2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { Subprocess, SubprocessOptions, WhichOptions } from '@ionic/utils-subprocess';
3import { ChildProcess, SpawnOptions } from 'child_process';
4import { ILogger, IShell, IShellOutputOptions, IShellRunOptions, IShellSpawnOptions } from '../definitions';
5export interface ShellDeps {
6 readonly log: ILogger;
8export interface ShellOptions {
9 readonly alterPath?: (p: string) => string;
11export declare class Shell implements IShell {
12 protected readonly e: ShellDeps;
13 alterPath: (p: string) => string;
14 constructor(e: ShellDeps, options?: ShellOptions);
15 run(command: string, args: readonly string[], { stream, killOnExit, showCommand, showError, fatalOnNotFound, fatalOnError, truncateErrorOutput, ...crossSpawnOptions }: IShellRunOptions): Promise<void>;
16 output(command: string, args: readonly string[], { fatalOnNotFound, fatalOnError, showError, showCommand, ...crossSpawnOptions }: IShellOutputOptions): Promise<string>;
17 /**
18 * When `child_process.spawn` isn't provided a full path to the command
19 * binary, it behaves differently on Windows than other platforms. For
20 * Windows, discover the full path to the binary, otherwise fallback to the
21 * command provided.
22 *
23 * @see https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-cli/issues/3563#issuecomment-425232005
24 */
25 resolveCommandPath(command: string, options: SpawnOptions): Promise<string>;
26 which(command: string, { PATH }?: WhichOptions): Promise<string>;
27 spawn(command: string, args: readonly string[], { showCommand, ...crossSpawnOptions }: IShellSpawnOptions): Promise<ChildProcess>;
28 cmdinfo(command: string, args?: readonly string[]): Promise<string | undefined>;
29 createSubprocess(command: string, args?: readonly string[], options?: SubprocessOptions): Promise<Subprocess>;
30 protected prepareSpawnOptions(options: IShellSpawnOptions): void;
32export declare function prependNodeModulesBinToPath(projectDir: string, p: string): string;