637 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
2export declare class DomController {
3 /**
4 * Schedules a task to run during the READ phase of the next frame.
5 * This task should only read the DOM, but never modify it.
6 */
7 read(cb: RafCallback): void;
8 /**
9 * Schedules a task to run during the WRITE phase of the next frame.
10 * This task should write the DOM, but never READ it.
11 */
12 write(cb: RafCallback): void;
13 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DomController, never>;
14 static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<DomController>;
16export declare type RafCallback = (timeStamp?: number) => void;