4.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { sizePropValidator } from '../../mixins';
2import { Classes, InputElementEvent } from '../../types';
3declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<{
4 /**
5 * The color variant of the checkbox
6 * @type light | dark
7 * @default light
8 * @name color
9 */
10 color: {
11 type: StringConstructor;
12 default: () => string;
13 };
14 /**
15 * The disabled state of the checkbox
16 * @type Boolean
17 * @default false
18 * @name disabled
19 */
20 disabled: {
21 type: BooleanConstructor;
22 default: boolean;
23 };
24 /**
25 * The indeterminate state of the checkbox
26 * @type Boolean
27 * @default false
28 * @name indeterminate
29 */
30 indeterminate: {
31 type: BooleanConstructor;
32 default: boolean;
33 };
34 /**
35 * Used to set the checkbox value when used inside a checkbox group
36 * @default false
37 * @name value
38 */
39 value: {
40 default: boolean;
41 };
42 /**
43 * Used to set the checkbox value when used by itself
44 * @default false
45 * @name modelValue
46 */
47 modelValue: {
48 default: boolean;
49 };
50 /**
51 * The unique identifier of the checkbox
52 * @type String
53 * @default uid()
54 * @name name
55 */
56 name: {
57 type: (StringConstructor | NumberConstructor)[];
58 default(): string;
59 };
60 /**
61 * Displays the native browser checkbox input indicator
62 * @type Boolean
63 * @default false
64 * @name native
65 */
66 native: {
67 type: BooleanConstructor;
68 default: boolean;
69 };
70 /**
71 * The readonly state of the checkbox
72 * @type Boolean
73 * @default false
74 * @name readonly
75 */
76 readonly: {
77 type: BooleanConstructor;
78 default: boolean;
79 };
80 /**
81 * The size variant of the checkbox
82 * @type sm | md | lg
83 * @default md
84 * @name size
85 */
86 size: {
87 type: StringConstructor;
88 default: () => string;
89 validator: typeof sizePropValidator;
90 };
91 /**
92 * The tabindex of the checkbox
93 * @type Number | String
94 * @default 0
95 * @name tabindex
96 */
97 tabindex: {
98 type: (StringConstructor | NumberConstructor)[];
99 default: number;
100 };
101}, unknown, unknown, {
102 classes(): Classes;
103 checked(): boolean;
104 tabIndex(): number | string;
105}, {
106 clickInputRef(): void;
107 onChange(event: InputElementEvent): void;
108 onBlur(event: InputElementEvent): void;
109}, import("vue").DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {
110 isDisabled(): boolean;
111 isReadonly(): boolean;
112 parent(): any; /**
113 * The disabled state of the checkbox
114 * @type Boolean
115 * @default false
116 * @name disabled
117 */
118 schema(): any;
119}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").EmitsOptions, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<{} & {} & {}>, {}>, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, "update:modelValue"[], "update:modelValue", import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<{
120 color?: unknown;
121 disabled?: unknown;
122 indeterminate?: unknown;
123 value?: unknown;
124 modelValue?: unknown;
125 name?: unknown;
126 native?: unknown;
127 readonly?: unknown;
128 size?: unknown;
129 tabindex?: unknown;
130} & {
131 value: boolean;
132 name: string | number;
133 color: string;
134 size: string;
135 modelValue: boolean;
136 disabled: boolean;
137 tabindex: string | number;
138 indeterminate: boolean;
139 native: boolean;
140 readonly: boolean;
141} & {}> & {
142 "onUpdate:modelValue"?: ((...args: any[]) => any) | undefined;
143}, {
144 value: boolean;
145 name: string | number;
146 color: string;
147 size: string;
148 modelValue: boolean;
149 disabled: boolean;
150 tabindex: string | number;
151 indeterminate: boolean;
152 native: boolean;
153 readonly: boolean;
155export default _default;
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