68.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
2import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
4export interface ILatLng {
5 lat: number;
6 lng: number;
9 * @hidden
10 */
11export declare class LatLng implements ILatLng {
12 lat: number;
13 lng: number;
14 constructor(lat: number, lng: number);
15 equals(other: ILatLng): boolean;
16 toString(): string;
17 toUrlValue(precision?: number): string;
19export interface ILatLngBounds {
20 northeast: ILatLng;
21 southwest: ILatLng;
24 * @hidden
25 */
26export declare class LatLngBounds implements ILatLngBounds {
27 northeast: ILatLng;
28 southwest: ILatLng;
29 type: string;
30 private _objectInstance;
31 constructor(points?: ILatLng[]);
32 /**
33 * Converts to string
34 * @return {string}
35 */
36 toString(): string;
37 /**
38 * Returns a string of the form "lat_sw,lng_sw,lat_ne,lng_ne" for this bounds, where "sw" corresponds to the southwest corner of the bounding box, while "ne" corresponds to the northeast corner of that box.
39 * @param precision {number}
40 * @return {string}
41 */
42 toUrlValue(precision?: number): string;
43 /**
44 * Extends this bounds to contain the given point.
45 * @param LatLng {ILatLng}
46 */
47 extend(LatLng: ILatLng): void;
48 /**
49 * Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds.
50 * @param LatLng {ILatLng}
51 */
52 contains(LatLng: ILatLng): boolean;
53 /**
54 * Computes the center of this LatLngBounds
55 * @return {LatLng}
56 */
57 getCenter(): LatLng;
59export interface GoogleMapControlOptions {
60 /**
61 * Turns the compass on or off.
62 */
63 compass?: boolean;
64 /**
65 * Turns the myLocation button on or off. If turns on this button, the application displays a permission dialog to obtain the geolocation data.
66 */
67 myLocationButton?: boolean;
68 /**
69 * Turns the myLocation control(blue dot) on or off. If turns on this control, the application displays a permission dialog to obtain the geolocation data.
70 */
71 myLocation?: boolean;
72 /**
73 * Turns the indoor picker on or off.
74 */
75 indoorPicker?: boolean;
76 /**
77 * **Android**
78 * Turns the map toolbar on or off.
79 */
80 mapToolbar?: boolean;
81 /**
82 * **Android**
83 * Turns the zoom controller on or off.
84 */
85 zoom?: boolean;
86 /**
87 * Accept extra properties for future updates
88 */
89 [key: string]: any;
91export interface GoogleMapGestureOptions {
92 /**
93 * Set false to disable the scroll gesture (default: true)
94 */
95 scroll?: boolean;
96 /**
97 * Set false to disable the tilt gesture (default: true)
98 */
99 tilt?: boolean;
100 /**
101 * Set false to disable the zoom gesture (default: true)
102 */
103 zoom?: boolean;
104 /**
105 * Set false to disable the rotate gesture (default: true)
106 */
107 rotate?: boolean;
108 /**
109 * Accept extra properties for future updates
110 */
111 [key: string]: any;
113export interface GoogleMapZoomOptions {
114 minZoom?: number;
115 maxZoom?: number;
117export interface GoogleMapPaddingOptions {
118 left?: number;
119 top?: number;
120 bottom?: number;
121 right?: number;
123export interface GoogleMapPreferenceOptions {
124 /**
125 * Minimum and maximum zoom levels for zooming gestures.
126 */
127 zoom?: GoogleMapZoomOptions;
128 /**
129 * Paddings of controls.
130 */
131 padding?: GoogleMapPaddingOptions;
132 /**
133 * Turns the 3D buildings layer on or off.
134 */
135 building?: boolean;
136 /**
137 * Sets the bounds limit for user panning gesture.
138 */
139 gestureBounds?: ILatLng[];
140 /**
141 * Accept extra properties for future updates
142 */
143 [key: string]: any;
145export interface GoogleMapOptions {
146 /**
147 * mapType [options]
148 */
149 mapType?: MapType | string;
150 /**
151 * controls [options]
152 */
153 controls?: GoogleMapControlOptions;
154 /**
155 * gestures [options]
156 */
157 gestures?: GoogleMapGestureOptions;
158 /**
159 * Map styles [options]
160 * @ref https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/style-reference
161 */
162 styles?: any[];
163 /**
164 * Initial camera position [options]
165 */
166 camera?: CameraPosition<any>;
167 /**
168 * preferences [options]
169 */
170 preferences?: GoogleMapPreferenceOptions;
171 /**
172 * Accept extra properties for future updates
173 */
174 [key: string]: any;
176export interface CameraPosition<T> {
177 /**
178 * The center location of the camera view.
179 *
180 * [usage 1]
181 *
182 * let cameraPos: CameraPosition<ILatLng> = {
183 * target: {lat: ..., lng: ...},
184 * zoom: 10
185 * }
186 *
187 * [usage 2] The zoom property is ignored when you specify multiple position
188 *
189 * let cameraPos: CameraPosition<ILatLng[]> = {
190 * target: [
191 * {lat: ..., lng: ...},
192 * {lat: ..., lng: ...},
193 * {lat: ..., lng: ...}
194 * ]
195 * }
196 */
197 target?: T;
198 /**
199 * View angle
200 */
201 tilt?: number;
202 /**
203 * Zoom level
204 */
205 zoom?: number;
206 /**
207 * Map orientation
208 */
209 bearing?: number;
210 /**
211 * The duration of animation in milliseconds
212 */
213 duration?: number;
214 /**
215 * Camera padding in pixel
216 */
217 padding?: number;
219export interface CircleOptions {
220 /**
221 * Center position of circle
222 */
223 center: ILatLng;
224 /**
225 * Radius of circle in meter
226 */
227 radius: number;
228 /**
229 * Set the stroke color
230 * (rgb, rgba, #RRGGBB, "colorname", ...etc)
231 */
232 strokeColor?: string;
233 /**
234 * Set the stroke width in pixel
235 */
236 strokeWidth?: number;
237 /**
238 * Set the inside color of circle
239 * (rgb, rgba, #RRGGBB, "colorname", ...etc)
240 */
241 fillColor?: string;
242 /**
243 * Set to true to receive the CIRCLE_CLICK event
244 * (default: false)
245 */
246 clickable?: boolean;
247 /**
248 * Set to false to hide
249 */
250 visible?: boolean;
251 /**
252 * Z-index
253 */
254 zIndex?: number;
255 /**
256 * Accept own properties
257 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
258 */
259 [key: string]: any;
261export interface GeocoderRequest {
262 /**
263 * The address property or position property is required.
264 * You can not specify both property at the same time.
265 *
266 * [geocoding usage1]
267 * let request: GeocoderRequest = {
268 * address: "Los Angeles, California, USA"
269 * }
270 *
271 * [geocoding usage2]
272 * let request: GeocoderRequest = {
273 * address: [
274 * "Los Angeles, California, USA",
275 * "San Francisco, California, USA",
276 * ]
277 * }
278 */
279 address?: string | string[];
280 /**
281 *
282 * [reverse-geocoding usage1]
283 * let request: GeocoderRequest = {
284 * position: {"lat": 37.421655, "lng": -122.085637}
285 * }
286 *
287 * [reverse-geocoding usage2]
288 * let request: GeocoderRequest = {
289 * position: [
290 * {"lat": 37.421655, "lng": -122.085637},
291 * {"lat": 37.332, "lng": -122.030781}
292 * ]
293 * }
294 */
295 position?: ILatLng | ILatLng[];
297export interface GeocoderResult {
298 adminArea?: string;
299 country?: string;
300 countryCode?: string;
301 extra?: {
302 featureName?: string;
303 lines?: string[];
304 permises?: string;
305 phone?: string;
306 url?: string;
307 };
308 locale?: string;
309 locality?: string;
310 position?: ILatLng;
311 postalCode?: string;
312 subAdminArea?: string;
313 subLocality?: string;
314 subThoroughfare?: string;
315 thoroughfare?: string;
317export interface GroundOverlayOptions {
318 /**
319 * URL of overlay
320 */
321 url: string;
322 /**
323 * Bounds, array of ILatLng
324 */
325 bounds: ILatLng[];
326 /**
327 * Set to true to receive the GROUND_OVERLAY_CLICK event
328 * (default: false)
329 */
330 clickable?: boolean;
331 /**
332 * Set to false to hide
333 */
334 visible?: boolean;
335 /**
336 * Opacity. From 0.0 to 1.0 .
337 */
338 opacity?: number;
339 /**
340 * Bearing
341 */
342 bearing?: number;
343 /**
344 * Z-index
345 */
346 zIndex?: number;
347 /**
348 * Accept own properties
349 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
350 */
351 [key: string]: any;
353export interface MarkerIcon {
354 url?: string;
355 size?: {
356 width?: number;
357 height?: number;
358 };
360export interface MarkerOptions {
361 /**
362 * The icon image url or properties. Also you can specify HTML Color values. Alternatively you can specify the image as Base64
363 */
364 icon?: any;
365 /**
366 * The content of the infoWindow.
367 */
368 title?: string;
369 /**
370 * The snippet of the infoWindow.
371 */
372 snippet?: string;
373 /**
374 * The position of the marker.
375 */
376 position: ILatLng;
377 /**
378 * Specify the anchor of the InfoWindow
379 */
380 infoWindowAnchor?: number[];
381 /**
382 * Specify the anchor of icon image
383 */
384 anchor?: number[];
385 /**
386 * Set true if you want to enable to drag the marker. (Default: false) Important! Drag starts after long pressed on the marker.
387 */
388 draggable?: boolean;
389 /**
390 * Set true if you want to use a flat marker. (Default: false)
391 */
392 flat?: boolean;
393 /**
394 * Set rotation angle. (Default: 0)
395 */
396 rotation?: number;
397 /**
398 * Set false if you want to hide. (Default: true)
399 */
400 visible?: boolean;
401 /**
402 * Specify the options for title. This property work for normal InfoWindow.
403 */
404 styles?: any;
405 /**
406 * Which animation to play when marker is added to a map.
407 */
408 animation?: string;
409 /**
410 * Higher zIndex value overlays will be drawn on top of lower zIndex value tile layers and overlays.
411 */
412 zIndex?: number;
413 /**
414 * Set to true to disable auto panning when the marker is clicked.
415 */
416 disableAutoPan?: boolean;
417 /**
418 * Accept own properties
419 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
420 */
421 [key: string]: any;
423export interface MarkerLabel {
424 /**
425 * Set true if use bold font
426 */
427 bold?: boolean;
428 /**
429 * Set font size in pixel
430 */
431 fontSize?: number;
432 /**
433 * color strings
434 */
435 color?: string;
436 /**
437 * Set true if use italic font
438 */
439 italic?: boolean;
441export interface MarkerClusterIcon {
442 /**
443 * Minimum number of clustering
444 */
445 min?: number;
446 /**
447 * Maximum number of clustering
448 */
449 max?: number;
450 /**
451 * anchor position of the marker
452 */
453 anchor?: any;
454 /**
455 * label option for clustered marker
456 */
457 label?: MarkerLabel;
458 /**
459 * icon url
460 */
461 url: string;
462 /**
463 * icon size
464 */
465 size?: {
466 width?: number;
467 height?: number;
468 };
470export interface MarkerClusterOptions {
471 /**
472 * Maximum zoom level of clustering
473 * (default: 15, max: 18)
474 */
475 maxZoomLevel?: number;
476 /**
477 * Draw a rectangle that contains all locations of clustered when you tap on a cluster marker.
478 * (default: true)
479 */
480 boundsDraw?: boolean;
481 /**
482 * Position list
483 * [
484 * {title: "store A", position: {lat: ..., lng: ...}},
485 * {title: "store B", position: {lat: ..., lng: ...}},
486 * {title: "store C", position: {lat: ..., lng: ...}}
487 * ]
488 */
489 markers: MarkerOptions[];
490 /**
491 * Conditions of clustering
492 * [
493 * {icon: "assets/small.png", min: 2, max: 10},
494 * {icon: "assets/middle.png", min: 11, max: 30},
495 * {icon: "assets/large.png", min: 31}
496 * ]
497 */
498 icons: MarkerClusterIcon[];
499 /**
500 * Accept own properties
501 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
502 */
503 [key: string]: any;
505export interface MyLocation {
506 latLng?: LatLng;
507 elapsedRealtimeNanos?: any;
508 time?: string;
509 accuracy?: any;
510 bearing?: number;
511 altitude?: any;
512 speed?: number;
513 provider?: any;
514 hashCode?: any;
516export interface MyLocationOptions {
517 /**
518 * Set true if you want to try to use GPS mandatory.
519 * In false, the plugin try to use GPS and network.
520 * (default: false)
521 */
522 enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
524export interface PolygonOptions {
525 /**
526 * Pass ILatLng[] to specify the vertixes.
527 * You need to contain two points at least.
528 */
529 points: ILatLng[];
530 /**
531 * Set true if you want to draw the curve polygon based on the earth
532 * (default: false)
533 */
534 geodesic?: boolean;
535 /**
536 * Set the stroke color
537 * (rgb, rgba, #RRGGBB, "colorname", ...etc)
538 */
539 strokeColor?: string;
540 /**
541 * Set the stroke width in pixel
542 */
543 strokeWidth?: number;
544 /**
545 * Set the inside color of polygon
546 * (rgb, rgba, #RRGGBB, "colorname", ...etc)
547 */
548 fillColor?: string;
549 /**
550 * Set false if you want to create invisible polygon
551 * (Invisible polygon is not clickable, default true)
552 */
553 visible?: boolean;
554 /**
555 * Hierarchy z-index
556 */
557 zIndex?: number;
558 /**
559 * Pass ILatLng[][] to create holes in polygon
560 */
561 holes?: ILatLng[][];
562 /**
563 * Set true if you want to receive the POLYGON_CLICK event
564 * (default: false)
565 */
566 clickable?: boolean;
567 /**
568 * Accept own properties
569 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
570 */
571 [key: string]: any;
573export interface PolylineOptions {
574 /**
575 * Pass ILatLng[] to specify the vertixes.
576 * You need to contain two points at least.
577 */
578 points: ILatLng[];
579 /**
580 * Set false if you want to create invisible polyline
581 * (Invisible polyline is not clickable, default true)
582 */
583 visible?: boolean;
584 /**
585 * Set true if you want to draw the curve polyline based on the earth
586 * (default: false)
587 */
588 geodesic?: boolean;
589 /**
590 * Set the stroke color
591 * (rgb, rgba, #RRGGBB, "colorname", ...etc)
592 */
593 color?: string;
594 /**
595 * Set the stroke width in pixel
596 */
597 width?: number;
598 /**
599 * Hierarchy z-index
600 */
601 zIndex?: number;
602 /**
603 * Set true if you want to receive the POLYLINE_CLICK event
604 * (default: false)
605 */
606 clickable?: boolean;
607 /**
608 * Accept own properties
609 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
610 */
611 [key: string]: any;
613export interface TileOverlayOptions {
614 /**
615 * This callback must Returns string of image URL, or Promise.
616 * If no tile, you need to Returns null.
617 */
618 getTile: (x: number, y: number, zoom: number) => string;
619 /**
620 * Set false if you want to create invisible tilelayer
621 * (default true)
622 */
623 visible?: boolean;
624 /**
625 * Hierarchy z-index of tilelayer
626 */
627 zIndex?: number;
628 /**
629 * Default: 512px
630 */
631 tileSize?: number;
632 /**
633 * Default: 1.0
634 */
635 opacity?: number;
636 /**
637 * Set true if you want to display the tile information over the tile images.
638 */
639 debug?: boolean;
640 /**
641 * Accept own properties
642 * You can get the property later using `get()` method.
643 */
644 [key: string]: any;
646export interface ToDataUrlOptions {
647 /**
648 * True if you want get high quality map snapshot
649 */
650 uncompress?: boolean;
653 * Options for map.addKmlOverlay() method
654 */
655export interface KmlOverlayOptions {
656 url: string;
657 clickable?: boolean;
658 suppressInfoWindows?: boolean;
659 icon?: string | MarkerIcon;
660 /**
661 * Accept own properties for future update
662 */
663 [key: string]: any;
666 * Options for Environment.setEnv()
667 */
668export interface EnvOptions {
671 /**
672 * Accept own properties for future update
673 */
674 [key: string]: any;
677 * @hidden
678 */
679export declare class VisibleRegion implements ILatLngBounds {
680 private _objectInstance;
681 /**
682 * The northeast of the bounds that contains the farLeft, farRight, nearLeft and nearRight.
683 * Since the map view is able to rotate, the farRight is not the same as the northeast.
684 */
685 northeast: ILatLng;
686 /**
687 * The southwest of the bounds that contains the farLeft, farRight, nearLeft and nearRight.
688 * Since the map view is able to rotate, the nearLeft is not the same as the southwest.
689 */
690 southwest: ILatLng;
691 /**
692 * The farLeft indicates the lat/lng of the top-left of the map view.
693 */
694 farLeft: ILatLng;
695 /**
696 * The farRight indicates the lat/lng of the top-right of the map view.
697 */
698 farRight: ILatLng;
699 /**
700 * The nearLeft indicates the lat/lng of the bottom-left of the map view.
701 */
702 nearLeft: ILatLng;
703 /**
704 * The nearRight indicates the lat/lng of the bottom-right of the map view.
705 */
706 nearRight: ILatLng;
707 /**
708 * constant value : `VisibleRegion`
709 */
710 type: string;
711 constructor(southwest: LatLngBounds, northeast: LatLngBounds, farLeft: ILatLng, farRight: ILatLng, nearLeft: ILatLng, nearRight: ILatLng);
712 /**
713 * Converts to string
714 * @return {string}
715 */
716 toString(): string;
717 /**
718 * Returns a string of the form "lat_sw,lng_sw,lat_ne,lng_ne" for this bounds, where "sw" corresponds to the southwest corner of the bounding box, while "ne" corresponds to the northeast corner of that box.
719 * @param precision {number}
720 * @return {string}
721 */
722 toUrlValue(precision?: number): string;
723 /**
724 * Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds.
725 * @param LatLng {ILatLng}
726 */
727 contains(LatLng: ILatLng): boolean;
730 * @hidden
731 */
732export declare const StreetViewSource: {
733 DEFAULT: string;
734 OUTDOOR: string;
736export interface SetPovOption {
737 bearing: number;
738 radius?: number;
739 zoom?: number;
740 duration: number;
742export interface StreetViewSetPositionOption {
743 target: ILatLng;
744 source?: string;
745 radius?: number;
747export interface StreetViewCameraPano {
748 target: string;
749 bearing?: number;
750 tilt?: number;
751 zoom?: number;
753export interface StreetViewCameraPosition {
754 target: ILatLng;
755 source?: string;
756 radius?: number;
757 bearing?: number;
758 tilt?: number;
759 zoom?: number;
761export interface StreetViewControlOptions {
762 streetNames?: boolean;
763 navigation?: boolean;
765export interface StreetViewGestureOptions {
766 panning?: boolean;
767 zooming?: boolean;
769export interface StreetViewOptions {
770 camera?: StreetViewCameraPano | StreetViewCameraPosition;
771 /**
772 * controls [options]
773 */
774 controls?: StreetViewControlOptions;
775 /**
776 * gestures [options]
777 */
778 gestures?: StreetViewGestureOptions;
779 /**
780 * Accept extra properties for future updates
781 */
782 [key: string]: any;
784export interface StreetViewNavigationLink {
785 /**
786 * panorama Id
787 */
788 panoId: string;
789 /**
790 * bearing (heading)
791 */
792 bearing: number;
794export interface StreetViewLocation {
795 latLng: ILatLng;
796 links: StreetViewNavigationLink[];
799 * @hidden
800 * You can listen to these events where appropriate
801 */
802export declare const GoogleMapsEvent: {
803 MAP_READY: string;
804 MAP_CLICK: string;
805 MAP_LONG_CLICK: string;
806 POI_CLICK: string;
807 MY_LOCATION_CLICK: string;
811 CAMERA_MOVE_START: string;
812 CAMERA_MOVE: string;
813 CAMERA_MOVE_END: string;
814 OVERLAY_CLICK: string;
815 POLYGON_CLICK: string;
816 POLYLINE_CLICK: string;
817 CIRCLE_CLICK: string;
819 INFO_CLICK: string;
820 INFO_LONG_CLICK: string;
821 INFO_CLOSE: string;
822 INFO_OPEN: string;
823 MARKER_CLICK: string;
824 MARKER_DRAG: string;
825 MARKER_DRAG_START: string;
826 MARKER_DRAG_END: string;
827 MAP_DRAG: string;
828 MAP_DRAG_START: string;
829 MAP_DRAG_END: string;
830 KML_CLICK: string;
831 PANORAMA_READY: string;
834 PANORAMA_CLICK: string;
837 * @hidden
838 */
839export declare const GoogleMapsAnimation: {
840 BOUNCE: string;
841 DROP: string;
844 * @hidden
845 */
846export declare const GoogleMapsMapTypeId: {
847 NORMAL: string;
848 ROADMAP: string;
849 SATELLITE: string;
850 HYBRID: string;
851 TERRAIN: string;
852 NONE: string;
855 * @name Google Maps
856 * @description
857 * This plugin uses the native Google Maps SDK
858 * Note: As of Ionic native 4.0, this using the 2.0 version of the google maps plugin. Please make sure your plugin is updated
859 * @usage
860 * ```typescript
861 * import {
862 * GoogleMaps,
863 * GoogleMap,
864 * GoogleMapsEvent,
865 * GoogleMapOptions,
866 * CameraPosition,
867 * MarkerOptions,
868 * Marker
869 * } from '@ionic-native/google-maps';
870 * import { Component } from "@angular/core/";
871 *
872 * @Component({
873 * selector: 'page-home',
874 * templateUrl: 'home.html'
875 * })
876 * export class HomePage {
877 * map: GoogleMap;
878 * constructor() { }
879 *
880 * ionViewDidLoad() {
881 * this.loadMap();
882 * }
883 *
884 * loadMap() {
885 *
886 * let mapOptions: GoogleMapOptions = {
887 * camera: {
888 * target: {
889 * lat: 43.0741904,
890 * lng: -89.3809802
891 * },
892 * zoom: 18,
893 * tilt: 30
894 * }
895 * }
896 *
897 * this.map = GoogleMaps.create('map_canvas', mapOptions);
898 *
899 * let marker: Marker = this.map.addMarkerSync({
900 * title: 'Ionic',
901 * icon: 'blue',
902 * animation: 'DROP',
903 * position: {
904 * lat: 43.0741904,
905 * lng: -89.3809802
906 * }
907 * });
908 *
909 * marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK)
910 * .subscribe(() => {
911 * alert('clicked');
912 * });
913 * });
914 * }
915 * }
916 *
917 * ```
918 * @classes
919 * GoogleMaps
920 * GoogleMap
921 * StreetView
922 * Circle
923 * Encoding
924 * Environment
925 * Geocoder
926 * GroundOverlay
927 * HtmlInfoWindow
928 * Geocoder
929 * LatLng
930 * LatLngBounds
931 * Marker
932 * MarkerCluster
933 * Polygon
934 * Polyline
935 * Spherical
936 * KmlOverlay
937 * Poly
938 * TileOverlay
939 * BaseClass
940 * BaseArrayClass
941 * @interfaces
942 * GoogleMapOptions
943 * CameraPosition
944 * CircleOptions
945 * GeocoderRequest
946 * GeocoderResult
947 * GroundOverlayOptions
948 * ILatLng
949 * MarkerIcon
950 * MarkerOptions
951 * MarkerClusterIcon
952 * MarkerClusterOptions
953 * MyLocation
954 * MyLocationOptions
955 * PolygonOptions
956 * PolylineOptions
957 * TileOverlayOptions
958 * KmlOverlayOptions
959 * VisibleRegion
960 */
961export declare class GoogleMaps extends IonicNativePlugin {
962 /**
963 * Creates a new GoogleMap instance
964 * @param element {string | HTMLElement} Element ID or reference to attach the map to
965 * @param options {GoogleMapOptions} [options] Options
966 * @return {GoogleMap}
967 */
968 static create(element: string | HTMLElement | GoogleMapOptions, options?: GoogleMapOptions): GoogleMap;
969 /**
970 * @deprecation keep this for backward compatibility.
971 * @hidden
972 */
973 create(element: string | HTMLElement | GoogleMapOptions, options?: GoogleMapOptions): GoogleMap;
974 /**
975 * Creates a new StreetView instance
976 * @param element {string | HTMLElement} Element ID or reference to attach the map to
977 * @param options {StreetViewOptions} [options] Options
978 * @return {StreetViewPanorama}
979 */
980 static createPanorama(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: StreetViewOptions): StreetViewPanorama;
983 * @hidden
984 * https://github.com/mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps-doc/blob/master/v2.0.0/class/BaseClass/README.md
985 */
986export declare class BaseClass {
987 protected _objectInstance: any;
988 constructor(objInstance?: any);
989 /**
990 * Adds an event listener.
991 * @param eventName {string} event name you want to observe.
992 * @return {Observable<any>}
993 */
994 addEventListener(eventName: string): Observable<any>;
995 /**
996 * Attaches the handler for the event that is thrown by the target, where the minimum interval between events (in milliseconds) is specified as a parameter.
997 * @param eventName {string} event name you want to observe.
998 * @param throttleInterval {number} throttle interval in milliseconds
999 * @return {Observable<any>}
1000 */
1001 /**
1002 * Adds an event listener that works once.
1003 * @param eventName {string} event name you want to observe.
1004 * @return {Promise<any>}
1005 */
1006 addEventListenerOnce(eventName: string): Promise<any>;
1007 /**
1008 * @deprecated
1009 * Adds an event listener that works once.
1010 * @param eventName {string} event name you want to observe.
1011 * @return {Promise<any>}
1012 */
1013 addListenerOnce(eventName: string): Promise<any>;
1014 /**
1015 * Gets a value
1016 * @param key {any}
1017 */
1018 get(key: string): any;
1019 /**
1020 * Sets a value
1021 * @param key {string} The key name for the value. `(key)_changed` will be fired when you set value through this method.
1022 * @param value {any}
1023 * @param noNotify {boolean} [options] True if you want to prevent firing the `(key)_changed` event.
1024 */
1025 set(key: string, value: any, noNotify?: boolean): void;
1026 /**
1027 * Bind a key to another object
1028 * @param key {string} The property name you want to observe.
1029 * @param target {any} The target object you want to observe.
1030 * @param targetKey? {string} [options] The property name you want to observe. If you omit this, the `key` argument is used.
1031 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] True if you want to prevent `(key)_changed` event when you bind first time, because the internal status is changed from `undefined` to something.
1032 */
1033 bindTo(key: string, target: any, targetKey?: string, noNotify?: boolean): void;
1034 /**
1035 * Alias of `addEventListener`
1036 * @param key {string} The property name you want to observe.
1037 * @return {Observable<any>}
1038 */
1039 on(eventName: string): Observable<any>;
1040 /**
1041 * Alias of `addThrottledEventListener`
1042 * @param key {string} The property name you want to observe.
1043 * @return {Observable<any>}
1044 */
1045 /**
1046 * Alias of `addEventListenerOnce`
1047 * @param key {string} The property name you want to observe.
1048 * @return {Promise<any>}
1049 */
1050 one(eventName: string): Promise<any>;
1051 /**
1052 * Return true if this object has event listener for event name
1053 * @param eventName {string} Event name
1054 * @return {boolean}
1055 */
1056 hasEventListener(): boolean;
1057 /**
1058 * Clears all stored values
1059 */
1060 empty(): void;
1061 /**
1062 * Dispatch event.
1063 * @param eventName {string} Event name
1064 * @param parameters {any} [options] The data you want to pass to event listerners.
1065 */
1066 trigger(eventName: string, ...parameters: any[]): void;
1067 /**
1068 * Executes off() and empty()
1069 */
1070 destroy(): void;
1071 /**
1072 * Remove event listener(s)
1073 * The `removeEventListener()` has three usages:
1074 * - removeEventListener("eventName", listenerFunction);
1075 * This removes one particular event listener
1076 * - removeEventListener("eventName");
1077 * This removes the event listeners that added for the event name.
1078 * - removeEventListener();
1079 * This removes all listeners.
1080 *
1081 * @param eventName {string} [options] Event name
1082 * @param listener {Function} [options] Event listener
1083 */
1084 removeEventListener(eventName?: string, listener?: (...parameters: any[]) => void): void;
1085 /**
1086 * Alias of `removeEventListener`
1087 *
1088 * @param eventName {string} [options] Event name
1089 * @param listener {Function} [options] Event listener
1090 */
1091 off(eventName?: string, listener?: (...parameters: any[]) => void): void;
1094 * @hidden
1095 * https://github.com/mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps-doc/blob/master/v2.0.0/class/BaseArrayClass/README.md
1096 */
1097export declare class BaseArrayClass<T> extends BaseClass {
1098 constructor(initialData?: T[] | any);
1099 /**
1100 * Removes all elements from the array.
1101 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] Set true to prevent remove_at events.
1102 */
1103 empty(noNotify?: boolean): void;
1104 /**
1105 * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback.
1106 * @param fn {Function}
1107 */
1108 forEach(fn: (element: T, index?: number) => void): void;
1109 /**
1110 * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback.
1111 * @param fn {Function}
1112 * @return {Promise<void>}
1113 */
1114 forEachAsync(fn: ((element: T, callback: () => void) => void)): Promise<void>;
1115 /**
1116 * Iterate over each element, then Returns a new value.
1117 * Then you can get the results of each callback.
1118 * @param fn {Function}
1119 * @return {Object[]} returns a new array with the results
1120 */
1121 map(fn: (element: T, index: number) => any): any[];
1122 /**
1123 * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback.
1124 * Then you can get the results of each callback.
1125 * @param fn {Function}
1126 * @param callback {Function}
1127 * @return {Promise<any>} returns a new array with the results
1128 */
1129 mapAsync(fn: ((element: T, callback: (newElement: any) => void) => void)): Promise<any[]>;
1130 /**
1131 * Same as `mapAsync`, but keep the execution order
1132 * @param fn {Function}
1133 * @param callback {Function}
1134 * @return {Promise<any>} returns a new array with the results
1135 */
1136 mapSeries(fn: ((element: T, callback: (newElement: any) => void) => void)): Promise<any[]>;
1137 /**
1138 * The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
1139 * @param fn {Function}
1140 * @return {T[]} returns a new filtered array
1141 */
1142 filter(fn: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): T[];
1143 /**
1144 * The filterAsync() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
1145 * @param fn {Function}
1146 * @param callback {Function}
1147 * @return {Promise<T[]>} returns a new filtered array
1148 */
1149 filterAsync(fn: (element: T, callback: (result: boolean) => void) => void): Promise<T[]>;
1150 /**
1151 * Returns a reference to the underlying Array.
1152 * @return {Object[]}
1153 */
1154 getArray(): T[];
1155 /**
1156 * Returns the element at the specified index.
1157 * @param index {number}
1158 * @return {Object}
1159 */
1160 getAt(index: number): any;
1161 /**
1162 * Returns the number of the elements.
1163 * @return {number}
1164 */
1165 getLength(): number;
1166 /**
1167 * The indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.
1168 * @param element {Object}
1169 * @return {number}
1170 */
1171 indexOf(element: T): number;
1172 /**
1173 * The reverse() method reverses an array in place.
1174 */
1175 reverse(): void;
1176 /**
1177 * The sort() method sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array.
1178 */
1179 sort(): void;
1180 /**
1181 * Inserts an element at the specified index.
1182 * @param index {number}
1183 * @param element {Object}
1184 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] Set true to prevent insert_at event.
1185 * @return {Object}
1186 */
1187 insertAt(index: number, element: T, noNotify?: boolean): void;
1188 /**
1189 * Removes the last element of the array and returns that element.
1190 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] Set true to prevent remove_at event.
1191 * @return {Object}
1192 */
1193 pop(noNotify?: boolean): T;
1194 /**
1195 * Adds one element to the end of the array and returns the new length of the array.
1196 * @param element {object}
1197 * @param noNotify? {boolean} Set true to prevent insert_at events.
1198 */
1199 push(element: T, noNotify?: boolean): void;
1200 /**
1201 * Removes an element from the specified index.
1202 * @param index {number}
1203 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] Set true to prevent remove_at event.
1204 */
1205 removeAt(index: number, noNotify?: boolean): T;
1206 /**
1207 * Sets an element at the specified index.
1208 * @param index {number}
1209 * @param element {object}
1210 * @param noNotify? {boolean} [options] Set true to prevent set_at event.
1211 */
1212 setAt(index: number, element: T, noNotify?: boolean): void;
1215 * @hidden
1216 * https://github.com/mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps-doc/blob/master/v2.0.0/class/Circle/README.md
1217 */
1218export declare class Circle extends BaseClass {
1219 private _map;
1220 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
1221 /**
1222 * Returns the ID of instance.
1223 * @return {string}
1224 */
1225 getId(): string;
1226 /**
1227 * Returns the map instance.
1228 * @return {GoogleMap}
1229 */
1230 getMap(): any;
1231 /**
1232 * Changes the center position.
1233 * @param latLng {ILatLng}
1234 */
1235 setCenter(latLng: ILatLng): void;
1236 /**
1237 * Returns the current center position
1238 * @return {ILatLng}
1239 */
1240 getCenter(): ILatLng;
1241 /**
1242 * Returns the current circle radius.
1243 * @return {number}
1244 */
1245 getRadius(): number;
1246 /**
1247 * Changes the circle radius.
1248 * @param radius {number}
1249 */
1250 setRadius(radius: number): void;
1251 /**
1252 * Changes the filling color (inner color).
1253 * @param color {string}
1254 */
1255 setFillColor(color: string): void;
1256 /**
1257 * Returns the current circle filling color (inner color).
1258 * @return {string}
1259 */
1260 getFillColor(): string;
1261 /**
1262 * Changes the stroke width.
1263 * @param strokeWidth {number}
1264 */
1265 setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: number): void;
1266 /**
1267 * Returns the current circle stroke width (unit: pixel).
1268 * @return {number}
1269 */
1270 getStrokeWidth(): number;
1271 /**
1272 * Changes the stroke color (outter color).
1273 * @param strokeColor {string}
1274 */
1275 setStrokeColor(strokeColor: string): void;
1276 /**
1277 * Returns the current circle stroke color (outer color).
1278 * @return {string}
1279 */
1280 getStrokeColor(): string;
1281 /**
1282 * Changes click-ability of the circle.
1283 * @param clickable {boolean}
1284 */
1285 setClickable(clickable: boolean): void;
1286 /**
1287 * Returns true if the circle is clickable.
1288 * @return {boolean}
1289 */
1290 getClickable(): boolean;
1291 /**
1292 * Changes the circle zIndex order.
1293 * @param zIndex {number}
1294 */
1295 setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
1296 /**
1297 * Returns the current circle zIndex.
1298 * @return {number}
1299 */
1300 getZIndex(): number;
1301 /**
1302 * Remove the circle.
1303 */
1304 remove(): void;
1305 /**
1306 * Returns the latLngBounds (rectangle) that contains the circle.
1307 * @return {LatLngBounds}
1308 */
1309 getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
1310 /**
1311 * Set circle visibility
1312 * @param visible {boolean}
1313 */
1314 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
1315 /**
1316 * Returns true if the circle is visible.
1317 * @return {boolean}
1318 */
1319 getVisible(): boolean;
1322 * @hidden
1323 */
1324export declare class Environment {
1325 /**
1326 * Set environment variables.
1327 */
1328 static setEnv(envOptions: EnvOptions): void;
1329 /**
1330 * Get the open source software license information for Google Maps SDK for iOS.
1331 * @return {Promise<any>}
1332 */
1333 static getLicenseInfo(): Promise<any>;
1334 /**
1335 * Specifies the background color of the app.
1336 * @param color
1337 */
1338 static setBackgroundColor(color: string): void;
1339 /**
1340 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Environment.getLicenseInfo()
1341 * @hidden
1342 */
1343 getLicenseInfo(): Promise<any>;
1344 /**
1345 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Environment.setBackgroundColor()
1346 * @hidden
1347 */
1348 setBackgroundColor(color: string): void;
1351 * @hidden
1352 */
1353export declare class Geocoder {
1354 /**
1355 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Geocoder.geocode()
1356 * @hidden
1357 */
1358 geocode(request: GeocoderRequest): Promise<GeocoderResult[] | BaseArrayClass<GeocoderResult[]>>;
1359 /**
1360 * Converts position to address and vice versa
1361 * @param {GeocoderRequest} request Request object with either an address or a position
1362 * @return {Promise<GeocoderResult[] | BaseArrayClass<GeocoderResult>>}
1363 */
1364 static geocode(request: GeocoderRequest): Promise<GeocoderResult[] | BaseArrayClass<GeocoderResult[]>>;
1367 * @hidden
1368 */
1369export declare class LocationService {
1370 /**
1371 * Get the current device location without map
1372 * @return {Promise<MyLocation>}
1373 */
1374 static getMyLocation(options?: MyLocationOptions): Promise<MyLocation>;
1375 /**
1376 * Return true if the application has geolocation permission
1377 * @return {Promise<boolean>}
1378 */
1379 static hasPermission(): Promise<boolean>;
1382 * @hidden
1383 */
1384export declare class Encoding {
1385 /**
1386 * Decodes an encoded path string into a sequence of LatLngs.
1387 * @param encoded {string} an encoded path string
1388 * @param precision? {number} default: 5
1389 * @return {LatLng}
1390 */
1391 static decodePath(encoded: string, precision?: number): ILatLng[];
1392 /**
1393 * Encodes a sequence of LatLngs into an encoded path string.
1394 * @param path {ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>} a sequence of LatLngs
1395 * @return {string}
1396 */
1397 static encodePath(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): string;
1398 /**
1399 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Encoding.decodePath()
1400 * @hidden
1401 */
1402 decodePath(encoded: string, precision?: number): ILatLng[];
1403 /**
1404 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Encoding.encodePath()
1405 * @hidden
1406 */
1407 encodePath(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): string;
1410 * @hidden
1411 */
1412export declare class Poly {
1413 /**
1414 * Returns true if the specified location is in the polygon path
1415 * @param location {ILatLng}
1416 * @param path {ILatLng[]}
1417 * @return {boolean}
1418 */
1419 static containsLocation(location: ILatLng, path: ILatLng[]): boolean;
1420 /**
1421 * Returns true if the specified location is on the polyline path
1422 * @param location {ILatLng}
1423 * @param path {ILatLng[]}
1424 * @return {boolean}
1425 */
1426 static isLocationOnEdge(location: ILatLng, path: ILatLng[]): boolean;
1429 * @hidden
1430 */
1431export declare class Spherical {
1432 /**
1433 * Returns the distance, in meters, between two LatLngs.
1434 * @param locationA {ILatLng}
1435 * @param locationB {ILatLng}
1436 * @return {number}
1437 */
1438 static computeDistanceBetween(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng): number;
1439 /**
1440 * Returns the LatLng resulting from moving a distance from an origin in the specified heading (expressed in degrees clockwise from north)
1441 * @param from {ILatLng}
1442 * @param distance {number}
1443 * @param heading {number}
1444 * @return {LatLng}
1445 */
1446 static computeOffset(from: ILatLng, distance: number, heading: number): LatLng;
1447 /**
1448 * Returns the location of origin when provided with a LatLng destination, meters travelled and original heading. Headings are expressed in degrees clockwise from North. This function returns null when no solution is available.
1449 * @param to {ILatLng} The destination LatLng.
1450 * @param distance {number} The distance travelled, in meters.
1451 * @param heading {number} The heading in degrees clockwise from north.
1452 * @return {LatLng}
1453 */
1454 static computeOffsetOrigin(to: ILatLng, distance: number, heading: number): LatLng;
1455 /**
1456 * Returns the length of the given path.
1457 * @param path {ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>}
1458 * @return {number}
1459 */
1460 static computeLength(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1461 /**
1462 * Returns the area of a closed path. The computed area uses the same units as the radius.
1463 * @param path {ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>}.
1464 * @return {number}
1465 */
1466 static computeArea(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1467 /**
1468 * Returns the signed area of a closed path. The signed area may be used to determine the orientation of the path.
1469 * @param path {ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>}.
1470 * @return {number}
1471 */
1472 static computeSignedArea(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1473 /**
1474 * Returns the heading from one LatLng to another LatLng. Headings are expressed in degrees clockwise from North within the range (-180,180).
1475 * @param from {ILatLng}
1476 * @param to {ILatLng}
1477 * @return {number}
1478 */
1479 static computeHeading(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng): number;
1480 /**
1481 * Returns the LatLng which lies the given fraction of the way between the origin LatLng and the destination LatLng.
1482 * @param from {ILatLng} The LatLng from which to start.
1483 * @param to {ILatLng} The LatLng toward which to travel.
1484 * @param fraction {number} A fraction of the distance to travel from 0.0 to 1.0 .
1485 * @return {LatLng}
1486 */
1487 static interpolate(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng, fraction: number): LatLng;
1488 /**
1489 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeDistanceBetween()
1490 * @hidden
1491 */
1492 computeDistanceBetween(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng): number;
1493 /**
1494 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeOffset()
1495 * @hidden
1496 */
1497 computeOffset(from: ILatLng, distance: number, heading: number): LatLng;
1498 /**
1499 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeOffsetOrigin()
1500 * @hidden
1501 */
1502 computeOffsetOrigin(to: ILatLng, distance: number, heading: number): LatLng;
1503 /**
1504 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeLength()
1505 * @hidden
1506 */
1507 computeLength(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1508 /**
1509 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeArea()
1510 * @hidden
1511 */
1512 computeArea(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1513 /**
1514 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeSignedArea()
1515 * @hidden
1516 */
1517 computeSignedArea(path: ILatLng[] | BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>): number;
1518 /**
1519 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.computeHeading()
1520 * @hidden
1521 */
1522 computeHeading(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng): number;
1523 /**
1524 * @deprecation This method is static. Please use Spherical.interpolate()
1525 * @hidden
1526 */
1527 interpolate(from: ILatLng, to: ILatLng, fraction: number): LatLng;
1530 * @hidden
1531 */
1532export declare class StreetViewPanorama extends BaseClass {
1533 constructor(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: StreetViewOptions);
1534 /**
1535 * Sets the point of view for the Street View panorama.
1536 */
1537 setPov(pov: StreetViewCameraPano): void;
1538 /**
1539 * Sets the StreetViewPanorama to a given location.
1540 */
1541 setPosition(cameraPosition: String | StreetViewSetPositionOption): void;
1542 /**
1543 * Toggles the ability for users to use pan around on the panorama using gestures.
1544 * @param gestureEnable {boolean}
1545 */
1546 setPanningGesturesEnabled(gestureEnable: boolean): void;
1547 /**
1548 * Return true if the panning gesture is enabled.
1549 * @return {boolean}
1550 */
1551 getPanningGesturesEnabled(): boolean;
1552 /**
1553 * Toggles the ability for users to zoom on the panorama using gestures.
1554 * @param gestureEnable {boolean}
1555 */
1556 setZoomGesturesEnabled(gestureEnable: boolean): void;
1557 /**
1558 * Return true if the zooming gesture is enabled.
1559 * @return {boolean}
1560 */
1561 getZoomGesturesEnabled(): boolean;
1562 /**
1563 * Toggles the ability for users to see street names on the panorama.
1564 * @param gestureEnable {boolean}
1565 */
1566 setStreetNamesEnabled(gestureEnable: boolean): void;
1567 /**
1568 * Return true if the street names control is enabled.
1569 * @return {boolean}
1570 */
1571 getStreetNamesEnabled(): boolean;
1572 /**
1573 * Toggles the ability for users to move between panoramas.
1574 * @param gestureEnable {boolean}
1575 */
1576 setNavigationEnabled(gestureEnable: boolean): void;
1577 /**
1578 * Return true if the navigation control is enabled.
1579 * @return {boolean}
1580 */
1581 getNavigationEnabled(): boolean;
1582 /**
1583 * Return the navigation links (StreetViewLocation.links)
1584 * @return {StreetViewNavigationLink[]}
1585 */
1586 getLinks(): StreetViewNavigationLink[];
1587 /**
1588 * Return the current location
1589 * @return {StreetViewLocation}
1590 */
1591 getLocation(): StreetViewLocation;
1592 /**
1593 * Return the current panorama id
1594 * @return {string}
1595 */
1596 getPanoId(): string;
1597 /**
1598 * Return the current position (StreetViewLocation.latLng)
1599 * @return {string}
1600 */
1601 getPosition(): ILatLng;
1602 /**
1603 * Destroy a panorama completely
1604 * @return {Promise<any>}
1605 */
1606 remove(): Promise<any>;
1609 * @hidden
1610 */
1611export declare class GoogleMap extends BaseClass {
1612 constructor(element: HTMLElement | string, options?: GoogleMapOptions, __timeout?: number);
1613 /**
1614 * Changes the map div
1615 * @param domNode {HTMLElement | string} [options] If you want to display the map in an html element, you need to specify an element or id. If omit this argument, the map is detached from webview.
1616 */
1617 setDiv(domNode?: HTMLElement | string): void;
1618 /**
1619 * Returns the map HTML element
1620 * @return {HTMLElement}
1621 */
1622 getDiv(): HTMLElement;
1623 /**
1624 * Changes the map type id
1625 * @param mapTypeId {string}
1626 */
1627 setMapTypeId(mapTypeId: MapType | string): void;
1628 /**
1629 * Moves the camera with animation
1630 * @return {Promise<any>}
1631 */
1632 animateCamera(cameraPosition: CameraPosition<any>): Promise<any>;
1633 /**
1634 * Zooming in the camera with animation
1635 * @return {Promise<any>}
1636 */
1637 animateCameraZoomIn(): Promise<any>;
1638 /**
1639 * Zooming out the camera with animation
1640 * @return {Promise<any>}
1641 */
1642 animateCameraZoomOut(): Promise<any>;
1643 /**
1644 * Moves the camera without animation
1645 * @return {Promise<any>}
1646 */
1647 moveCamera(cameraPosition: CameraPosition<any>): Promise<any>;
1648 /**
1649 * Zooming in the camera without animation
1650 * @return {Promise<any>}
1651 */
1652 moveCameraZoomIn(): Promise<any>;
1653 /**
1654 * Zooming out the camera without animation
1655 * @return {Promise<any>}
1656 */
1657 moveCameraZoomOut(): Promise<any>;
1658 /**
1659 * Get the position of the camera.
1660 * @return {CameraPosition}
1661 */
1662 getCameraPosition(): CameraPosition<ILatLng>;
1663 /**
1664 * Get the current camera target position
1665 * @return {ILatLng}
1666 */
1667 getCameraTarget(): ILatLng;
1668 /**
1669 * Get the current camera zoom level
1670 * @return {number}
1671 */
1672 getCameraZoom(): number;
1673 /**
1674 * Get the current camera bearing
1675 * @return {number}
1676 */
1677 getCameraBearing(): number;
1678 /**
1679 * Get the current camera tilt (view angle)
1680 * @return {number}
1681 */
1682 getCameraTilt(): number;
1683 /**
1684 * Set the center position of the camera view
1685 * @param latLng {ILatLng | ILatLng[]}
1686 */
1687 setCameraTarget(latLng: ILatLng | ILatLng[]): void;
1688 /**
1689 * Set zoom level of the camera
1690 * @param zoomLevel {number} Zoom level
1691 */
1692 setCameraZoom(zoomLevel: number): void;
1693 /**
1694 * Set the camera view angle
1695 * @param tiltAngle {number} Tilt angle
1696 */
1697 setCameraTilt(tiltAngle: number): void;
1698 /**
1699 * Set camera bearing
1700 * @param bearing {any}
1701 */
1702 setCameraBearing(bearing: any): void;
1703 /**
1704 * Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels
1705 * @param x {number}
1706 * @param y {number}
1707 */
1708 panBy(x: number, y: number): void;
1709 /**
1710 * Get the current visible region (southWest and northEast)
1711 * @return {VisibleRegion}
1712 */
1713 getVisibleRegion(): VisibleRegion;
1714 /**
1715 * Get the current device location
1716 * @return {Promise<MyLocation>}
1717 */
1718 getMyLocation(options?: MyLocationOptions): Promise<MyLocation>;
1719 /**
1720 * Set false to ignore all clicks on the map
1721 * @param isClickable {boolean}
1722 */
1723 setClickable(isClickable: boolean): void;
1724 /**
1725 * Destroy a map completely
1726 * @return {Promise<any>}
1727 */
1728 remove(): Promise<any>;
1729 /**
1730 * Remove all overlays, such as marker
1731 * @return {Promise<any>}
1732 */
1733 clear(): Promise<any>;
1734 /**
1735 * Convert the unit from LatLng to the pixels from the left/top of the map div
1736 * @return {Promise<any>}
1737 */
1738 fromLatLngToPoint(latLng: ILatLng): Promise<any[]>;
1739 /**
1740 * Convert the unit from the pixels from the left/top to the LatLng
1741 * @return {Promise<LatLng>}
1742 */
1743 fromPointToLatLng(point: number[]): Promise<LatLng>;
1744 /**
1745 * Set true if you want to show the MyLocation control (blue dot)
1746 * @param enabled {boolean}
1747 */
1748 setMyLocationEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1749 /**
1750 * Set true if you want to show the MyLocation button
1751 * @param enabled {boolean}
1752 */
1753 setMyLocationButtonEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1754 /**
1755 * Get the currently focused building
1756 * @return {Promise<any>}
1757 */
1758 getFocusedBuilding(): Promise<any>;
1759 /**
1760 * Set true if you want to show the indoor map
1761 * @param enabled {boolean}
1762 */
1763 setIndoorEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1764 /**
1765 * Set true if you want to show the traffic layer
1766 * @param enabled {boolean}
1767 */
1768 setTrafficEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1769 /**
1770 * Set true if you want to show the compass button
1771 * @param enabled {boolean}
1772 */
1773 setCompassEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1774 /**
1775 * Sets the preference for whether all gestures should be enabled or disabled
1776 * @param enabled {boolean}
1777 */
1778 setAllGesturesEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
1779 /**
1780 * Set visibility of the map
1781 * @param visible {boolean}
1782 */
1783 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
1784 /**
1785 * Adjust the map padding (same as CSS padding rule)
1786 * @param top {number}
1787 * @param right {number}
1788 * @param left {number}
1789 * @param bottom {number}
1790 */
1791 setPadding(top: number, right?: number, bottom?: number, left?: number): void;
1792 /**
1793 * Set options
1794 * @param options
1795 */
1796 setOptions(options: GoogleMapOptions): void;
1797 /**
1798 * Adds a marker
1799 * @param options {MarkerOptions} options
1800 * @return {Promise<Marker>}
1801 */
1802 addMarker(options: MarkerOptions): Promise<Marker | any>;
1803 /**
1804 * Adds a marker in synchronous
1805 * @param options {MarkerOptions} options
1806 * @Returns {Marker}
1807 */
1808 addMarkerSync(options: MarkerOptions): Marker;
1809 /**
1810 * Adds a marker cluster
1811 * @param options {MarkerClusterOptions} options
1812 * @return {Promise<MarkerCluster>}
1813 */
1814 addMarkerCluster(options: MarkerClusterOptions): Promise<MarkerCluster | any>;
1815 /**
1816 * Adds a marker cluster in synchronous
1817 * @param options {MarkerClusterOptions} options
1818 * @Returns {MarkerCluster}
1819 */
1820 addMarkerClusterSync(options: MarkerClusterOptions): MarkerCluster;
1821 /**
1822 * Adds a circle
1823 * @param options {CircleOptions} options
1824 * @return {Promise<Circle>}
1825 */
1826 addCircle(options: CircleOptions): Promise<Circle | any>;
1827 /**
1828 * Adds a circle in synchronous
1829 * @param options {CircleOptions} options
1830 * @return {Circle}
1831 */
1832 addCircleSync(options: CircleOptions): Circle;
1833 /**
1834 * Adds a polygon
1835 * @param options {PolygonOptions} options
1836 * @return {Promise<Polygon>}
1837 */
1838 addPolygon(options: PolygonOptions): Promise<Polygon | any>;
1839 /**
1840 * Adds a polygon in synchronous
1841 * @param options {PolygonOptions} options
1842 * @return {Polygon}
1843 */
1844 addPolygonSync(options: PolygonOptions): Polygon;
1845 /**
1846 * Adds a polyline
1847 * @param options {PolylineOptions} options
1848 * @return {Promise<Polyline>}
1849 */
1850 addPolyline(options: PolylineOptions): Promise<Polyline | any>;
1851 /**
1852 * Adds a polyline in synchronous
1853 * @param options {PolylineOptions} options
1854 * @return {Polyline}
1855 */
1856 addPolylineSync(options: PolylineOptions): Polyline;
1857 /**
1858 * Adds a tile overlay
1859 * @param options {TileOverlayOptions} options
1860 * @return {Promise<TileOverlay>}
1861 */
1862 addTileOverlay(options: TileOverlayOptions): Promise<TileOverlay | any>;
1863 /**
1864 * Adds a tile overlay in synchronous
1865 * @param options {TileOverlayOptions} options
1866 * @return {TileOverlay}
1867 */
1868 addTileOverlaySync(options: TileOverlayOptions): TileOverlay;
1869 /**
1870 * Adds a ground overlay
1871 * @param options {GroundOverlayOptions} options
1872 * @return {Promise<GroundOverlay>}
1873 */
1874 addGroundOverlay(options: GroundOverlayOptions): Promise<GroundOverlay | any>;
1875 /**
1876 * Adds a ground overlay in synchronous
1877 * @param options {GroundOverlayOptions} options
1878 * @return {GroundOverlay}
1879 */
1880 addGroundOverlaySync(options: GroundOverlayOptions): GroundOverlay;
1881 /**
1882 * Adds a kml overlay
1883 * @param options {KmlOverlayOptions} options
1884 * @return {Promise<KmlOverlay>}
1885 */
1886 addKmlOverlay(options: KmlOverlayOptions): Promise<KmlOverlay>;
1887 /**
1888 * Returns the base64 encoded screen capture of the map.
1889 * @param options {ToDataUrlOptions} [options] options
1890 * @return {Promise<string>}
1891 */
1892 toDataURL(options?: ToDataUrlOptions): Promise<string>;
1895 * @hidden
1896 */
1897export declare class GroundOverlay extends BaseClass {
1898 private _map;
1899 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
1900 /**
1901 * Returns the ID of instance.
1902 * @return {string}
1903 */
1904 getId(): string;
1905 /**
1906 * Returns the map instance.
1907 * @return {GoogleMap}
1908 */
1909 getMap(): any;
1910 /**
1911 * Changes the bounds of the GroundOverlay
1912 * @param bounds { ILatLng[]}
1913 */
1914 setBounds(bounds: ILatLng[]): void;
1915 /**
1916 * Changes the bearing of the ground overlay
1917 * @param bearing {number}
1918 */
1919 setBearing(bearing: number): void;
1920 /**
1921 * Returns the current bearing value
1922 */
1923 getBearing(): number;
1924 /**
1925 * Changes the image of the ground overlay
1926 * @param imageUrl {string} URL of image
1927 */
1928 setImage(imageUrl: string): void;
1929 /**
1930 * Changes the opacity of the ground overlay from 0.0 to 1.0
1931 * @param opacity {number}
1932 */
1933 setOpacity(opacity: number): void;
1934 /**
1935 * Returns the current opacity
1936 * @return {number}
1937 */
1938 getOpacity(): number;
1939 /**
1940 * Changes click-ability of the ground overlay
1941 * @param clickable {boolean}
1942 */
1943 setClickable(clickable: boolean): void;
1944 /**
1945 * Returns true if the ground overlay is clickable
1946 * @return {boolean}
1947 */
1948 getClickable(): boolean;
1949 /**
1950 * Changes visibility of the ground overlay
1951 * @param visible {boolean}
1952 */
1953 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
1954 /**
1955 * Returns true if the ground overlay is visible
1956 * @return {boolean}
1957 */
1958 getVisible(): boolean;
1959 /**
1960 * Changes the ground overlay zIndex order
1961 * @param index {number}
1962 */
1963 setZIndex(index: number): void;
1964 /**
1965 * Returns the current ground overlay zIndex
1966 * @return {number}
1967 */
1968 getZIndex(): number;
1969 /**
1970 * Remove the ground overlay
1971 */
1972 remove(): void;
1975 * @hidden
1976 */
1977export declare class HtmlInfoWindow extends BaseClass {
1978 constructor();
1979 /**
1980 * Changes the backgroundColor
1981 * @param color {string}
1982 */
1983 setBackgroundColor(color: string): void;
1984 /**
1985 * Set your HTML contents.
1986 * @param content {any} String containing text or HTML element
1987 * @param cssOptions? {any} CSS styles for the container element of HTMLInfoWindow
1988 */
1989 setContent(content: string | Element, cssOptions?: any): void;
1990 /**
1991 * Open the htmlInfoWindow
1992 * @param marker {Marker}
1993 */
1994 open(marker: any): any;
1995 /**
1996 * Close the htmlInfoWindow
1997 */
1998 close(): void;
2001 * @hidden
2002 */
2003export declare class Marker extends BaseClass {
2004 private _map;
2005 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2006 /**
2007 * Returns the ID of instance.
2008 * @return {string}
2009 */
2010 getId(): string;
2011 /**
2012 * Returns the map instance.
2013 * @return {GoogleMap}
2014 */
2015 getMap(): any;
2016 /**
2017 * Set the marker position.
2018 * @param latLng {ILatLng}
2019 */
2020 setPosition(latLng: ILatLng): void;
2021 /**
2022 * Returns the marker position.
2023 * @return {ILatLng}
2024 */
2025 getPosition(): ILatLng;
2026 /**
2027 * Show the normal infoWindow of the marker.
2028 */
2029 showInfoWindow(): void;
2030 /**
2031 * Hide the normal infoWindow of the marker.
2032 */
2033 hideInfoWindow(): void;
2034 /**
2035 * Specify the animation either `DROP` or `BOUNCE`
2036 * @param animation {string}
2037 */
2038 setAnimation(animation: string): void;
2039 /**
2040 * Set true if you **do not want** to move the map when you click on the marker.
2041 * @param disableAutoPan {boolean}
2042 */
2043 setDisableAutoPan(disableAutoPan: boolean): void;
2044 /**
2045 * Set false if you want to hide the marker.
2046 * @param visible
2047 */
2048 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
2049 /**
2050 * Returns true if the marker is visible
2051 */
2052 isVisible(): boolean;
2053 /**
2054 * Changes title of the normal infoWindow.
2055 * @param title {string}
2056 */
2057 setTitle(title: string): void;
2058 /**
2059 * Returns the title strings.
2060 * @return {string}
2061 */
2062 getTitle(): string;
2063 /**
2064 * Changes snippet of the normal infoWindow.
2065 * @param snippet {string}
2066 */
2067 setSnippet(snippet: string): void;
2068 /**
2069 * Returns the snippet strings.
2070 * @return {string}
2071 */
2072 getSnippet(): string;
2073 /**
2074 * Changes the marker opacity from 0.0 to 1.0.
2075 * @param alpha {number} Opacity
2076 */
2077 setOpacity(alpha: number): void;
2078 /**
2079 * Returns the marker opacity.
2080 * @return {number} Opacity
2081 */
2082 getOpacity(): number;
2083 /**
2084 * Remove the marker.
2085 */
2086 remove(): void;
2087 /**
2088 * Changes the info window anchor. This defaults to 50% from the left of the image and at the bottom of the image.
2089 * @param x {number} Distance from left of the icon image in pixels.
2090 * @param y {number} Distance from top of the icon image in pixels.
2091 */
2092 setIconAnchor(x: number, y: number): void;
2093 /**
2094 * Changes the info window anchor. This defaults to 50% from the left of the image and at the top of the image.
2095 * @param x {number} Distance from left of the icon image in pixels.
2096 * @param y {number} Distance from top of the icon image in pixels.
2097 */
2098 setInfoWindowAnchor(x: number, y: number): void;
2099 /**
2100 * Returns true if the infoWindow is shown on the marker
2101 * @return {boolean}
2102 */
2103 isInfoWindowShown(): boolean;
2104 /**
2105 * Higher zIndex value overlays will be drawn on top of lower zIndex value tile layers and overlays.
2106 * @param y {number} z-index
2107 */
2108 setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
2109 /**
2110 * Get z-index
2111 * @return {number}
2112 */
2113 getZIndex(): number;
2114 /**
2115 * Set true if you allow all users to drag the marker.
2116 * @param draggable {boolean}
2117 */
2118 setDraggable(draggable: boolean): void;
2119 /**
2120 * Returns true if the marker drag is enabled.
2121 * @return {boolean}
2122 */
2123 isDraggable(): boolean;
2124 /**
2125 * Set true if you want to be flat marker.
2126 * @param flat {boolean}
2127 */
2128 setFlat(flat: boolean): void;
2129 /**
2130 * Changes icon url and/or size
2131 * @param icon
2132 */
2133 setIcon(icon: MarkerIcon): void;
2134 /**
2135 * Set the marker rotation angle.
2136 * @param rotation {number}
2137 */
2138 setRotation(rotation: number): void;
2139 /**
2140 * Returns the marker rotation angle.
2141 * @return {number}
2142 */
2143 getRotation(): number;
2146 * @hidden
2147 */
2148export declare class MarkerCluster extends BaseClass {
2149 private _map;
2150 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2151 /**
2152 * Returns the ID of instance.
2153 * @return {string}
2154 */
2155 getId(): string;
2156 /**
2157 * Add one marker location
2158 * @param marker {MarkerOptions} one location
2159 * @param skipRedraw? {boolean} marker cluster does not redraw the marker cluster if true.
2160 */
2161 addMarker(marker: MarkerOptions): void;
2162 /**
2163 * Add marker locations
2164 * @param markers {MarkerOptions[]} multiple location
2165 */
2166 addMarkers(markers: MarkerOptions[]): void;
2167 /**
2168 * Remove the marker cluster
2169 */
2170 remove(): void;
2171 /**
2172 * Returns the map instance.
2173 * @return {GoogleMap}
2174 */
2175 getMap(): any;
2178 * @hidden
2179 */
2180export declare class Polygon extends BaseClass {
2181 private _map;
2182 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2183 /**
2184 * Returns the ID of instance.
2185 * @return {string}
2186 */
2187 getId(): string;
2188 /**
2189 * Returns the map instance.
2190 * @return {GoogleMap}
2191 */
2192 getMap(): any;
2193 /**
2194 * Changes the polygon points.
2195 * @param points {ILatLng[]}
2196 */
2197 setPoints(points: ILatLng[]): void;
2198 /**
2199 * Returns an instance of the BaseArrayClass.
2200 * You can modify the points.
2201 * @return {BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>}
2202 */
2203 getPoints(): BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>;
2204 /**
2205 * Changes the polygon holes.
2206 * @param holes {ILatLng[][]}
2207 */
2208 setHoles(holes: ILatLng[][]): void;
2209 /**
2210 * Returns an instance of the BaseArrayClass.
2211 * You can modify the holes.
2212 * @return {BaseArrayClass<ILatLng[]>}
2213 */
2214 getHoles(): BaseArrayClass<ILatLng[]>;
2215 /**
2216 * Changes the filling color (inner color)
2217 * @param fillColor {string}
2218 */
2219 setFillColor(fillColor: string): void;
2220 /**
2221 * Returns the current polygon filling color (inner color).
2222 * @return {string}
2223 */
2224 getFillColor(): string;
2225 /**
2226 * Changes the stroke color (outer color)
2227 * @param strokeColor {string}
2228 */
2229 setStrokeColor(strokeColor: string): void;
2230 /**
2231 * Returns the current polygon stroke color (outer color)
2232 * @return {string}
2233 */
2234 getStrokeColor(): string;
2235 /**
2236 * Changes click-ability of the polygon
2237 * @param clickable {boolean}
2238 */
2239 setClickable(clickable: boolean): void;
2240 /**
2241 * Returns true if the polygon is clickable
2242 */
2243 getClickable(): boolean;
2244 /**
2245 * Changes visibility of the polygon
2246 * @param visible {boolean}
2247 */
2248 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
2249 /**
2250 * Returns true if the polygon is visible
2251 * @return {boolean}
2252 */
2253 getVisible(): boolean;
2254 /**
2255 * Changes the polygon zIndex order.
2256 * @param zIndex {number}
2257 */
2258 setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
2259 /**
2260 * Returns the current polygon zIndex
2261 * @return {number}
2262 */
2263 getZIndex(): number;
2264 /**
2265 * Remove the polygon.
2266 */
2267 remove(): void;
2268 /**
2269 * Changes the polygon stroke width
2270 */
2271 setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: number): void;
2272 /**
2273 * Returns the polygon stroke width
2274 */
2275 getStrokeWidth(): number;
2276 /**
2277 * When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth.
2278 * @param geodesic {boolean}
2279 */
2280 setGeodesic(geodesic: boolean): void;
2281 /**
2282 * Returns true if the polygon is geodesic.
2283 * @return {boolean}
2284 */
2285 getGeodesic(): boolean;
2288 * @hidden
2289 */
2290export declare class Polyline extends BaseClass {
2291 private _map;
2292 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2293 /**
2294 * Returns the ID of instance.
2295 * @return {string}
2296 */
2297 getId(): string;
2298 /**
2299 * Returns the map instance.
2300 * @return {GoogleMap}
2301 */
2302 getMap(): any;
2303 /**
2304 * Changes the polyline points.
2305 * @param points {ILatLng[]}
2306 */
2307 setPoints(points: ILatLng[]): void;
2308 /**
2309 * Returns an instance of the BaseArrayClass
2310 * You can modify the points.
2311 * @return {BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>}
2312 */
2313 getPoints(): BaseArrayClass<ILatLng>;
2314 /**
2315 * When true, edges of the polyline are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth.
2316 * @param geoDesic {boolean}
2317 */
2318 setGeoDesic(geoDesic: boolean): void;
2319 /**
2320 * Returns true if the polyline is geodesic
2321 */
2322 getGeodesic(): boolean;
2323 /**
2324 * Changes visibility of the polyline
2325 * @param visible {boolean}
2326 */
2327 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
2328 /**
2329 * Returns true if the polyline is visible
2330 * @return {boolean}
2331 */
2332 getVisible(): boolean;
2333 /**
2334 * Changes click-ability of the polyline
2335 * @param clickable {boolean}
2336 */
2337 setClickable(clickable: boolean): void;
2338 /**
2339 * Returns true if the polyline is clickable
2340 * @return {boolean}
2341 */
2342 getClickable(): boolean;
2343 /**
2344 * Changes the polyline color
2345 * @param strokeColor {string}
2346 */
2347 setStrokeColor(strokeColor: string): void;
2348 /**
2349 * Returns the current polyline color
2350 * @return {string}
2351 */
2352 getStrokeColor(): string;
2353 /**
2354 * Changes the polyline stroke width
2355 * @param strokeWidth {number}
2356 */
2357 setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: number): void;
2358 /**
2359 * Returns the current stroke width (unit: pixel).
2360 * @return {number}
2361 */
2362 getStrokeWidth(): number;
2363 /**
2364 * Changes the polyline zIndex order.
2365 * @param index {number}
2366 */
2367 setZIndex(index: number): void;
2368 /**
2369 * Returns the current polyline zIndex
2370 * @return {number}
2371 */
2372 getZIndex(): number;
2373 /**
2374 * Remove the polyline
2375 */
2376 remove(): void;
2379 * @hidden
2380 */
2381export declare class TileOverlay extends BaseClass {
2382 private _map;
2383 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2384 /**
2385 * Returns the ID of instance.
2386 * @return {string}
2387 */
2388 getId(): string;
2389 /**
2390 * Returns the map instance.
2391 * @return {GoogleMap}
2392 */
2393 getMap(): any;
2394 /**
2395 * Set whether the tiles should fade in.
2396 * @param fadeIn {boolean}
2397 */
2398 setFadeIn(fadeIn: boolean): void;
2399 /**
2400 * Get whether the tiles should fade in
2401 * @return {boolean}
2402 */
2403 getFadeIn(): boolean;
2404 /**
2405 * Set the zIndex of the tile overlay
2406 * @param zIndex {number}
2407 */
2408 setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
2409 /**
2410 * Returns the zIndex of the tile overlay
2411 * @return {number}
2412 */
2413 getZIndex(): number;
2414 /**
2415 * Set the opacity of the tile overlay
2416 * @param opacity {number}
2417 */
2418 setOpacity(opacity: number): void;
2419 /**
2420 * Returns the opacity of the tile overlay
2421 * @return {number}
2422 */
2423 getOpacity(): number;
2424 /**
2425 * Set false if you want to hide
2426 * @param visible {boolean}
2427 */
2428 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
2429 /**
2430 * Returns true if the tile overlay is visible
2431 * @return {boolean}
2432 */
2433 getVisible(): boolean;
2434 /**
2435 * Get tile size
2436 */
2437 getTileSize(): any;
2438 /**
2439 * Remove the tile overlay
2440 */
2441 remove(): void;
2444 * @hidden
2445 */
2446export declare class KmlOverlay extends BaseClass {
2447 private _map;
2448 constructor(_map: GoogleMap, _objectInstance: any);
2449 /**
2450 * Returns the viewport to contains all overlays
2451 */
2452 getDefaultViewport(): CameraPosition<ILatLng | ILatLng[]>;
2453 /**
2454 * Returns the ID of instance.
2455 * @return {string}
2456 */
2457 getId(): string;
2458 /**
2459 * Returns the map instance.
2460 * @return {GoogleMap}
2461 */
2462 getMap(): GoogleMap;
2463 /**
2464 * Changes visibility of the kml overlay
2465 * @param visible {boolean}
2466 */
2467 setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
2468 /**
2469 * Returns true if the kml overlay is visible
2470 * @return {boolean}
2471 */
2472 getVisible(): boolean;
2473 /**
2474 * Changes click-ability of the KmlOverlay
2475 * @param clickable {boolean}
2476 */
2477 setClickable(clickable: boolean): void;
2478 /**
2479 * Returns true if the KmlOverlay is clickable
2480 * @return {boolean}
2481 */
2482 getClickable(): boolean;
2483 /**
2484 * Remove the KmlOverlay
2485 */
2486 remove(): void;
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