8.38 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const argparse_1 = require("argparse");
4// tslint:disable-next-line:no-submodule-imports
5const colors = require("colors/safe");
6const path_1 = require("path");
7const tsrepl_1 = require("./tsrepl");
8function main(originalArgs) {
9 const parser = new argparse_1.ArgumentParser({ description: "The IOV-Core REPL" });
10 parser.addArgument("--version", {
11 action: "storeTrue",
12 help: "Print version and exit",
13 });
14 const maintainerGroup = parser.addArgumentGroup({
15 title: "Maintainer options",
16 description: "Don't use those unless a maintainer tells you to.",
17 });
18 maintainerGroup.addArgument("--selftest", {
19 action: "storeTrue",
20 help: "Run a selftext and exit",
21 });
22 maintainerGroup.addArgument("--debug", {
23 action: "storeTrue",
24 help: "Enable debugging",
25 });
26 const args = parser.parseArgs([...originalArgs]);
27 if (args.version) {
28 const version = require(path_1.join(__dirname, "..", "package.json")).version;
29 console.info(version);
30 return;
31 }
32 const imports = new Map([
33 [
34 "@iov/bcp",
35 [
36 "Address",
37 "Algorithm",
38 "ChainId",
39 "Nonce",
40 "PubkeyBytes",
41 "SendTransaction",
42 "TokenTicker",
43 "TransactionId",
44 // block info
45 "BlockInfoPending",
46 "BlockInfoSucceeded",
47 "BlockInfoFailed",
48 "BlockInfo",
49 "isBlockInfoPending",
50 "isBlockInfoSucceeded",
51 "isBlockInfoFailed",
52 ],
53 ],
54 [
55 "@iov/bns",
56 [
57 "bnsCodec",
58 "BnsConnection",
59 "createBnsConnector",
60 // Conditions
61 "electionRuleIdToAddress",
62 "escrowIdToAddress",
63 "multisignatureIdToAddress",
64 "swapToAddress",
65 // Usernames
66 "ChainAddressPair",
67 "BnsUsernamesByOwnerQuery",
68 "BnsUsernamesByUsernameQuery",
69 "BnsUsernamesQuery",
70 "BnsUsernameNft",
71 "RegisterUsernameTx",
72 "isRegisterUsernameTx",
73 "UpdateTargetsOfUsernameTx",
74 "isUpdateTargetsOfUsernameTx",
75 "TransferUsernameTx",
76 "isTransferUsernameTx",
77 // Multisignature contracts
78 "Participant",
79 "CreateMultisignatureTx",
80 "isCreateMultisignatureTx",
81 "UpdateMultisignatureTx",
82 "isUpdateMultisignatureTx",
83 "MultisignatureTx",
84 "isMultisignatureTx",
85 // Escrows
86 "CreateEscrowTx",
87 "isCreateEscrowTx",
88 "ReleaseEscrowTx",
89 "isReleaseEscrowTx",
90 "ReturnEscrowTx",
91 "isReturnEscrowTx",
92 "UpdateEscrowPartiesTx",
93 "isUpdateEscrowPartiesTx",
94 // Accounts and Domains
95 "AccountNft",
96 "AddAccountCertificateTx",
97 "DeleteAccountCertificateTx",
98 "DeleteAccountTx",
99 "DeleteAllAccountsTx",
100 "DeleteDomainTx",
101 "isAddAccountCertificateTx",
102 "isDeleteAccountCertificateTx",
103 "isDeleteAccountTx",
104 "isDeleteAllAccountsTx",
105 "isDeleteDomainTx",
106 "isRegisterAccountTx",
107 "isRegisterDomainTx",
108 "isRenewAccountTx",
109 "isRenewDomainTx",
110 "isReplaceAccountMsgFeesTx",
111 "isReplaceAccountTargetsTx",
112 "isTransferAccountTx",
113 "isTransferDomainTx",
114 "isUpdateAccountConfigurationTx",
115 "RegisterAccountTx",
116 "RegisterDomainTx",
117 "RenewAccountTx",
118 "RenewDomainTx",
119 "ReplaceAccountMsgFeesTx",
120 "ReplaceAccountTargetsTx",
121 "TransferAccountTx",
122 "TransferDomainTx",
123 "UpdateAccountConfigurationTx",
124 ],
125 ],
126 [
127 "@iov/crypto",
128 [
129 "Bip39",
130 "Ed25519",
131 "Ed25519Keypair",
132 "EnglishMnemonic",
133 "Random",
134 "Secp256k1",
135 "Sha256",
136 "Sha512",
137 "Slip10",
138 "Slip10Curve",
139 "Slip10RawIndex",
140 ],
141 ],
142 [
143 "@iov/encoding",
144 [
145 "Bech32",
146 "Encoding",
147 "toAscii",
148 "fromAscii",
149 "fromUtf8",
150 "toUtf8",
151 "fromHex",
152 "toHex",
153 "fromBase64",
154 "toBase64",
155 // integers
156 "Int53",
157 "Uint32",
158 "Uint53",
159 "Uint64",
160 ],
161 ],
162 [
163 "@iov/ethereum",
164 [
165 "EthereumConnection",
166 "EthereumConnectionOptions",
167 "createEthereumConnector",
168 "ethereumCodec",
169 "pubkeyToAddress as ethereumPubkeyToAddress",
170 ],
171 ],
172 ["@iov/faucets", ["IovFaucet"]],
173 [
174 "@iov/keycontrol",
175 [
176 "Ed25519HdWallet",
177 "HdPaths",
178 "Keyring",
179 "Secp256k1HdWallet",
180 "UserProfile",
181 "Wallet",
182 "WalletId",
183 "WalletImplementationIdString",
184 "WalletSerializationString",
185 ],
186 ],
187 ["@iov/lisk", ["liskCodec", "LiskConnection", "createLiskConnector"]],
188 ["@iov/multichain", ["MultiChainSigner"]],
189 ]);
190 console.info(colors.green("Initializing session for you. Have fun!"));
191 console.info(colors.yellow("Available imports:"));
192 console.info(colors.yellow(" * http"));
193 console.info(colors.yellow(" * https"));
194 console.info(colors.yellow(" * leveldown"));
195 console.info(colors.yellow(" * levelup"));
196 console.info(colors.yellow(" * from long"));
197 console.info(colors.yellow(" - Long"));
198 for (const moduleName of imports.keys()) {
199 console.info(colors.yellow(` * from ${moduleName}`));
200 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
201 for (const symbol of imports.get(moduleName)) {
202 console.info(colors.yellow(` - ${symbol}`));
203 }
204 }
205 let init = `
206 import leveldown = require('leveldown');
207 import levelup from "levelup";
208 import * as http from 'http';
209 import * as https from 'https';
210 import Long from "long";
211 `;
212 for (const moduleName of imports.keys()) {
213 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
214 init += `import { ${imports.get(moduleName).join(", ")} } from "${moduleName}";\n`;
215 }
216 if (args.selftest) {
217 // execute some trival stuff and exit
218 init += `
219 const hash = new Sha512(new Uint8Array([])).digest();
220 const hexHash = toHex(hash);
221 export class NewDummyClass {};
223 const profile = new UserProfile();
224 const wallet = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromMnemonic("degree tackle suggest window test behind mesh extra cover prepare oak script"));
225 const db = levelup(leveldown('./selftest_userprofile_db'));
226 await profile.storeIn(db, "secret passwd");
227 const profileFromDb = await UserProfile.loadFrom(db, "secret passwd");
229 console.info("Done testing, will exit now.");
230 process.exit(0);
231 `;
232 }
233 const tsconfigPath = path_1.join(__dirname, "..", "tsconfig_repl.json");
234 const installationDir = path_1.join(__dirname, "..");
235 new tsrepl_1.TsRepl(tsconfigPath, init, !!args.debug, installationDir).start().catch((error) => {
236 console.error(error);
237 process.exit(1);
238 });
240exports.main = main;
241//# sourceMappingURL=cli.js.map
\No newline at end of file