3.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var path_1 = require("path");
4var events_1 = require("../util/events");
5var logger_1 = require("../logger/logger");
6var WatchMemorySystem = (function () {
7 function WatchMemorySystem(fileCache, srcDir) {
8 this.fileCache = fileCache;
9 this.srcDir = srcDir;
10 this.lastWatchEventTimestamp = Date.now();
11 }
12 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.close = function () {
13 this.isListening = false;
14 };
15 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.pause = function () {
16 this.isListening = false;
17 };
18 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.watch = function (filePathsBeingWatched, dirPaths, missing, startTime, options, aggregatedCallback, immediateCallback) {
19 this.filePathsBeingWatched = filePathsBeingWatched;
20 this.dirPaths = dirPaths;
21 this.missing = missing;
22 this.startTime = startTime;
23 this.options = options;
24 this.immediateCallback = immediateCallback;
25 this.aggregatedCallback = aggregatedCallback;
26 if (!this.isListening) {
27 this.startListening();
28 }
29 return {
30 pause: this.pause,
31 close: this.close
32 };
33 };
34 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.startListening = function () {
35 var _this = this;
36 this.isListening = true;
37 events_1.on(events_1.EventType.WebpackFilesChanged, function () {
38 _this.changes = new Set();
39 var filePaths = _this.fileCache.getAll().filter(function (file) { return file.timestamp >= _this.lastWatchEventTimestamp && file.path.startsWith(_this.srcDir) && path_1.extname(file.path) === '.ts'; }).map(function (file) { return file.path; });
40 logger_1.Logger.debug('filePaths: ', filePaths);
41 _this.lastWatchEventTimestamp = Date.now();
42 _this.processChanges(filePaths);
43 });
44 };
45 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.processChanges = function (filePaths) {
46 this.immediateCallback(filePaths[0], Date.now());
47 for (var _i = 0, filePaths_1 = filePaths; _i < filePaths_1.length; _i++) {
48 var path = filePaths_1[_i];
49 this.changes.add(path);
50 }
51 // don't bother waiting around, just call doneAggregating right away.
52 // keep it as a function in case we need to wait via setTimeout a bit in the future
53 this.doneAggregating(this.changes);
54 };
55 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.doneAggregating = function (changes) {
56 var _this = this;
57 this.isAggregating = false;
58 // process the changes
59 var filePaths = Array.from(changes);
60 var files = filePaths.filter(function (filePath) { return _this.filePathsBeingWatched.indexOf(filePath) >= 0; }).sort();
61 var dirs = filePaths.filter(function (filePath) { return _this.dirPaths.indexOf(filePath) >= 0; }).sort();
62 var missing = filePaths.filter(function (filePath) { return _this.missing.indexOf(filePath) >= 0; }).sort();
63 var times = this.getTimes(this.filePathsBeingWatched, this.startTime, this.fileCache);
64 this.aggregatedCallback(null, files, dirs, missing, times, times);
65 };
66 WatchMemorySystem.prototype.getTimes = function (allFiles, startTime, fileCache) {
67 var times = {};
68 for (var _i = 0, allFiles_1 = allFiles; _i < allFiles_1.length; _i++) {
69 var filePath = allFiles_1[_i];
70 var file = fileCache.get(filePath);
71 if (file) {
72 times[filePath] = file.timestamp;
73 }
74 else {
75 times[filePath] = startTime;
76 }
77 }
78 return times;
79 };
80 return WatchMemorySystem;
82exports.WatchMemorySystem = WatchMemorySystem;