10.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const Transport = require('./Transport'); // Base class for TransportXyz
2const Transports = require('./Transports'); // Manage all Transports that are loaded
3const httptools = require('./httptools'); // Expose some of the httptools so that IPFS can use it as a backup
4const Url = require('url');
5const stream = require('readable-stream');
6const debug = require('debug')('dweb-transports:http');
7//TODO-SPLIT pull /arc out of here, then dont need by default to hearbeat to dweb.me
9defaulthttpoptions = {
10 urlbase: 'https://dweb.me',
11 heartbeat: { delay: 30000 } // By default check twice a minute
14class TransportHTTP extends Transport {
15 /* Subclass of Transport for handling HTTP - see API.md for docs
17 options {
18 urlbase: e.g. https://dweb.me Where to go for URLS like /arc/...
19 heartbeat: {
20 delay // Time in milliseconds between checks - 30000 might be appropriate - if missing it wont do a heartbeat
21 statusCB // Callback cb(transport) when status changes
22 }
23 }
24 */
26 constructor(options) {
27 super(options); // These are now options.http
28 this.options = options;
29 this.urlbase = options.urlbase; // e.g. https://dweb.me
30 this.supportURLs = ['http','https'];
31 this.supportFunctions = ['fetch'];
32 this.supportFeatures = ['noCache'];
33 if (typeof window === "undefined") {
34 // running in node, can support createReadStream, (browser can't - see createReadStream below)
35 this.supportFunctions.push("createReadStream");
36 }
37 // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
38 this.supportFeatures = ['fetch.range', 'noCache'];
39 this.name = "HTTP"; // For console log etc
40 this.status = Transport.STATUS_LOADED;
41 }
43 static setup0(options) {
44 let combinedoptions = Transport.mergeoptions(defaulthttpoptions, options.http);
45 try {
46 let t = new TransportHTTP(combinedoptions);
47 Transports.addtransport(t);
48 return t;
49 } catch (err) {
50 debug("ERROR: HTTP unable to setup0", err.message);
51 throw err;
52 }
53 }
55 p_setup1(statusCB) {
56 return new Promise((resolve, unusedReject) => {
57 this.status = Transport.STATUS_STARTING;
58 if (statusCB) statusCB(this);
59 this.updateStatus((unusedErr, unusedRes) => {
60 if (statusCB) statusCB(this);
61 this.startHeartbeat(this.options.heartbeat);
62 resolve(this); // Note always resolve even if error from p_status as have set status to failed
63 });
64 })
65 }
67 async p_status(cb) { //TODO-API
68 /*
69 Return (via cb or promise) a numeric code for the status of a transport.
70 */
71 if (cb) { try { this.updateStatus(cb) } catch(err) { cb(err)}} else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { this.updateStatus((err, res) => { if (err) {reject(err)} else {resolve(res)} })} catch(err) {reject(err)}})} // Promisify pattern v2f
72 }
73 updateStatus(cb) { //TODO-API
74 this.updateInfo((err, res) => {
75 if (err) {
76 debug("Error status call to info failed %s", err.message);
77 this.status = Transport.STATUS_FAILED;
78 cb(null, this.status); // DOnt pass error up, the status indicates the error
79 } else {
80 this.info = res; // Save result
81 this.status = Transport.STATUS_CONNECTED;
82 cb(null, this.status);
83 }
84 });
85 }
87 startHeartbeat({delay=undefined, statusCB=undefined}) {
88 if (delay) {
89 debug("%s Starting Heartbeat", this.name)
90 this.heartbeatTimer = setInterval(() => {
91 this.updateStatus((err, res)=>{ // Pings server and sets status
92 if (statusCB) statusCB(this); // repeatedly call callback if supplies
93 }, (unusedErr, unusedRes)=>{}); // Dont wait for status to complete
94 }, delay);
95 }
96 }
97 stopHeartbeat() {
98 if (this.heartbeatTimer) {
99 debug("stopping heartbeat");
100 clearInterval(this.heartbeatTimer);}
101 }
102 stop(refreshstatus, cb) {
103 this.stopHeartbeat();
104 this.status = Transport.STATUS_FAILED;
105 if (refreshstatus) { refreshstatus(this); }
106 cb(null, this);
107 }
109 validFor(url, func, opts) {
110 // Overrides Transport.prototype.validFor because HTTP's connection test is only really for dweb.me
111 // in particular this allows urls like https://be-api.us.archive.org
112 return (this.connected() || (url.protocol.startsWith("http") && ! url.href.startsWith(this.urlbase))) && this.supports(url, func, opts);
113 }
114 async p_rawfetch(url, opts={}) {
115 /*
116 Fetch from underlying transport,
117 Fetch is used both for contenthash requests and table as when passed to SmartDict.p_fetch may not know what we have
118 url: Of resource - which is turned into the HTTP url in p_httpfetch
119 opts: {start, end, retries, noCache} see p_GET for documentation
120 throws: TransportError if fails
121 */
122 return await httptools.p_GET(url, opts);
123 }
125 // ============================== Stream support
127 async p_f_createReadStream(url, {wanturl=false}={}) {
128 /*
129 Fetch bytes progressively, using a node.js readable stream, based on a url of the form:
130 No assumption is made about the data in terms of size or structure.
132 This is the initialisation step, which returns a function suitable for <VIDEO>
134 Returns a new Promise that resolves to function for a node.js readable stream.
136 Node.js readable stream docs: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams
138 :param string url: URL of object being retrieved of form magnet:xyzabc/path/to/file (Where xyzabc is the typical magnet uri contents)
139 :param boolean wanturl True if want the URL of the stream (for service workers)
140 :resolves to: f({start, end}) => stream (The readable stream.)
141 :throws: TransportError if url invalid - note this happens immediately, not as a catch in the promise
142 */
143 //Logged by Transports
144 //debug("p_f_createreadstream %s", Url.parse(url).href);
145 try {
146 let self = this;
147 if (wanturl) {
148 return url;
149 } else {
150 return function (opts) { return self.createReadStream(url, opts); };
151 }
152 } catch(err) {
153 //Logged by Transports
154 //console.warn(`p_f_createReadStream failed on ${Url.parse(url).href} ${err.message}`);
155 throw(err);
156 }
157 }
159 createReadStream(url, opts) {
160 /*
161 The function, encapsulated and inside another function by p_f_createReadStream (see docs)
162 NOTE THIS DOESNT WONT WORK FOR <VIDEO> tags, but shouldnt be using it there anyway - reports stream.on an filestream.pipe aren't functions
164 :param file: Webtorrent "file" as returned by webtorrentfindfile
165 :param opts: { start: byte to start from; end: optional end byte }
166 :returns stream: The readable stream - it is returned immediately, though won't be sending data until the http completes
167 */
168 // This breaks in browsers ... as 's' doesn't have .pipe but has .pipeTo and .pipeThrough neither of which work with stream.PassThrough
169 // TODO See https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream/issues/406 in case its fixed in which case enable createReadStream in constructor above.
170 debug("createreadstream %s %o", Url.parse(url).href, opts);
171 let through;
172 through = new stream.PassThrough();
173 httptools.p_GET(url, Object.assign({wantstream: true}, opts))
174 .then(s => s.pipe(through))
175 // Note any .catch is happening AFTER through returned
176 .catch(err => {
177 console.warn(this.name, "createReadStream caught error", err.message);
178 if (typeof through.destroy === 'function') {
179 through.destroy(err); // Will emit error & close and free up resources
180 // caller MUST implimit through.on('error', err=>) or will generate uncaught error message
181 } else {
182 through.emit('error', err);
183 }
184 });
185 return through; // Returns "through" synchronously, before the pipe is setup
186 }
188 async p_createReadStream(url, opts) {
189 /*
190 The function, encapsulated and inside another function by p_f_createReadStream (see docs)
191 NOTE THIS PROBABLY WONT WORK FOR <VIDEO> tags, but shouldnt be using it there anyway
193 :param file: Webtorrent "file" as returned by webtorrentfindfile
194 :param opts: { start: byte to start from; end: optional end byte }
195 :resolves to stream: The readable stream.
196 */
197 debug("createreadstream %s %o", Url.parse(url).href, opts);
198 try {
199 return await httptools.p_GET(url, Object.assign({wantstream: true}, opts));
200 } catch(err) {
201 console.warn(this.name, "caught error", err);
202 throw err;
203 }
204 }
206 async p_info() { //TODO-API
207 /*
208 Return (via cb or promise) a numeric code for the status of a transport.
209 */
210 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { this.updateInfo((err, res) => { if (err) {reject(err)} else {resolve(res)} })} catch(err) {reject(err)}}) // Promisify pattern v2b (no CB)
211 }
213 updateInfo(cb) {
214 httptools.p_GET(`${this.urlbase}/info`, {retries: 1}, cb); // Try info, but dont retry (usually heartbeat will reconnect)
215 }
217 static async p_test(opts={}) {
218 {console.log("TransportHTTP.test")}
219 try {
220 let transport = await this.p_setup(opts);
221 console.log("HTTP connected");
222 let res = await transport.p_info();
223 console.log("TransportHTTP info=",res);
224 res = await transport.p_status();
225 console.assert(res === Transport.STATUS_CONNECTED);
226 await transport.p_test_kvt("NACL%20VERIFY");
227 } catch(err) {
228 console.log("Exception thrown in TransportHTTP.test:", err.message);
229 throw err;
230 }
231 }
233 static async test() {
234 return this;
235 }
238Transports._transportclasses["HTTP"] = TransportHTTP;
239TransportHTTP.requires = TransportHTTP.scripts = []; // Nothing to load
240exports = module.exports = TransportHTTP;