15.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
3 * @name PayPal
4 * @description
5 * PayPal plugin for Cordova/Ionic Applications
6 *
7 * @usage
8 * ```typescript
9 * import { PayPal, PayPalPayment, PayPalConfiguration } from '@ionic-native/paypal/ngx';
10 *
11 * constructor(private payPal: PayPal) { }
12 *
13 * ...
14 *
15 *
16 * this.payPal.init({
17 * PayPalEnvironmentProduction: 'YOUR_PRODUCTION_CLIENT_ID',
18 * PayPalEnvironmentSandbox: 'YOUR_SANDBOX_CLIENT_ID'
19 * }).then(() => {
20 * // Environments: PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork, PayPalEnvironmentSandbox, PayPalEnvironmentProduction
21 * this.payPal.prepareToRender('PayPalEnvironmentSandbox', new PayPalConfiguration({
22 * // Only needed if you get an "Internal Service Error" after PayPal login!
23 * //payPalShippingAddressOption: 2 // PayPalShippingAddressOptionPayPal
24 * })).then(() => {
25 * let payment = new PayPalPayment('3.33', 'USD', 'Description', 'sale');
26 * this.payPal.renderSinglePaymentUI(payment).then(() => {
27 * // Successfully paid
28 *
29 * // Example sandbox response
30 * //
31 * // {
32 * // "client": {
33 * // "environment": "sandbox",
34 * // "product_name": "PayPal iOS SDK",
35 * // "paypal_sdk_version": "2.16.0",
36 * // "platform": "iOS"
37 * // },
38 * // "response_type": "payment",
39 * // "response": {
40 * // "id": "PAY-1AB23456CD789012EF34GHIJ",
41 * // "state": "approved",
42 * // "create_time": "2016-10-03T13:33:33Z",
43 * // "intent": "sale"
44 * // }
45 * // }
46 * }, () => {
47 * // Error or render dialog closed without being successful
48 * });
49 * }, () => {
50 * // Error in configuration
51 * });
52 * }, () => {
53 * // Error in initialization, maybe PayPal isn't supported or something else
54 * });
55 * ```
56 * @interfaces
57 * PayPalEnvironment
58 * PayPalConfigurationOptions
59 * @classes
60 * PayPalPayment
61 * PayPalItem
62 * PayPalPaymentDetails
63 * PayPalShippingAddress
64 */
65export declare class PayPal extends IonicNativePlugin {
66 /**
67 * Retrieve the version of the PayPal iOS SDK library. Useful when contacting support.
68 * @returns {Promise<string>}
69 */
70 version(): Promise<string>;
71 /**
72 * You must preconnect to PayPal to prepare the device for processing payments.
73 * This improves the user experience, by making the presentation of the
74 * UI faster. The preconnect is valid for a limited time, so
75 * the recommended time to preconnect is on page load.
76 *
77 * @param {PayPalEnvironment} clientIdsForEnvironments: set of client ids for environments
78 * @returns {Promise<any>}
79 */
80 init(clientIdsForEnvironments: PayPalEnvironment): Promise<any>;
81 /**
82 * You must preconnect to PayPal to prepare the device for processing payments.
83 * This improves the user experience, by making the presentation of the UI faster.
84 * The preconnect is valid for a limited time, so the recommended time to preconnect is on page load.
85 *
86 * @param {String} environment: available options are "PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork", "PayPalEnvironmentProduction" and "PayPalEnvironmentSandbox"
87 * @param {PayPalConfiguration} configuration: PayPalConfiguration object, for Future Payments merchantName, merchantPrivacyPolicyURL and merchantUserAgreementURL must be set be set
88 * @returns {Promise<any>}
89 */
90 prepareToRender(environment: string, configuration: PayPalConfiguration): Promise<any>;
91 /**
92 * Start PayPal UI to collect payment from the user.
93 * See https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/integration/mobile/ios-integration-guide/
94 * for more documentation of the params.
95 *
96 * @param {PayPalPayment} payment PayPalPayment object
97 * @returns {Promise<any>}
98 */
99 renderSinglePaymentUI(payment: PayPalPayment): Promise<any>;
100 /**
101 * Once a user has consented to future payments, when the user subsequently initiates a PayPal payment
102 * from their device to be completed by your server, PayPal uses a Correlation ID to verify that the
103 * payment is originating from a valid, user-consented device+application.
104 * This helps reduce fraud and decrease declines.
105 * This method MUST be called prior to initiating a pre-consented payment (a "future payment") from a mobile device.
106 * Pass the result to your server, to include in the payment request sent to PayPal.
107 * Do not otherwise cache or store this value.
108 * @returns {Promise<any>}
109 */
110 clientMetadataID(): Promise<any>;
111 /**
112 * Please Read Docs on Future Payments at https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK#future-payments
113 * @returns {Promise<any>}
114 */
115 renderFuturePaymentUI(): Promise<any>;
116 /**
117 * Please Read Docs on Profile Sharing at https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK#profile-sharing
118 *
119 * @param {string[]} scopes scopes Set of requested scope-values. Accepted scopes are: openid, profile, address, email, phone, futurepayments and paypalattributes
120 * See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/identity/attributes/ for more details
121 * @returns {Promise<any>}
122 */
123 renderProfileSharingUI(scopes: string[]): Promise<any>;
125export interface PayPalEnvironment {
126 PayPalEnvironmentProduction: string;
127 PayPalEnvironmentSandbox: string;
130 * @hidden
131 */
132export declare class PayPalPayment {
133 constructor(amount: string, currency: string, shortDescription: string, intent: string, details?: PayPalPaymentDetails);
134 /**
135 * The amount of the payment.
136 */
137 amount: string;
138 /**
139 * The ISO 4217 currency for the payment.
140 */
141 currency: string;
142 /**
143 * A short description of the payment.
144 */
145 shortDescription: string;
146 /**
147 * "Sale" for an immediate payment.
148 */
149 intent: string;
150 /**
151 * Optional Build Notation code ("BN code"), obtained from partnerprogram@paypal.com,
152 * for your tracking purposes.
153 */
154 bnCode: string;
155 /**
156 * Optional invoice number, for your tracking purposes. (up to 256 characters)
157 */
158 invoiceNumber: string;
159 /**
160 * Optional text, for your tracking purposes. (up to 256 characters)
161 */
162 custom: string;
163 /**
164 * Optional text which will appear on the customer's credit card statement. (up to 22 characters)
165 */
166 softDescriptor: string;
167 /**
168 * Optional array of PayPalItem objects.
169 */
170 items: PayPalItem[];
171 /**
172 * Optional payee email, if your app is paying a third-party merchant.
173 * The payee's email. It must be a valid PayPal email address.
174 */
175 payeeEmail: string;
176 /**
177 * Optional customer shipping address, if your app wishes to provide this to the SDK.
178 */
179 shippingAddress: string;
180 /**
181 * Optional PayPalPaymentDetails object
182 */
183 details: PayPalPaymentDetails;
186 * @hidden
187 */
188export declare class PayPalItem {
189 /**
190 * The PayPalItem class defines an optional itemization for a payment.
191 * @see https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#item-object for more details.
192 * @param {String} name: Name of the item. 127 characters max
193 * @param {Number} quantity: Number of units. 10 characters max.
194 * @param {String} price: Unit price for this item 10 characters max.
195 * May be negative for "coupon" etc
196 * @param {String} currency: ISO standard currency code.
197 * @param {String} sku: The stock keeping unit for this item. 50 characters max (optional)
198 */
199 constructor(name: string, quantity: number, price: string, currency: string, sku?: string);
200 /**
201 * Name of the item. 127 characters max
202 */
203 name: string;
204 /**
205 * Number of units. 10 characters max.
206 */
207 quantity: number;
208 /**
209 * Unit price for this item 10 characters max.
210 */
211 price: string;
212 /**
213 * ISO standard currency code.
214 */
215 currency: string;
216 /**
217 * The stock keeping unit for this item. 50 characters max (optional)
218 */
219 sku?: string;
222 * @hidden
223 */
224export declare class PayPalPaymentDetails {
225 /**
226 * Sub-total (amount) of items being paid for. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
227 */
228 subtotal: string;
229 /**
230 * Amount charged for shipping. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
231 */
232 shipping: string;
233 /**
234 * Amount charged for tax. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
235 */
236 tax: string;
237 /**
238 * The PayPalPaymentDetails class defines optional amount details.
239 * @param {String} subtotal: Sub-total (amount) of items being paid for. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
240 * @param {String} shipping: Amount charged for shipping. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
241 * @param {String} tax: Amount charged for tax. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
242 */
243 constructor(subtotal: string, shipping: string, tax: string);
246 * @hidden
247 */
248export interface PayPalConfigurationOptions {
249 /**
250 * Will be overridden by email used in most recent PayPal login.
251 */
252 defaultUserEmail?: string;
253 /**
254 * Will be overridden by phone country code used in most recent PayPal login
255 */
256 defaultUserPhoneCountryCode?: string;
257 /**
258 * Will be overridden by phone number used in most recent PayPal login.
259 */
260 defaultUserPhoneNumber?: string;
261 /**
262 * Your company name, as it should be displayed to the user when requesting consent via a PayPalFuturePaymentViewController.
263 */
264 merchantName?: string;
265 /**
266 * URL of your company's privacy policy, which will be offered to the user when requesting consent via a PayPalFuturePaymentViewController.
267 */
268 merchantPrivacyPolicyURL?: string;
269 /**
270 * URL of your company's user agreement, which will be offered to the user when requesting consent via a PayPalFuturePaymentViewController.
271 */
272 merchantUserAgreementURL?: string;
273 /**
274 * If set to NO, the SDK will only support paying with PayPal, not with credit cards.
275 * This applies only to single payments (via PayPalPaymentViewController).
276 * Future payments (via PayPalFuturePaymentViewController) always use PayPal.
277 * Defaults to true
278 */
279 acceptCreditCards?: boolean;
280 /**
281 * For single payments, options for the shipping address.
282 * - 0 - PayPalShippingAddressOptionNone: no shipping address applies.
283 * - 1 - PayPalShippingAddressOptionProvided: shipping address will be provided by your app,
284 * in the shippingAddress property of PayPalPayment.
285 * - 2 - PayPalShippingAddressOptionPayPal: user will choose from shipping addresses on file
286 * for their PayPal account.
287 * - 3 - PayPalShippingAddressOptionBoth: user will choose from the shipping address provided by your app,
288 * in the shippingAddress property of PayPalPayment, plus the shipping addresses on file for the user's PayPal account.
289 * Defaults to 0 (PayPalShippingAddressOptionNone).
290 */
291 payPalShippingAddressOption?: number;
292 /**
293 * If set to YES, then if the user pays via their PayPal account,
294 * the SDK will remember the user's PayPal username or phone number;
295 * if the user pays via their credit card, then the SDK will remember
296 * the PayPal Vault token representing the user's credit card.
297 *
298 * If set to NO, then any previously-remembered username, phone number, or
299 * credit card token will be erased, and subsequent payment information will
300 * not be remembered.
301 *
302 * Defaults to YES.
303 */
304 rememberUser?: boolean;
305 /**
306 * If not set, or if set to nil, defaults to the device's current language setting.
307 *
308 * Can be specified as a language code ("en", "fr", "zh-Hans", etc.) or as a locale ("en_AU", "fr_FR", "zh-Hant_HK", etc.).
309 * If the library does not contain localized strings for a specified locale, then will fall back to the language. E.g., "es_CO" -> "es".
310 * If the library does not contain localized strings for a specified language, then will fall back to American English.
311 *
312 * If you specify only a language code, and that code matches the device's currently preferred language,
313 * then the library will attempt to use the device's current region as well.
314 * E.g., specifying "en" on a device set to "English" and "United Kingdom" will result in "en_GB".
315 */
316 languageOrLocale?: string;
317 /**
318 * Normally, the SDK blurs the screen when the app is backgrounded,
319 * to obscure credit card or PayPal account details in the iOS-saved screenshot.
320 * If your app already does its own blurring upon backgrounding, you might choose to disable this.
321 * Defaults to NO.
322 */
323 disableBlurWhenBackgrounding?: boolean;
324 /**
325 * If you will present the SDK's view controller within a popover, then set this property to YES.
326 * Defaults to NO. (iOS only)
327 */
328 presentingInPopover?: boolean;
329 /**
330 * Sandbox credentials can be difficult to type on a mobile device. Setting this flag to YES will
331 * cause the sandboxUserPassword and sandboxUserPin to always be pre-populated into login fields.
332 */
333 forceDefaultsInSandbox?: boolean;
334 /**
335 * Password to use for sandbox if 'forceDefaultsInSandbox' is set.
336 */
337 sandboxUserPassword?: string;
338 /**
339 * PIN to use for sandbox if 'forceDefaultsInSandbox' is set.
340 */
341 sandboxUserPin?: string;
342 /**
343 * @hidden
344 */
345 [key: string]: any;
348 * @hidden
349 */
350export declare class PayPalConfiguration implements PayPalConfigurationOptions {
351 /**
352 * You use a PayPalConfiguration object to configure many aspects of how the SDK behaves.
353 * see defaults for options available
354 */
355 constructor(options?: PayPalConfigurationOptions);
358 * @hidden
359 */
360export declare class PayPalShippingAddress {
361 /**
362 * See the documentation of the individual properties for more detail.
363 * @param {String} recipientName: Name of the recipient at this address. 50 characters max.
364 * @param {String} line1: Line 1 of the address (e.g., Number, street, etc). 100 characters max.
365 * @param {String} line2: Line 2 of the address (e.g., Suite, apt #, etc). 100 characters max. Optional.
366 * @param {String} city: City name. 50 characters max.
367 * @param {String} state: 2-letter code for US states, and the equivalent for other countries. 100 characters max. Required in certain countries.
368 * @param {String} postalCode: ZIP code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them. 20 characters max. Required in certain countries.
369 * @param {String} countryCode: 2-letter country code. 2 characters max.
370 */
371 constructor(recipientName: string, line1: string, line2: string, city: string, state: string, postalCode: string, countryCode: string);
372 /**
373 * Name of the recipient at this address. 50 characters max.
374 */
375 recipientName: string;
376 /**
377 * Line 1 of the address (e.g., Number, street, etc). 100 characters max.
378 */
379 line1: string;
380 /**
381 * Line 2 of the address (e.g., Suite, apt #, etc). 100 characters max. Optional.
382 */
383 line2: string;
384 /**
385 * City name. 50 characters max.
386 */
387 city: string;
388 /**
389 * 2-letter code for US states, and the equivalent for other countries. 100 characters max. Required in certain countries.
390 */
391 state: string;
392 /**
393 * ZIP code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them. 20 characters max. Required in certain countries.
394 */
395 postalCode: string;
396 /**
397 * 2-letter country code. 2 characters max.
398 */
399 countryCode: string;