4.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { EventEmitter } from '../stencil-public-runtime';
2import { Side } from '../interface';
4 * Waits for a component to be ready for
5 * both custom element and non-custom element builds.
6 * If non-custom element build, el.componentOnReady
7 * will be used.
8 * For custom element builds, we wait a frame
9 * so that the inner contents of the component
10 * have a chance to render.
11 *
12 * Use this utility rather than calling
13 * el.componentOnReady yourself.
14 */
15export declare const componentOnReady: (el: any, callback: any) => void;
17 * Elements inside of web components sometimes need to inherit global attributes
18 * set on the host. For example, the inner input in `ion-input` should inherit
19 * the `title` attribute that developers set directly on `ion-input`. This
20 * helper function should be called in componentWillLoad and assigned to a variable
21 * that is later used in the render function.
22 *
23 * This does not need to be reactive as changing attributes on the host element
24 * does not trigger a re-render.
25 */
26export declare const inheritAttributes: (el: HTMLElement, attributes?: string[]) => {
27 [k: string]: any;
29export declare const addEventListener: (el: any, eventName: string, callback: any, opts?: any) => any;
30export declare const removeEventListener: (el: any, eventName: string, callback: any, opts?: any) => any;
32 * Gets the root context of a shadow dom element
33 * On newer browsers this will be the shadowRoot,
34 * but for older browser this may just be the
35 * element itself.
36 *
37 * Useful for whenever you need to explicitly
38 * do "myElement.shadowRoot!.querySelector(...)".
39 */
40export declare const getElementRoot: (el: HTMLElement, fallback?: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | ShadowRoot;
42 * Patched version of requestAnimationFrame that avoids ngzone
43 * Use only when you know ngzone should not run
44 */
45export declare const raf: (h: any) => any;
46export declare const hasShadowDom: (el: HTMLElement) => boolean;
47export declare const findItemLabel: (componentEl: HTMLElement) => HTMLIonLabelElement | null;
49 * This method is used for Ionic's input components that use Shadow DOM. In
50 * order to properly label the inputs to work with screen readers, we need
51 * to get the text content of the label outside of the shadow root and pass
52 * it to the input inside of the shadow root.
53 *
54 * Referencing label elements by id from outside of the component is
55 * impossible due to the shadow boundary, read more here:
56 * https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/2020/01/accessibility-for-web-components.html
57 *
58 * @param componentEl The shadow element that needs the aria label
59 * @param inputId The unique identifier for the input
60 */
61export declare const getAriaLabel: (componentEl: HTMLElement, inputId: string) => {
62 label: Element | null;
63 labelId: string;
64 labelText: string | null | undefined;
67 * This method is used to add a hidden input to a host element that contains
68 * a Shadow DOM. It does not add the input inside of the Shadow root which
69 * allows it to be picked up inside of forms. It should contain the same
70 * values as the host element.
71 *
72 * @param always Add a hidden input even if the container does not use Shadow
73 * @param container The element where the input will be added
74 * @param name The name of the input
75 * @param value The value of the input
76 * @param disabled If true, the input is disabled
77 */
78export declare const renderHiddenInput: (always: boolean, container: HTMLElement, name: string, value: string | undefined | null, disabled: boolean) => void;
79export declare const clamp: (min: number, n: number, max: number) => number;
80export declare const assert: (actual: any, reason: string) => void;
81export declare const now: (ev: UIEvent) => number;
82export declare const pointerCoord: (ev: any) => {
83 x: number;
84 y: number;
87 * @hidden
88 * Given a side, return if it should be on the end
89 * based on the value of dir
90 * @param side the side
91 * @param isRTL whether the application dir is rtl
92 */
93export declare const isEndSide: (side: Side) => boolean;
94export declare const deferEvent: (event: EventEmitter) => EventEmitter;
95export declare const debounceEvent: (event: EventEmitter, wait: number) => EventEmitter;
96export declare const debounce: (func: (...args: any[]) => void, wait?: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;