3.81 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License
3 */
4import { proxyCustomElement, HTMLElement, createEvent, h, Host } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
5import { b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global.js';
6import { i as inheritAttributes } from './helpers.js';
8const imgCss = ":host{display:block;-o-object-fit:contain;object-fit:contain}img{display:block;width:100%;height:100%;-o-object-fit:inherit;object-fit:inherit;-o-object-position:inherit;object-position:inherit}";
10const Img = /*@__PURE__*/ proxyCustomElement(class extends HTMLElement {
11 constructor() {
12 super();
13 this.__registerHost();
14 this.__attachShadow();
15 this.ionImgWillLoad = createEvent(this, "ionImgWillLoad", 7);
16 this.ionImgDidLoad = createEvent(this, "ionImgDidLoad", 7);
17 this.ionError = createEvent(this, "ionError", 7);
18 this.inheritedAttributes = {};
19 this.onLoad = () => {
20 this.ionImgDidLoad.emit();
21 };
22 this.onError = () => {
23 this.ionError.emit();
24 };
25 }
26 srcChanged() {
27 this.addIO();
28 }
29 componentWillLoad() {
30 this.inheritedAttributes = inheritAttributes(this.el, ['draggable']);
31 }
32 componentDidLoad() {
33 this.addIO();
34 }
35 addIO() {
36 if (this.src === undefined) {
37 return;
38 }
39 if (typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
40 'IntersectionObserver' in window &&
41 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window &&
42 'isIntersecting' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) {
43 this.removeIO();
44 this.io = new IntersectionObserver(data => {
45 /**
46 * On slower devices, it is possible for an intersection observer entry to contain multiple
47 * objects in the array. This happens when quickly scrolling an image into view and then out of
48 * view. In this case, the last object represents the current state of the component.
49 */
50 if (data[data.length - 1].isIntersecting) {
51 this.load();
52 this.removeIO();
53 }
54 });
55 this.io.observe(this.el);
56 }
57 else {
58 // fall back to setTimeout for Safari and IE
59 setTimeout(() => this.load(), 200);
60 }
61 }
62 load() {
63 this.loadError = this.onError;
64 this.loadSrc = this.src;
65 this.ionImgWillLoad.emit();
66 }
67 removeIO() {
68 if (this.io) {
69 this.io.disconnect();
70 this.io = undefined;
71 }
72 }
73 render() {
74 const { loadSrc, alt, onLoad, loadError, inheritedAttributes } = this;
75 const { draggable } = inheritedAttributes;
76 return (h(Host, { class: getIonMode(this) }, h("img", { decoding: "async", src: loadSrc, alt: alt, onLoad: onLoad, onError: loadError, part: "image", draggable: isDraggable(draggable) })));
77 }
78 get el() { return this; }
79 static get watchers() { return {
80 "src": ["srcChanged"]
81 }; }
82 static get style() { return imgCss; }
83}, [1, "ion-img", {
84 "alt": [1],
85 "src": [1],
86 "loadSrc": [32],
87 "loadError": [32]
88 }]);
90 * Enumerated strings must be set as booleans
91 * as Stencil will not render 'false' in the DOM.
92 * The need to explicitly render draggable="true"
93 * as only certain elements are draggable by default.
94 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/draggable.
95 */
96const isDraggable = (draggable) => {
97 switch (draggable) {
98 case 'true':
99 return true;
100 case 'false':
101 return false;
102 default:
103 return undefined;
104 }
106function defineCustomElement$1() {
107 if (typeof customElements === "undefined") {
108 return;
109 }
110 const components = ["ion-img"];
111 components.forEach(tagName => { switch (tagName) {
112 case "ion-img":
113 if (!customElements.get(tagName)) {
114 customElements.define(tagName, Img);
115 }
116 break;
117 } });
120const IonImg = Img;
121const defineCustomElement = defineCustomElement$1;
123export { IonImg, defineCustomElement };