752 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * These environment variables work for: GitHub Actions, Travis CI, CircleCI,
3 * Gitlab CI, AppVeyor, CodeShip, Jenkins, TeamCity, Bitbucket Pipelines, AWS
4 * CodeBuild
5 */
6export declare const CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES: readonly string[];
7export declare const CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_DETECTED: string[];
8export interface TerminalInfo {
9 /**
10 * Whether this is in CI or not.
11 */
12 readonly ci: boolean;
13 /**
14 * Path to the user's shell program.
15 */
16 readonly shell: string;
17 /**
18 * Whether the terminal is an interactive TTY or not.
19 */
20 readonly tty: boolean;
21 /**
22 * Whether this is a Windows shell or not.
23 */
24 readonly windows: boolean;
26export declare const TERMINAL_INFO: TerminalInfo;