1 | import React from 'react';
2 | type WithDeterministicIdProps = {
3 | deterministicId?: (instanceName?: string) => string;
4 | };
5 | /**
6 | * This decorator is used to enable the decorated class to use the `DeterministicIdContext` which is needed
7 | * for deterministic id generation.
8 | *
9 | * The context is there for the users to pass an `instanceCounterMap` Map which is then used
10 | * in the child components to deterministically create ids for them based on the `instanceCounterMap`.
11 | * Read more about it here: [SSR guide](https://instructure.design/#server-side-rendering)
12 | */
13 | declare const withDeterministicId: (...args: unknown[]) => (ComposedComponent: React.ComponentClass<any>) => any;
14 | export default withDeterministicId;
15 | export { withDeterministicId };
16 | export type { WithDeterministicIdProps };
17 | //# sourceMappingURL=withDeterministicId.d.ts.map |
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