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1import { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
3 * Given a product, this hook provides methods for getting and setting variants on that product,
4 * as well as methods to validate the current and proposed combination of values.
5 */
6export function useProductVariants(product, { initialVariant } = {}) {
7 var _a, _b;
8 const variantOptions = (_a = product === null || product === void 0 ? void 0 : product.variants) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options;
9 const variantValues = (_b = product === null || product === void 0 ? void 0 : product.variants) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.values;
10 // Results in the following data structure:
11 // { "Black:Small": { …variant } }
12 const normalisedValues = useMemo(() => {
13 if (!variantValues)
14 return;
15 return variantValues.reduce((acc, curr) => {
16 const valueIdentifier = curr.values.join(':');
17 acc[valueIdentifier] = curr;
18 return acc;
19 }, {});
20 }, [variantValues]);
21 const [selectedValues, selectValues] = useVariantState({
22 variantOptions,
23 initialVariant
24 });
25 const selectedVariant = useMemo(() => {
26 return getSelectedVariant(normalisedValues, selectedValues);
27 }, [normalisedValues, selectedValues]);
28 const validation = useMemo(() => {
29 if (!variantOptions || variantOptions.length === 0)
30 return 'valid';
31 const selectedValueLength = selectedValues.filter(Boolean).length;
32 const allValuesSelected = variantOptions.length === selectedValueLength;
33 const invalidValueCombination = allValuesSelected && !selectedVariant;
34 if (invalidValueCombination) {
35 return 'invalid';
36 }
37 if (!allValuesSelected)
38 return 'incomplete';
39 const variantIsInStock = selectedVariant.stockStatus.buyable;
40 return variantIsInStock ? 'valid' : 'outOfStock';
41 }, [selectedValues, selectedVariant, variantOptions]);
42 function getSelectedValue(option) {
43 const optionIndex = variantOptions.indexOf(option);
44 return selectedValues[optionIndex];
45 }
46 function selectValue(value, option) {
47 const selectedIndex = variantOptions.indexOf(option);
48 const currentValueForOption = selectedValues[selectedIndex];
49 const valueIsValid = valueIsValidForOption(variantOptions, option, value);
50 if (!valueIsValid) {
51 throw new Error(`${value} is not a valid value for ${option.name}`);
52 }
53 if (currentValueForOption === value)
54 return;
55 selectValues(state => {
56 const newState = [...state];
57 newState[selectedIndex] = value;
58 return newState;
59 });
60 }
61 /**
62 * Takes a value and an option and checks if the value is selectable for that option.
63 */
64 function validateSelection(value, option) {
65 const totalOptionsLength = variantOptions.length;
66 const selectedValuesLength = selectedValues.filter(Boolean).length;
67 const optionLevel = variantOptions.indexOf(option);
68 const selectedValue = selectedValues[optionLevel];
69 if (!valueIsValidForOption(variantOptions, option, value)) {
70 return 'invalid';
71 }
72 if (selectedValuesLength < totalOptionsLength - 1) {
73 return 'incomplete';
74 }
75 if (selectedValue && selectedValuesLength !== totalOptionsLength) {
76 return 'incomplete';
77 }
78 const variant = getProposedVariant({
79 currentState: selectedValues,
80 variantTable: normalisedValues,
81 optionLevel,
82 value
83 });
84 if (!variant)
85 return 'invalid';
86 const variantIsBuyable = variant.stockStatus.buyable;
87 if (!variantIsBuyable)
88 return 'outOfStock';
89 return 'valid';
90 }
91 const missingOptions = useMemo(() => {
92 if (!variantOptions)
93 return null;
94 const noneMissing = selectedValues.filter(Boolean).length === variantOptions.length;
95 const allMissing = selectedValues.length === 0;
96 if (noneMissing)
97 return null;
98 if (allMissing)
99 return variantOptions;
100 const unselectedOptions = variantOptions.filter((_, index) => {
101 const optionIsNotSelected = typeof selectedValues[index] === 'undefined';
102 return optionIsNotSelected;
103 });
104 return unselectedOptions;
105 }, [selectedValues, variantOptions]);
106 function getVariantForSelection(value, option) {
107 return getProposedVariant({
108 currentState: selectedValues,
109 variantTable: normalisedValues,
110 optionLevel: variantOptions.indexOf(option),
111 value
112 });
113 }
114 function getMissingOptions() {
115 return missingOptions;
116 }
117 return {
118 selectedVariant,
119 validation,
120 getSelectedValue,
121 selectValue,
122 validateSelection,
123 getVariantForSelection,
124 missingOptions,
125 getMissingOptions
126 };
128function useVariantState({ variantOptions, initialVariant }) {
129 const defaultValues = useMemo(() => getDefaultValues(variantOptions, initialVariant), [initialVariant, variantOptions]);
130 const [selectedValues, selectValues] = useState(defaultValues);
131 return [selectedValues, selectValues];
134 * Determine the initially selected values for the product's variant options
135 * - If an initialVariant is provided, use it
136 * - If there are options that have only 1 value, select them
137 * - Otherwise, select nothing
138 */
139function getDefaultValues(options, initialVariant) {
140 if (initialVariant === null || initialVariant === void 0 ? void 0 : initialVariant.values)
141 return initialVariant.values;
142 if (!options)
143 return [];
144 const optionsWithSingleValue = options
145 .map((option, index) => {
146 return option.values.length === 1
147 ? { value: option.values[0], index }
148 : null;
149 })
150 .filter(Boolean);
151 if (optionsWithSingleValue.length === 0)
152 return [];
153 const defaultValues = [];
154 for (const { value, index } of optionsWithSingleValue) {
155 defaultValues[index] = value;
156 }
157 return defaultValues;
159function getSelectedVariant(normalisedValues, selectedValues) {
160 return normalisedValues === null || normalisedValues === void 0 ? void 0 : normalisedValues[selectedValues.join(':')];
162function valueIsValidForOption(variantOptions, option, value) {
163 const optionLevel = variantOptions.indexOf(option);
164 const possibleValues = variantOptions[optionLevel].values;
165 const isValid = possibleValues.includes(value);
166 return isValid;
168function getProposedVariant({ currentState, variantTable, optionLevel, value }) {
169 const proposedState = [...currentState];
170 proposedState[optionLevel] = value;
171 const variant = getSelectedVariant(variantTable, proposedState);
172 return variant;
174//# sourceMappingURL=useProductVariants.js.map
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