3.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const analysedFileCollection = require('../analysed-files-collection')
5describe('mygreate', () => {
6 const filesAnalyseResult = [
7 { name: '20170914182600', locations: [ 'local' ] },
8 { name: '20170914202400', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
9 { name: '20170914205000', locations: [ 'remote' ] },
10 { name: '20170914210300', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
11 { name: '20170914213400', locations: [ 'local' ] },
12 { name: '20170914213500', locations: [ 'local' ] }
13 ]
15 describe('analysed-files-collection(filesAnalyseResult Array[Object]): Object', () => {
16 const collection = analysedFileCollection(filesAnalyseResult)
18 describe('.all(): Array[Object]', () => {
19 it('returns all analysed files\' results', () => {
20 expect( collection.all() ).to.be.deep.equals(filesAnalyseResult)
21 })
22 })
24 describe('.after(filename String): Promise<Array[Object]>', () => {
25 it('returns all registered files after the given one', () => {
26 return expect( collection.after('20170914182600') ).to.eventually.be.deep.equals([
27 { name: '20170914202400', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
28 { name: '20170914205000', locations: [ 'remote' ] },
29 { name: '20170914210300', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
30 { name: '20170914213400', locations: [ 'local' ] },
31 { name: '20170914213500', locations: [ 'local' ] }
32 ])
33 })
35 it('if the given file is the last one, an empty array will be returned', () => {
36 return expect( collection.after('20170914213500') )
37 .to.eventually.be.deep.equals([])
38 })
39 })
41 describe('.before(filename String): Promise<Array[Object]>', () => {
42 it('returns all registered files before the given one', () => {
43 return expect( collection.before('20170914213500') ).to.eventually.be.deep.equals([
44 { name: '20170914182600', locations: [ 'local' ] },
45 { name: '20170914202400', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
46 { name: '20170914205000', locations: [ 'remote' ] },
47 { name: '20170914210300', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
48 { name: '20170914213400', locations: [ 'local' ] },
49 ])
50 })
52 it('if the given file is the first one, an empty array will be returned', () => {
53 return expect( collection.before('20170914182600') )
54 .to.eventually.be.deep.equals([])
55 })
56 })
58 describe('.conflicting(): Promise<Array[Object]>', () => {
59 it('returns all registered files which would cause conflicts', () => {
60 return expect( collection.conflicting() ).to.eventually.be.deep.equals([
61 { name: '20170914182600', locations: [ 'local' ] },
62 { name: '20170914205000', locations: [ 'remote' ] }
63 ])
64 })
65 })
67 describe('.synced(): Promise<Array[Object]>', () => {
68 it('returns all registered files which are sync from both local and remote', () => {
69 return expect( collection.synced() ).to.eventually.be.deep.equals([
70 { name: '20170914202400', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
71 { name: '20170914210300', locations: [ 'remote', 'local' ] },
72 ])
73 })
74 })
76 describe('.unsynced(): Promise<Array[Object]>', () => {
77 it('returns all registered files which are not sync from both local and remote', () => {
78 return expect( collection.unsynced() ).to.eventually.be.deep.equals([
79 { name: '20170914182600', locations: [ 'local' ] },
80 { name: '20170914205000', locations: [ 'remote' ] },
81 { name: '20170914213400', locations: [ 'local' ] },
82 { name: '20170914213500', locations: [ 'local' ] }
83 ])
84 })
85 })
86 })