15.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License
3 */
4import { proxyCustomElement, HTMLElement, createEvent, h, Host } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
5import { b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global.js';
6import { j as clamp } from './helpers.js';
7import { b as hapticSelectionChanged, h as hapticSelectionEnd, a as hapticSelectionStart } from './haptic.js';
9const pickerColumnIosCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:4px;padding-inline-start:4px;-webkit-padding-end:4px;padding-inline-end:4px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center;height:46px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{-webkit-transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center;transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center}";
11const pickerColumnMdCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:8px;padding-inline-start:8px;-webkit-padding-end:8px;padding-inline-end:8px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:43px;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opt.picker-opt-selected{color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}";
13const PickerColumnCmp = /*@__PURE__*/ proxyCustomElement(class extends HTMLElement {
14 constructor() {
15 super();
16 this.__registerHost();
17 this.ionPickerColChange = createEvent(this, "ionPickerColChange", 7);
18 this.optHeight = 0;
19 this.rotateFactor = 0;
20 this.scaleFactor = 1;
21 this.velocity = 0;
22 this.y = 0;
23 this.noAnimate = true;
24 }
25 colChanged() {
26 this.refresh();
27 }
28 async connectedCallback() {
29 let pickerRotateFactor = 0;
30 let pickerScaleFactor = 0.81;
31 const mode = getIonMode(this);
32 if (mode === 'ios') {
33 pickerRotateFactor = -0.46;
34 pickerScaleFactor = 1;
35 }
36 this.rotateFactor = pickerRotateFactor;
37 this.scaleFactor = pickerScaleFactor;
38 this.gesture = (await import('./index2.js')).createGesture({
39 el: this.el,
40 gestureName: 'picker-swipe',
41 gesturePriority: 100,
42 threshold: 0,
43 passive: false,
44 onStart: ev => this.onStart(ev),
45 onMove: ev => this.onMove(ev),
46 onEnd: ev => this.onEnd(ev),
47 });
48 this.gesture.enable();
49 this.tmrId = setTimeout(() => {
50 this.noAnimate = false;
51 this.refresh(true);
52 }, 250);
53 }
54 componentDidLoad() {
55 const colEl = this.optsEl;
56 if (colEl) {
57 // DOM READ
58 // We perfom a DOM read over a rendered item, this needs to happen after the first render
59 this.optHeight = (colEl.firstElementChild ? colEl.firstElementChild.clientHeight : 0);
60 }
61 this.refresh();
62 }
63 disconnectedCallback() {
64 cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);
65 clearTimeout(this.tmrId);
66 if (this.gesture) {
67 this.gesture.destroy();
68 this.gesture = undefined;
69 }
70 }
71 emitColChange() {
72 this.ionPickerColChange.emit(this.col);
73 }
74 setSelected(selectedIndex, duration) {
75 // if there is a selected index, then figure out it's y position
76 // if there isn't a selected index, then just use the top y position
77 const y = (selectedIndex > -1) ? -(selectedIndex * this.optHeight) : 0;
78 this.velocity = 0;
79 // set what y position we're at
80 cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);
81 this.update(y, duration, true);
82 this.emitColChange();
83 }
84 update(y, duration, saveY) {
85 if (!this.optsEl) {
86 return;
87 }
88 // ensure we've got a good round number :)
89 let translateY = 0;
90 let translateZ = 0;
91 const { col, rotateFactor } = this;
92 const selectedIndex = col.selectedIndex = this.indexForY(-y);
93 const durationStr = (duration === 0) ? '' : duration + 'ms';
94 const scaleStr = `scale(${this.scaleFactor})`;
95 const children = this.optsEl.children;
96 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
97 const button = children[i];
98 const opt = col.options[i];
99 const optOffset = (i * this.optHeight) + y;
100 let transform = '';
101 if (rotateFactor !== 0) {
102 const rotateX = optOffset * rotateFactor;
103 if (Math.abs(rotateX) <= 90) {
104 translateY = 0;
105 translateZ = 90;
106 transform = `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `;
107 }
108 else {
109 translateY = -9999;
110 }
111 }
112 else {
113 translateZ = 0;
114 translateY = optOffset;
115 }
116 const selected = selectedIndex === i;
117 transform += `translate3d(0px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) `;
118 if (this.scaleFactor !== 1 && !selected) {
119 transform += scaleStr;
120 }
121 // Update transition duration
122 if (this.noAnimate) {
123 opt.duration = 0;
124 button.style.transitionDuration = '';
125 }
126 else if (duration !== opt.duration) {
127 opt.duration = duration;
128 button.style.transitionDuration = durationStr;
129 }
130 // Update transform
131 if (transform !== opt.transform) {
132 opt.transform = transform;
133 button.style.transform = transform;
134 }
135 // Update selected item
136 if (selected !== opt.selected) {
137 opt.selected = selected;
138 if (selected) {
139 button.classList.add(PICKER_OPT_SELECTED);
140 }
141 else {
142 button.classList.remove(PICKER_OPT_SELECTED);
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 this.col.prevSelected = selectedIndex;
147 if (saveY) {
148 this.y = y;
149 }
150 if (this.lastIndex !== selectedIndex) {
151 // have not set a last index yet
152 hapticSelectionChanged();
153 this.lastIndex = selectedIndex;
154 }
155 }
156 decelerate() {
157 if (this.velocity !== 0) {
158 // still decelerating
159 this.velocity *= DECELERATION_FRICTION;
160 // do not let it go slower than a velocity of 1
161 this.velocity = (this.velocity > 0)
162 ? Math.max(this.velocity, 1)
163 : Math.min(this.velocity, -1);
164 let y = this.y + this.velocity;
165 if (y > this.minY) {
166 // whoops, it's trying to scroll up farther than the options we have!
167 y = this.minY;
168 this.velocity = 0;
169 }
170 else if (y < this.maxY) {
171 // gahh, it's trying to scroll down farther than we can!
172 y = this.maxY;
173 this.velocity = 0;
174 }
175 this.update(y, 0, true);
176 const notLockedIn = (Math.round(y) % this.optHeight !== 0) || (Math.abs(this.velocity) > 1);
177 if (notLockedIn) {
178 // isn't locked in yet, keep decelerating until it is
179 this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.decelerate());
180 }
181 else {
182 this.velocity = 0;
183 this.emitColChange();
184 hapticSelectionEnd();
185 }
186 }
187 else if (this.y % this.optHeight !== 0) {
188 // needs to still get locked into a position so options line up
189 const currentPos = Math.abs(this.y % this.optHeight);
190 // create a velocity in the direction it needs to scroll
191 this.velocity = (currentPos > (this.optHeight / 2) ? 1 : -1);
192 this.decelerate();
193 }
194 }
195 indexForY(y) {
196 return Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(Math.round(y / this.optHeight)), 0), this.col.options.length - 1);
197 }
198 // TODO should this check disabled?
199 onStart(detail) {
200 // We have to prevent default in order to block scrolling under the picker
201 // but we DO NOT have to stop propagation, since we still want
202 // some "click" events to capture
203 if (detail.event.cancelable) {
204 detail.event.preventDefault();
205 }
206 detail.event.stopPropagation();
207 hapticSelectionStart();
208 // reset everything
209 cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);
210 const options = this.col.options;
211 let minY = (options.length - 1);
212 let maxY = 0;
213 for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
214 if (!options[i].disabled) {
215 minY = Math.min(minY, i);
216 maxY = Math.max(maxY, i);
217 }
218 }
219 this.minY = -(minY * this.optHeight);
220 this.maxY = -(maxY * this.optHeight);
221 }
222 onMove(detail) {
223 if (detail.event.cancelable) {
224 detail.event.preventDefault();
225 }
226 detail.event.stopPropagation();
227 // update the scroll position relative to pointer start position
228 let y = this.y + detail.deltaY;
229 if (y > this.minY) {
230 // scrolling up higher than scroll area
231 y = Math.pow(y, 0.8);
232 this.bounceFrom = y;
233 }
234 else if (y < this.maxY) {
235 // scrolling down below scroll area
236 y += Math.pow(this.maxY - y, 0.9);
237 this.bounceFrom = y;
238 }
239 else {
240 this.bounceFrom = 0;
241 }
242 this.update(y, 0, false);
243 }
244 onEnd(detail) {
245 if (this.bounceFrom > 0) {
246 // bounce back up
247 this.update(this.minY, 100, true);
248 this.emitColChange();
249 return;
250 }
251 else if (this.bounceFrom < 0) {
252 // bounce back down
253 this.update(this.maxY, 100, true);
254 this.emitColChange();
255 return;
256 }
257 this.velocity = clamp(-MAX_PICKER_SPEED, detail.velocityY * 23, MAX_PICKER_SPEED);
258 if (this.velocity === 0 && detail.deltaY === 0) {
259 const opt = detail.event.target.closest('.picker-opt');
260 if (opt && opt.hasAttribute('opt-index')) {
261 this.setSelected(parseInt(opt.getAttribute('opt-index'), 10), TRANSITION_DURATION);
262 }
263 }
264 else {
265 this.y += detail.deltaY;
266 if (Math.abs(detail.velocityY) < 0.05) {
267 const isScrollingUp = detail.deltaY > 0;
268 const optHeightFraction = (Math.abs(this.y) % this.optHeight) / this.optHeight;
269 if (isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction > 0.5) {
270 this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity) * -1;
271 }
272 else if (!isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction <= 0.5) {
273 this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity);
274 }
275 }
276 this.decelerate();
277 }
278 }
279 refresh(forceRefresh) {
280 let min = this.col.options.length - 1;
281 let max = 0;
282 const options = this.col.options;
283 for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
284 if (!options[i].disabled) {
285 min = Math.min(min, i);
286 max = Math.max(max, i);
287 }
288 }
289 /**
290 * Only update selected value if column has a
291 * velocity of 0. If it does not, then the
292 * column is animating might land on
293 * a value different than the value at
294 * selectedIndex
295 */
296 if (this.velocity !== 0) {
297 return;
298 }
299 const selectedIndex = clamp(min, this.col.selectedIndex || 0, max);
300 if (this.col.prevSelected !== selectedIndex || forceRefresh) {
301 const y = (selectedIndex * this.optHeight) * -1;
302 this.velocity = 0;
303 this.update(y, TRANSITION_DURATION, true);
304 }
305 }
306 render() {
307 const col = this.col;
308 const Button = 'button';
309 const mode = getIonMode(this);
310 return (h(Host, { class: {
311 [mode]: true,
312 'picker-col': true,
313 'picker-opts-left': this.col.align === 'left',
314 'picker-opts-right': this.col.align === 'right'
315 }, style: {
316 'max-width': this.col.columnWidth
317 } }, col.prefix && (h("div", { class: "picker-prefix", style: { width: col.prefixWidth } }, col.prefix)), h("div", { class: "picker-opts", style: { maxWidth: col.optionsWidth }, ref: el => this.optsEl = el }, col.options.map((o, index) => h(Button, { type: "button", class: { 'picker-opt': true, 'picker-opt-disabled': !!o.disabled }, "opt-index": index }, o.text))), col.suffix && (h("div", { class: "picker-suffix", style: { width: col.suffixWidth } }, col.suffix))));
318 }
319 get el() { return this; }
320 static get watchers() { return {
321 "col": ["colChanged"]
322 }; }
323 static get style() { return {
324 ios: pickerColumnIosCss,
325 md: pickerColumnMdCss
326 }; }
327}, [32, "ion-picker-column", {
328 "col": [16]
329 }]);
330const PICKER_OPT_SELECTED = 'picker-opt-selected';
332const MAX_PICKER_SPEED = 90;
334function defineCustomElement() {
335 if (typeof customElements === "undefined") {
336 return;
337 }
338 const components = ["ion-picker-column"];
339 components.forEach(tagName => { switch (tagName) {
340 case "ion-picker-column":
341 if (!customElements.get(tagName)) {
342 customElements.define(tagName, PickerColumnCmp);
343 }
344 break;
345 } });
348export { PickerColumnCmp as P, defineCustomElement as d };