConfig, method: string, host: string, credentials: CallCredentials, deadline: Deadline): Call;
103 | createResolvingCall(method: string, deadline: Deadline, host: string | null | undefined, parentCall: ServerSurfaceCall | null, propagateFlags: number | null | undefined): ResolvingCall;
104 | close(): void;
105 | getTarget(): string;
106 | getConnectivityState(tryToConnect: boolean): ConnectivityState;
107 | watchConnectivityState(currentState: ConnectivityState, deadline: Date | number, callback: (error?: Error) => void): void;
108 | /**
109 | * Get the channelz reference object for this channel. The returned value is
110 | * garbage if channelz is disabled for this channel.
111 | * @returns
112 | */
113 | getChannelzRef(): ChannelRef;
114 | createCall(method: string, deadline: Deadline, host: string | null | undefined, parentCall: ServerSurfaceCall | null, propagateFlags: number | null | undefined): Call;
115 | }
116 | export {};