816 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ComponentInterface } from '../../stencil-public-runtime';
2export declare class MenuToggle implements ComponentInterface {
3 visible: boolean;
4 /**
5 * Optional property that maps to a Menu's `menuId` prop.
6 * Can also be `start` or `end` for the menu side.
7 * This is used to find the correct menu to toggle.
8 *
9 * If this property is not used, `ion-menu-toggle` will toggle the
10 * first menu that is active.
11 */
12 menu?: string;
13 /**
14 * Automatically hides the content when the corresponding menu is not active.
15 *
16 * By default, it's `true`. Change it to `false` in order to
17 * keep `ion-menu-toggle` always visible regardless the state of the menu.
18 */
19 autoHide: boolean;
20 connectedCallback(): void;
21 visibilityChanged(): Promise<void>;
22 private onClick;
23 render(): any;