1 |
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13 |
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22 |
23 |
24 | import React from 'react';
25 | import { findDOMNode } from 'react-dom';
26 | import { elementToString, wrapQueryResult, isElement, matches } from '@instructure/ui-test-queries';
27 | export default function assertions(chai, utils) {
28 | const flag = utils.flag,
29 | inspect = utils.inspect;
30 | const Assertion = chai.Assertion;
31 |
32 | function wrapObj(obj) {
33 | if (obj && typeof obj.getDOMNode === 'function') {
34 | return obj;
35 | }
36 |
37 | let node;
38 |
39 | if (isElement(obj)) {
40 | node = obj;
41 | } else if ( React.isValidElement(obj)) {
42 | node = findDOMNode(obj);
43 | }
44 |
45 | if (node) {
46 | return wrapQueryResult(node);
47 | }
48 |
49 | return void 0;
50 | }
51 |
52 | function addAssertion(name, assertion) {
53 | if (Assertion.prototype[name]) {
54 | overwriteMethod(name, assertion);
55 | } else {
56 | addMethod(name, assertion);
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | function overwriteProperty(name, assertion) {
61 | Assertion.overwriteProperty(name, function (_super) {
62 | return wrapOverwriteAssertion(assertion, _super);
63 | });
64 | }
65 |
66 | function overwriteMethod(name, assertion) {
67 | Assertion.overwriteMethod(name, function (_super) {
68 | return wrapOverwriteAssertion(assertion, _super);
69 | });
70 | }
71 |
72 | function addMethod(name, assertion) {
73 | Assertion.addMethod(name, wrapAssertion(assertion));
74 | }
75 |
76 | function addChainableMethod(name, assertion) {
77 | Assertion.addChainableMethod(name, wrapAssertion(assertion));
78 | }
79 |
80 | function overwriteChainableMethod(name, assertion) {
81 | Assertion.overwriteChainableMethod(name, function (_super) {
82 | return wrapOverwriteAssertion(assertion, _super);
83 | }, function (_super) {
84 | return function () {
85 | _super.call(this);
86 | };
87 | });
88 | }
89 |
90 | function wrapOverwriteAssertion(assertion, _super) {
91 | return function (arg1, arg2) {
92 | const wrapper = wrapObj(flag(this, 'object'));
93 |
94 | if (!wrapper) {
95 |
96 | return _super.apply(this, arguments);
97 | }
98 |
99 | assertion.call(this, {
100 | markup: () => wrapper.toString(),
101 | sig: inspect(wrapper.getDOMNode()),
102 | wrapper,
103 | arg1,
104 | arg2,
105 | flag,
106 | inspect
107 | });
108 | };
109 | }
110 |
111 | function wrapAssertion(assertion) {
112 | return function (arg1, arg2) {
113 | const wrapper = wrapObj(flag(this, 'object'));
114 | const config = {
115 | wrapper,
116 | arg1,
117 | flag,
118 | inspect
119 | };
120 |
121 | if (wrapper) {
122 | config.markup = () => wrapper.toString();
123 |
124 | config.sig = inspect(wrapper.getDOMNode());
125 | }
126 |
127 | if (arguments.length > 1) {
128 | config.arg2 = arg2;
129 | }
130 |
131 | assertion.call(this, config);
132 | };
133 | }
134 |
135 | overwriteProperty('not', function () {
136 | flag(this, 'negate', true);
137 | });
138 | addChainableMethod('exactly', function exactly(_ref) {
139 | let flag = _ref.flag,
140 | arg1 = _ref.arg1;
141 | flag(this, 'exactlyCount', arg1);
142 | });
143 | addAssertion('text', function text(_ref2) {
144 | let wrapper = _ref2.wrapper,
145 | markup = _ref2.markup,
146 | flag = _ref2.flag,
147 | arg1 = _ref2.arg1,
148 | arg2 = _ref2.arg2,
149 | sig = _ref2.sig;
150 | const actual = wrapper.text();
151 |
152 | if (typeof arg1 !== 'undefined') {
153 | if (flag(this, 'contains')) {
154 | this.assert(actual && actual.indexOf(String(arg1)) > -1, () => `expected ${sig} to contain text #{exp}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} not to contain text #{exp}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, arg1, actual);
155 | } else {
156 | this.assert(actual && matches(actual, arg1, arg2), () => `expected ${sig} to have text #{exp}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have text #{exp}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, arg1, actual);
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 | flag(this, 'object', actual);
161 | });
162 | overwriteChainableMethod('contain', function contain(_ref3) {
163 | let wrapper = _ref3.wrapper,
164 | markup = _ref3.markup,
165 | arg1 = _ref3.arg1,
166 | sig = _ref3.sig;
167 |
168 | if (arg1) {
169 | this.assert(wrapper && wrapper.contains(arg1), () => `expected ${sig} to contain ${elementToString(arg1)} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not contain ${elementToString(arg1)} ${markup()}`, arg1);
170 | }
171 | });
172 | addAssertion('className', function className(_ref4) {
173 | let wrapper = _ref4.wrapper,
174 | markup = _ref4.markup,
175 | arg1 = _ref4.arg1,
176 | sig = _ref4.sig;
177 | const actual = wrapper.classNames();
178 |
179 | this.assert(wrapper && wrapper.hasClass(arg1), () => `expected ${sig} to have a #{exp} class, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have a #{exp} class, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, arg1, actual);
180 | });
181 | addAssertion('match', function match(_ref5) {
182 | let wrapper = _ref5.wrapper,
183 | markup = _ref5.markup,
184 | arg1 = _ref5.arg1,
185 | sig = _ref5.sig;
186 | this.assert(wrapper && wrapper.matches(arg1), () => `expected ${sig} to match #{exp} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not match #{exp} ${markup()}`, arg1);
187 | });
188 | addAssertion('descendants', listAndCountAssertion('descendants', 'descendants'));
189 | addAssertion('children', listAndCountAssertion('children', 'children'));
190 | addAssertion('ancestors', listAndCountAssertion('ancestors', 'ancestors'));
191 | addAssertion('parents', listAndCountAssertion('parents', 'parents'));
192 | addAssertion('attribute', propAndValueAssertion('attribute', 'attribute'));
193 | addAssertion('style', propAndValueAssertion('style', 'computed CSS style'));
194 | addAssertion('bounds', propAndValueAssertion('bounds', 'bounding client rect'));
195 | addAssertion('tagName', valueAssertion('tagName', 'tag name'));
196 | addAssertion('id', valueAssertion('id', 'id'));
197 | addAssertion('visible', booleanAssertion('visible', 'visible'));
198 | addAssertion('clickable', booleanAssertion('clickable', 'clickable'));
199 | addAssertion('focus', booleanAssertion('containsFocus', 'focused or contain the focused element'));
200 | addAssertion('focused', booleanAssertion('focused', 'focused'));
201 | addAssertion('focusable', booleanAssertion('focusable', 'focusable'));
202 | addAssertion('tabbable', booleanAssertion('tabbable', 'tabbable'));
203 | addAssertion('checked', booleanAssertion('checked', 'checked'));
204 | addAssertion('selected', booleanAssertion('selected', 'selected'));
205 | addAssertion('disabled', booleanAssertion('disabled', 'disabled'));
206 | addAssertion('enabled', booleanAssertion('enabled', 'enabled'));
207 | addAssertion('readonly', booleanAssertion('readonly', 'readonly'));
208 | addAssertion('accessible', booleanAssertion('accessible', 'accessible'));
209 | addAssertion('role', valueAssertion('role', 'role'));
210 | addAssertion('title', valueAssertion('title', 'title'));
211 | addAssertion('value', valueAssertion('value', 'value'));
212 | addAssertion('label', valueAssertion('label', 'label'));
213 | }
214 |
215 | function getActual(wrapper, assertion) {
216 | const methodOrProperty = wrapper ? wrapper[assertion] : void 0;
217 |
218 | if (typeof methodOrProperty === 'function') {
219 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {
220 | args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];
221 | }
222 |
223 | return methodOrProperty(...args);
224 | } else {
225 | return methodOrProperty;
226 | }
227 | }
228 |
229 | function propAndValueAssertion(assertion, desc) {
230 | return function (args) {
231 | const wrapper = args.wrapper,
232 | markup = args.markup,
233 | flag = args.flag,
234 | inspect = args.inspect,
235 | arg1 = args.arg1,
236 | arg2 = args.arg2,
237 | arg3 = args.arg3,
238 | sig = args.sig;
239 | const actual = getActual(wrapper, assertion, arg1);
240 |
241 | if (arg2) {
242 | this.assert(actual && matches(actual, arg2, arg3), () => `expected ${sig} to have a ${inspect(arg1)} ${desc} with the value #{exp}, but the value was #{act} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have a ${inspect(arg1)} ${desc} with the value #{act} ${markup()}`, arg2, actual);
243 | } else {
244 | this.assert(typeof actual !== 'undefined' && actual !== null, () => `expected ${sig} to have a #{exp} ${desc} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have a #{exp} ${desc} ${markup()}`, arg1, actual);
245 | }
246 |
247 | flag(this, 'object', actual);
248 | };
249 | }
250 |
251 | function booleanAssertion(assertion, desc) {
252 | return function (_ref6) {
253 | let wrapper = _ref6.wrapper,
254 | markup = _ref6.markup,
255 | sig = _ref6.sig;
256 | const actual = getActual(wrapper, assertion);
257 | this.assert(actual, () => `expected ${sig} to be ${desc} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not be ${desc} ${markup()}`, void 0);
258 | };
259 | }
260 |
261 | function valueAssertion(assertion, desc) {
262 | return function (_ref7) {
263 | let wrapper = _ref7.wrapper,
264 | markup = _ref7.markup,
265 | arg1 = _ref7.arg1,
266 | arg2 = _ref7.arg2,
267 | sig = _ref7.sig;
268 | const actual = getActual(wrapper, assertion);
269 | this.assert(matches(actual, arg1, arg2), () => `expected ${sig} to have a #{exp} ${desc}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have a #{exp} ${desc}, but it has #{act} ${markup()}`, arg1, actual);
270 | };
271 | }
272 |
273 | function listAndCountAssertion(assertion, desc) {
274 | return function (_ref8) {
275 | let wrapper = _ref8.wrapper,
276 | markup = _ref8.markup,
277 | arg1 = _ref8.arg1,
278 | sig = _ref8.sig,
279 | flag = _ref8.flag;
280 | const exactlyCount = flag(this, 'exactlyCount');
281 | const actual = getActual(wrapper, assertion, arg1);
282 | const count = actual.length;
283 |
284 | if (exactlyCount || exactlyCount === 0) {
285 | this.assert(count === exactlyCount, () => `expected ${sig} to have ${exactlyCount} ${desc} #{exp} but actually found ${count} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have ${exactlyCount} ${desc} #{exp} but actually found ${count} ${markup()}`, arg1);
286 | } else {
287 | this.assert(count > 0, () => `expected ${sig} to have ${desc} #{exp} ${markup()}`, () => `expected ${sig} to not have ${desc} #{exp} ${markup()}`, arg1);
288 | }
289 | };
290 | } |
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