6.93 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var path_1 = require("path");
4var loader = require("./loader-impl");
5var helpers = require("../util/helpers");
6function getMockContext() {
7 return {
8 fileCache: getMockFileCache()
9 };
11function getMockFileCache() {
12 return {
13 get: function () { },
14 set: function () { }
15 };
17function getMockWebpackObject(resourcePath) {
18 return {
19 cacheable: function () { },
20 async: function () { },
21 resourcePath: resourcePath
22 };
24describe('webpack loader', function () {
25 it('should callback with file and original source map provided', function (done) {
26 // arrange
27 var mockContext = getMockContext();
28 var mockSourceMap = {};
29 var sourceString = 'sourceString';
30 var fakePath = path_1.join(process.cwd(), 'some', 'path', 'content.js');
31 var fakeContent = 'SomeFileContent';
32 var mockWebpackObject = getMockWebpackObject(fakePath);
33 var spy = jasmine.createSpy('mock webpack callback');
34 spy.and.callFake(function () {
35 assertFunction();
36 });
37 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.cacheable.name);
38 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.async.name).and.returnValue(spy);
39 spyOn(helpers, helpers.getContext.name).and.returnValue(mockContext);
40 spyOn(helpers, helpers.readAndCacheFile.name).and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(fakeContent));
41 spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.get.name).and.returnValue({
42 path: fakePath,
43 content: fakeContent
44 });
45 // act
46 loader.webpackLoader(sourceString, mockSourceMap, mockWebpackObject);
47 // assert
48 var assertFunction = function () {
49 expect(helpers.readAndCacheFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
50 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, fakeContent, mockSourceMap);
51 done();
52 };
53 });
54 it('should callback with file and map loaded from file cache', function (done) {
55 // arrange
56 var mockContext = getMockContext();
57 var mockSourceMap = {};
58 var sourceString = 'sourceString';
59 var fakePath = path_1.join(process.cwd(), 'some', 'path', 'content.js');
60 var fakeContent = "{\"test\": \"test\"}";
61 var mockWebpackObject = getMockWebpackObject(fakePath);
62 var spy = jasmine.createSpy('mock webpack callback');
63 spy.and.callFake(function () {
64 assertFunction();
65 });
66 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.cacheable.name);
67 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.async.name).and.returnValue(spy);
68 spyOn(helpers, helpers.getContext.name).and.returnValue(mockContext);
69 spyOn(helpers, helpers.readAndCacheFile.name).and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(fakeContent));
70 var fileCacheSpy = spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.get.name).and.returnValue({
71 path: fakePath,
72 content: fakeContent
73 });
74 // act
75 loader.webpackLoader(sourceString, mockSourceMap, mockWebpackObject);
76 // assert
77 var assertFunction = function () {
78 expect(fileCacheSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
79 expect(fileCacheSpy.calls.first().args[0]).toEqual(fakePath);
80 expect(fileCacheSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(fakePath + '.map');
81 expect(spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(null);
82 expect(spy.calls.mostRecent().args[1]).toEqual(fakeContent);
83 expect(spy.calls.mostRecent().args[2]).not.toEqual(mockSourceMap);
84 done();
85 };
86 });
87 it('should callback with error when can\'t load file from disk', function (done) {
88 // arrange
89 var cantReadFileError = 'Failed to read file from disk';
90 var mockContext = getMockContext();
91 var mockSourceMap = {};
92 var sourceString = 'sourceString';
93 var fakePath = path_1.join(process.cwd(), 'some', 'path', 'content.js');
94 var mockWebpackObject = getMockWebpackObject(fakePath);
95 var spy = jasmine.createSpy('mock webpack callback');
96 spy.and.callFake(function () {
97 assertFunction();
98 });
99 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.cacheable.name);
100 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.async.name).and.returnValue(spy);
101 spyOn(helpers, helpers.getContext.name).and.returnValue(mockContext);
102 spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.get.name).and.returnValue(null);
103 spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.set.name);
104 spyOn(helpers, helpers.readAndCacheFile.name).and.returnValue(Promise.reject(new Error(cantReadFileError)));
105 // assert
106 var assertFunction = function () {
107 expect(spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toBeTruthy();
108 expect(spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0].message).toEqual(cantReadFileError);
109 done();
110 };
111 // act
112 return loader.webpackLoader(sourceString, mockSourceMap, mockWebpackObject);
113 });
114 it('should callback with content from disk', function (done) {
115 // arrange
116 var mockContext = getMockContext();
117 var mockSourceMap = {};
118 var sourceString = 'sourceString';
119 var fakePath = path_1.join(process.cwd(), 'some', 'path', 'content.js');
120 var fakeContent = "{\"test\": \"test\"}";
121 var mockWebpackObject = getMockWebpackObject(fakePath);
122 var callbackSpy = jasmine.createSpy('mock webpack callback');
123 callbackSpy.and.callFake(function () {
124 assertFunction();
125 });
126 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.cacheable.name);
127 spyOn(mockWebpackObject, mockWebpackObject.async.name).and.returnValue(callbackSpy);
128 spyOn(helpers, helpers.getContext.name).and.returnValue(mockContext);
129 spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.set.name);
130 var readFileSpy = spyOn(helpers, helpers.readAndCacheFile.name).and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(fakeContent));
131 spyOn(mockContext.fileCache, mockContext.fileCache.get.name).and.returnValue({
132 path: fakePath,
133 content: fakeContent
134 });
135 // act
136 loader.webpackLoader(sourceString, mockSourceMap, mockWebpackObject);
137 // assert
138 var assertFunction = function () {
139 expect(readFileSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
140 expect(readFileSpy.calls.first().args[0]).toEqual(fakePath);
141 expect(readFileSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(fakePath + '.map');
142 expect(callbackSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(null);
143 expect(callbackSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[1]).toEqual(fakeContent);
144 expect(callbackSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[2]).toBeTruthy();
145 done();
146 };
147 });