14.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var errors_1 = require("./errors");
4var helpers = require("./helpers");
5var originalEnv = null;
6describe('helpers', function () {
7 beforeEach(function () {
8 originalEnv = process.env;
9 process.env = {};
10 });
11 afterEach(function () {
12 process.env = originalEnv;
13 });
14 describe('getIntPropertyValue', function () {
15 it('should return an int', function () {
16 // arrange
17 var propertyName = 'test';
18 var propertyValue = '3000';
19 process.env[propertyName] = propertyValue;
20 // act
21 var result = helpers.getIntPropertyValue(propertyName);
22 // assert
23 expect(result).toEqual(3000);
24 });
25 it('should round to an int', function () {
26 // arrange
27 var propertyName = 'test';
28 var propertyValue = '3000.03';
29 process.env[propertyName] = propertyValue;
30 // act
31 var result = helpers.getIntPropertyValue(propertyName);
32 // assert
33 expect(result).toEqual(3000);
34 });
35 it('should round to a NaN', function () {
36 // arrange
37 var propertyName = 'test';
38 var propertyValue = 'tacos';
39 process.env[propertyName] = propertyValue;
40 // act
41 var result = helpers.getIntPropertyValue(propertyName);
42 // assert
43 expect(result).toEqual(NaN);
44 });
45 });
46 describe('getBooleanPropertyValue', function () {
47 beforeEach(function () {
48 originalEnv = process.env;
49 process.env = {};
50 });
51 afterEach(function () {
52 process.env = originalEnv;
53 });
54 it('should return true when value is "true"', function () {
55 // arrange
56 var propertyName = 'test';
57 var propertyValue = 'true';
58 process.env[propertyName] = propertyValue;
59 // act
60 var result = helpers.getBooleanPropertyValue(propertyName);
61 // assert
62 expect(result).toEqual(true);
63 });
64 it('should return false when value is undefined/null', function () {
65 // arrange
66 var propertyName = 'test';
67 // act
68 var result = helpers.getBooleanPropertyValue(propertyName);
69 // assert
70 expect(result).toEqual(false);
71 });
72 it('should return false when value is not "true"', function () {
73 // arrange
74 var propertyName = 'test';
75 var propertyValue = 'taco';
76 process.env[propertyName] = propertyValue;
77 // act
78 var result = helpers.getBooleanPropertyValue(propertyName);
79 // assert
80 expect(result).toEqual(false);
81 });
82 });
83 describe('processStatsImpl', function () {
84 it('should convert object graph to known module map', function () {
85 // arrange
86 var moduleOne = '/Users/noone/myModuleOne.js';
87 var moduleTwo = '/Users/noone/myModuleTwo.js';
88 var moduleThree = '/Users/noone/myModuleThree.js';
89 var moduleFour = '/Users/noone/myModuleFour.js';
90 var objectGraph = {
91 modules: [
92 {
93 identifier: moduleOne,
94 reasons: [
95 {
96 moduleIdentifier: moduleTwo
97 },
98 {
99 moduleIdentifier: moduleThree
100 }
101 ]
102 },
103 {
104 identifier: moduleTwo,
105 reasons: [
106 {
107 moduleIdentifier: moduleThree
108 }
109 ]
110 },
111 {
112 identifier: moduleThree,
113 reasons: [
114 {
115 moduleIdentifier: moduleOne
116 }
117 ]
118 },
119 {
120 identifier: moduleFour,
121 reasons: []
122 }
123 ]
124 };
125 // act
126 var result = helpers.processStatsImpl(objectGraph);
127 // assert
128 var setOne = result.get(moduleOne);
129 expect(setOne.has(moduleTwo)).toBeTruthy();
130 expect(setOne.has(moduleThree)).toBeTruthy();
131 var setTwo = result.get(moduleTwo);
132 expect(setTwo.has(moduleThree)).toBeTruthy();
133 var setThree = result.get(moduleThree);
134 expect(setThree.has(moduleOne)).toBeTruthy();
135 var setFour = result.get(moduleFour);
136 expect(setFour.size).toEqual(0);
137 });
138 });
139 describe('ensureSuffix', function () {
140 it('should not include the suffix of a string that already has the suffix', function () {
141 expect(helpers.ensureSuffix('dan dan the sunshine man', ' man')).toEqual('dan dan the sunshine man');
142 });
143 it('should ensure the suffix of a string without the suffix', function () {
144 expect(helpers.ensureSuffix('dan dan the sunshine', ' man')).toEqual('dan dan the sunshine man');
145 });
146 });
147 describe('removeSuffix', function () {
148 it('should remove the suffix of a string that has the suffix', function () {
149 expect(helpers.removeSuffix('dan dan the sunshine man', ' man')).toEqual('dan dan the sunshine');
150 });
151 it('should do nothing if the string does not have the suffix', function () {
152 expect(helpers.removeSuffix('dan dan the sunshine man', ' woman')).toEqual('dan dan the sunshine man');
153 });
154 });
155 describe('replaceAll', function () {
156 it('should replace a variable', function () {
157 expect(helpers.replaceAll('hello $VAR world', '$VAR', 'my')).toEqual('hello my world');
158 });
159 it('should replace a variable with newlines', function () {
160 expect(helpers.replaceAll('hello\n $VARMORETEXT\n world', '$VAR', 'NO')).toEqual('hello\n NOMORETEXT\n world');
161 });
162 it('should replace a variable and handle undefined', function () {
163 expect(helpers.replaceAll('hello $VAR world', '$VAR', undefined)).toEqual('hello world');
164 });
165 });
166 describe('buildErrorToJson', function () {
167 it('should return a pojo', function () {
168 var buildError = new errors_1.BuildError('message1');
169 buildError.name = 'name1';
170 buildError.stack = 'stack1';
171 buildError.isFatal = true;
172 buildError.hasBeenLogged = false;
173 var object = helpers.buildErrorToJson(buildError);
174 expect(object.message).toEqual('message1');
175 expect(object.name).toEqual(buildError.name);
176 expect(object.stack).toEqual(buildError.stack);
177 expect(object.isFatal).toEqual(buildError.isFatal);
178 expect(object.hasBeenLogged).toEqual(buildError.hasBeenLogged);
179 });
180 });
181 describe('upperCaseFirst', function () {
182 it('should capitalize a one character string', function () {
183 var result = helpers.upperCaseFirst('t');
184 expect(result).toEqual('T');
185 });
186 it('should capitalize the first character of string', function () {
187 var result = helpers.upperCaseFirst('taco');
188 expect(result).toEqual('Taco');
189 });
190 });
191 describe('removeCaseFromString', function () {
192 var map = new Map();
193 map.set('test', 'test');
194 map.set('TEST', 'test');
195 map.set('testString', 'test string');
196 map.set('testString123', 'test string123');
197 map.set('testString_1_2_3', 'test string 1 2 3');
198 map.set('x_256', 'x 256');
199 map.set('anHTMLTag', 'an html tag');
200 map.set('ID123String', 'id123 string');
201 map.set('Id123String', 'id123 string');
202 map.set('foo bar123', 'foo bar123');
203 map.set('a1bStar', 'a1b star');
204 map.set('CONSTANT_CASE', 'constant case');
205 map.set('CONST123_FOO', 'const123 foo');
206 map.set('FOO_bar', 'foo bar');
207 map.set('dot.case', 'dot case');
208 map.set('path/case', 'path case');
209 map.set('snake_case', 'snake case');
210 map.set('snake_case123', 'snake case123');
211 map.set('snake_case_123', 'snake case 123');
212 map.set('"quotes"', 'quotes');
213 map.set('version 0.45.0', 'version 0 45 0');
214 map.set('version 0..78..9', 'version 0 78 9');
215 map.set('version 4_99/4', 'version 4 99 4');
216 map.set('amazon s3 data', 'amazon s3 data');
217 map.set('foo_13_bar', 'foo 13 bar');
218 map.forEach(function (value, key) {
219 var result = helpers.removeCaseFromString(key);
220 expect(result).toEqual(value);
221 });
222 });
223 describe('sentenceCase', function () {
224 it('should lower case a single word', function () {
225 var resultOne = helpers.sentenceCase('test');
226 var resultTwo = helpers.sentenceCase('TEST');
227 expect(resultOne).toEqual('Test');
228 expect(resultTwo).toEqual('Test');
229 });
230 it('should sentence case regular sentence cased strings', function () {
231 var resultOne = helpers.sentenceCase('test string');
232 var resultTwo = helpers.sentenceCase('Test String');
233 expect(resultOne).toEqual('Test string');
234 expect(resultTwo).toEqual('Test string');
235 });
236 it('should sentence case non-alphanumeric separators', function () {
237 var resultOne = helpers.sentenceCase('dot.case');
238 var resultTwo = helpers.sentenceCase('path/case');
239 expect(resultOne).toEqual('Dot case');
240 expect(resultTwo).toEqual('Path case');
241 });
242 });
243 describe('camelCase', function () {
244 it('should lower case a single word', function () {
245 var resultOne = helpers.camelCase('test');
246 var resultTwo = helpers.camelCase('TEST');
247 expect(resultOne).toEqual('test');
248 expect(resultTwo).toEqual('test');
249 });
250 it('should camel case regular sentence cased strings', function () {
251 expect(helpers.camelCase('test string')).toEqual('testString');
252 expect(helpers.camelCase('Test String')).toEqual('testString');
253 });
254 it('should camel case non-alphanumeric separators', function () {
255 expect(helpers.camelCase('dot.case')).toEqual('dotCase');
256 expect(helpers.camelCase('path/case')).toEqual('pathCase');
257 });
258 it('should underscore periods inside numbers', function () {
259 expect(helpers.camelCase('version 1.2.10')).toEqual('version_1_2_10');
260 expect(helpers.camelCase('version 1.21.0')).toEqual('version_1_21_0');
261 });
262 it('should camel case pascal cased strings', function () {
263 expect(helpers.camelCase('TestString')).toEqual('testString');
264 });
265 it('should camel case non-latin strings', function () {
266 expect(helpers.camelCase('simple éxample')).toEqual('simpleÉxample');
267 });
268 });
269 describe('paramCase', function () {
270 it('should param case a single word', function () {
271 expect(helpers.paramCase('test')).toEqual('test');
272 expect(helpers.paramCase('TEST')).toEqual('test');
273 });
274 it('should param case regular sentence cased strings', function () {
275 expect(helpers.paramCase('test string')).toEqual('test-string');
276 expect(helpers.paramCase('Test String')).toEqual('test-string');
277 });
278 it('should param case non-alphanumeric separators', function () {
279 expect(helpers.paramCase('dot.case')).toEqual('dot-case');
280 expect(helpers.paramCase('path/case')).toEqual('path-case');
281 });
282 it('should param case param cased strings', function () {
283 expect(helpers.paramCase('TestString')).toEqual('test-string');
284 expect(helpers.paramCase('testString1_2_3')).toEqual('test-string1-2-3');
285 expect(helpers.paramCase('testString_1_2_3')).toEqual('test-string-1-2-3');
286 });
287 it('should param case non-latin strings', function () {
288 expect(helpers.paramCase('My Entrée')).toEqual('my-entrée');
289 });
290 });
291 describe('pascalCase', function () {
292 it('should pascal case a single word', function () {
293 expect(helpers.pascalCase('test')).toEqual('Test');
294 expect(helpers.pascalCase('TEST')).toEqual('Test');
295 });
296 it('should pascal case regular sentence cased strings', function () {
297 expect(helpers.pascalCase('test string')).toEqual('TestString');
298 expect(helpers.pascalCase('Test String')).toEqual('TestString');
299 });
300 it('should pascal case non-alphanumeric separators', function () {
301 expect(helpers.pascalCase('dot.case')).toEqual('DotCase');
302 expect(helpers.pascalCase('path/case')).toEqual('PathCase');
303 });
304 it('should pascal case pascal cased strings', function () {
305 expect(helpers.pascalCase('TestString')).toEqual('TestString');
306 });
307 });
308 describe('snakeCase', function () {
309 it('should convert the phrase to use underscores', function () {
310 expect(helpers.snakeCase('taco bell')).toEqual('taco_bell');
311 });
312 });
313 describe('constantCase', function () {
314 it('should capitalize and separate words by underscore', function () {
315 expect(helpers.constantCase('taco bell')).toEqual('TACO_BELL');
316 });
317 it('should convert camel case to correct case', function () {
318 expect(helpers.constantCase('TacoBell')).toEqual('TACO_BELL');
319 });
320 });