3.62 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const cli = require('heroku-cli-util')
4const co = require('co')
5const lib = require('../lib/spaces')
6const parsers = require('../lib/parsers')()
7const { flags } = require('@heroku-cli/command')
8const { RegionCompletion } = require('@heroku-cli/command/lib/completions')
10function * run (context, heroku) {
11 let space = context.flags.space || context.args.space
12 let dollarAmount = '$1000'
13 let spaceType = 'Standard'
14 if (context.flags['shield']) { dollarAmount = '$3000'; spaceType = 'Shield' }
15 if (!space) throw new Error('Space name required.\nUSAGE: heroku spaces:create --space my-space --team my-team')
16 let team = context.org || context.team || context.flags.team
17 if (!team) throw new Error('No team specified')
18 let request = heroku.request({
19 method: 'POST',
20 path: '/spaces',
21 body: {
22 name: space,
23 team: team,
24 channel_name: context.flags.channel,
25 region: context.flags.region,
26 features: parsers.splitCsv(context.flags.features),
27 log_drain_url: context.flags['log-drain-url'],
28 shield: context.flags['shield'],
29 owner_pool: context.flags['owner-pool'],
30 cidr: context.flags['cidr'],
31 kpi_url: context.flags['kpi-url'],
32 data_cidr: context.flags['data-cidr']
33 }
34 })
36 space = yield cli.action(`Creating space ${cli.color.green(space)} in team ${cli.color.cyan(team)}`, request)
37 cli.warn(`${cli.color.bold('Spend Alert.')} Each Heroku ${spaceType} Private Space costs ${dollarAmount} in Add-on Credits/month (pro-rated to the second).`)
38 cli.warn('Use spaces:wait to track allocation.')
39 cli.styledHeader(space.name)
40 cli.styledObject({
41 ID: space.id,
42 Team: space.team.name,
43 Region: space.region.name,
44 CIDR: space.cidr,
45 'Data CIDR': space.data_cidr,
46 State: space.state,
47 Shield: lib.displayShieldState(space),
48 'Created at': space.created_at
49 }, ['ID', 'Team', 'Region', 'CIDR', 'Data CIDR', 'State', 'Shield', 'Created at'])
52module.exports = {
53 topic: 'spaces',
54 command: 'create',
55 description: 'create a new space',
56 help: `Example:
58 $ heroku spaces:create --space my-space --team my-team --region oregon
59 Creating space my-space in team my-team... done
60 === my-space
61 ID: e7b99e37-69b3-4475-ad47-a5cc5d75fd9f
62 Team: my-team
63 Region: oregon
64 CIDR:
65 Data CIDR:
66 State: allocating
67 Created at: 2016-01-06T03:23:13Z
69 `,
70 needsApp: false,
71 needsAuth: true,
72 wantsOrg: true,
73 args: [{ name: 'space', optional: true, hidden: true }],
74 flags: [
75 { name: 'space', char: 's', hasValue: true, description: 'name of space to create' },
76 { name: 'channel', hasValue: true, hidden: true },
77 { name: 'region', hasValue: true, description: 'region name', completion: RegionCompletion },
78 { name: 'features', hasValue: true, hidden: true, description: 'a list of features separated by commas' },
79 { name: 'log-drain-url', hasValue: true, hidden: true, description: 'direct log drain url' },
80 { name: 'owner-pool', hasValue: true, hidden: true, description: 'owner pool name' },
81 { name: 'shield', hasValue: false, hidden: true, description: 'create a Shield space' },
82 { name: 'cidr', hasValue: true, description: 'RFC-1918 CIDR the space will use' },
83 { name: 'kpi-url', hasValue: true, hidden: true, description: 'self-managed KPI endpoint to use' },
84 { name: 'data-cidr', hasValue: true, description: 'RFC-1918 CIDR used by Heroku Data resources for the space' },
85 flags.team({ name: 'team', hasValue: true })
86 ],
87 run: cli.command(co.wrap(run))