6.22 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * This module defines shims for @jupyterlab/services that allows you to use the
3 * old comm API. Use this, @jupyterlab/services, and the widget base manager to
4 * embed live widgets in a context outside of the notebook.
5 */
6import { Kernel, KernelMessage } from '@jupyterlab/services';
7import type { JSONValue, JSONObject } from '@lumino/coreutils';
9 * Callbacks for services shim comms.
10 */
11export interface ICallbacks {
12 shell?: {
13 [key: string]: (msg: KernelMessage.IShellMessage) => void;
14 };
15 iopub?: {
16 [key: string]: (msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) => void;
17 };
18 input?: (msg: KernelMessage.IStdinMessage) => void;
20export interface IClassicComm {
21 /**
22 * Comm id
23 * @return {string}
24 */
25 comm_id: string;
26 /**
27 * Target name
28 * @return {string}
29 */
30 target_name: string;
31 /**
32 * Opens a sibling comm in the backend
33 * @param data
34 * @param callbacks
35 * @param metadata
36 * @param buffers
37 * @return msg id
38 */
39 open(data: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
40 /**
41 * Sends a message to the sibling comm in the backend
42 * @param data
43 * @param callbacks
44 * @param metadata
45 * @param buffers
46 * @return message id
47 */
48 send(data: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
49 /**
50 * Closes the sibling comm in the backend
51 * @param data
52 * @param callbacks
53 * @param metadata
54 * @param buffers
55 * @return msg id
56 */
57 close(data?: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
58 /**
59 * Register a message handler
60 * @param callback, which is given a message
61 */
62 on_msg(callback: (x: any) => void): void;
63 /**
64 * Register a handler for when the comm is closed by the backend
65 * @param callback, which is given a message
66 */
67 on_close(callback: (x: any) => void): void;
69export declare namespace shims {
70 namespace services {
71 /**
72 * Public constructor
73 * @param jsServicesKernel - @jupyterlab/services Kernel.IKernel instance
74 */
75 class CommManager {
76 constructor(jsServicesKernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection);
77 /**
78 * Hookup kernel events.
79 * @param {Kernel.IKernel} jsServicesKernel - @jupyterlab/services Kernel.IKernel instance
80 */
81 init_kernel(jsServicesKernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection): void;
82 /**
83 * Creates a new connected comm
84 */
85 new_comm(target_name: string, data: any, callbacks: any, metadata: any, comm_id: string, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): Promise<Comm>;
86 /**
87 * Register a comm target
88 * @param {string} target_name
89 * @param {(Comm, object) => void} f - callback that is called when the
90 * comm is made. Signature of f(comm, msg).
91 */
92 register_target(target_name: string, f: (comm: Comm, object: KernelMessage.IMessage) => void): void;
93 /**
94 * Unregisters a comm target
95 * @param {string} target_name
96 */
97 unregister_target(target_name: string, f: (comm: Comm, object: KernelMessage.IMessage) => void): void;
98 /**
99 * Register a comm in the mapping
100 */
101 register_comm(comm: Comm): string;
102 targets: any;
103 comms: any;
104 kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
105 jsServicesKernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
106 }
107 /**
108 * Public constructor
109 * @param {IComm} jsServicesComm - @jupyterlab/services IComm instance
110 */
111 class Comm implements IClassicComm {
112 constructor(jsServicesComm: Kernel.IComm);
113 /**
114 * Comm id
115 * @return {string}
116 */
117 get comm_id(): string;
118 /**
119 * Target name
120 * @return {string}
121 */
122 get target_name(): string;
123 /**
124 * Opens a sibling comm in the backend
125 * @param data
126 * @param callbacks
127 * @param metadata
128 * @return msg id
129 */
130 open(data: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
131 /**
132 * Sends a message to the sibling comm in the backend
133 * @param data
134 * @param callbacks
135 * @param metadata
136 * @param buffers
137 * @return message id
138 */
139 send(data: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
140 /**
141 * Closes the sibling comm in the backend
142 * @param data
143 * @param callbacks
144 * @param metadata
145 * @return msg id
146 */
147 close(data?: JSONValue, callbacks?: ICallbacks, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: ArrayBuffer[] | ArrayBufferView[]): string;
148 /**
149 * Register a message handler
150 * @param callback, which is given a message
151 */
152 on_msg(callback: (x: any) => void): void;
153 /**
154 * Register a handler for when the comm is closed by the backend
155 * @param callback, which is given a message
156 */
157 on_close(callback: (x: any) => void): void;
158 /**
159 * Hooks callback object up with @jupyterlab/services IKernelFuture
160 * @param @jupyterlab/services IKernelFuture instance
161 * @param callbacks
162 */
163 _hookupCallbacks(future: Kernel.IShellFuture, callbacks?: ICallbacks): void;
164 jsServicesComm: Kernel.IComm;
165 kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection;
166 }
167 }
169//# sourceMappingURL=services-shim.d.ts.map
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