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2 | "name": "@jackdbd/eleventy-plugin-text-to-speech",
3 | "version": "2.0.1",
4 | "description": "Eleventy plugin for the Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API",
5 | "author": {
6 | "name": "Giacomo Debidda",
7 | "email": "giacomo@giacomodebidda.com",
8 | "url": "https://giacomodebidda.com/"
9 | },
10 | "license": "MIT",
11 | "private": false,
12 | "publishConfig": {
13 | "access": "public"
14 | },
15 | "keywords": [
16 | "11ty",
17 | "gcp",
18 | "plugin",
19 | "text-to-speech"
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23 | "url": "https://github.com/jackdbd/undici"
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25 | "homepage": "https://github.com/jackdbd/undici/tree/main/packages/eleventy-plugin-text-to-speech#readme",
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66 | "dependencies": {
67 | "@11ty/eleventy-fetch": "^3.0.0",
68 | "@google-cloud/storage": "^6.4.2",
69 | "@google-cloud/text-to-speech": "^4.0.2",
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