1.23 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3let co = require('co')
4let cli = require('heroku-cli-util')
5let helpers = require('../lib/helpers')
6let Dyno = require('../lib/dyno')
8function * run (context, heroku) {
9 context.args.unshift('rake')
10 let opts = {
11 heroku: heroku,
12 app: context.app,
13 command: helpers.buildCommand(context.args),
14 size: context.flags.size,
15 'exit-code': context.flags['exit-code'],
16 env: context.flags.env,
17 'no-tty': context.flags['no-tty'],
18 attach: true
19 }
21 let dyno = new Dyno(opts)
22 try {
23 yield dyno.start()
24 } catch (err) {
25 if (err.exitCode) {
26 cli.error(err)
27 process.exit(err.exitCode)
28 } else throw err
29 }
32module.exports = {
33 topic: 'rake',
34 hidden: true,
35 variableArgs: true,
36 needsAuth: true,
37 needsApp: true,
38 flags: [
39 { name: 'size', char: 's', description: 'dyno size', hasValue: true },
40 { name: 'exit-code', char: 'x', description: 'passthrough the exit code of the remote command' },
41 { name: 'env', char: 'e', description: "environment variables to set (use ';' to split multiple vars)", hasValue: true },
42 { name: 'no-tty', description: 'force the command to not run in a tty', hasValue: false }
43 ],
44 run: cli.command(co.wrap(run))