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1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.getGitRemotes = exports.configRemote = exports.Git = void 0;
4const errors_1 = require("@oclif/core/lib/errors");
5const vars_1 = require("./vars");
6class Git {
7 get remotes() {
8 return this.exec('remote -v')
9 .split('\n')
10 .filter(l => l.endsWith('(fetch)'))
11 .map(l => {
12 const [name, url] = l.split('\t');
13 return { name, url: url.split(' ')[0] };
14 });
15 }
16 exec(cmd) {
17 const { execSync: exec } = require('child_process');
18 try {
19 return exec(`git ${cmd}`, {
20 encoding: 'utf8',
21 stdio: [null, 'pipe', null],
22 });
23 }
24 catch (error) {
25 if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
26 throw new errors_1.CLIError('Git must be installed to use the Heroku CLI. See instructions here: http://git-scm.com');
27 }
28 throw error;
29 }
30 }
32exports.Git = Git;
33function configRemote() {
34 const git = new Git();
35 try {
36 return git.exec('config heroku.remote').trim();
37 }
38 catch (_a) { }
40exports.configRemote = configRemote;
41function getGitRemotes(onlyRemote) {
42 const git = new Git();
43 const appRemotes = [];
44 let remotes;
45 try {
46 remotes = git.remotes;
47 }
48 catch (_a) {
49 return [];
50 }
51 for (const remote of remotes) {
52 if (onlyRemote && remote.name !== onlyRemote)
53 continue;
54 for (const prefix of vars_1.vars.gitPrefixes) {
55 const suffix = '.git';
56 const match = remote.url.match(`${prefix}(.*)${suffix}`);
57 if (!match)
58 continue;
59 appRemotes.push({
60 app: match[1],
61 remote: remote.name,
62 });
63 }
64 }
65 return appRemotes;
67exports.getGitRemotes = getGitRemotes;