22.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5var rxjs = require('rxjs');
7function checkReady() {
8 if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
9 var win_1 = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
10 var DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT_1 = 5000;
11 // To help developers using cordova, we listen for the device ready event and
12 // log an error if it didn't fire in a reasonable amount of time. Generally,
13 // when this happens, developers should remove and reinstall plugins, since
14 // an inconsistent plugin is often the culprit.
15 var before_1 = Date.now();
16 var didFireReady_1 = false;
17 win_1.document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
18 console.log("Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after " + (Date.now() - before_1) + " ms");
19 didFireReady_1 = true;
20 });
21 setTimeout(function () {
22 if (!didFireReady_1 && win_1.cordova) {
23 console.warn("Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within " + DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT_1 + "ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.");
24 }
26 }
29var ERR_CORDOVA_NOT_AVAILABLE = { error: 'cordova_not_available' };
30var ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED = { error: 'plugin_not_installed' };
31function getPromise(callback) {
32 var tryNativePromise = function () {
33 if (Promise) {
34 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
35 callback(resolve, reject);
36 });
37 }
38 else {
39 console.error('No Promise support or polyfill found. To enable Ionic Native support, please add the es6-promise polyfill before this script, or run with a library like Angular or on a recent browser.');
40 }
41 };
42 if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.angular) {
43 var doc = window.document;
44 var injector = window.angular.element(doc.querySelector('[ng-app]') || doc.body).injector();
45 if (injector) {
46 var $q = injector.get('$q');
47 return $q(function (resolve, reject) {
48 callback(resolve, reject);
49 });
50 }
51 console.warn("Angular 1 was detected but $q couldn't be retrieved. This is usually when the app is not bootstrapped on the html or body tag. Falling back to native promises which won't trigger an automatic digest when promises resolve.");
52 }
53 return tryNativePromise();
55function wrapPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
56 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
57 var pluginResult, rej;
58 var p = getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
59 if (opts.destruct) {
60 pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
61 var args = [];
62 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
63 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
64 }
65 return resolve(args);
66 }, function () {
67 var args = [];
68 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
69 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
70 }
71 return reject(args);
72 });
73 }
74 else {
75 pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
76 }
77 rej = reject;
78 });
79 // Angular throws an error on unhandled rejection, but in this case we have already printed
80 // a warning that Cordova is undefined or the plugin is uninstalled, so there is no reason
81 // to error
82 if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
83 p.catch(function () { });
84 typeof rej === 'function' && rej(pluginResult.error);
85 }
86 return p;
88function wrapOtherPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
89 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
90 return getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
91 var pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
92 if (pluginResult) {
93 if (pluginResult.error) {
94 reject(pluginResult.error);
95 }
96 else if (pluginResult.then) {
97 pluginResult.then(resolve).catch(reject);
98 }
99 }
100 else {
101 reject({ error: 'unexpected_error' });
102 }
103 });
105function wrapObservable(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
106 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
107 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
108 var pluginResult;
109 if (opts.destruct) {
110 pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
111 var args = [];
112 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
113 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
114 }
115 return observer.next(args);
116 }, function () {
117 var args = [];
118 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
119 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
120 }
121 return observer.error(args);
122 });
123 }
124 else {
125 pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, observer.next.bind(observer), observer.error.bind(observer));
126 }
127 if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
128 observer.error(pluginResult.error);
129 observer.complete();
130 }
131 return function () {
132 try {
133 if (opts.clearFunction) {
134 if (opts.clearWithArgs) {
135 return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, args, opts, observer.next.bind(observer), observer.error.bind(observer));
136 }
137 return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, []);
138 }
139 }
140 catch (e) {
141 console.warn('Unable to clear the previous observable watch for', pluginObj.constructor.getPluginName(), methodName);
142 console.warn(e);
143 }
144 };
145 });
148 * Wrap the event with an observable
149 * @private
150 * @param event event name
151 * @param element The element to attach the event listener to
152 * @returns {Observable}
153 */
154function wrapEventObservable(event, element) {
155 element =
156 typeof window !== 'undefined' && element
157 ? get$1(window, element)
158 : element || (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {});
159 return rxjs.fromEvent(element, event);
161function checkAvailability(plugin, methodName, pluginName) {
162 var pluginRef, pluginInstance, pluginPackage;
163 if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
164 pluginRef = plugin;
165 }
166 else {
167 pluginRef = plugin.constructor.getPluginRef();
168 pluginName = plugin.constructor.getPluginName();
169 pluginPackage = plugin.constructor.getPluginInstallName();
170 }
171 pluginInstance = getPlugin(pluginRef);
172 if (!pluginInstance || (!!methodName && typeof pluginInstance[methodName] === 'undefined')) {
173 if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !window.cordova) {
174 cordovaWarn(pluginName, methodName);
176 }
177 pluginWarn(pluginName, pluginPackage, methodName);
179 }
180 return true;
183 * Checks if _objectInstance exists and has the method/property
184 * @private
185 */
186function instanceAvailability(pluginObj, methodName) {
187 return pluginObj._objectInstance && (!methodName || typeof pluginObj._objectInstance[methodName] !== 'undefined');
189function setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject) {
190 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
191 // ignore resolve and reject in case sync
192 if (opts.sync) {
193 return args;
194 }
195 // If the plugin method expects myMethod(success, err, options)
196 if (opts.callbackOrder === 'reverse') {
197 // Get those arguments in the order [resolve, reject, ...restOfArgs]
198 args.unshift(reject);
199 args.unshift(resolve);
200 }
201 else if (opts.callbackStyle === 'node') {
202 args.push(function (err, result) {
203 if (err) {
204 reject(err);
205 }
206 else {
207 resolve(result);
208 }
209 });
210 }
211 else if (opts.callbackStyle === 'object' && opts.successName && opts.errorName) {
212 var obj = {};
213 obj[opts.successName] = resolve;
214 obj[opts.errorName] = reject;
215 args.push(obj);
216 }
217 else if (typeof opts.successIndex !== 'undefined' || typeof opts.errorIndex !== 'undefined') {
218 var setSuccessIndex = function () {
219 // If we've specified a success/error index
220 if (opts.successIndex > args.length) {
221 args[opts.successIndex] = resolve;
222 }
223 else {
224 args.splice(opts.successIndex, 0, resolve);
225 }
226 };
227 var setErrorIndex = function () {
228 // We don't want that the reject cb gets spliced into the position of an optional argument that has not been
229 // defined and thus causing non expected behavior.
230 if (opts.errorIndex > args.length) {
231 args[opts.errorIndex] = reject; // insert the reject fn at the correct specific index
232 }
233 else {
234 args.splice(opts.errorIndex, 0, reject); // otherwise just splice it into the array
235 }
236 };
237 if (opts.successIndex > opts.errorIndex) {
238 setErrorIndex();
239 setSuccessIndex();
240 }
241 else {
242 setSuccessIndex();
243 setErrorIndex();
244 }
245 }
246 else {
247 // Otherwise, let's tack them on to the end of the argument list
248 // which is 90% of cases
249 args.push(resolve);
250 args.push(reject);
251 }
252 return args;
254function callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject) {
255 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
256 // Try to figure out where the success/error callbacks need to be bound
257 // to our promise resolve/reject handlers.
258 args = setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject);
259 var availabilityCheck = checkAvailability(pluginObj, methodName);
260 if (availabilityCheck === true) {
261 var pluginInstance = getPlugin(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef());
262 return pluginInstance[methodName].apply(pluginInstance, args);
263 }
264 else {
265 return availabilityCheck;
266 }
268function callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject) {
269 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
270 args = setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject);
271 if (instanceAvailability(pluginObj, methodName)) {
272 return pluginObj._objectInstance[methodName].apply(pluginObj._objectInstance, args);
273 }
275function getPlugin(pluginRef) {
276 if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
277 return get$1(window, pluginRef);
278 }
279 return null;
281function get$1(element, path) {
282 var paths = path.split('.');
283 var obj = element;
284 for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
285 if (!obj) {
286 return null;
287 }
288 obj = obj[paths[i]];
289 }
290 return obj;
292function pluginWarn(pluginName, plugin, method) {
293 if (method) {
294 console.warn('Native: tried calling ' + pluginName + '.' + method + ', but the ' + pluginName + ' plugin is not installed.');
295 }
296 else {
297 console.warn("Native: tried accessing the " + pluginName + " plugin but it's not installed.");
298 }
299 if (plugin) {
300 console.warn("Install the " + pluginName + " plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add " + plugin + "'");
301 }
304 * @private
305 * @param pluginName
306 * @param method
307 */
308function cordovaWarn(pluginName, method) {
309 if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
310 if (method) {
311 console.warn('Native: tried calling ' +
312 pluginName +
313 '.' +
314 method +
315 ', but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator');
316 }
317 else {
318 console.warn('Native: tried accessing the ' +
319 pluginName +
320 ' plugin but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator');
321 }
322 }
325 * @private
326 */
327var wrap = function (pluginObj, methodName, opts) {
328 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
329 return function () {
330 var args = [];
331 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
332 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
333 }
334 if (opts.sync) {
335 // Sync doesn't wrap the plugin with a promise or observable, it returns the result as-is
336 return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
337 }
338 else if (opts.observable) {
339 return wrapObservable(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
340 }
341 else if (opts.eventObservable && opts.event) {
342 return wrapEventObservable(opts.event, opts.element);
343 }
344 else if (opts.otherPromise) {
345 return wrapOtherPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
346 }
347 else {
348 return wrapPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
349 }
350 };
353 * @private
354 */
355function wrapInstance(pluginObj, methodName, opts) {
356 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
357 return function () {
358 var args = [];
359 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
360 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
361 }
362 if (opts.sync) {
363 return callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
364 }
365 else if (opts.observable) {
366 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
367 var pluginResult;
368 if (opts.destruct) {
369 pluginResult = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
370 var args = [];
371 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
372 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
373 }
374 return observer.next(args);
375 }, function () {
376 var args = [];
377 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
378 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
379 }
380 return observer.error(args);
381 });
382 }
383 else {
384 pluginResult = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, observer.next.bind(observer), observer.error.bind(observer));
385 }
386 if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
387 observer.error(pluginResult.error);
388 }
389 return function () {
390 try {
391 if (opts.clearWithArgs) {
392 return callInstance(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, args, opts, observer.next.bind(observer), observer.error.bind(observer));
393 }
394 return callInstance(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, []);
395 }
396 catch (e) {
397 console.warn('Unable to clear the previous observable watch for', pluginObj.constructor.getPluginName(), methodName);
398 console.warn(e);
399 }
400 };
401 });
402 }
403 else if (opts.otherPromise) {
404 return getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
405 var result;
406 if (opts.destruct) {
407 result = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
408 var args = [];
409 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
410 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
411 }
412 return resolve(args);
413 }, function () {
414 var args = [];
415 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
416 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
417 }
418 return reject(args);
419 });
420 }
421 else {
422 result = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
423 }
424 if (result && result.then) {
425 result.then(resolve, reject);
426 }
427 else {
428 reject();
429 }
430 });
431 }
432 else {
433 var pluginResult_1, rej_1;
434 var p = getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
435 if (opts.destruct) {
436 pluginResult_1 = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
437 var args = [];
438 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
439 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
440 }
441 return resolve(args);
442 }, function () {
443 var args = [];
444 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
445 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
446 }
447 return reject(args);
448 });
449 }
450 else {
451 pluginResult_1 = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
452 }
453 rej_1 = reject;
454 });
455 // Angular throws an error on unhandled rejection, but in this case we have already printed
456 // a warning that Cordova is undefined or the plugin is uninstalled, so there is no reason
457 // to error
458 if (pluginResult_1 && pluginResult_1.error) {
459 p.catch(function () { });
460 typeof rej_1 === 'function' && rej_1(pluginResult_1.error);
461 }
462 return p;
463 }
464 };
468 * @private
469 */
470function get(element, path) {
471 var paths = path.split('.');
472 var obj = element;
473 for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
474 if (!obj) {
475 return null;
476 }
477 obj = obj[paths[i]];
478 }
479 return obj;
482var IonicNativePlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
483 function IonicNativePlugin() {
484 }
485 /**
486 * Returns a boolean that indicates whether the plugin is installed
487 * @return {boolean}
488 */
489 IonicNativePlugin.installed = function () {
490 var isAvailable = checkAvailability(this.pluginRef) === true;
491 return isAvailable;
492 };
493 /**
494 * Returns the original plugin object
495 */
496 IonicNativePlugin.getPlugin = function () {
497 if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
498 return get(window, this.pluginRef);
499 }
500 return null;
501 };
502 /**
503 * Returns the plugin's name
504 */
505 IonicNativePlugin.getPluginName = function () {
506 var pluginName = this.pluginName;
507 return pluginName;
508 };
509 /**
510 * Returns the plugin's reference
511 */
512 IonicNativePlugin.getPluginRef = function () {
513 var pluginRef = this.pluginRef;
514 return pluginRef;
515 };
516 /**
517 * Returns the plugin's install name
518 */
519 IonicNativePlugin.getPluginInstallName = function () {
520 var plugin = this.plugin;
521 return plugin;
522 };
523 /**
524 * Returns the plugin's supported platforms
525 */
526 IonicNativePlugin.getSupportedPlatforms = function () {
527 var platform = this.platforms;
528 return platform;
529 };
530 IonicNativePlugin.pluginName = '';
531 IonicNativePlugin.pluginRef = '';
532 IonicNativePlugin.plugin = '';
533 IonicNativePlugin.repo = '';
534 IonicNativePlugin.platforms = [];
535 IonicNativePlugin.install = '';
536 return IonicNativePlugin;
539function cordova(pluginObj, methodName, config, args) {
540 return wrap(pluginObj, methodName, config).apply(this, args);
543function overrideFunction(pluginObj, methodName) {
544 return new rxjs.Observable(function (observer) {
545 var availabilityCheck = checkAvailability(pluginObj, methodName);
546 if (availabilityCheck === true) {
547 var pluginInstance_1 = getPlugin(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef());
548 pluginInstance_1[methodName] = observer.next.bind(observer);
549 return function () { return (pluginInstance_1[methodName] = function () { }); };
550 }
551 else {
552 observer.error(availabilityCheck);
553 observer.complete();
554 }
555 });
557function cordovaFunctionOverride(pluginObj, methodName, args) {
558 return overrideFunction(pluginObj, methodName);
561function cordovaInstance(pluginObj, methodName, config, args) {
562 args = Array.from(args);
563 return wrapInstance(pluginObj, methodName, config).apply(this, args);
566function cordovaPropertyGet(pluginObj, key) {
567 if (checkAvailability(pluginObj, key) === true) {
568 return getPlugin(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef())[key];
569 }
570 return null;
572function cordovaPropertySet(pluginObj, key, value) {
573 if (checkAvailability(pluginObj, key) === true) {
574 getPlugin(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef())[key] = value;
575 }
578function instancePropertyGet(pluginObj, key) {
579 if (pluginObj._objectInstance && pluginObj._objectInstance[key]) {
580 return pluginObj._objectInstance[key];
581 }
582 return null;
584function instancePropertySet(pluginObj, key, value) {
585 if (pluginObj._objectInstance) {
586 pluginObj._objectInstance[key] = value;
587 }
592exports.IonicNativePlugin = IonicNativePlugin;
593exports.checkAvailability = checkAvailability;
594exports.cordova = cordova;
595exports.cordovaFunctionOverride = cordovaFunctionOverride;
596exports.cordovaInstance = cordovaInstance;
597exports.cordovaPropertyGet = cordovaPropertyGet;
598exports.cordovaPropertySet = cordovaPropertySet;
599exports.getPromise = getPromise;
600exports.instanceAvailability = instanceAvailability;
601exports.instancePropertyGet = instancePropertyGet;
602exports.instancePropertySet = instancePropertySet;
603exports.wrap = wrap;