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1'use strict';
3const child = require('child_process');
4const path = require('path');
5const cli = require('heroku-cli-util');
6const exec = require('heroku-exec-util');
7const https = require('https')
8const http = require('http')
9const fs = require('fs')
10const co = require('co');
11const socks = require('@heroku/socksv5')
12var net = require("net");
14module.exports = function(topic, command) {
15 return {
16 topic: topic,
17 command: command,
18 description: 'Forward traffic on a local port to a dyno',
19 help: `Example:
21 $ heroku ps:forward 8080 --app murmuring-headland-14719`,
22 args: [{name: 'port', optional: false}],
23 flags: [
24 { name: 'dyno', char: 'd', hasValue: true, description: 'specify the dyno to connect to' },
25 { name: 'localPort', char: 'p', hasValue: true, description: 'the local port to use' } ],
26 needsApp: true,
27 needsAuth: true,
28 run: cli.command(co.wrap(run))
29 }
32function * run(context, heroku) {
33 yield exec.initFeature(context, heroku, function *(configVars) {
34 let remotePort = context.args.port;
35 let localPort = context.flags.localPort || remotePort;
37 yield exec.createSocksProxy(context, heroku, configVars, function(dynoIp, dynoName, socksPort) {
38 cli.log(`Listening on ${cli.color.white.bold(localPort)} and forwarding to ${cli.color.white.bold(`${dynoName}:${remotePort}`)}`)
39 cli.log(`Use ${cli.color.magenta('CTRL+C')} to stop port fowarding`)
40 net.createServer(function(connIn) {
41 socks.connect({
42 host: '',
43 port: remotePort,
44 proxyHost: '',
45 proxyPort: socksPort,
46 auths: [ socks.auth.None() ]
47 }, function(socket) {
48 connIn.pipe(socket);
49 socket.pipe(connIn);
50 });
51 }).listen(localPort);
52 });
53 });
54 return new Promise(resolve => {})